View Full Version : Wizard's Academy IC

2016-12-08, 12:27 PM

The deck sways slightly in the mild crosswind. The vibration of the alchemical engine below deck has been forgotten over the two week journey from Andrus, a constant input that faded into the background over time, only noticed when an inconsiderate wind brought forward the malodorous reminder of its presence. A noon sun is blocked by the dirigible, shading the deck. Around the deck the first shift crew, a melange of the races of Khrone, goes about their work, tending the rigging that keeps the sails taught and positioned to catch the breeze. Nastavak, the pilot, a sidhier who has put on a pirate-ish act throughout the journey (apparently to impress the women) stands with legs wide, one hand on the wheel. Of course, if you believe half his stories, it isn't an act. If. He points ahead and slightly starboard. "Land ho! There be our port and your new home, wizzards!"

Having been called on deck for this occasion, it hardly comes as a surprise. The captain's policy toward passengers is primarily one of benign neglect, ignoring anyone you stays out of the way and doesn't make trouble, just cargo that can't be tied down. The attitudes of the crew have varied, though there was no shortage of card games open to any interested.

Seven prospective students are present on the deck; shy Wheke has shared the female passenger cabin with Annette and Keira, her black eyes often wide. She raises herself up on her eight tentacles to better see over the railing, a rare opening from her accustomed attempts to sink into the deck and disappear. Grom smiles at the sight, About time we got here, eh?" The tall orc grunts, looking around for agreement. Wheke flinches at his booming voice, her height dropping by nearly half as she defensively curls her tentacles around herself.

The clouds have broken enough to see the floating island, held aloft by fabulous magical power. The main building of the academy stands out, surrounded by forest, a lake visible.

Wheke is a Cecaelia, humanoid torso, lower half is 8 tentacles. The are amphibious. Cecaelia tend to psychic/psionic magic
Go ahead and make introductory posts. You have a fairly free hand in making up events during the journey and interactions with crew and fellow students
OOC cross-reference link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?508053-Stack-s-Wizard-s-Academy-OOC&p=21458569#post21458569)

2016-12-08, 01:26 PM
Wort had found a quiet storage compartment soon after boarding the air vessel where he had promptly set up his alchemical lab. Each day during the voyage, the young sidhier spent much of his free time brewing concotions so to keep his thoughts focused.

Today would've been no different, but the captain had called the passengers topside. Having spent most of his time below deck, the light was blinding (despite the cloudy sky). Not an hour had passed before the call was made from the helm. In an instant, the clouds parted and the towers of Windfell Academy were within view. The floating island brought back a flood of memories of the Elfwood.

Wort glanced around at the other prospective students. They were a diverse group to be sure, but Wort was sure there would be time to get better acquainted with them at school, if not before they docked. In an eager voice Wort said aloud, "We are finally here"

Note: If no-one interacts with Wort, he will head back downstairs and immediately pack up his things so that he will be completely ready for departing the vessel when it pulls into port.

Jeff the Green
2016-12-08, 06:13 PM
Annette reaches up and puts a comforting hand on Wheke's tentacle. On the ride from Andrus she's found that she likes the shy cecaelia. While not quite as terrified by... everything, Annette is herself not the most social of creatures. Wheke's taciturnity makes her a most agreeable companion.

The lilliputian gnome hauls herself up to hang by the railing and peer over it. She likes what she sees; a beautiful building and bodies of water, but more importantly a place of study where she can leave aside the business side of her craft for a time and focus on its more arcane implications. That environment and the prospect of working with some extraordinary individuals has mostly replaced her nervousness with a sort of taut excitement. Even the less cerebral Wort seems dedicated to his art and the young Zhen might even be more quick of thought than she is (even if the lack of focus in his studies indicates a minor defect of character).

Unlike Wort, she has no need to pack her possessions. Most of her things fit handily in the messenger bag slung across one shoulder and her furnishings and more fragile belongings lay in the wheeled crate by her side. She would spend the remaining time aboard watching—and probably trying to keep Grom from making Wheke ink herself.

2016-12-08, 10:04 PM
Zhen has spent some time trading new variants on card games with the off-shift sailors - and playing them, of course, including quite a bit of cheerful effort at drawing some of the other male students-to-be into a few games, or asking earnest questions about what sort of magic they've already learned. Altruis has mostly been left un-summoned, in deference to keeping him out of the way on a ship he's not allowed to do much help on.

Today, though, he's packed early and summoned his companion (the silvery-textured Altruis ends up keeping a step behind Zhen's shoulder and out of the way,) and seems full of excitement. He breaks out in a broad grin when Windfell's island appears, though internally it's tinged with a bit of homesickness - new ports are interesting, but he doesn't intend to leave with the airship this time, after all. Still, the lake and forest are beautiful in the sunlight, and the castle holds promise for really studying magic, not just collecting scraps of knowledge from port to port like an eager magpie.

After a few seconds of taking in the view alone, Zhen returns to his fellow passengers, soon to be fellow students, nodding to Grom's and Wort's comments and joining them. "Soon to land and enter, too. ... Say, since it seems to be almost that time - what classes were you four planning to study? Maybe we'll share a few."

2016-12-08, 10:35 PM
Leaning over the railing, Keira pulls back her hood a bit for a better view of the soaring isle that would--with luck--be her home for the next few years. Profitable years, she hoped. She'd long since learned not to bank on plans working out in detail, but the years she'd spent scrabbling her way to this very sight certainly gave the moment an air of destiny. She was in now. All that she had to do was not screw it up.

She sighs and leans back so that he torso's no longer dangling out over the long drop and pulls her hood back into place. She'd spent most of the trip quietly watching the others. Socializing didn't really come naturally to Keira, though should could spin a tale when the situation required. It just wasn't the form of entertainment others seemed to find it. Still, she'd now be entering the school in which she knew no one personally. It might pay off to belatedly strike up an acquaintance with her fellow new students. It's not like she needed the time to pack, what with all her earthly possessions safely stowed on or about her person.

"I'll be applying to whatever classes Professors Daemen and Fezmet are teaching." She answers in her smokey tone. "I wonder if I should bring an apple..." She jests, a reference to Daemen's equine nature.

Jeff the Green
2016-12-08, 10:58 PM
"I wouldn't advise it," Annette says with a wry smile. "Unicorns do have horns. Also hooves and teeth."

She returns her gaze to the school. "I'll be working with Clik and Tocs, I expect. Nature, time, and crafting, plus either alchemy or enhancement. I haven't decided yet."

2016-12-09, 04:11 AM
Drraven has done his best to stay away from his future colleagues. He used his armor the whole time, openly carrying his axe, which are usually enough to keep their curiosity in check. Had he been a regular dwarf, he would have spent his time studying the surely incredible alchemical engine, a mechanical marvel most likely designed by his kin. Yet, such knowledge was not of his interest, so instead he spent his time among the sailors who could both drink and gamble, his only sliver of joy aboard. He had, of course, tried his best gathering information on the soon-to-be students, specially what kind of magic they used. He didn't have much luck, though, only listening a bit about the gnome who apparently loved talking about her skills.

Still, as he was invited to the deck, Drraven is happy to finally reach his destination. Not only he would be able to be in firmer ground, but he could try having a bit more privacy than sharing cabins with a bunch of casters. His mood quickly goes sour, however, as the orc starts boasting once again. Sighing heavily, he steps away, ready to return to his cabin, when the insufferably curious human starts speaking. He had tried to engage Drraven in conversation more than once, even meddling in some of his card games, but Drraven had been blunt in his unwillingness to speak. Yet now, the young boy was finally working on the dwarf's favor, as his blabbering had incited others to talk about their preferences in magic. Drraven sits nearby, his back turned to the group to avoid being dragged in the chat, pretending to sharpen his axe (as if it needed any more sharpening) but keeping his ears open to learn what they could do.

Of course, the fact he doesn't know half the names being used could be a bit of a problem, for now... "And what is that about a unicorn?" he wonders

2016-12-09, 11:50 AM
Wort was lost in thought while gazing over the side of the air vessel. But his sylvan ears perked slightly as he overheard Keira and Annette teachers. <Clik, Daemen, Fezmet, and Tocs? What an odd sort of assortment of names>, Wort thought to himself. Immediately, the young sidhier began to imagine what he thought each looked like, <Clik sounds like it could be a tatulani; Daemen, well thats easy, a tiefling; Fezmet? Hmm.. probably the unicorn; and Tocs? no idea, but it sounds like a mortal name so probably human>. He turned slightly so to gaze over the other students, but hesitated in joining the conversation having nothing to add and did not want to make himself a fool by making it known that this fey knew nothing of the professors.

