View Full Version : DM Help Doppelganger taking a party member's place

2016-12-06, 04:44 PM
To prefice, although this thread is tagged with "DM Help", I am not our group's DM, but rather, him and myself are working together on this subject. Our group is quite new.

So, in our game, I missed a meeting, and at the next one I rolled to see what I ended up doing during that time of my absence. Well, what ended up occuring was that my character had been captured by a doppelganger and that the doppelganger had taken my place in the party. The doppelganger will nightly go out to where I'm being held and probe my mind for my information, gradually learning more and more about me until it essentially takes my place in the party, killing me thereafter. Of course, only myself and our DM know of this. So, I have adopted the doppelganger's stats, proficiencies, and abilities and whatnot, while I've been acting is as though I only know the very base aspects about my character, but will gradually, day by day, begin to learn more about my character's mannerisms, relationships, values, and whatnot (as well as those I learn through interaction with the party), while, as instructed by the DM, being very defensive towards doubt directed at me. My goal is to remain under the guise of my character and free from suspicion.

So of course, that's good and all, but that's only the social aspect. What of my character's abilities? I'd imagine that things along the lines of, say, sneak attack or fighting style I could perhaps learn through enough probing. But my character also has a great magic aspect to them, so what of that? Should I only slowly open up spell slots and known spells as time goes on, or does the doppelganger even have magical capability? Or should I even do this sort, or instead just stick to the immediate given abilities and whatnot of the doppelganger? This has indeed been quite troublesome, and I am greatful for any response, really.

2016-12-06, 04:51 PM
From a purely functional aspect, the doppleganger stat block is the doppleganger stat block. It's not going to be able to do what you do, only look and talk like you.

However, it doesn't mean that you and your DM have to be using the Monster Manual Doppleganger.

You can make up your own monster that does what you are wanting it to do - however the downside to that is figuring out how it works and what the pros/cons may be (does it siphon off your power that you can't recover unless you've got the doppleganger alive?)