View Full Version : 3rd Ed Quick Buffer Build Questions

2016-12-08, 07:00 PM
I am building a cleric based buffer. Setting aside all questions of race, party make-up, ect.

Q1. Would a 2 or 4 level dip in Marshal be worth it?

Q2. Are there any other dips that might be worth looking into?

Thank you

2016-12-08, 07:48 PM
Q1. Would a 2 or 4 level dip in Marshal be worth it?

No and no. If you want an aura, Draconic Aura (Dragon Magic) can be taken at level 3. Ask if the Dragon Shaman auras from PHBII are available.

Q2. Are there any other dips that might be worth looking into?

In general, no. Clericzilla 20 is a pretty strong build. War Weaver can be useful for buffbots. Thaumaturgist and Loremaster have their uses. Crusader 1/RKV X, Prestige Paladin, and Ordained Champion have their proponents if you're looking to do some meatbagging. Paragnostic Apostle is a relatively painless PrC with actual class features.

2016-12-09, 04:09 AM
A1. It might be worth considering a 1 level dip! Motivate Dexterity aura from someone with a decent charisma bonus is probably the most powerful aura in the game (yes, my problem with Marshals is the minor auras, the major ones are fine).
Whilst some of the major aura can be useful, with a 2 level dip you will only get +1 on them, and that is definitely not worth the loss of casting. As said, the Draconic Aura feat could be useful - especially if you have the dragonblood sub-type thus getting the higher bonuses.

a. If you can swing it War Weaver is awesome for buffing, but it is not easy for a divine caster to get into, particularly if you have other dips out of casting.
b. Singer of Concordance could be worth a look.
c. Again, not the easiest to qualify for, but Combat Medic can drive your DM insane with the Sanctuary rider effect (which has a much tougher save DC than sanctuary). In fact Combat Medic is pretty awesome in its own right.

Edit: Combat Medic isn't hard to qualify for, but Dodge and Combat Casting are quite a feat tax.

2016-12-09, 08:27 AM
Draconic Aura (Dragon Magic) can be taken at level 3. Ask if the Dragon Shaman auras from PHBII are available.Paragnostic Apostle is a relatively painless PrC with actual class features.

Yes to these, especially Paragnostic (it's not like Cleric has class features to lose after all). I hadn't gotten around to Complete Champion yet (so much to read, so little time).

A1. It might be worth considering a 1 level dip! Motivate Dexterity aura from someone with a decent charisma bonus is probably the most powerful aura in the game... As said, the Draconic Aura feat could be useful - especially if you have the dragonblood sub-type thus getting the higher bonuses.

I will have to consider the 1 level dip versus the 1 level lost casting. I have already planned on taking the draconic template (LA buyoff is in effect). Where exactly does it say that the dragonblood subtype gives higher bonuses? I just started playing 3.5 in August and still haven't managed to crawl through all the books :(

Thanks, gentlebeings

2016-12-09, 09:17 AM
I will have to consider the 1 level dip versus the 1 level lost casting. I have already planned on taking the draconic template (LA buyoff is in effect). Where exactly does it say that the dragonblood subtype gives higher bonuses? I just started playing 3.5 in August and still haven't managed to crawl through all the books :(
Personally I wouldn't dip out of a casting class for a minor aura, but if you were considering it as it fits your character then I thought it worth mentioning.

If you look at the draconic aura feat (in Dragon Magic) the feat normally grants a straight +1 bonus with the aura; however the Special part is that dragonblooded characters actually increases to the bonus (up to +4 at 20th level). The healing aura is one of the best out-of-combat healing effects in the game, not to mention automatic stabilization of allies near you in combat (it grants fast healing when below half health).

If you want to look up Combat Medic it is in Heroes of Battle. EDIT: if you want a buffing cleric check this out and think about it before deciding the feat tax too heavy, the actual class abilities are pretty awesome.

Singer of Concordance (Races of the Dragon) is actually a prestige class for worshippers of Io, the nine-fold dragon so definitely worth checking out if you want to run a draconic character. If also has some fun auras, though the sanctuary one has a DC 5 or more lower than Combat Medic.

War Weaver is also from Heroes of Battle, but it is an arcane prestige class hence being a hassle to get into for divine casters (and only boosts arcane casting, that said it is one of the few classes worth the lost casting level).

2016-12-09, 01:32 PM
@Khedrac: I do believe that going straight Cleric 20 and concentrating my feats on DMM to persist my buffs is probably my best bet.

From my thread - Help with Character (2) Decisions

I am going with; Twins (one boy/one girl), Barbarian (girl) and Cleric (boy) just to turn it around a bit (she was born first) "Don't mess with my 'little' brother!"

I talked to the player that is going to be out for 2-3 months, she's happy with taking the Cleric off of my hands when she gets back.

Twin Draconic (Brass) Desert Half Orcs Cleric of Kord and Barbarian.

We aren't real big Optimizers (although I do try) and I am the only one of the 5 players that even spend any time online (DM uses rpg.net (gag)).

I Appreciate yours and Darrin's input.