2016-12-09, 01:44 PM
Flashbacks! Early in the trip, after being asked about her magic:

Wheke's face flushes purple and she seems to shrink. "...I...I just...I can do stuff. I guess. Sometimes. pleaseIdon'tliketalkingaboutitthevoices...oops." She turns away completely. A shudder runs throw the floor. Probably just a rough patch of air.

The large orc gives a nod to his fellow traveler. "What do you have down there? Still?"

Part way into the trip, scene cuts in as Grom is speaking to any of the guys who choose to be present: "...so that is why the orc druid will be the ones to figure out the forest and what happened. The fey and humans broke everything with the walkways, I mean, no offense Wort, not personal, just history you know, and it will take a a real understanding of life to unravel it all and get things back to normal." He finishes with a nod, waiting for the obvious agreement to follow his meandering dissertation on...well a lot of things.
(Just note what part of posts are in the present and which are flash back)

2016-12-09, 03:46 PM
Wort looked over his shoulder, surprised more than anything at the unexpected interaction. It's my alchemist lab. No need to worry yourself about it though. I am not crafting anything volitile, just a few salves used for emergency healing and treatment. I wouldn't dare craft anything else in these conditions, and within such close proximity to the alchemical engine. The sidhier shudders for a moment reliving it seems a past trauma.

No, what I am brewing is quite safe. In-fact, I especially chose these potions so that even if someone were to "accidently" dump the components into the alchemy engine, it may sputter for a second, but would neither ruin the engine, nor react negatively. The sidhier pauses again for a moment before turning his full attention to the orc. Name's Wort, Wort Thistlebranch, I hope it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintence?

2016-12-09, 04:37 PM
"Grom, good to meet you too."" He sticks out a hand."I have a bit of herbal training myself. Salves and poultices and the like. Nothing exciting though. I wouldn't know what would or wouldn't hurt the engine, honestly. First time up here, if I'm being honest... He shrugs, obviously embarrassed. "Well, let me know if you need a hand. I don't know how much else there is to do around here. Playing cards with sailors seems...unwise."

2016-12-09, 04:57 PM
Wort looked down at the orc's hand as it was offered to him. The sidheir quickly wiped his own hand free of any alchemical residue and grasped the orc's forearm in greeting. "Well it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintence, Grom" the fey nods before continuing, "Well not everyone has the same grasp for alchemy I suppose" Wort released his grip as he listened to the orc's advice concerning the sailors. "Well, I will be sure to let you know if I need anything, and will be sure not to wager against the crew, as I am sure to lose.." Wort then said fairwell before watching the orc Grom leave.

2016-12-10, 06:06 PM
Keeping the appearance of lounging, Keira had actually been watching her odd fellow-passenger intently. Wheke and Keira shared stark black eyes, which made her somewhat curious, but Keira's lower half was completely lacking in tentacles. She'd always figured that her one of her ancestors was a demon, but she'd never actually had an opportunity to ask, being orphaned at a young age. Were humans and caecalia even...uh...compatible?

Some things are better not pondered.

The ship vibrates, and Keira swears softly. "What, did that fool pilot decide to try wearing an eye-patch now?" She mutters, the closest thing to a conversation starter she'd made in the young trip. Assuming that was turbulence, of course. It was odd timing, Wheke's anxious outburst and that shake.

Jeff the Green
2016-12-11, 03:26 PM
Annette ***** an eyebrow at Keira. "I was not aware," she says, her voice thoroughly moistened with sarcasm, "that eyepatches interfered with one's ability to see air." She is fairly sure she knew the cause of the "turbulance", but if Keira didn't she would respect Wheke's privacy and skirt around it.

2016-12-11, 09:57 PM
Grom shrugs and departs, perhaps disappointed he didn't get asked to help out but not pressing the matter. Hard to tell with his tusked face.

Wheke giggles. "Hehehe, he might look good in an eyepatch. oops I said that out loud." If she blushed any deeper she might burst blood vessels.

On Deck

"About an hour until we are ready to dock, so if you haven't stowed you kit you might want to. Anything that gets left, we keep. You would be surprised how profitable that can be." Nastavak calls down jovially.

2016-12-12, 10:58 AM
The air vessel was closing its distance with the floating island now, and Wort would've liked to stay and watch the docking of the vessel and its mooring, but upon hearing the call from Nastavak, Wort immediately departed downstairs and carefully packed up his lab and other belongings. "Damn, why did I think it would be a good idea to stay top-side and watch the vessel pull-in", Wort said with a hint frustration. "I should've came down here immediately and packed up. If I had, I wouldn't worry about accidently breaking anything", Wort continued as he finished up packing the last of the beakers. Wort then moved to the berthing where he picked up his pack, which was already mostly packed as he barely touched it. The entire ordeal took the better part of the hour and he could already hear calls from above signaling that the docking of the airvessel was already underway.

2016-12-13, 12:05 AM
"What, and miss the show?" Keira asks as Wort scrambles back below decks to retrieve his belongings. She adjusts the pack she wears all the time she's not asleep (and sometimes then). Some street habits die hard, and learning to live out of a carrying bag is one of them. Especially on a ship full of strangers. Who knows what kinds of thieving blackguards might have scammed their way onto the crew, or hid among the passengers. She smirks beneath her veil.

"That you did." Keira observes drily as she grips a railing. She rather expected another coincidental bout of turbulence. Maybe Wheke hadn't really been the cause of the first one after all, but it would bear watching. "Though I'd prefer a plumed hat to an eye-patch."

2016-12-13, 05:07 AM
Drraven merely raises an eyebrow at the pilot's words. He looks at the large pouch on his belt that contains all his belongings: an extra pair of clothes carefull folded, the magic tool that can adapt to any circunstance and some coins. What need would he have for anything else but his weapon and armor? He watches as the sidhier rushes away with a worried look on his face and holds his chuckle, focusing on the tiefling instead.

"She is not one of them," he thinks. Given her carefree nature and, more importantly, the weapon she carried at all times, it was almost sure she was not really a caster. Just like himself."Yes, perhaps this won't be so dreadful," he considers, hoping for the best, "There might be more of us than I thought." Had he been less cautious, he would have struck up conversation with her, but he had been fooled once before. Better wait to see what she can do first...

2016-12-13, 05:26 PM
The crew are skilled hands before the mast and the wind is dead calm at the small dock.The captain bids a perfunctory farewell as he goes about supervising the loading and unloading of the non-motile cargo. Nastavak gives a smile and a wave as he leans on the rail. A couple burly sailors offer to help Wort with his gear, but perhaps that is just to clear the gangway of them more quickly; it seems unlikely their help would extend past the immediate cargo area.

From the point you disembark you can easily see the academy down the path, a wide building extending four stories above the grass around it, towers on the three corners visible from your viewpoint. After a few minutes to mill about and gather your things, a half-elven woman appears beside you. "Hi! I'm Nightingale Everclear! I am here to welcome you to Windfell Academy. So, uhm, welcome!" She appears to be in her early twenties, clad in a faded purple robe with pale blue mantle. Her eyes are green and her shoulder-length hair is tied back in a sensible ponytail, though odd bits escape to dangle limply. What is obviously a spell component pouch hangs from the simple brown leather belt at her waist.

"Sorry the headmaster Mardoc isn't here to greet you himself. He usually does. He is, uhm, indisposed right now, so Professor Tocs sent me. You can meet him when we get to the Academy. And I give you a tour too. This is the dock. Obviously. I mean, you wouldn't be here if you couldn't figure out this is a dock, right?" She laughs nervously.
There is definitely something more to her nervousness than just awkwardness or unpreparedness, especially regarding how she mentions the headmaster.

2016-12-13, 05:57 PM
Wort while hesitant to accept help from the crew, takes one look from the dock railing and quickly thereafter accepts the assistance. With his belongings firmly placed around him, the sidhier listens to half-elven escort's greeting. With a sigh of relief, Wort answered her salutation"Well, its good to hear that efforts were made to greet us at the docks. It would've been a bother if we were simply left to our own devices." Listening to the nervous outburst by Nightingale, Wort probes her specific wording as to find clues on what she had meant by "indisposed". Curiosity and paranoia getting the best of the sidhier, he discretely tries to send her a secret message using innuendo. "Are the clouds here gloomy, or do they just provide shade from the sun?" Wort patiently awaits her response, but will not probe her further if she does not answer.

