View Full Version : Pathfinder How can I make people lycanthropes without an already-infected creature?

2016-12-05, 01:47 PM
Bonus points for any LE-aligned sources of lycanthropy.

If there is no way, what sort of level of spell effect do you think it would be in line with for possible spell research?

2016-12-05, 01:57 PM
Bestow curse or greater bestow curse could probably do it. The infected form of lycanthropy is expressly a curse, after all.

Wish could likewise probably do it.

If you're willing to go narrative with it, a ritual or ceremony which bonds a man to a beast, perhaps shamanic or divine (dedicated to an appropriate god of beasts or nature) in influence.

2016-12-05, 01:58 PM
Just to be clear, is this more a "I want to play a lycanthrope" thing, or a "I want to farm a controllable army of lycanthropic minions" thing? Horror Adventures has a lycanthrope barbarian archetype, and the 3pp book Spheres of Power has several different ways of creating a lycanthropic character, but I don't think either of those options includes a communicable carrier clause.
If you're going to custom create an appropriate spell for creating infectious lycans, create undead is probably a good starting point. I think most lycans typically fall in the middle between ghouls and shadows power-wise as far as self-perpetuating undead go, so create lycanhrope would probably be about a 7th level spell based on existing options.

2016-12-05, 03:04 PM
Just to be clear, is this more a "I want to play a lycanthrope" thing, or a "I want to farm a controllable army of lycanthropic minions" thing? Horror Adventures has a lycanthrope barbarian archetype, and the 3pp book Spheres of Power has several different ways of creating a lycanthropic character, but I don't think either of those options includes a communicable carrier clause.
If you're going to custom create an appropriate spell for creating infectious lycans, create undead is probably a good starting point. I think most lycans typically fall in the middle between ghouls and shadows power-wise as far as self-perpetuating undead go, so create lycanhrope would probably be about a 7th level spell based on existing options.

A mix between having lycanthrope minions, infecting key governmental officials to change their alignment and ethos and/or destabilize the state, and/or creating a few sleeper serial killers.

2016-12-05, 03:15 PM
I know 3.5 has a way to do this. Would that help any? If so look in the spell compendium. I think it was a higher level divine spell that made were rats or something.

2016-12-05, 03:26 PM
A mix between having lycanthrope minions, infecting key governmental officials to change their alignment and ethos and/or destabilize the state, and/or creating a few sleeper serial killers.

Is there a reason you can't start with a wererat? Maybe a cohort, or a thrall, or a hireling or henchman?

2016-12-05, 04:52 PM
Is there a reason you can't start with a wererat? Maybe a cohort, or a thrall, or a hireling or henchman?

I'll look into whether I can recruit any, but I'm interested in knowing if there's a way in case plan A: Find one in the sewers or criminal underground and make them an offer they can't refuse doesn't pan out.

I know 3.5 has a way to do this. Would that help any? If so look in the spell compendium. I think it was a higher level divine spell that made were rats or something.

I wanna say Curse of Lycanthropy is a 6th level spell and kills a person and makes a small number of were-rats from their remains with ill-defined statistics, but that do want to spread their lycanthropy.

It would be a great way to execute a prisoner, especially with a rod of Maximize Spell.

Currently in a PF-only game, though, so mostly only a potential template to crib at present.