View Full Version : What do you think of this character?

2016-12-09, 08:18 PM
Hadrig was an Ice Giant - one of such strength and ferocity as to be the hallmark of his clan. He led the raids with an ear splitting battle cry. One day, however, he was slain in battle by a wizard -an elf- of untold skill. Being burned alive was the least of the torments the wizard inflicted upon him before his death.

And as a final insult to Hadrig, he was reincarnated as a Gnome. He was so weak and tiny. The once-puny wizard now towered over him. He ran, as the laughter of the wizard seemed to chase him just as powerfully as his spells. Such tiny legs carried him so slowly, but he ran, and ran. Finally, he collapsed, weeping and crying, his legs burning with the fury of a thousand suns, after what must have been days.

His strength, his stature, his size - all gone. For months or maybe even years, he wandered aimlessly, enduring the shame and horror that comes of being smaller - less of a person - than those who might cross his path. It was only fitting that Hadrig would be tied to a pyre by bandits. He couldn't fight against them - he didn't even deserve to. "At least I'll finally be through with the wizard's torments..." He thought solemnly to himself.

But, destiny would not have it. The day before he (and the other captives) were to burn, the bandits were..."dispersed" by a group of adventuring humans. "Why..." He choked out, not sure whether grateful or upset.

"Well, little guy, I just can't sit around and let people do this to those who can't defend themselves," one of the heroic humans told him. Suddenly it struck him. How badly had he hurt others just because *they* couldn't defend themselves? How much did he think himself their betters because he was so large? Why was everything for his taking just because...

He knew now that being "cursed" with the form of a gnome had expanded his perspective by shrinking his body. He...he was shaking with this realization. What he felt when encountering a human in this form was what humans felt when they encountered him before.

His thirst for blood has been replaced with a thirst for knowledge - for perspective. Hadrig finally realized the value of those things, and to honor the humans who helped him come to accept his new form, he would help those in need as they helped him.


Mechanically, he'd be a gnome bardic sage. Maybe Arcane Gnome from dragon magazine, but idk. Might prestige in to Loremaster and Urban Savant.

2016-12-09, 08:39 PM
Shadowcraft Mage? Seems like a nice contrast to his original form.

Edit: Oops, sorry. Thought you were asking for a build.

Cool character idea, even if the trope's been used quite a bit.

2016-12-09, 08:48 PM
Shadowcraft Mage? Seems like a nice contrast to his original form.

Edit: Oops, sorry. Thought you were asking for a build.

Cool character idea, even if the trope's been used quite a bit.

It is? Damn. Well, nothing's ever thought of in a vacuum I guess.

John Longarrow
2016-12-09, 09:11 PM
How were you planning to deal with his racial HD and possible class levels as leader of raids?

2016-12-09, 09:22 PM
How were you planning to deal with his racial HD and possible class levels as leader of raids?

Ignoring them. What he was is not what he is. It's pretty well implied that nearly all of his previous ability had been stripped away.