Sense Motive [roll0] (Trying to probe the meaning of what Nightingale meant by saying the headmaster was "indisposed")
Bluff [roll1] DC 15 (Use of Innuendo to relay a secret message to Nightingale)
If the DC is successful, the message Wort is trying to ask is: "Is Windfell Academy safe?"

2016-12-13, 10:53 PM
Nightingale looks confused for a moment, "The clouds, uhm, water the flowers and the roses smell nice." She winces as she finishes. I like flowers.

(Reminder: failing the secret message DC by 5 or more sends the wrong message and the DC for another person to detect the message is equal to the result of the bluff check. None of you have to roll to hit the DC to pick up on the message since skill checks don't auto-fail on a natural 1.)

2016-12-13, 11:18 PM
Shrugging in response to Wort's not so subtle hint of trouble, Keria tries to get their guide to calm down. "Yes...roses do smell nice." Keira answers, talking slowly in contrast to Nightengale's breathless pace. "I'm Keira. What do you usually do here, when you're not being pressed into giving freshmen the tour?"

Hopefully getting the woman talking about herself would calm her down a bit...and get her to make some sense.

Diplomacy, I guess, to get her to calm down and make some sense: [roll0]

Jeff the Green
2016-12-13, 11:23 PM
Annette is utterly confused by her new classmates' conversation, which, let's be perfectly honest here, isn't all that unusual for Annette. Humans are strange creatures. She looks back and forth between Wort and Nightingale, eyes slightly narrowed in suspicion. Is the sidthier flirting with their guide already?

2016-12-14, 08:28 AM
Drraven disembarks the vessel with satisfaction, feeling the solid ground under his feet. Yes, it was not real ground, but nowadays it was almost impossible to tell the difference. As he prepares himself to walk on his own, the half-elf lady introduces herself. Drraven merely nods and gets ready to follow her, when his companions start talking about... weather? Flowers?

Drraven clears his throat, before saying as calmly as he can: "I assume we're going to the Academy now?"

2016-12-14, 11:23 AM
"roses smell nice?" Wort muttered to himself. <I suppose I was asking too much of an elf, let alone one of their mutt breed to excel at such a fine thing as subtlety> Wort thought to himself. It was true that the Thistlebranch family name never was a noble house of the Elfwood, but fey blood ran through his family's blood, which meant that a certain respect was always granted (even now in their fallen state). <Then again, maybe this one was simply did not inherant the social prowess of her more noble parent> Wort thought to himself as he eyes the reactions of those around him.

Hearing the dwarf speak up, possibly for the first time during the voyage, he suddenly realized that the earth-dweller was a student among them, why else would he also be "going to the Academy". It was a surprise to be sure, not because of his race, but because of how he outfitted and carried himself about.

EDIT (to be more reactive): Should Nightingale proceed to lead the prospective students to Windfell Academy, Wort will nod to the dwarf, and moved to grab his belongings. "Windfell Academy, here I come" As the sidhier grabs his belongings, he thinks to himself, <The half-elf Nightingale, there should be time enough to become more acquainted with her later; Although, it would've been nice to talk out here before going inside a school where anyone might overhear the conversation.> Wort's thoughts fades as he looks at the castle ahead, which is Windfell Academy.

2016-12-15, 01:30 AM
Zhen decides, deliberately, to ignore whatever secret messages are passing back and forth - although if there actually are some nice gardens, those would be pleasant, of course. Altruis, meanwhile, is simply bemused - not that anyone is likely to be able to tell, since it is just standing impassive a step behind Zhen.

Zhen shifts his backpack to draw a bit of attention and then shrugs, smiling and trying to help the somewhat nervous Nightingale along, "Glad to hear about the roses, though it's a shame that the Headmaster is indisposed. Since we'll meet him later, I suppose there's no reason to worry. I'm Zhen, and I'm with Keira; why don't you tell us a bit about yourself and the Academy while we head onwards?" He gestures to the Academy proper, giving an easy start for Nightingale to move without forcing it or causing any embarrassment if it turns out there's something else to do first. She's not the one to usually do this, so he won't make assumptions.

Rolling Diplomacy - Nightingale seems friendly enough, so this is more of a 'convince her that we are friendly and not stressful' since she seems a bit confused. Nothing fancy at all, just calmness and politeness really.

2016-12-15, 03:53 PM
Nightingale collects herself, making a delibrate effot to slow her speach. In answer to Keira, "I am a student. Like you all. Still have a lot of stud before I move to the advanced classes. Obviously I know a bit of teleportation with Professor Daemon, because, you just saw. I also study with Professors Fezmet and Wendjina."

Turning to Zhen, "I think we had a misunderstanding; Profesor Tocs will meet us once I get you settled in. The headmaster isn't available."

"But yes, I suppose we ought to head in. Can everyone manage or do I need to fetch some help?" She eyes Altrius, "Probably have the lifting covered."

I can move us to the start of the tour when I have time for a longer post, so feel free to talk amongst yourselves

A small ink stain becomes visible when Wheke moves from the place she was frozen from the sudden introduction.

Grom shrugs, "Nice to meet you. I'm ready to start."

Jeff the Green
2016-12-16, 03:34 PM
Annette sighs. Poor Wheke.

"I can manage," she responds to Nightingale. She glances at Zhen. "Though if Zhen is willing to lend me Altruis, I can keep up with you excessively-tall people a bit better."

2016-12-17, 03:29 PM
CHAPTER 1: A Slight Problem

The academy building grows taller as you go down the wooded path. As you leave, you can turn back and see a few people, presumably students, pop in to the dock area. The offloaded cargo soon begins disappearing. "Some of Professor Daemon's students studying teleportation work as stevedores for extra credit." Nightingale explains.

Passing though the large double doors of the entrance, you can see the main hall ahead, but you make a sharp turn to the left before you can do more than see the wide, column lined room. You pass several doors, then ascend a stair. Once up the stairs you wind around a few corners. "Okay, here is the girls dorm for the normal students; advanced students have a smaller dorm higher up. Go on in and make yourselves at home, just pick an empty bed and stow your things in the trunk beside it. I'm in the far right corner. You can freshen up on the left. Why don't you get settled; I'll get you in a little bit."
There is a small room with doors on either side. On the right, entering in the dorm you notice that there are no inner walls, but instead the dormitories use a series of curtains to provide a measure of privacy for each student. Each student is provided a bed, a nightstand, and a chest to house their personal possessions. There look to be beds for about 30 students, though only about 20 appear to be occupied.

On the left is the washroom. Along with individual lavatories and wash stations, the room now a large central heated bathing pool for communal bathing. Wheke's eyes light up (as much as possible given that they are solid black) [COLOR="#EE82EE"]"Oh, a bath big enough to actually enjoy!"

Leading the remaining students down the hall further, she points out another door. "Here you go! Same thing, just the dorm and washroom doors are opposite. Go ahead and store you things...what you can anyway." She looks at the crate of alchemy gear. "Might need to make other arrangements for that. We''l take care of that later, just uhm, yeah, set it somewhere in there."There is a small room with doors on either side. On the left, entering in the dorm you notice that there are no inner walls, but instead the dormitories use a series of curtains to provide a measure of privacy for each student. Each student is provided a bed, a nightstand, and a chest to house their personal possessions. There look to be beds for about 30 students, though only about 20 appear to be occupied.

On the Right is the bathroom.The bathroom includes a communal lavatory, a communal shower, and a communal mudpit magically kept wet and heated at all times.the arrangements are typical of the goblin style. Grom shrugs, "That's...yeah. Uhm, guess it encourages bonding."

A secret door appears to be hidden in the wall facing the other dorm.

2016-12-17, 04:06 PM
Wort was filled with awe when he first entered Windfell Academy, but the feeling left him almost as quickly. The entry hall and grand hall were breath-taking, but taking a look at the Boy's Dormitory and how simple and mundane the setup was, could be described as no less than a disappointment. The Boy's Bath was particularly discomforting, the bath in particular looked like it hadn't been washed in ages, and was filled with mud. The showers were also nothing particularly special, they at-least looked moderately clean. "Utterly Disgusting", Wort said quietly. With an about-face, the sidhier found himself a corner bed and placed the majority of his belongings into the trunk. As for the crate of alchemical supplies, he carefully placed the box atop the nightstand. After making sure he was well-settled, he surveyed the room once more. "Well, I better make the most of this", the sidhier said with a sigh.
The sidhier grabs his soap and a spare set of clothes and makes his way to the Boy's Bath for a shower, for it had been too long since he had taken a proper wash. If no-one interacts with Wort, he will shower for roughly 10-minutes, get dressed and wait in the Common Room.

