View Full Version : NWN The Dark Sun Project

Tonden Ockay
2016-12-05, 09:43 PM

This project is focused on creating the wold of Dark Sun using NWN (Neverwinter Night).

You can get the complete Neverwinter Nights game HERE (https://www.gog.com/game/neverwinter_nights_diamond_edition)

Edit at 12/7/2016: There is a third Party Program in the works, which one of its goals is to run the NWN game. Xoreos (https://xoreos.org/) is the name of this program but it is still being developed at this time.

Dark Sun is an original Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting set in the fictional, post-apocalyptic desert world of Athas. The product line began with the original Dark Sun Boxed Set setting was released for AD&D in 1991. The product and was supported by TSR until 1996. It was one of TSR's most successful releases. In 2010, Wizards of the Coast released and updated setting and rulebook for the setting using the fourth edition rules. Dark Sun is notable for its innovative metaplot, influential art work, dark themes, and its genre bending take on traditional fantasy role-playing game

Our Current Team
So at this point and time we are working on adding to and improving on the haks needed for this project. Everyone sends me (TO) an updated hak of the work they have done once a week. This helps to make sure we keep moving forward on the project as well as to insure we don't lose a lot of work if something was to happen.

Currently there are Six of us working on this project. That said we all have jobs, school, family, and other real life things that has to come first. There for, we only get to work on the project in our free time. Which is why we are always looking for people who would like to help bring the world of Athens (Dark Sun) to life using NWN. If you would like to help just contact me and we will see how you might be able to help with this project.

Send me a PM here or on the Vault website

Who is working on what.
Tilesets - Mondego and myself (Tonden Ockay) (a lot of work goes into tilesets so we could use more help here)
Creatures/Mounts/NPC's - Draygoth (there are a lot of NPC's and Creatures so we could use more help here)
Music/item icons - Time Bandit
Weapons and Armor - Sunssarathi2029
Placeables - Open right now
Scripting - Open right now (we really could use a few scripters)
* Dizzitt area builder, trying to learn scripting, helping out with testing the haks.

NWN The Dark Sun on the Vault
Project Page (https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn1/module/gameworld/nwn-dark-sun) Forum Page (https://neverwintervault.org/forums/neverwinter-nights-1/nwn1-custom-content/nwn-dark-sun)

Tonden Ockay
2016-12-05, 09:47 PM
We have some nice looking weapons for our project, here is a screenshot of just a few of the ones we have already done.


Here is an in game screenshot of a few buildings we have so fat


We have a beta copy of The City-State of Tyr's City Gates. I say beta because I'm not 100% happy with the way they look yet so I will be reworking them soon to get them to look even close to what they should look like.


Here is a screenshot of some working mounts we have so far and we have more on the way.


2016-12-06, 07:16 AM
It is interesting to see a new large-scale project for Neverwinter Nights. With all of the haks which have come before, there's a great deal of material to sort through, but I suppose my first question is how would you like to implement psionics? The Player's Resource Consortium had some, but isn't being developed any further, correct? xoreos isn't going to have any additional mechanics such as those in it, correct?

Tonden Ockay
2016-12-06, 09:12 AM
It is interesting to see a new large-scale project for Neverwinter Nights. With all of the haks which have come before, there's a great deal of material to sort through, but I suppose my first question is how would you like to implement psionics? The Player's Resource Consortium had some, but isn't being developed any further, correct? xoreos isn't going to have any additional mechanics such as those in it, correct?

At this time Xoreos doesn't deal with making new classes, it is a free software licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3. Its an ongoing FLOSS project to reimplement BioWare's Aurora Engine. It gives players another option to use when wanting to play games that were made using the BioWare's Aurora Engine, like NWN1.

At this time we aren't using PRC. We have been making all the changes to the races, classes, and the game our selves. We want total control over the game we are making and we want it to be as close to the real thing as possible. Which is why we don't want to be tied to other peoples systems/programs that could prevent us from doing everything that we want to do. We don't mind putting in the extra work as long as we get what we want in the end.

This is also why we are making all our own hak packs for our server and we will not be using other hak systems like CEP or Project Q.

The system we are currently using for Psionics is a stand alone/independent system, that has the class setup as a prestige class that uses feats for a lot of their powers. There for, you can't be a Psionic at level 1, but all races and classes can be a Psionic. Now how strong of a Psionic will depend on how many levels you take in the class. All that said Psionics are already in our game and they are working great.

2016-12-07, 10:43 AM
(xoreos project lead here)

xoreos isn't going to have any additional mechanics such as those in it, correct?

So far, xoreos is far, far from being at all useable by the general public. Frankly, I'm not sure why anybody would advertise it as such. And while I appreciate Tonden Ockay's apparent enthusiasm, I for one don't think it's warranted as of yet, at least not for people who just want to play the game.

What xoreos currently can do is load the resources of every game it wants to support and display in-game areas with objects, NPCs, etc., letting you fly around the geometry in a kind of spectator mode. Neverwinter Nights has a working main menu and PC-NPC conversation, and all games have scripts support (though most functions aren't implemented yet). Graphical-wise, there are a lot of things missing as well, like shaders (at all), so the area currently don't look like what they should in most of the games.

Basically, for all intents and purposes, for the outside observer, currently xoreos is a glorified model viewer. There's a lot of things happening under the hood and the groundwork is there, but yes, none of that is visible and a lot of things are missing.

No real gameplay at all is implemented yet. xoreos can currently not play Neverwinter Nights, either stock campaigns or custom content, in any useful sense of the word.

Just to make it perfectly clear: at this time, what xoreos needs is contributors, developers, not users.

Anybody who would like to join our efforts in reimplementing the game engine in a free/libre open source software project are of course welcome to; feel free to contact me in this case. Anybody who just wants to play the game will unfortunately still have to wait (potentially a long time, because this is a big undertaking and we do need contributors badly).

I can of course talk a lot more about xoreos if that is wanted. I don't want to spam this forum or waste anybody's time though, if nobdoy is actually interested. :)

Tonden Ockay
2016-12-07, 07:17 PM
(xoreos project lead here)

Thanks for the insight on Xoreos and I think its going to be very useful in the future.

Tonden Ockay
2016-12-10, 07:36 PM
Weekly Highlight

I would like to Thank " Sunssarathi2029 " who is putting together our weapon and armor hak. He is doing a Great job and we are lucky to have him on our team.

Thanks a lot for all your time and work you putting into this hak " Sunssarathi2029 "

Here is a look at just a few of the weapons that are in the hak he is working on.


Tonden Ockay
2016-12-16, 10:25 AM
Weekly Hight #11

I have taken the NWN2 placeable Buildings and brought them into NWN1, here is some screenshots of some of them.


I'm still working on textures but they are close to the look that I'm going for.

I also have plans to turn these placeables into tiles for the tileset I'm currently working on. However its just not at the top of the list at this minute.

Tonden Ockay
2016-12-23, 12:04 PM
Weekly Highlight

I would like to thank Draygoth for make another mount for Dark Sun.

First here is a picture of some Dark Sun Mounts. In the picture you can see the two smaller crodlu riding mounts.


Now Here is the Mounts Draygoth made for our project.


Thanks Dratgoth for all the time and hard work you are putting into this project.

I know this Weekly Highlight is a day early but I just wanted to get it out with the holidays and all coming up.

Oh and there are more mounts on the way

2016-12-30, 07:24 PM
Incredible work. This looks really good.