View Full Version : Heroes of the Big Apple - IC

2016-12-09, 06:37 PM
It is a beautiful Saturday afternoon for the people of New York. Busy roads, busy sidewalks, and nothing out of the ordinary has happened so far.

[ Feel free to describe what your character is doing on this early Saturday afternoon ]

2016-12-09, 10:37 PM
John Rogers, the man the public knows as ORION, DEFENDER OF EARTH, is bored. Currently on shore leave, since Earth's sector of the galaxy is quiet, Rogers has nothing to do. Trying to hold a day job is useless, considering the paparazzi would swarm the place - and assuming anyone would actually hire THE DEFENDER OF EARTH. He's currently staying at a modest apartment in New York. Rogers tries not to think what's going to happen when he finally runs out of savings to pay for this place. Instead, he lays on his bed staring at the ceiling.

Yep, definitely bored.

John Cribati
2016-12-10, 12:06 AM
Tabíta is spending the afternoon lazing around the park, moving only incrementally along the grass to stay in the sunny spots. Occasionally, a purr or a trill escapes her throat, but she otherwise barely shows signs of being aware of anything.

2016-12-10, 07:16 AM
Patchwork was in trouble. But the again she always was.

A line of sequined belt shot out from her arm and wrapped around a third story balcony as she swung through the air behind the gateway car. Gabrielle gave a tug to the leather line and propelled herself forward with a twist, her cape swirling around as bullets ripped through it. She launched another belt line and dived low, her lithe form gliding just above the pavement as she caught up to the car.

"Sharing his caring boys!" she exclaimed as her foot connected squarely with the jaw of the thug who had robbed a convenience store.

small time crime, small time heroics. things were quiet and patchwork quickly bound the fleeing men after stopping the car, and yet she was in such trouble. She'd promised uncle Jacob she'd come with him to help pick up groceries and she was running late.

2016-12-11, 02:30 AM
Nathan threw his wrapper into a nearby trashcan, savoring the last bite of roast beef, capicola, salami, and spicy mustard. The sausage was a little chewy, but the beef had been simmered with broth for half a day and more than made up for it. Leaning back into the bench, he grasped Tyrfang through his bag and continued to look at Chester Simmon's car parked a block away. Chester had been a security guard at a bank that had 2 million stolen out of a shipment. Cleared as a suspect by the NYPD, Chester's old boss was still convinced and hired Downtime to investigate any illicit behavior. Frank was watching Chester's apartment, Zach at his mother's, and Lacy was doing the rounds at his hangouts.

Currently his civilian disguise consisted of a flannel shirt hanging over the futuristic belt and a pair of dark Aviator's Alexa had given him for Christmas two years ago. If it worked for Superman, it was good enough for Legacy. Every so often Nathan would let go of Tyrfang and scan the park, making sure nothing was happening while his eyes were elsewhere.

Zen Gypsy
2016-12-11, 07:38 AM
Anklyo-Don (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21473091&postcount=5)
Hero Points: 1. Luck: 2.
Conditions: None.

Donald was with his older brother, Dan, and their cousins Jaime and Curtis. The Drapers had allowed Jaime and Curtis to take their two boys to see the latest Star Wars installment at Midway 9, on Queens. They were on the #60 bus after making the transfer when they saw it, and suddenly all four boys were plastered against the window.

An old Cadillac, brown and rusted, came careening around the corner, and then she came swinging down from a 3rd story balcony, one of the guys in the car fired several shots that looked like they might have hit her, but she kept on coming anyways. She jumped on the hood of the vehicle, and kicked the gunmen hanging out of the passenger side window in the chin.

The boys pounded on the window, cheering, pumping their fists in the air. They watched as she wrapped up the crooks, the flashing red and blue a couple blocks behind. She leapt up and swung away on some bolt of cloth.

There were mixed reactions from the New Yorkers on the bus, some seemed supportive, other's grumbled about what the city was coming too. Dan shot Donald a surreptitious look, and a shot in the arm, "You shoulda hulked out and helped her," he whispered, "then totally introduced me! You're too young, but it looks like there are some curves under that cape and cowl!" Don looked at his brother, "Shut up! I woulda caused a bunch of accidents as people gawked at Godzilla," he retorted.