2016-12-18, 07:36 AM
Drraven follows alongside the others, seemingly uninterested in nothing bu the castle ahead. In reality, he was paying attention on the small details his companions were sharing, particularly the thing about the teleportation professor and the student's little project. Once they enter the castle, he can't help but start immediately analyzing the construction, as stonemasonry was, unsurprisingly, one of his interests. He would love to explore the work on his own later, but right now, sticking to the group was the best way to not bring questions. Besides, leaning his way around the castle was the best he could for the moment.

He saw the girls being left to their own dorms, not even trying to hide his discomfort. If they had a commom dorm, that could only mean he wasn't getting more privacy after the boat. His suspicions are confirmed when Nightingale guides them to their own room, a vast chamber with multiple bedrooms. He picks the available bunk closest to the door, leaving only his shield atop the bed as a mark of his selection before going to check on the bathroom. And that's where he finally loses his temper.

"What kind of foul creature would want us to live like this?" he says to no one in particular, before hearing Grom's comment. Turning back towards his bed, he can't help but loudly complain. "Bonding is now what I came here for, orc. I'd rather be able to wash myself without being scrutinized by a dozen strangers." - he throws his axe at the bed as well, before removing his helmet and glaring at the others.

Jeff the Green
2016-12-18, 04:47 PM
Annette's reaction to the women's quarters is less overt than the boys' are next door, but her pursed lips do manage to migrate to one side of her face in displeasure. With only one wall what was she going to do with her tapestries , art, and portraits? She brought all her decorations and they will spend her tenure in a chest.

Nonetheless, she hauls her chest to the closest unoccupied room and puts it next to the bed she has just decided is hers. She tosses her bag onto the bed and flops down, staring the ceiling. "Have you lived on land much before, Wheke?"

2016-12-19, 10:24 AM
Wheke already has half her tentacles in the water by the time the question reaches her consciousness. "Land? Oh, a little. We, I was from the deep. The council sent me away. To study. The merfolk have all the good waters in the city, Andrus, so I stayed in an...apartment? No, uhm, room? Didn't have much money, it was a long swim, walk?, to the university. Made my tentacles crack, the dry roads. But now I am here! Look at all the space we have! Too bad everything is still so bright. All this light gives me headaches."

no magic auras

Grom shakes his head. "Its what we have, no point in complaining about it. Like to know who let a goblin lay out the bathroom though. Wonder if the women have the same thing?" He gives his armpits a sniff. "I'm good for now." then heads back to the room and unpacks his meager belongings; a few scrolls, worn clothes, and a gnarled staff that won't fit in the trunk. You notice an amulet fall out from under his shirt, ebon with a shining white center

faint life from under his shirt, faint nature from his staff

2016-12-19, 02:27 PM
"Hrm?" Keria had immediately begun searching the dormitory for active magicks once their escort had left, but so far she hadn't noticed anything, and so turned her attention towards picking out a decent bed. But Wheke's comment about the harsh lighting had gotten her attention. "You're right. Magical light is always so harsh and blue. And how are we supposed to bathe without privacy?"

She waves a hands at the bath, covering the area in a cloud of darkness. It wasn't opaque--the room was too well lit for that, sadly, but it was enough to fade colors and render people are dark outlines in the murk. "That better?"

Not spending a SP here, just maintain it for concentration.

Jeff the Green
2016-12-19, 06:50 PM
"You... don't?" Annette suggests to Keria, "It's not like any of us has anything the others don't see every day on their own bodies. Er, other than tentacles. If it's that important to you I suppose you could wait to take a bath with me and I could pull up a mist to hide you."

She sits up and looks at Wheke. "I didn't know you studied at Andrus. Just magic, or anything else? My little sister's a math professor there."

2016-12-19, 10:15 PM
"Little...sister? hehehe. Sorry. Oh, uhm, that you for the shade. Does the light bother you too? You have eyes like normal, I mean, my people. Study, oh, mostly moving things but I have tried to learn other stuff too." Wheke goes back and forth, obviously unaccustomed to trying to maintain multiple conversations, though the water seems to have relaxed her considerably; during the trip you never got so many words from her.

2016-12-20, 09:41 PM
"It's a touch bothersome, yes." Keira answers, trying to hide the strain of concentrating on the magic. "Nothing too bad, but it makes it hard to relax."

Then, glancing at Annette, "Yet people stare and make a scene anyway..."

2016-12-20, 10:02 PM
Drraven grunts at Grom, but doesn't answer back. The orc was right, there was no good in complaining about things that wouldn't change anyway. Not that he would tell him that, of course, the only thing he could do was adapt. It was his choice coming here, after all.

With a deep sigh, he sits on the bed and starts polishing his shield, hopefully waiting for the sidhier to leave the bathing area.

2016-12-20, 11:05 PM
Gathering everyone together, Nightingale begins the tour, first returning to the first floor, then working up, then going back down to the below-ground levels. She rattles off descriptions and random facts as you go, trying her best to be a good guide. Daemen’s Classroom: Daemen’s classroom is large and has no desk, as Daemen couldn’t use one. Student seating is all done on the floor as well, so that nothing will impede Daemen due to his size and quadruped nature.

Toc’s Classroom: Toc’s classroom features a raised podium at the front (designed for one of Professor Toc’s height), surrounded by carefully-cultivated plants he uses during lectures. Students sit in seats arranged in a semicircle around the podium.

Wendjina’s Classroom: This classroom has seating all the way around it with an open space in the center for demonstrating illusions. The walls are dropped with silks Wendjina chose to accentuate her outfits.

Savesha’s Classroom: This classroom features 20 summoning circles, which students stand around when working. There are no chairs, as there wouldn't be room for everyone to sit.

Storage: The storage rooms on the first floor are mostly used for containing food, extra chairs and tables, kitchen and dining supplies, and decorations for important events.

Servants Rooms: The first floor servant quarters are mostly reserved for the kitchen staff.

Special Halls: Occasionally, the school has need of special halls, either to accommodate guest lecturers, testing, or for other purposes. These rooms are normally used to store tables when not formally being used.

Kitchen: Windfell Academy's kitchens are large, and designed to accommodate a great variety of races and nationalities in the sort of foods it provides.

Daemen’s Office: The room features a pile of pillows upon which Daemen sits, rows of bookshelves, and a single chair set aside for students to use.

Toc’s Office: Toc’s office is built to his scale, featuring a small desk and several step ladders to aid him in reaching various shelves. There is a single chair large enough for a student to use.

you already saw the beginner dorms and the baths.

Common Room: The common room is a large place dedicated to student recreation and meeting. The room is intended for use by all students, and mostly consists of tables, chairs, and couches. The room also contains a small stage where student musicians sometimes play.

Study Rooms: These study rooms are filled with pillows, small wooden targets, basic reference books and other objects a student might need to help them practice for their tests.

Storage: These storage rooms are mostly filled with chests, bedspreads, blankets, and other materials needed to restock the dormitories, as well as equipment for laundering clothes.

Guest Rooms: The guest rooms are a series of individual rooms designed for visitors to the academy, but are sometimes used for extremely advanced students (level 15+) to give them and their work an extra measure of privacy.

Advanced Boy’s/Girl’s Dormitory: These dormitories are dedicated for the use of advanced students (levels 8-14), and are much nicer than those used by basic-level students. Each advanced dormitory can house up to 20 students, and provides each student with a walled-off room containing a large bed, a personal chest, a nightstand, a closet, and a desk and chair.

Advanced Boy’s/Girl’s Rec. Room: Advanced students possess a recreational room attached to their dormitories. The rooms are mostly comprised of assorted couches, tables, and chairs. Most students use them when meeting strictly with other advanced students, although there are no official restrictions on age, gender, or level of skill for use of this room.

The Great Library: The school library is large, featuring all manner of reference material and other publications. Using the school library counts as possessing a library for any Knowledge check.

Aside from books, the library features several student study rooms, storage rooms, and the librarian’s room and magic item repository.

