View Full Version : Demiplanes we've known and loved

2016-12-09, 02:45 AM
So for the first time ever, I have a character powerful enough to play around with the Genesis spell. I've always had plenty of long-term, epic-level goals for this character, but I discovered to my embarrassment that designing an extradimensional wizard hidey-hole had never been among them.

This strikes me as something that must have gotten lots, lots of play on the Forum, considering the frequency with which the noun Tippyverse appears:smallwink:

My question is this; what awesome stuff have you guys put in/done with your planar treehouse? :smallbiggrin:

Understand I don't necessarily mean optimization or game utility; I know how broken the spell can be in the right hands, and in any case this character is horrendously over-op for his setting anyway. I'm more interested in imagery or purpose of construction than phenomenal cosmic power.

John Longarrow
2016-12-09, 03:16 AM
A marsh that is over a volcanic fissure which grows barley and hops in its natural state. From this marsh flows a stream that passes down into a frozen cavern where it slowly winds its way unit it emerges from a cliff side as an unending flow of high quality beer.

2016-12-09, 03:33 AM
Haven't implemented this, but I like the idea from this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?217270-Looking-for-a-quot-Spell-of-Quick-Childbirth-quot) about building your own slow-time nursery plane so an adventurer can raise a child.

2016-12-09, 03:41 AM
A small globe, you could walk all the way around in a few minutes. Covered in grass, with numerous small rivers, somewhat like:
https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/x/grassland-rivers-9179473.jpg It's always early on a summer night, with a full moon large in the sky. The moon never moves, but the stars zip past quickly, the constellations never the same twice.

At six evenly spaced points on the globe, there are doors set into hillsides. Enter them, and you reach the inside of the globe, which is hollow, has subjective gravity, and is considerably larger than the outside. The interior is more functional in nature, divided into many rooms of storage and workspaces, some of which are separate planes so they can have different properties.

(Made with Create Greater Demiplane (PF), so it's technically a number of planes stitched together with permanent portals, but I think there are ways to do that in 3.5 also.)

2016-12-09, 03:57 AM
A small globe, you could walk all the way around in a few minutes. Covered in grass, with numerous small rivers, somewhat like:
https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/x/grassland-rivers-9179473.jpg It's always early on a summer night, with a full moon large in the sky. The moon never moves, but the stars zip past quickly, the constellations never the same twice.

At six evenly spaced points on the globe, there are doors set into hillsides. Enter them, and you reach the inside of the globe, which is hollow, has subjective gravity, and is considerably larger than the outside. The interior is more functional in nature, divided into many rooms of storage and workspaces, some of which are separate planes so they can have different properties.

(Made with Create Greater Demiplane (PF), so it's technically a number of planes stitched together with permanent portals, but I think there are ways to do that in 3.5 also.)
like king kais planet from dragon ball

2016-12-09, 04:12 AM
like king kais planet from dragon ball

Which took inspiration from The Little Prince's asteroid B612 in Saint-Exupéry's eponymous book... or so I read in one awhile back in of the wikis dedicated to DBZ.

2016-12-09, 12:27 PM
Mine wasn't technically a demi-plane, but it was an extra-planar space. It was created by a gnome in E6 who eventually became a life elemental through magic(Air, Earth, Water, Wood). He also had living spell minions(yay ooze domain power!) to create elements in his world and tend to it. He eventually died and was unable to brought back, but his living spells still tend to the place and a dragon(really just a fancy awakened lizard) took up residence in the little plane to populate it with exotic flora and fauna as a sort of game preserve, garden, and den. Have them both written up somewhere, but can't for the life of me find them.

The portal is a circular ring that flies seemingly of its own accord at a speed of 85ft and can plane shift once per week. Upon entering the portal, there is an ancient stone gate covered in twisted bamboo, beyond which lies a small village. The ground is composed almost entirely of rotting plants with some gravel forming road. Bamboo rises on either side in thick, near impenetrable groves. The oxygen rich air is difficult to breathe but bearable. A silvery blue sun seems to swirl more like a whirlwind than flame and follows you lighting about 120ft radius with bright light and a further 120ft with shadowy illumination. If there are multiple people in the world, it tries to stay equidistant from them. The buildings of the town are odd in their composition, they appear to be made of grass, mostly bamboo, woven around small stones to make walls. A sizable church stands in the middle of town. Next to it is a large, fancy library and study that gives +4 Knowledge Planes, Arcana, Nature, and Religion. There are eight small but fancy homes arching out in a semicircle to the right of the church. A sizable dining hall and kitchen stands across from the homes to the left of the library, with a fancy bath house next to it. Up on a small cliff to the left there is also a basic magical laboratory overlooking the village. Just beyond the village is wilderness. There are very few trees compared to the material plane, but it does support an oaken grove of about 150 trees behind and to the left of the village. The bamboo forest continues to the right of the town, gate and portal. To the left are increasingly daunting shear cliffs. Beyond the cliffs and behind the portal is a seemingly endless darkness that you cannot travel more than a few feat into no matter how long you walk. Directly behind the village is a massive field of grass that meats with a lake. There is a stream coming off of the lake that disappears into the bamboo forest as it fades into the darkness, and to the left, behind the oak grove and beside the fields is a marshland that reaches out into the darkness. Behind the lake is a large glacier plateau with trees made of ice and a constant stream coming from the darkness making a waterfall down to the lake. To the right of the glacier, more cliffs ascend into darkness. To the left there are very small mountains or more accurately very rocky hills that extend back for some time before the darkness takes hold and follow the stream to the bamboo forest. There are a myriad of strange designs made from the plants and from the glacier almost as if they were once moving, living things that were frozen in time. The entire place is eerily quiet with no insects or animals, just the wind, the stream and your own breath.

2016-12-09, 05:10 PM
Thanks for all your replies, you've all been very helpful!

...um, as a quick reminder, though, exactly how do you access these planes, apart from ethereal travel spells and Plane Shift?

2016-12-09, 08:37 PM
Thanks for all your replies, you've all been very helpful!

...um, as a quick reminder, though, exactly how do you access these planes, apart from ethereal travel spells and Plane Shift?

Mine was originally a Hold of Hiding with a flying Stronghold attached, but it morphed slightly to use Craft Portal to access the space instead. Portals are great as well since they can be keyed, still ways around it... but if you have the portal be say, a flying blue box enchanted with a 1/day Teleport Through Time, call yourself a Physician and go around saving people, that could be a pretty awesome use too.