Their cousins turned around, "What are you two yammering about?" Don smirked, "Nuthin'," he indicated his brother, "Danny's just crushing on Pathwork!"

Jaime and Curtis laughed and turned around, the police had finally caught up and were now directing traffic around the stalled Cadillac, and the bus started to pull past the scene of the crime.

2016-12-12, 09:01 PM
Opening his eyes again, Nathan saw something strange out of the corner of the them. A dark skinned woman was lazily walking across the park, staying in brightly lit areas...

Not for the first time, the Warrior wished he'd stayed in a place where pants were popular. Knocking aside the heavy swing with the hilt of his sword, he punched the dog headed beast straight in the snout. It only snarled in response and swung again, starting the dance of parry and attack again. "You know that only works half the time with regular dogs, right?" The high priestess of Bast swung the hooked end of her spear low, neatly tripping the beast onto it's back. She finished the job with a downward thrust even as the Warrior smashed the monster into the ground like a rag doll. Both of them dissolved into smoke, Set's minions little more than magical diversions. Walking up the steps and leaning into the throne, even though she had just survived a battle for her life, the priestess basked in the warm spring sun.

Blinking awake, Nathan wished he wasn't speaking egyptian again. Skill with languages didn't seem to carry over from life to life. Still, it seemed odd the woman would remind him of someone that died over a thousand years ago.

2016-12-12, 09:25 PM

Aside from the street noise from outside, everything seems peaceful and quiet. Or as peaceful and quiet it can get in New York.


As you leave the scene, you can hear the police arrive at the spot where you left the criminals tied up at the getaway car.


You can see the police taking the crooks Patchwork tied up to one of the police cruisers before you lose sight of the scene as the bus leaves, heading toward its next destination.

2016-12-13, 10:55 AM
John lies on the bed for a minute, but he's feeling a bit too restless for a nap. Instead he goes to his balcony and uses his bracers to don the costume of ORION, DEFENDER OF EARTH, then heads out for a little flying practice, making sure to stay below the speed of sound. Flying is probably the coolest thing that the bracers can do - nothing on Earth quite compares to the feeling of self-propelled flight. Just a quick tour of the city for now, though. John hasn't really mastered the high speed flight necessary to travel across the country and back again for dinner.

2016-12-14, 03:07 AM
Patchwork pulled away from the crime scene, last thing she needed was to have a run in with the cops. she'd been shot at enough today.
She threw a few belts line to swing away and spotted the bus heading away, well, there was no reasons why she'd have to tire herself going back home when it looked like a perfectly serviceable transport was going in vaguely the right direction.

With a sharp tug on the beltline she changed direction. She threw herself off at the end of her swing, flipping in the air , legs straight, arms extended in an upside down cross, before landing on the roof of the bus.

John Cribati
2016-12-14, 09:12 PM
Tabíta Pantéra Salvaje- Normal.

Tabíta's afternoon nap is interrupted when a bug lands on her nose.

The tickle causes her to sneeze, and in surprise, she leaps to her feet with a startled Mrow?

Her eyes dart back and forth, looking for the disturbance, before her logical brain takes over, and she immediately begins to feel sheepish.

She'd sneezed herself awake. How undignified.

She licks at her paws, about to use her own saliva to attempt to straighten her hair, but then realizes what shes doing and, with a bit of effort, transforms her paws back into human hands and pulls a bottle of sanitizer from her fanny pack.

Smoothing out her skirt, she takes another look around, finding the blanket she'd originally been napping on in the shade a good thirty yards away. But as she snatches it up and begins to fold it so she can put it away, her eyes catch a glint of something brilliant and bright, and she nearly gives herself whiplash trying to figure out what it is.

It's a man dressed like some kind of lumberjack (flannel, really?) and... his belt is really cool.

So cool, in fact, that she can't help following him.

2016-12-17, 07:00 PM
In the park

Suddenly, the park becomes illuminated by a bright flash of light. After it clears, all that remains is a jagged line of white light in the center of the grassy field of the park, floating in the air.
For some reason thought, it gives off a faint crackling noise.