The librarian is a middle-aged female troll named Shosh, who checks out magic items and book to students.The library’s magic item repository is filled with a large, but not exhaustive, collection of magic items (the school has a 50% chance of having a desired item in stock. If it doesn’t have something, it can’t get it). The school does possess items with limited numbers of use such as potions and scrolls, but does not make these available to students without teacher permission. Any student or worker at the school may check out one minor magic item at a time (valued at about 6,000 gp or less). Such items are always due after one week (although the same item may be checked out repeatedly), and a student cannot check out a second item until the first one is returned.

Meeda’s Classroom: Meeda’s classroom has no chairs, but instead contains several mats for students to sit on. The floor is also covered in mats, to better facilitate both shapeshifting and hand-to-hand combat.

Clik’s Classroom: Clik’s classroom features a circle of chairs and desks for students, as well as several closets full of objects for use by her students when performing enhancements.

Meeda’s Office/Room: Meeda’s office includes a desk and shelves and is built to accommodate her Large size, with several chairs built smaller for students to use.

Clik’s Office/Room: Clik’s office and room are a combination of robotic utilitarianism (the bed is simply a wooden slab, the wash room empty) and extravagant design (the room is covered with brightly-colored scarves, paintings, and other works of art).

The Foundry: The school foundry includes all manner of magical and mechanical crafting equipment, including laboratories and components for magic item creation. The foundry’s equipment is open for anyone to use, but all students must pay for any magical materials they use.

It is always possible to get help from the advanced students in the foundry, adding a +2 bonus to all checks made to create a magical item.

Savesha’s Office/Room: Savesha’s office contains the standard desk, chairs, and bookshelf. An imp is usually attendant.

Fezmet’s Office/Room: Fezmet’s room features no desk, but many bookshelves. There are no chairs; visiting students must sit on the floor. There is a table, which contains Fezmet’s crystal ball.

Fezmet’s room was not originally designed for his size, but features several ramps to allow him to climb to various heights to reach bookshelves and other furniture.

Wendjina’s Office/Room: Wendjina’s office is immaculately decorated with green coloring, silk ribbons, and a set for making tea, along with a desk and chairs.

Fezmet’s Classroom: Fezmet’s classroom is held in an open-air room so that the stars are visible at night, but can be covered with a tarp when it rains. The room is filled with tables, chairs, and telescopes for stargazing.

Headmaster’s Room: Not open as part of the tour and Nighingale doesn't know much about them.

Girl’s/Boy’s Bath: These lavatories are much simpler than the ones on the lower floors, offering private chamber pots and wash stands.

Advanced Special/Training Rooms: Because there are always fewer advanced students than basic-level students, most higher-level classes are held inside these rooms, where the students are able to meet with their teacher in much more intimate surroundings, allowing for more focused class work. These rooms are not exclusive to any one teacher, and the different classes will often rotate depending on what their needs are that day.

Advanced Nature Rooms: The advanced nature rooms are dedicated to different environment types, to aid nature users in practice. Room 1 is enchanted to contain a lush jungle, room 2 contains a dessert with ever-burning fires, room 3 contains an 8 ft. deep lake, and room 4 contains extremely rocky terrain with several small hills.

Very Advanced Nature Room: The very advanced nature room is a magical marvel, featuring an expanded demiplane to increase its size, making the room over a mile wide from the inside. This room features dirt floor and its own weather system that can support anything, including snowstorms and tornadoes.

Spare Rooms: These rooms are set aside for club meetings, long-term experiments, and any other activity that requires a dedicated meeting space.

Servant Rooms: Most of the school’s cleaning and caretaking staff stay in the rooms on this floor.

General Storage: These store rooms contain a bit of everything the school needs, from extra furniture to long-term food storage and cleaning equipment.

Advanced Combat Room: The advanced combat room features several enchantments that allow the layout to be changed by a teacher, growing walls, traps, obstacles, and other objects in only a minute, to allow for specialized training.

Temple: The school temple is not dedicated to a particular god, but instead is filled with small booths where shrines to individual gods are erected. There are several student groups of clerics, divine petitioners, and other assorted faithful who schedule meetings in this room to bolster the faithful and hold communion with their patrons.

Mortuary: Student deaths are not unheard of, and the school has also been known to buy corpses from settlements it passes. The mortuary is usually about half-filled with bodies, which are used in necromantic studies.

It is possible to buy a body from the school mortuary for use in personal necromancy experiments, but the cost is steep: 100 gp per hit die of the corpse.

Baroden’s Office: Baroden’s office features an iron door and is attended to by a skeleton. Nightingale doesn't know any more than that.

Baroden’s Classroom/Advanced Classroom: Because Lord Baroden’s classes often involve bodies that need to be kept cold, both Lord Baroden’s classroom and advanced classroom are kept in the basement. Both classrooms are filled with tables for dissecting, healing, or reanimating bodies.

Monster Halls: This section of the basement is filled with cells for holding animals, monsters, and student experiments, along with the storage and other facilities required to care for them.

Dangerous Storage: This storage room is used to house dangerous chemicals and magical components, as well as components that require special housing, such as temperature-sensitive or light-sensitive materials.

Abandoned Classroom: This classroom suffered an accident a long time ago, and has never been repaired. With the only path leading to it now used for dangerous storage, the room has simply been abandoned.
"So, any questions before we meet with Professor Tocs?" your guide inquires. sorry for the data dump. Would take WAY to long to do it all in character. Maps are here (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1uUDQgu4KD2Epoi9YjTAOcgM4hSWCzSjcDKgjKqnSx3w/edit), for reference.

2016-12-21, 12:12 AM
It did not take long for Wort to finish washing himself, after all the sidhier had no desire to come out wrinkly as a prune. After a combination of scraping and shaking the water off, Wort slipped on a fresh set of robes and made his way out of the Boy's Bath and straight ahead into the Boy's Dormitory where he made his way to his trunk, nodding toward Drraven as the sidhier tied his hair up in his usual fashion. Upon reaching his trunk, he stored his soap and grabbed his small pack. Turning back to Drraven, "the shower is not perfect, but it is better than the wash room aboard the ship" Wort said while making his way back to the Common Room.
When Nightingale finally gathered the rest of the new arrivals, Wort did not know what to further expect. But the tour of Windfell Academy seemed brisk and to the point, with not alot of "dilly dally". Wort followed Nightingale and the group down to the ground floor where the half-elf proceeded to point out specific classrooms.

Toc's classroom in particular interested him, aswell as the fine assortment of botany which the room therein contained. Wort was also keen to notice that both the Office and Classroom of Tocs catered to sprites like pixies and grigs, which the sidhier thought interesting.The tour making its way back upstairs, the sidhier took a keen interest in the study rooms, which only had a couple students at the desks. Wort nods hearing Nightingale explain that not every student has a full schedule of classes and those that don't are encouraged to make the best of their free time, by activities such as independent study.

As the tour briefly passed through the Advanced Boys and Girls Dormitory, jealousy crept inside Wort. Not only did each of the advanced students get their own walled off space, but they were allotted more room per individual, and had a recreational room to boot. Wort also took note of the guest rooms, specifically to see if they were all currently taken. If not, he would be sure to secretly make one his own.The tour continued to the third floor where Wort along with the other students were shown the Library and Repository. "Yes, this will do nicely" Wort said aloud (but not loudly), as a twinkle shone in his mercurial eyes.

As Nightingale led Wort and the others past Clik's office an classroom, his interest was beginning to wane, but only until the tour stopped briefly at the Foundry. It was decided, if Wort wasn't going to spend his time in the Library, this was where he could be found. Everything he needed to brew potions were here. True, his own Alchemy Lab was complete enough, but he lacked reagents. Here everything was within arms reach. Wort listened intently to Nightingale as she explained that Clik, the teacher for whom Wort had expressed little interest was infact responsible for the foundry. While it was also expressed that the Foundry was open for student use, Wort understood that getting into Clik's good graces would ensure an open spot for him at the alchemy crafting booth.The tour continued upward to the fourth floor, where Nightingale showed them Fezmet's classroom and office, and did also point out Professor's Windjina's office, Savesha's office. When Nightingale came to the Headmaster's room, there was a pause of sorts which Wort found somewhat discomforting and awkward. After quickly finishing up the tour of the forth floor with more lavatories and training rooms, the half-elf quickly led them down four flights of stairs and into the first dungeon floor.The 1st level of the dungeon wasn't at all what the sidhier had expected. There were rooms which were filled with Wildlife and Terrain of all sorts, which indeed did fascinate Wort. While the tour continued onward, Wort was tempted to hang back and investigate the flora that the rooms had, but feared being left behind and missing something even more spectacular. Unfortunately the rest of the rooms on the dungeons were of no interest to the young sidhier.As Nightingale led the tour-group of students to the 2nd level of the dungeon, he found that it wasn't really to his liking. The temple was the least bleak part of the level and while it did provide a small shrine to Teilum, the God of Arts who Wort worshiped, the room also sported dozens of other shrines to other Gods, many of which the Sidhier knew little about leaving him lost and uncomfortable.

