View Full Version : DM Help Looking for a published dungeon.

2016-12-07, 12:38 PM
My players are about to enter a huge dungeon complex, which is the last part of the current adventure but I am not confident enough to create my own. I am looking for a big dungeon either from a prepublished adventure or any other source that is perhaps tied to a stronghold or something. But any big dungeon will do. Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I am just looking for floor plans to mash together in order to make my own dungeon with unique encounters. Didn't clear that up the first time. I am just not aware of the published adventures or where to find them in order to start digging by myself, so I wanted some names and such to make my search easier. Thanks again!

2016-12-07, 12:42 PM
A huge dungeon, you say. I have just the thing (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World's_Largest_Dungeon) for you.

2016-12-07, 12:50 PM
A huge dungeon, you say. I have just the thing (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World's_Largest_Dungeon) for you.

Maybe this is a bit over the top. :smalleek:

2016-12-07, 02:47 PM
You looking for just floor plans, or big dungeons complete with encounters? If the latter than we need to know what system (3.5, PF etc..) and the ECL of the party. Otherwise, it would be easy enough to smash the floor plans of multiple dungeons together. With a bit of refluffing, take any ol' dungeon, such as the Sunless citadel, Tomb of Horrors or other officially published work, connect., and you have a brand spanking new big ass dungeon!

2016-12-07, 07:46 PM
Rappan Athuk is a nasty place.
Our group spent two years here, and did maybe 40% of the dungeon.


2016-12-07, 08:52 PM
You looking for just floor plans, or big dungeons complete with encounters? If the latter than we need to know what system (3.5, PF etc..) and the ECL of the party. Otherwise, it would be easy enough to smash the floor plans of multiple dungeons together. With a bit of refluffing, take any ol' dungeon, such as the Sunless citadel, Tomb of Horrors or other officially published work, connect., and you have a brand spanking new big ass dungeon!

Ah, I should have cleared that up. Sorry. I just want "floor plans" of dungeons, but I am simply not aware of the published adventurers or where to find their maps, so I thought I could ask here to make my life easier. If it's any relevant and possible, if the dungeon itself had an "aberrant" feeling to it, that'd be awesome.

2016-12-07, 09:19 PM
Just putting "dungeon maps" in google images will get you dozens of pages of results.

If you want "big, but not Worlds Largest Dungeon", many of the classic 1e modules have good large maps. Temple of Elemental Evil, etc.

2016-12-07, 09:49 PM
If you're looking for a quick-and-easy answer, you can just use this: https://donjon.bin.sh/d20/dungeon/

You can set the map to be as big as you like, and it will randomly populate the rooms for you.

2016-12-07, 09:49 PM
Undermountain, anyone?

2016-12-09, 08:50 AM
Rappan Athuk is likely vast overkill, as far as what the original poster wants.

I printed the maps from the PDF, and then stuck them in sheet protectors.
I highlighted the points where one could leave a level, and added a note on page/area/room that that would lead to.
Since I stuck them in double sided (one facing each way), I only needed sixty odd sheet protectors.

While our group did not finish RA, that means I have hundreds of pages of maps for the future.
Whether I use the existing map key, with the monsters that Frog God Games had placed... or new things of my own choosing, for the purpose of maps there are plenty.

And the traps are delicious.
Many require investigation, to get to a point where you can make a roll to notice them.
Sure, there are plenty where you go to the chest, roll to notice/observe that it is trapped and roll to disable that trap.
But the ones that are placed in a way that you need to interact with the room, and experiment to get to the point where you think it might be trapped, then roll to find the trap are much more fun.

The discovering and defeating of traps was likely more experience than the monsters, in our runs through it.

2016-12-09, 09:51 AM
This (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mwa/archiveall) might be of use to you. I recommend scrolling almost all the way down and using the "Sacred Caverns" map and the three following it. They're from a 2e adventure and make up the map of a good sized dwarven city.