View Full Version : 3rd Ed A warblade, a crusader, and two Swarm Tactics

2016-12-06, 05:14 PM
Let's suppose two allies, a warblade and a crusader, have the Swarm Tactics stance active.

For those of you who don't remember it, while you are in this stance, if you are adjacent to one or more opponents, your allies gain a +5 bonus on attack rolls made against any of those opponents.

Since, for the 3.5 glossary, in most cases, references to "allies" include yourself, the stance works for the initiations themselves, and for their allies too.

So, the question is: do they stack?
Would the warblade benefit from his own Swarm Tactics stance, and from the crusader's one as well, and viceversa?

2016-12-06, 05:21 PM
The bonus is typeless, so it stacks with everything. The question is whether it's two of the same effect; it probably is. They won't stack, just like two castings of visage of the deity don't stack.

You are your own ally, so the stance should work for yourself. That would result in a stance that provides a flat +5 to hit against adjacent enemies, even if you're alone. I don't think that's too powerful for an 8th-level stance ("adjacent" is pretty strict), but YMMV.