View Full Version : Help me create a Lv4 for Curse of Strahd.

2016-12-04, 08:18 PM
Hey folks im looking to make a Lv4 for a buddy's CoS game. Hes a medicore Dm so I want to avoid straight optimized and go a more fun route. All books viable. Hes given a few perks. A free feat and a magic item. No real restrictions on the item but im looking Lv appropriate. Avoifing druid cleric bard due to other players My ideas were...

Swashbuckler rogue with a shield who essentially acts as an evasion tank type char with a lot of skills

A "crazy old man" wizard who focuses on illusion and control

Paladin, prolly oota. I know pally can be a strong nova but id prefer use spells than smite with them.

Just looking for fun ideas. Open to multiclassing. Im usually DMing and i rarely get to actually play so i feel rusty on ideas.

Edit... interested in psionics if anyones experienced with them

2016-12-04, 08:40 PM
With your friends' picks, you probably want something that tanks. Your swash idea is on point. Paladin/Swash could also be cool, especially if the DM lifts the STR multiclass requirement. You can definitely benefit from something that deals radiant damage.

2016-12-04, 08:44 PM
How would i go about that at lv4? 3 swash 1 pally?

2016-12-04, 09:25 PM
How would i go about that at lv4? 3 swash 1 pally?

Why not? All you need is 3 rogue levels, for the sneak danage, expertise (anything goes at CoS really), and the ability to sneak without friends (that's a big one for keeping enemies away from friends). Other than that, Paladin is tailor-made for the campaign.

2016-12-05, 02:36 AM
I am currently finishing this game up and it's really fun. I went in as a barbarian 3, since we skipped death house and then started levels in paladin, oath of devotion. It's really really strong and a ton of fun to play.

I went frenzy berserker, fit my backstory, and it allowed me that second attack prior to level 8, level 5 paladin. As of now my first turn is getting near the fight, going into a rage, and using channel devinity for sacred weapon for the +3 to hit. Then evrything gets great weapon struck.

Damage has been great, got some awesome kills with crit smites, and the role playing aspect was a ton of fun.

My group started kinda murder hobo, which worked because I had just started on my path away from barbarian to the light of Pelor. Also slowly progressed into the leader and moral compus of the group. It was a fun ride.

You'll enjoy this no matter what you play, and there is gear and situations for any class to shine so focus on what sounds fun, rather than what is strong.

2016-12-05, 02:36 AM
Paladin swashbuckler, Inigo Montoya. Cannot go wrong.

I prefer devotion, sacred weapon rocks in a land with little magic.

Its only 10 levels. I think 6 paladin/4 rogue could work very well. You will need aura of protection.

Wisdom and cons saves are big... as are dex later on. I say start paladin take shield master and grab those wisdom/charisma saves and expertise in athletics from swashbuckler, even with a 13 in strength should carry you and it will grant you evasion and a high charisma score should help out with con saves via aura of protection

2016-12-05, 06:12 AM
Go Paladin 4 with Noble or Knight background. Then try to keep your three manservants/squires/whatever alive throughout the entire scenario. No man is left behind.

2016-12-05, 04:19 PM
For Psionics there is only the "Unearthed Arcana: Psionics & the Mystic" with the Mystic (Immortal) and Mystic (Awakened).
The Awakened has really nothing going for it. An Awakened would do, what an Immortal would do, only worse.

The Immortal is basically a Paladin, picking Psionic Weapon Discipline (like Divine Smite) first. Personally i would then pick Intellect Fortress (like Shield Spell), Mind Vault (you now are proficient with all skills) and Celerity (more combat).
At level 4 you would be the hack & slash tank, who is also the skill monkey. In contrast to the Paladin you can only heal yourself.

Paladin is more sustained, Mystic is more burst, Paladin is also more instagib undead...