View Full Version : Player Help more questions

2016-12-08, 01:08 AM
Thanks for all the help! Here are some more 4th edition questions we couldn't figure out.

1. Does a stance or rage power end when the character falls unconscious (and then healed back up)?

2. if a monster hits several characters with a stun effect, like a dragon's frightful presence, can one of the characters that was hit use an interrupt to help the defense of another character
(like a bard's prescience ability)?

3. If a power enables you to make a monster fall prone, can you choose not to?

4. Does a monster end a grab if you make it drop prone?

5. can you use wizard implements to use cleric powers gained from multiclassing?

6. The Great Fortitude feat, what is the bonus for each tier?
Can it be combined with the feat Epic Fortitude?

7. Can a dazed character stand action points to take an extra


2016-12-08, 01:36 AM
Thanks for all the help! Here are some more 4th edition questions we couldn't figure out.

1. Does a stance or rage power end when the character falls unconscious (and then healed back up)?
Stances end, Rages do not.

PHB p. 55/Rules Compendium p. 120, 316: A stance lasts the character assumes another stance or until the character falls unconscious or dies. A stance also ends at the end of the encounter, unless the stance can be assumed at will.

PHB2 p. 220/Rules Compendium p. 315: The rage lasts until the user enters a new rage or until the end of the encounter. (falling unconscious is neither of these)

2. if a monster hits several characters with a stun effect, like a dragon's frightful presence, can one of the characters that was hit use an interrupt to help the defense of another character
(like a bard's prescience ability)?
Generally, yes. An Immediate Interrupt happens before the trigger, which means the character is not yet affected when it uses the Interrupt.

3. If a power enables you to make a monster fall prone, can you choose not to?
Not sure. I don't remember anything clarifying this one way or the other.

4. Does a monster end a grab if you make it drop prone?
Generally no, although it could happen if the monster was flying and knocking it prone made it fall far enough to be out of reach of the creature it had grabbed.

PHB. 290/RC p. 243: Effects that End a Grab: If you are affected by a condition that prevents you from taking opportunity actions (such as dazed, stunned, surprised, or unconscious), you immediately let go of a grabbed enemy. If you move away from the creature you're grabbing, you let go and the grab ends. If a pull, a push, or a slide moves you or the creature you're grabbing out of your reach, the grab ends. (being prone neither moves you nor prevents you from taking opportunity actions)

5. can you use wizard implements to use cleric powers gained from multiclassing?
Yes. This wasn't true at the start of the edition but it works now.

Don't look in the PHBs for this; they have the old pre-errata wording. Can't find my physical RC and the compendium has the old wording, but you can find the wording in Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms p. 71: If an adventurer does have proficiency with an implement, he or she can use it with any of his or her implement powers. Similar wording should exist in the other Heroes books as well as in the RC.

6. The Great Fortitude feat, what is the bonus for each tier?
Can it be combined with the feat Epic Fortitude?
+2 feat bonus at heroic, +3 feat bonus at paragon, and +4 feat bonus at epic. Since the bonus from Epic Fortitude is untyped, yes, it stacks; you would have a total bonus of +8 from these two feats.

7. Can a dazed character stand action points to take an extra
Yes. Spending an Action Point is a free action on your turn, and the Dazed condition explicitly allows you to use free actions. There's an abusive reading of the rules that says you get the extra action from the Action Point but still can't use it because of Dazed, but I don't know anyone who actually plays the game that way.

2016-12-08, 10:20 AM
Tiornys generally got this, but two additional comments:

6) Great Fortitude can be combined with Epic Fortitude, but it would be unusual that you'd want to take Great Fortitude. If you have STR or CON of at least 15, you'd want Superior Fortitude, which comes with the same bonuses but adds an additional feature. If you don't, then you probably want Improved Defenses (+1/2/3 by tier feat bonus to all NADs), unless you've already got Superior Will AND Superior Reflexes.

7) I cannot imagine anyone disallowing the use of an action point when dazed.