Anklyo-Don and Patchwork

As the bus gets further away from the park, there is a bright light shining from behind the bus. It appears to originate back at the park before it dies down.


It doesn't take very long to find something going on during your patrol. In the distance, you can see a big flash of light in queens, at what appears to be a park.

2016-12-17, 07:22 PM
"Huh. Odd." Orion flies toward the park, hoping to investigate the flash.

2016-12-17, 09:21 PM
"Huh. Did not see that coming."

Slinging the long bag over his shoulder, Nathan slowly stands up from the bench and walks toward the light. Which, considering his luck, was probably a portal full of bad guys. Or bees. Or bee bad guys. Taking a moment to store the aviator's safely in their case, he stands about 20 ft away from the line of crackling light and waits patiently for whatever mind numbing horror to come roaring out.

John Cribati
2016-12-17, 10:10 PM
Tabíta Pantéra Salvaje- Normal.

The man Tabíta was unknowingly tailing bumps into her as he turns around to investigate, but she stays a ways off. Even though her very existence stretched the idea of "ordinary" to a certain point, there were things that Tabíta understood were not to be messed with. Giant bolts of lightning that create rifts in reality? Firmly in that category. Not that she wouldn't hang around a safe distance away to see the locos get vaporized or whatever was about to happen.

She climbs a tree a good distance away- close enough to see what's going on, but far enough that she could book it if she had to.

Zen Gypsy
2016-12-17, 11:45 PM
Anklyo-Don (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21473091&postcount=5)
Hero Points: 1. Luck: 2.
Conditions: None.

Danny, Jamie and Curtis were getting off the bus, it was only a short walk to the theater from the stop, however they were all distracted by the shockingly bright light behind them. "What the ...," their cousins exclaimed, Dan looked towards his younger brother, nodded, and whispered while their cousins were distracted by the flare. "Go," he said.

Donald raised an eyebrow, "You sure?" His brother smiled, "Yeah man, I'll cover for you, and if it's nothing you've still got your ticket." Donald shrugged, "Thanks, Dan," he paused, and before he started heading for the park he turned, "And if I see Patchwork, I'll give her your number."

He didn't transform just yet, but he was certainly anxious, he ran, weaving through the crowd, drawing more than a few curses, "Dumb kid!", "Where are your parents?", "Should be ashamed!", "Kids these days!", "No respect!" Still, he made it to the edge of the park quickly, though he was bent over, leaning against a tree, catching his breath, looking towards the crackling energy field at the center of the park.


John Cribati
2016-12-18, 12:50 AM
Tabíta Pantéra Salvaje- Normal.

Hearing huffing and puffing below her, Tabíta catches sight of a child leaning against the very tree she's hiding in.¡Ay Diós!

She leaps down from her perch, landing close as she can without landing on him.

Joven what are you doing here? This is not the place for exploring. Go find your parents. .

2016-12-18, 05:45 AM
Just as the bus came to a stop and Gabrielle prepared to jump off and swing away there was a bright flash of light back in the park. Even with her back turned to it she saw it. Bright flashes in the middle of a park in New York? that wasn't a good sign. She sighed, clearly groceries would have to wait. Uncle Jacob would kill her.

She ran the length of the bus and jumped off the back at the last second doing a somersault in midair before throwing a belt line that lodged it'self around a corner. She swung back toward the park, running along a wall for a moment when she reach the end of her line and catapulting herself toward a tree. She landed on a branch, her cape snagging around the trunk for added stability as she looked at the strange light hanging in midair.

Zen Gypsy
2016-12-18, 07:31 AM
Anklyo-Don (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21473091&postcount=5)
Hero Points: 1. Luck: 2.
Conditions: None.

Donald regarded the cat lady seriously for a moment, Go find your parents. Hrmph! He snorted. "Hey lady, didn't you see the Avengers?! That thing looks like a portal or something. Chitauri could be trying to take over New York." He rolled his eyes, "It happens in like every movie ..."

He heard a rustle in the tree above them, a leaf floated down between the young man and the feline woman. "Whoa. Patchwork, my brother's gonna be pissed he missed her!"

John Cribati
2016-12-18, 08:09 AM
Tabíta Pantéra Salvaje- Normal.

