View Full Version : Aptitude + Boomerang Ricochet + Sweeping Strike?

2016-12-06, 08:59 AM
I had a thought. I was looking at the war mind's sweeping strike (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/prestigeClasses/warMind.htm#sweepingStrike) and realized that you can do exactly the same thing with the Boomerang Ricochet feat (from Races of Eberron) and the aptitude weapon ability (from Tome of Battle), with the only difference being a -2 penalty to hit and an inability to sneak attack on the second target.

Would these two options stack for a 5th level war mind with Boomerang Ricochet and an aptitude weapon, and how should that work? Also, are there any other similar abilities that would stack with them? Would the war hulk's great swing/mighty swing/massive swing (from Miniatures Handbook) stack, and do you gain two additional swings for each creature you hit in the three targeted spaces, or am I misreading how they would interact?

2016-12-06, 09:45 AM
Unlike Boomerang Ricochet, Sweeping Strike and Mighty Swing target squares of foes & hit all those foes functionally simultaneously.

Verisimilitude: No. Sweeping Strike/Mighty Swing and Boomerang Ricochet have different expectations about their targets. Boomerang Ricochet expects to deflect off of a hit foe but Sweeping Strike/Mighty Swing expect the weapon to be undeterred by a hit foe.

If you go ahead anyways. Under similarly debated interpretations you have the Improved Trip + Knockdown(Deities and Demigods) + Sweeping Strike/Mighty Swing => multiple Massive Swings. Each additional attack granted allows another Sweeping Strike/Mighty Swing which will target 2-3 squares worth of enemies (1 tripped foe -> 2-3 squares of foes). Only the limitation of the catalyst(people can only be tripped once) prevents it from being limitless.