Lord Baroden's Classroom was even more discomforting as he saw the entourage of skeletal students that occupied the class. If that wasn't enough being shown the mortuary made his fey skin crawl as he realized that some of the graves were marked to be no more than a few years old.

As the tour came to a close, Wort became quiet until he heard the welcoming words of "So, any questions before we meet with Professor Tocs?"
Wort had a bunch of questions to ask, but he wasn't sure where to start. So instead, Wort decided on something simple to start. "Are the grounds outside the school off limits to students?"

2016-12-23, 02:28 PM
Nightingale shrugs in response. "Not much that is off-limits, strictly speaking, the Academy seems to let students decide what they can handle for themselves and all. I mean, if you are here you aren't exactly helpless, right? But exploring out in the forest is discouraged. Some students do it, and there was this one great party....where was I? Oh, yeah. There are dangerous things out there, so I don't think its a good idea. There are stories of students that didn't come back. It happens."

2016-12-23, 05:31 PM
Keira takes in the tour quietly, filing away all the locations mentioned. The library and teacher's offices in particular garner her interest, both full of interesting things. She's have to chat up the school's more mundane staff as well. 'Important' people tended to forget they were about and let things slip that they wouldn't around students. At least Keira hopes so.

Listening to Nightingale's description of the school grounds, Keira almost wants to scoff. How dangerous could it be if there was a party? Then she remembers the mortuary and bites her tongue.

Instead she answers. "I think I've got the lay of the land, thank you. I'm eager to meet Professor Tocs."

Jeff the Green
2016-12-27, 05:38 PM
A party. In the forest. Admittedly, Annette is not a party person, but that doesn't seem like a particularly fun location for one.

She nods. "I'm ready too."

2016-12-28, 04:35 PM
Nightingale looks to the other students to give them a chance to ask any questions they may have. Grom and Wheke just shake there heads.

(assuming there isn't anything, if there is we can spoiler it and play it out retroactively)

"Okay, I guess we can go back to Professor Toc's office then."
Before you reach the stairs, a small, bright red bird alights on Nightingale's shoulder, dropping a small roll of paper in her hand before taking off again. Unfazed, she unrolls the paper. "Guess classes are out. We will be meeting all the professors in the main hall."

Back at the main hall, you see the professors milling about, having their own discussions. Nightingale names each of them to you as you get closer. (images here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/18edLaCj39Mv4XUvEwy1OXN0mSIihpGJkjWGu-aiVxJ4/edit))

(You have a chance to ask any questions before entering the hall)

2016-12-28, 07:06 PM
Wort listened with keen fey ears the best he could as Nightingale introduced each of the teachers. The half-elf had previously briefly showed each of the classrooms earlier on the tour, but Wort was more preoccupied with where the classrooms were located and not who the teachers were themselves. The professors were a peculiar lot for sure, but so was the academy with it being a secondary education facility for all traditions of magic. Wort, holds off from asking questions himself, as he glances over each of the teachers muttering under his breath the names of each of the professors so to properly learn their names, so to not embarrass himself in or outside the classroom.

2016-12-29, 03:07 PM
Drraven had not really paid much attention to the many things Nightingale had told the group, focused instead of memorizing the lay of the whole school. Of course, that was not something hard for a dwarf, yet the place was far larger than he anticipated. Once he was ready to go back to his room and gather a change of glothing to enjoy one of the more private baths on the fourth floor, he realizes his tour had an unexpected ending. Hiding his unsatisfied face, Drraven quickly cleans a patch of dirt from his armor before facing the teachers.

And if he was surprised by the school's size, it was nothing compared to the shocking revelation of the ones who would be teaching Drraven. The collection of creatures was... absurd. He grasps his axe with force, focusing his best on not looking absolutely terrified with the lot as the half-elf calmly introduces their names.

2017-01-04, 11:56 AM
The various professors note your entrance. Lord Baroden gives a glance and the barest nod of acknowledgement to Grom. Fezmet's nose twitches toward Keira and Drraven, then he tilts his head as you studies Wheke. Daemon's mane tosses slightly, giving Keira a soft snort. Clik waves in friendly fashion, then bends stiffly to direct the wave at Annette specifically. Meeda rubs her chin with one hand, her remaining three arms crossed, brow furrowing as she sizes up Wort specifically. Savesha gives a warm smile, mostly directed to Annette, Kiera, and Wheke, with a longer, appraising look at Drraven. Wendjina's smile is...different, her eyes lingering on Wort.

Tocs crosses the floor to your group, a vine-like plant carrying him, then raising the tiny gnome up to eye level of each of you in turn, looking you up and down. His forehead wrinkles more, which seemed impossible, and he scratches his beard before speaking, "Hrrmph. Welcome is in order, I suppose. Bit of an awkward time to arrive, I fear. I am professor Tocs, acting headmaster. I assume...she," gesturing toward Nightingale, clearly forgetting her name, "Has shown you around, yes? Good."

"The faculty has been meeting to discuss how to deliver some unfortunate news. The Headmaster, Mardoc, has gone missing. We will be addressing the student body shortly, and dinner, to quell rumors, but I thought it just as well to let you all know up front. If that is a problem for any of you, you may still be able to catch your ship before it leaves."

"Otherwise, take a moment and demonstrate you ability to the professors you intend to study with. We already have a good idea as to what to expect, but this weeds out any supposedly clever tricksters before we waste any time on them. You should already know who to speak with. Carry on."

Introduce yourself and show what you can do. You can try to impress them or do the minimum at your choice.

2017-01-04, 02:39 PM
Wort steps forward with a slight bow, "Wort Thistlebranch, alchemist" the sidhier says with confidence. Using mage hand, he withdraws his formula book from his pack, which then floats between Professor Tocs and Professor Clik, allowing them to look through the recipe book for a brief moment before having the formula book float back into his bag and then withdrawing a couple of potions with mage hand to show his actual work, and while not exactly impressive it is obvious by the look in Wort's eyes that the sidhier hopes such evidence would be enough to be accepted into either Clik's Foundry class or else Toc's Potion's class.

After the potions are replaced back into his pack, he then turns slightly away from Professor Tocs to allow him to view his magics. Wort then crouches down with his hands weaving and coaxing the air infront of himself as he stands, and as he does so a lush green sapling tree sprouts from the ground. Wort lets out a sigh of relief that nothing peculiar happened, as was common whenever he strained himself too much.

The sidhier then walks slowly toward Professor Meeda where Wort withdraws a single wushu dart which he charges with energy blade and bramble blast and promptly throws at the sapling that he just created. As the exotic dart hits (if barely) the sapling, briars and vines erupt lashing out at and ripping the medium plantlife to shreds, while instantaneously also creating difficult terrain in squares adjacent to the hit target. A frown crosses the sidhier's face as he sees the first blast failed to destroy the created vegetation, so Wort immediately throws another charged wushu dart in the following round. The brambles and vines begin to wither and wilt and after a minute completely disappear leaving little trace of any presence of the spells used.

Wort takes another slight bow and steps back to observe how the other students demonstrate their abilities.

Alchemy/Potions: Professor Clik or Tocs (Preferably Tocs)
Nature sphere: Professor Tocs
Destruction sphere: Professor Meeda
While Wort does possess a telekinetic exoskeleton, aswell as Mage Hand as an at-will spell-like ability, he does not expect those to be a sufficient grasp on Telekinesis to take Professor Fezmet's Telekinesis class. If invited however, Wort will not refuse.
Posted in OOC, here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21561537&postcount=51) and here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21561569&postcount=52)
Wild Magic: Wild Magic did not trigger when creating sapling.
Attack Roll 1: barely hit, only did 2 damage past the saplings hardness of 5, leaving it with 3 hp.
Attack Roll 2: barely hit, did 3 damage past the saplings hardness of 5, destroying it.