And what are you gonna do if aliens start flying out of that thing? See, the lumberjack and the spaceman can be estúpidas and poke their heads in to get bit off, but you're a child.

2016-12-19, 10:59 PM
A smaller burst of light attracts Nathan's attention and he turns around to see Orion flying straight toward the park! Okay, so probably not surprising. He knew the DEFENDER OF EARTH was in the city and this was exactly the kind of crazy he'd jump in. Hell, he might even know what was going on. Deciding quickly, Legacy opens his bag and slips on the jacket, buckling Tyrfang on his back quickly. If Orion was showing up so soon, he'd probably been waiting for it and had a plan.

The holsters were well oiled, a lesson Frank had driven into his skull when it came to carrying a side arm, but he checked them anyway, slipping the two six-shooters in and out. He also set his phone to vibrate, just in case. It actually hadn't come up before, but movies were a surprisingly good teacher when it came to handling the strange and dangerous. Hear something behind you? Dodge forward, don't turn around slowly. Check vantage points, make notes of exits, always strike first if you can.

Distracted by his preparations, Legacy almost missed the strange woman, kid, and even stranger woman. Great, children. They're always what a battle needs. Like growing a huge, fleshy weak spot that wanders off on it's own. And no, you don't want to experience the memory that thought comes from. The bundle he first thought was a bunch of kites that had somehow fused together in the tree moved and Nathan realized he was finally getting a good look at Patchwork. Her costume, if it wasn't just possessed magic clothes, was a good deal more menacing than he thought it would. Maybe there was just something inherently scary about living clothes. Considering how Nathan treated most of his, they'd probably fight for the chance to choke him to death.

"Kid, you may wanna back up a bit. This is probably gonna be really cool, but you should let me and the two capes handle this. Trust me when I say things that have popped out of portals have never been friendly." There. Potential guilt averted. Now if he got himself eaten, it wouldn't be Legacy's fault for not saying anything.

2016-12-19, 11:15 PM
Orion wished he had a plan.

Here he was, in the middle of a park, with a strange dimensional-rift-type-thing, no idea what's going on, and it looks like it's caught the attention of all sorts of oddities - including a kid.

Okay, breathe, this is your life now.

Orion doesn't take his eyes of the portal, because those things could be tricky, but he has to say something. "Kid, please, just get back. This could be dangerous. I don't want to have to worry about your safety too while I'm trying to deal with whatever's going to come out here."

2016-12-20, 01:58 AM

As the crowd around the dimensional rift pull out their phones to take pictures of it (and Orion), and before you can do or say anything else, something happens:

The temperature close to the rift rapidly drops, and a chilling wind blows out from the rift.
Some of the bystanders try to get away from the cold, while there are others who have decided to brave it.

The ground under the rift starts to freeze, turning the green grass icy white.

But it doesn't stop there.

Something starts growing from the ground. What started out as lumps of ice have taken the shape of five, faceless, icy creatures: three of them look humanoid in shape and made up of chunks of ice, while the other two look more human and as if they're carved from ice blocks.

Everybody is still, frozen in awe and disbelief from what they've just witnessed.
That still silence becomes interrupted the moment one of the ice creatures pounds both its fists on the ground and roars at the bystanders, which causes them to start screaming and running away as the other ice creatures start to take notice of the civilians around them.

Note: The ice creatures are within a 30 ft diameter circle of cold environment, with the rift at the center.

Also, roll initiative!

Zen Gypsy
2016-12-20, 09:43 PM
Anklyo-Don (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21473091&postcount=5)
Hero Points: 1. Luck: 2.
Conditions: None.

He looked at the strange Cat-lady, he was tempted to stick out his tongue, but held himself. However, when Orion started speaking he looked at him, eyes wide. And then the ice creatures began to attack the other bystanders in the park.

"Ok, ok, you can get the ice baddies, and I will clear out the people's!" He turned and ran towards the bystanders, "Hey! Listen! Let's move out in an orderly fashion, you two!" He pointed at two construction workers, "Help the old lady, and the lady there with her kids. Gets them over there behind the cars!"

