View Full Version : What combat style to use for a Pokemon Go remake?

2016-12-04, 11:32 PM
I was looking to remake Pokemon Go, over the Winter and Spring semesters, with....you know...gameplay (among other improvements). Primarily, I wanted to add combat encounters. I've already made a good start on making the app (for android at any rate. I don't have any resources for iPhone development), but deciding on the direction I'll take the combat system is something I'm having trouble over.

I don't want to make combat encounters ...over-complicated or long, since they do kinda demand that you shift your focus from walking to playing (even if it's easier to press buttons than to swirl capture capsules then throw them at Pokemon). But I did want to have up to 4 creatures in an encounter, in a final fantasy style combat system, when entering dungeons (content specifically there to give you something to do while sitting down).


Mark out everything. I was being silly.

2016-12-05, 12:23 AM
Well, since I can't delete this thread myself, I think I've decided to not reinvent the wheel and go with the tried and true method. The Pokemon style seems to have more Pros than Cons, and the Cons aren't that bad.

I think this "conundrum" was more of me not wanting to entirely inherit from Pokemon in the Pokemon Go recreation.

2016-12-05, 05:07 AM
No, wait, I remember why I wanted the 4-person team - to allow a form of cooperative multiplayer. But I don't think I need to base the entire entire system around that.

I think I'll scale back the idea, and focus purely on the main character fighting stuff, and swapping between sets of moves, instead of throwing it in with Pokemon-style monster capturing. And make equipment the primary thing you collect, instead of monsters.

Perhaps, if multiple players share the dungeon, then they each take equal portions of the dungeon's monsters, and split the treasure at the end. That seems like a pretty shallow way to do things, but I guess it could work. Eh. Throwing in Raid mechanics, and ways multiple players can actually interact with each other, can come later.

I like this idea.