Jeff the Green
2017-01-04, 03:56 PM
Annette rolls her eyes at Wort's showmanship and scurries over to Professor Clik, nodding slightly and extending a hand upwards. "Hello Professor Clik. I'm Annette Vhethent, though it seems you know that—is it just the hair or do you know me from somewhere else?"

2017-01-06, 10:26 AM
(Thought I replied to this yesterday, must have closed the window before posting for some reason)

Tocs anc Clik take turns looking at the potions. Tocs nods noncommittally, Clik gives a small smile as she hands it back, like one might give a child after viewing their crayon art. When the plant springs from the ground, Tocs waves a hand. "Sufficient."

Meeda raises an eyebrow...well, eye ridge, as the darts fell the sapling. "Unusual choice of weapon. We shall have to test your abilities further in class to find your true potential, of course."

Clik squats down, bringing her eye level closer to Annette's, awkwardly obvious in her attempt to appear friendly and welcoming. "We are, or course, apprised of your skills as part of enrollment. I took particular interest in you as you have some talent in enhancement enchantments, one of my specialties. Your studies in blending different fields of magic is also interesting. It is good to see new students who have already sensed the potential for advanced studies and taken the first steps." No speech color, I don't want to have another one to track.

Jeff the Green
2017-01-07, 05:37 PM
A bit of color comes to Annette's cheeks at Clik's compliment. "Thank you, professor," she says simply, then gets to work. She pulls a small brush from a hidden pocket and dips it into the saltwater at her hip. She starts by painting a relatively simple sigil of a seven-pointed star inscribed in a circle on her left arm, and then adds a more complicated sigil inside the heptagram. Then she switches hands and paints the same sigil on her right arm. The two sigils glow as she paints them, and as soon as both are completed they start to grow organically over her body and clothes. She continues, adding more sigils on her chest, her hips, and her knees. As the last is finished and the glowing traces complete their twining growth, there is a rush of swirling water and Annette is suddenly covered in a suit of water, swirling in a cage of the sigils she painted.

2017-01-08, 10:06 PM
Noting Profesor's Daemon's appraisal, Keira smiles and begins pulling things out of her very shadow. Tenebrous hands reach up to meet hers fleshy ones, passing her books and papers that she sets aside. That was a fairly simple display, though. Storing items in one's shadow wasn't terribly common, but it wasn't particularly difficult trick, either. Not as tough as, say, manipulating someone else's shadow to take one of their things.

Keira concentrates, exerting her will to take a modicum of control over the shaded parts of the hall. Targetting a professor wasn't wise, but maybe one of the other candidates had something...yes, Annette's hat. That was remarkable enough. She reaches out with the darkness to snatch the tinker's cap from the gnome's head, but Annette shifts her weight at the last moment, ruining the attempt. Keira frowns ever so slightly, hoping no one noticed.

So, using shadow stash as a simple demonstration, then spend and MP for Tenebrous Legerdemain with the insinuate feat and try to snatch Annette's tinker's cap without one noticing.

But failed the SoH check. It's DC 19 to notice the attempt.

Wild magic roll (1 fails): [roll0]

2017-01-09, 11:18 AM
The black unicorn flares his nostrils sightly, then dips his horn a fraction of an inch in acknowledgement of Keira's shadow manipulation. An amused tail flick notes that her failed trick did not go unnoticed. Other professors politely ignore the failure; ability to make the attempt is sufficient proof that you are capable of using the magic even if you lack skill.

Tocs nods approvingly at Annette's water-armor "Good, good."; Clik gives a smile and a little clap.

Elyander - need Drraven to do his thing. And I don't think anyone has shown off divination yet.

I'll post the NPC students once you all get your moment

2017-01-09, 11:30 AM
Drraven tries to ignore the demon looking strangely at him, fosucing instead on the other students' displays of magic, hoping to learn more about their capacities. "Plants. Nothing I should worry about, although those projectiles look dangerous," he considers, as Wort does his thing. Next comes Annetye, and her display is interesting. "Water could be troublesome, but she seems to be using it for defense. Not a concern." When Keira does her magic, though, Drraven shivers a bit. "Shadow magic. That's one to keep eyes on."

When they have finished their presentation, Drraven simply grabs his axe and knocks it on the floor. Immediately translucent stone walls envelop the dwarf, clearly based on dwarven masonry. They have a grayish shade to them and are fairly blocky, but they look impervious enough. He clears his throat once before speaking."This is what I do and all I want to learn is how to make them stronger," he says, focusing on Professor Tocs since he was in charge.

Just to explain, Drraven isn't really aware of his Fate magic. He needs to focus on the magic weave to create the walls, but when he doesn't really focus, the weave still reacts to his powers, subtly helping his allies while debuffing his enemies (The Serendipity talent.)

So while he will not present himself to study under Fezmet, it would be nice if he was invited to the class.

2017-01-10, 03:36 PM
Professor Savesh frowns, then breaks the barrier with a touch. "That is a start, anyhow. Limiting oneself to such a narrow field of study, however, could reflect a closed mind. Your time here will be much less profitable if you impose such limits on yourself."

Professor Fezmet floats up to Drraven's eye level, the ferret making a small tsk sound. "And it fails to understand what it is already capable of. You may attend my lectures on Fate and the manipulation of fortune. Perhaps you will learn something of yourself."

He floats toward Keira. "I would ask you for another demonstration, but I fear that particular talent may be overwhelming in this particular locale. You will be attending my classes on divination."

The world's most magical ferret moves to Wheke. "Your turn."

Wheke cringes from the tiny, furry professor, an odd sight given their relative sizes. She closes her eyes for a moment. As her tentacles lift off the ground, a wave ripples out and an invisible force grasps eat of you. will save DC 18 or subject to a grapple check [roll0] - okay, only Annette can be hit by that CMB roll, so the rest can ignore the save and react as you wish. The professors all seem to shake off the effect, but Grom's eyes grow large. "What the???!", though he seems to easily break free.

check reveals a basic knowledge that wild magic exists and that some practitioners of magic focus on channeling its power to increase the potency of their magic, though no check is required for those that possess the wild magic drawback, a (wild magic) feat, a class feature that gives a wild magic chance, or other means of incurring wild magic chance. A DC20 check reveals that the results are usually divided according to the type of magic that initiates the event and that some practitioners have learned to force wild magic events on others
the effect attempted to grapple everyone within close range of the caster as the telekinetic maneuver talent. On a failed save, it would attempt a grapple check each round for 1/round per CL, attempting to grapple, pin, then deal damage.

Jeff the Green
2017-01-10, 04:01 PM
Annette lets out a small "Eep!" as Wheke's telekinetic tendrils grab her around the ankles and waist. "Would someone do something about these things?" she asks as politely as she can managed while being strangled by an invisible force. "Please?"

2017-01-10, 04:08 PM
Wort watched Annette's magic with interest, especially the aqueous aegis that she created. Seeing Annette's presentation come to an end, he shifted his gaze to Keira and Drraven, watching them perform shadow and barrier magic. Their presentations, much like Annette's appeared to be short, and so the sidhier watched Wheke's. However, her magic washed over himself harmlessly, leaving him briefly unsure what he was supposed to witness, until realization hit the sidhier like a ton of bricks. Wheke like himself suffered from having unpredictable wild magic. Examining the magic at hand, Wort was able to determine that the magic attempted was some form of telekinesis.

Will Save rolled here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21583221&postcount=54) and here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21583323&postcount=56)

2017-01-13, 11:15 AM
Clik raises a hand, ending the effect. The reaction of the professors ranges from annoyance to amusment. Fexmet twitches an ear, "Having you in class will be...eventful, I believe."

Grom's ministrations of healing, necromancy, and divination pass without incident.

Tocs addresses you all. "Very well, classes start tomorrow morning for you all. you may be dismissed, dinner will begin shortly."

(any reactions, comments, or preparations prior to dinner? You have about half an hour. Nightingale will be present to make sure you can find the dinning hall again.)

2017-01-13, 12:16 PM
Taking another slight bow "Thankyou, Professors for taking time out of your day to witness our humble display of talent", Wort thanked the professors. Immediately, Wort turns to the rest of the other class-mates and declares that he is going up to the library to see about checking out an item. With little pause thereafter the sidhier makes his way to the third floor where he greets Shosh and implores about various magical items, While the troll did not have the first item he requested, there were an assorted number of other magical armors available which would grant a similar effect. One look at the rosewood armor, and he immediately fell in-with it, although he did think that the Padded or Quilted Cloth armors did look more comfortable. In the end, he settled on the rosewood armor. Left his mark on the checkout form, and made his way back downstairs to the second floor, where he placed his armor into his trunk. He immediately thereafter moved toward the Dining Hall.