He then picked up a discarded Gatoraid bottle, Good enough, he thought. He picked it up and threw it at the closest ice creature. "Hey! Ugly! That the best you got? Why don't you pick on someone your own size!"

With that he fled to the tree where he was speaking to Orion, "Ok Super-dude, you're up!"

I am going to use my Deception to Feint the biggest Ice Dude, [roll0], target resists with Deception or Insight, if he fails to beat my roll, he is Vulnerable to my next Attack. However, I have Set Up, so I will transfer the effects of the Feint to Orion.

2016-12-21, 07:36 PM

One of the creatures of mashed-together ice chunks gives a "huh" like sound as it turns to see that you're the one who threw the empty bottle at it.

Feint result: Success!

Now it is Tabita's turn!

John Cribati
2016-12-26, 01:35 AM
Tabíta Pantéra Salvaje- Normal.


Tabíta had already been glancing about the crowd to make sure nobody was really watching her, just in case she had to make a speedy exit as a were-cheetah, but when the kid rushed into danger, she found herself entirely focused on him. Even after telling herself she wasn't about to get involved, Tabíta couldn't stop herself from moving. One moment she was off to the side, the next she was in the thick of it, standing between the boy and a creature made of ice.

Well, it wouldn't exactly do to be fighting like this, would it?

Her eyes reflected a deep green, and her body changed. A bit taller, but a lot bulkier, her hair brandishing orange and white along its natural black. Even her tail and cat ears changed shape to match her inner Tiger, her face likewise slightly distorted and covered in orange, white, and black fur.

Thankfully, whatever magic gave her the ability to transform so thoroughly also provided a suit free of charge. Granted, it was just a simple unitard and Egyptian-style skirt to match, but at leastshe wouldnt have to go about buying new clothes after this.

Stay behind me!!

Standard action to move between Don and an Ice Monster. Move Action to activate Tiger Transformation

2016-12-26, 09:23 AM
"Holy Popsicle Burlap!" exclaimed Patchwork as she jumped down the tree and made her way cockily toward the ice creature, hands on her hips and head tilted before wagging her finger at it. "Hey Frosty, didn't your mommy teach you how to use your inside voice? That's not an Ice way to introduce yourself."

Interdimensional ice creature in a park, bystanders, kids, cat girls. That was her life now and Gabrielle only knew of one way to deal with all this, act like a wise-ass. If she didn't joke, she be screaming in terror.

Using move action to get closer to the creature and standard action to use taunt.

2017-01-01, 07:29 PM
The big bad ice monster immediate lets out another roar, this time towards Patchwork as it suddenly charges towards her and throws a punch at her with its ice-boulder-y fist.
Then the two other ice-boulder creatures charge as well, towards Dan and the Tiger lady.

The two ice sculpture-like creatures turn their attention to Orion flying in the sky, as they both point their arms at him and shoot out freezing cold beams.

Ice-boulder monster 1

Attack Roll targeting Tabita: [roll0]

Damage DC 27


Ice-Sculpture-ish creature 1

Attack roll targeting Orion: [roll1]

Damage DC 23


Ice-boulder creature 2
Conditions: Impaired, Vulnerable (to Orion I think?)

Attack roll against Patchwork: [roll2]

Damage DC 27


Ice-sculpture-ish creature 2

Attack roll targeting Orion: [roll3]

Damage DC 23


Ice-boulder creature 3

Attack roll targeting Dan: [roll4]

Damage DC 27


It is now Legacy's turn.

2017-01-01, 07:55 PM
Orion tries to fly around and dodge the two ice blasts, but the first hits and slows him down enough that the second hits as well. Still, the bracer's protective field holds. "Dammit, kid, stop throwing things at them and get out of here!" He blasts at the distracted ice-thing, putting as much force behind his attack as he can!

I'm going to Power Attack for 2, since you can do that even without the feat (http://www.d20herosrd.com/9-gamemastering/8-action-adventure/) (under Maneuvers).

[roll0], DC 27 Toughness vs. Damage.

Zen Gypsy
2017-01-01, 08:42 PM
Anklyo-Don (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21473091&postcount=5)
Hero Points: 1. Luck: 2.
Conditions: Bruised x1, Dazed.

