View Full Version : Monster classes (PF)

2016-12-07, 09:11 AM
My character (through a daevic ability), will soon be obtaining a silver dragon cohort/girlfriend. For the first few levels she will be advancing by HD under a homebrewed monster progression, but after that I'm kinda at a loss as to where to go. Daevic forbids the paramor from taking classes that are primary spellcasters (specifically calling out wizard, sorcerer, adept) or classes that duplicate primary casting (vizier). Also, it can't have a pet/familiar/cohort/thing.

So, the general question: I can't find it on the SRD, but can anyone recommend any PF classes/archetypes geared to monsters like dragons? I checked the monster feat list and didn't find much gold.

Specifically, the cohort will have 8 HD at party level 10, going to 11 HD at party level 13 (a Young Silver dragon), then advance by class level. I know my best option will be an akashic or PoW class, leveraging my racial HD into initiator level or veilweaver level, but I'm worried that my DM will see that as too strong compared with other party members, but I'm not super excited by the options of fighter monk paladin. Most of the dragonish options like dragon disciple help people to be like dragons but don't actually do anything much for dragons trying to be more dragonish. Any suggestions?

2016-12-07, 11:25 AM
DSP has released a monster classes: true dragons supplement that you might be interested in.