If none of the other classmates follow Wort into the Library, or if Wort sees no other party members while in the Dormitory, or if Wort sees no other party members on his way to the dining hall, he will wait at the hall till dinner as he doesnt wish to become lost.
Wort rolled for the different items available here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21594670&postcount=57)

The armor, Wort got was a +1 Restful Rosewood armor. Wort intends to wear the armor when he goes to sleep, and then after 2 hours remove it, using the remaining night to study.

Jeff the Green
2017-01-17, 06:02 PM
Annette rolls her eyes at the brush-headed sidhier again, but follows him. She becomes engrossed in the actual point of a library until Shosh shoos her out and towards the dining hall.

2017-01-17, 07:37 PM
Keira bows slightly and stuffs her belonging back into their hiding spot in her shadow before, somewhat embarrassed by her failure to retrieve the cap. True, it might serve her purposes not to appear too competent, but it still rankled her sense of pride. At east the professors were clearly distracted by the matter of the missing headmaster. Maybe they wouldn't remember her error.

Still fuming, she heads off to the dining hall to bury her frustration in whatever the school served for supper. And to try and fish out rumors on what was going on. The headmaster missing was certainly an ominous sign. The sort of thing she'd have latched onto earlier if it weren't for the excitment of her first day at the school. Mardoc was the founder--virtually was the academy himself. If something had happened to him...well, her matriculation here might not be as valuable as she'd hoped. The place probably wouldn't fall apart or anything, but without a head it certainly lost some prestige, and the potential for infighting.

Well, it was worth finding out about, anyway.

Gather information on Mardoc's disappearance: [roll0]

2017-01-18, 01:59 PM
You are all collected by Nightingale for dinner. Students are trickling into the hall from various classrooms and other activities, most clad in robes similar to your guide's. The naturally sort themselves by clique, age, experience, and area of study informing the boundaries more than species, of which there are representatives of most of the races of Khrone. Some of more physical looking students seem to push their way through the crowd to get there food first, others filing in according to rules not immediately obvious. Just because you all study magic does not mean that everyone is equal. Nightingale smiles and waves at a few obvious acquaintances. You group gets a smattering of curious looks and a few smiles and waves of welcome.

Professors and distinguished guests set apart at their own table, served separately from the student body.

The fare is...reasonable, for an institution. The various dietary needs of the different species are taken into account, though you do overhear one of the few cherufe students complain about the lack of raw meat again. Seafood is plentiful, as are fruits and vegetables. There is some wild game for those that prefer meat, though the beef smugglers either have not visited recently or else their wares on not provided to the students today.
Livestock require significant land, which is hard to come by since the forest took over. Beef, lamb, pork, etc. are therefore luxury goods and their trade taxed as luxuries often are, so have become an often smuggled good.

(You may interact before Tocs makes his announcement.)

2017-01-19, 11:45 PM
Wort watched as all the different students trickled into the great hall. As a newly enrolled academic, the sidhier did not want to bring unwanted attention to himself, so he watched the sidelines quietly before making his way forward to get some food. Instead of standing in a line, or pushing himself past others however, he simply utilizes mage hand from a distance to pick up an apple and levitate it towards himself.

It was nothing fancy ofcourse, there were other students who were warping food directly to their seats, or moving entire platters telekinetically for what he assumed were study groups. Another group of students sat at a table which now sported a magically grown plants which spontaneously produced fruits and vegetables. Wort had thought about sitting and joining those students but thought against it. Instead, the sidhier waited for the rest of the students to arrive, so that they could pick a table and seating together.

I apologize if describing **** that isn't actually there is bad form. But honestly, I would expect that in a secondary education magic school that students would utilize their spheres for convenience. That may mean using Telekinesis to lift food to where they are sitting, using Warp to teleport food directly to them, using Nature (plantlife) to grow their own plants/vegetables instead of standing in line for it, using their Conjuration companion to grab their food for them, etc.

If that is an issue, I can edit my post to just having Wort wait for the others to find a place to sit.

2017-01-20, 11:50 AM
Drraven shivers as the succubs approaches his barrier and destroy it with no effort whatsoever. His knuckles turn white as he grasps his axe with too much strength, wishing he had informed himself before coming to the place. Not only he would apparently be taught by a demon, but a speaking delicacy had volunteered to instruct him about Fate, whatever that meant.

When the cecaelia shows her own magic, Drraven can feel something is wrong as he feels an invisible force slowly enveloping him. It's weak and breaks with but a thought, but it's enough of a threat to make Drraven face Wheke with angry eyes. It's clear it had been some kind of mistake, but he would be definitely watching her. Grom's magic is less violent than Drraven expected, and the healing is a pleasant surprise. His connection with death energies, however, also put the orc in his watchlist.

It's a great relief when Professor Tocs tells them dinner will be served soon, and Drraven walks confidently but briskly out of the room and back to the dormitory. He grabs a long linen robe from his bag and a piece of soap, leaving his axe on the bed and rushing to the fourth floor for a quick, private bath. Once he's properly cleaned, he puts on the robe that hides his body and carries the armor back to the dorm before joining the students entering the dining hall. He draws a few curious looks, but his glares back are enough to dissuade any approaches. He waits patiently in line to serve himself of some fresh vegetables and fish, before looking for the quieter and emptier table to sit.

Jeff the Green
2017-01-23, 12:40 AM
Annette arrives toward the end of the dinner crowd, which is probably just as well. Almost the entire student body is taller than her and it would be quite easy for her to get trampled. To avoid this, she finds a space at the least-crowded table she can find and sends off a servant of telekinetic force to fetch her food. It returns momentarily with a plate piled high with shellfish and vegetables; she happily cracks into a crab while she waits for Tocs to speak. With any luck, having a full mouth will discourage her tablemates from talking with her—she's already had more than enough social interaction for the day.

2017-01-26, 01:25 PM
Once a reasonable amount of time has passed, Professor Tocs rises up, a vine lifting him from the floor so he can clearly address the entire hall. The din of the many conversations passes to silence as awareness spreads in a wave across the room, a few loud comments and jokes left stranded like rocks in a rising tide, their speakers blushing once they realized they lost their audiences. The tiny, ancient gnome clears his throat and begins his address. "Good evening students. I am here to officially inform you that Headmaster Mardoc is missing. His whereabouts are unknown. The matter is under investigation by the considerable power of the faculty. I will be acting headmaster until such a time as he returns and your classes will continue as normal. Students are not to attempt to look into the matter and are reminded that careless 'adventuring' based on rumors and fancy has in the past taken students into danger from which they could not be extricated. We have no reason to believe here is any ongoing danger to the school or its people, so continue on as normal. Thank you."

The silence breaks into a wave of murmurs, disbelief, rumor, and questions creating an auditory fog as Toc returns to the ground. The faces of the professors are stern; as you know, they were party to the announcement and thus not surprised. They all depart shortly thereafter. Nightingale purses her lips. "Well, we already knew that. Still, not good for morale."

2017-01-29, 12:43 PM
Wort surveyed the grand hall as students continued to fill the room. It wasn't long before the sidhier caught eye of Annette who had picked out a table not so crowded. Wort immediately made his way to her side and joined her at the table, but was more interested in listening to what the headmaster had to say. Wort ofcourse knew that Professor Tocs said that he was going to inform the school about Mardoc's disappearance, but the sidhier wanted to ensure that he did not miss any key details possibly missed between the two separate conversations.

Wort turned the others sitting at the table, and whispered "Does anyone know how long ago the Headmaster Mardoc has been missing? I mean if he has been gone for only a couple days, perhaps he had some important business to attend to?"

2017-01-29, 04:23 PM
Nightingale whipsers back, "Its been nearly a month now. Mere business would not keep the other professors from being able to locate or contact him for so long."

Jeff the Green
2017-01-30, 12:24 AM
Annette chews her mouthful slowly. "I assume this isn't normal?" she asks after swallowing. "I mean, druids aren't necessarily known as the most... reliable of folk."

2017-01-30, 11:34 AM
Nightingale furrows her brow, "I haven't heard of anything like this happening before. The professors seem pretty serious about it." Her voice is soft, concern over the situation obvious.