As the creature charged towards Don, he turtled, protecting his head with both of his hands. "Ahhhhhhh! Stay away -- Urrrk!!!" He gasped as the ice creature slammed into him with the force of a car going highway speeds. Don sailed almost ten feet before slamming into a tree, he lay there groaning, as he struggled to get up.

A monstrous ROAR (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rE_TUwYc6Vk) echoed across the park, as a massive bipedal dinosaur shouldered the tree to the side, and stared down at the icy figure.

Just getting this out of the way; Toughness Check [roll0]. Fail! By 9, 2 Degrees of Failure! This will trigger Don's complication, Uh-Oh, Better Run!. He must now make a DC 15 Will Check or immediately transform into Anklyo-Don! I will make the Check in the OOC thread, and link the results here. Yup, failed with a 12. The Transformation was triggered due to my complication, as such I believe I earn a Hero Point. Also, since I am Dazed I am limited to 1 action a Round, the free action to Transform was my action; as such I am not up until the third round, but the Daze will clear at the end of my initiative.

John Cribati
2017-01-01, 10:15 PM
Wait, don't I get a Parry check against the attack roll?

Uh... I should have done that first huh?


2017-01-01, 11:32 PM
Gabrielle saw an Ice berg sized fist come her way as the creature charged her. Suddenly she was struck by a realization, at this very moment she knew exactly what it was like to be the titanic. Now where was a violin quartet when you needed one.
Just as she was about to be reduced to a fine flannel wrapped red paste her cape sprung to life and grabbed the grass of the park pulling her down matrix style. She saw the fist sail past her nose in slow motion and looked back just in time to see the kid get pummeled away.

"Holy Crape!" she exclaimed as a dinosaur emerged from the spot the kid had flown to.

She threw her hands behind her to do a backflip and kick the ice creature in the chin as she landed back straight.

Ice creature misses, rolling for a simple attack [roll0], damage DC 21

John Cribati
2017-01-02, 01:23 AM
Tabíta Pantéra Salvaje- Dazed, 1 Bruise

The fist hits like a truck, taking her off her feet. She lands several yards back, looking up through the pain in time to see the young boy meet the same fate.


Pantéra watched helplessly as the boy sailed through the air. He was dead. He was so dead, and she couldn't save him. She should have stopped him or held him back-

Then the ear-splitting roar shook the ground she was laying on, and where the little boy fell, a giant monstrosity rose.

~Santa María~

2017-01-02, 01:51 PM
Of course they immediately head towards the child. As the monsters rush past him (conveniently shielding both Dan and Pantera from view), Legacy draws his sword in one easy motion and rushes for the nearest monster. He uses the additional momentum to add power to his swing, the magic blade made to penetrate even the toughest of scales. It should make quick work of whatever the hell these things are.

Since these are fairly large mooks, Legacy will use Power Attack 1. Damage DC 29.

2017-01-06, 05:02 PM

Your swift kick in its chin feels like trying to kick a giant rock. Upon landing, you see that you haven't left as much as a scratch on it. Before the monster could respond, something blasts the monster in the back.......


With the ice-boulder monster distracted by what looks like another superhero in a really patched-up costume, you manage to strike it in the back, sending bits of ice flying off and scattering onto the ground. When the mist clears, it reveals a large crater on its back. The ice-boulder monster makes a loud noise that sounds like a cry of pain and anger.


Your swing managed to leave a deep cut in one of the icy stones of the ice monster's arm, which responds by roaring in pain as it turns away from the cat lady (pantera) and towards you.


The ice creature appears to be gaping its mouth it looks up to you, but it appears the pieces of ice clumped-together that make up the whole monster appears to tighten, as if its either getting nervous, or gathering its strength.


As the ice monster faces you, making a crinkling and crackling noise from its tightening fists, it suddenly turns away from you, with something else catching its attention.

Ice-boulder monster 1

Conditions: Bruised (-1)

Ice-Sculpture-ish creature 1

Conditions: None

Ice-boulder creature 2

Conditions: Bruised (-1), Impaired, Staggered

Ice-sculpture-ish creature 2

Conditions: None

Ice-boulder creature 3

Conditions: None