View Full Version : Contingent Teleport Question

2016-12-09, 09:12 PM
I want to make a "house badge" type of magic item for my followers that has "Contingent Teleport: 2% HP" that takes the player back to a "Bed of Health" type object to heal them.

I am also decking some of these follower out in some good gear, can I "attune" the gear to teleport back with the follower even if he isn't holding it when the teleport goes off? Maybe just make the gear attuned to the follower so its useless for anyone else?

The two questions for now are:
1. Can you direct a teleport to "land" a person at a specific spot?
2. Can you attune gear to the teleport as well so that the contingent teleport pulls the gear back as well?

Any other thoughts here?

2016-12-10, 11:06 AM
I suppose if I use the 50% cost break for "membership" like being part of a particular House, it would also exclude anyone else from using the item?

If I give a follower a holy magebane +3 sword, I surely dont want it left behind if I can avoid it but I guess its better than leaving it for my enemies to use later one, having the "membership" make the sword useless for them.

2016-12-10, 11:24 AM
standard if i drop unconscious cast teleport would work for get away item other vise you need some one like tactician or mesmerist to watch them with spell

2016-12-10, 05:18 PM
So you're saying that even if I am NOT holding my sword when the teleport goes off, it would still come with me?

2016-12-10, 07:49 PM
You could use Instant Refuge from the Spell Compendium as the base spell and set any conditions you want. 9th-level spells let you do stuff like that. I'd recommend not making the badge something that has to be held, though, because I don't see anything definitive either way about whether you drop anything you're holding when you're knocked unconscious.

2016-12-10, 08:13 PM
So you're saying that even if I am NOT holding my sword when the teleport goes off, it would still come with me?
Well, generally speaking, your worn/carried equipment is part of you. It will automatically come with you wherever you go, be it into the stomach of a purple worm or a forced plane shift to the Abyss. Only a specific disarm/sunder-type ability will separate items from their owner.