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View Full Version : yet another Soulknife fix.... PEACH

Amphimir Míriel
2007-07-15, 11:52 PM
Soulknife: One more time, with feeling!
{table=head]Level|Base Attack[br]Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Power Points per Day|Powers Known|Max. Power Level Known

+2|Mind Blade, Weapon Focus (Mind Blade)|1|0|-

+3|Throw Mind Blade|2|1|1st

+3|Psychic strike +1d8|3|2|1st

+4|+1 Mind Blade|4|3|1st

+4|Free Draw, Shape Mind Blade|5|3|2nd

+5|Mind Blade Enhancement +1, Speed of Thought|7|4|2nd

+5|Psychic strike +2d8|11|5|2nd

+6|+2 Mind Blade|13|6|2nd

+6|Bladewind, Greater Weapon Focus (Mind Blade)|15|6|3rd

+7|Mind Blade enhancement +2|19|7|3rd

+7|Psychic Strike +3d8|23|8|3rd

+8|+3 Mind Blade|25|9|3rd

+8|Knife to the Soul|27|9|4th

+9|Mind Blade enhancement +3|35|10|4th

+9|Psychic Strike +4d8|43|11|4th

+10|+4 Mind Blade|47|12|4th

+10|Multiple Throw|51|12|5th

+11|Mind Blade enhancement +4|59|13|5th

+1|Psychic Strike +5d8|67|14|5th

+12|+5 Mind Blade|73|15|5th[/table]

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Same as original

Mind Blade: Same as original, with one change: Soulknives can create their mindblades as long as they have one power point available. It doesnt cost any points to activate them, but if for any reason a Soulknife is at 0 power points, it cannot manifest his Mind Blade until he recovers at least one point.

Power Points/Day: A soulknife’s ability to manifest powers is limited by the power points he has available. His base daily allotment of power points is given on Table: The Soulknife. In addition, he receives bonus power points per day if he has a high Wisdom score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Power Points). His race may also provide bonus power points per day, as may certain feats and items.

Powers Known: A 1st-level soulknife begins play knowing no powers for his class level, and can only manifest his Mind Blade with his power points. Each time he achieves a new level, he unlocks the knowledge of a new power.

Choose the powers known from the Psychic Warrior's power list, except for any powers that create or enhance weapons, including natural weapons or that grant touch attacks. The list of powers barred to Soulknives includes, but is not limited to, the following powers: Bite of the Wolf, Call Weaponary, Claw of Energy, Claws of the Beast, Claws of the Vampire, Dissipating Touch, Dissolving Touch, Dissolving Weapon, Duodimensional Claw, Empathic Feedback, Hostile Empathic Transfer, Exhalation of the Black Dragon, Feat Leech, Graft Weapon, Hammer, Psionic Keen Edge, Metaphysical Claw, Metaphysical Weapon, Painful Strike, Prevenom, Prevenom Weapon, Psychic Vampire, Stomp, Truevenom, Truevenom Weapon, Vampiric Blade and Weapon of Energy.

(Exception: The feats Expanded Knowledge and Epic Expanded Knowledge do allow a soulknife to learn powers from the lists of other classes.) A soulknife can manifest any power that has a power point cost equal to or lower than his manifester level.
The total number of powers a soulknife can manifest in a day is limited only by his daily power points.
A soulknife simply knows his powers; they are ingrained in his mind. He does not need to prepare them (in the way that some spellcasters prepare their spells), though he must get a good night’s sleep each day to regain all his spent power points.
The Difficulty Class for saving throws against soulknife powers is 10 + the power’s level + the soulknife’s Wisdom modifier.

Maximum Power Level Known: At second level, a soulknife gains the ability to learn 1st-level powers. As he attains higher levels, he may gain the ability to master more complex powers.
To learn or manifest a power, a soulknife must have a Wisdom score of at least 10 + the power’s level.

The rest of the Soulknive's abilities remain the same...

Comments? anyone? Does this make the poor guy less pathetic?

2007-07-15, 11:59 PM
You need to fix your table.
You have Max Power Known scaling to lvl 15
And no powers known.

2007-07-16, 12:00 AM
You have powers known, but you do not have maximum power level in your table, by the looks of it you ended up combining the heading.

Personally, I'd give him a power progression pretty similar to the Psychic Warrior's. And why no weapon-specific powers like Prevenom Weapon or Psionic Keen Edge? Those powers specifically are ones that the Soulknife should have.

Finally, I'd switch to good fort save and give at least medium armor proficiency and maybe shield proficiency as well. Soulknife is ostensibly a frontliner and they suffer no penalties from wearing armor outside of the Armor Check Penalty. There's no reason for them not to learn to wear armor.

Amphimir Míriel
2007-07-16, 12:05 AM
sorry guys, fixed the table

The reason I restricted the powers that create or enhance weapons is because, fluff-wise, the Soulknife should be using his MindBlade all the time, isn't it? I also did not give them equal power progression to the Psychic Warrior, because I felt it would be too much...

But adding medium armor proficiency probably is a good idea... any other suggestions?

2007-07-16, 04:23 AM
If a Soulknife is using his Mindblade all the time, why WOULDN'T he be able to learn powers that further enhance the Mindblade and make it better?

2007-07-16, 06:24 AM
I'd still be a psychic warrior, personally, but it's a good try. By the way.. Call Weaponry is a weapon 'creation' power.

2007-07-16, 06:29 AM
Mind Blade: Same as original, with one change: Soulknives can create their mindblades as long as they have one power point available. It doesnt cost any points to activate them, but if for any reason a Soulknife is at 0 power points, it cannot manifest his Mind Blade until he recovers at least one point.

It already works this way, albeit implicitly.

A soulknife gains Wild Talent as a bonus feat. (This class feature provides the character with the psionic power he needs to materialize his mind blade, if he has no power points otherwise.)

Anyway, about the changes. I guess... I just don't like it. It makes the soulknife too much like an alternative psychic warrior. (Which is how it started life, but anyway...)

Might be cool if it had its own iconic powers list or something.

Amphimir Míriel
2007-07-16, 12:43 PM
It already works this way, albeit implicitly.

I know, that´s why I tried to make explicit instead of implicit.

Anyway, about the changes. I guess... I just don't like it. It makes the soulknife too much like an alternative psychic warrior. (Which is how it started life, but anyway...)

Might be cool if it had its own iconic powers list or something.

I agree about the "alternative psychic warrior" thing, I was just trying to not let a basic cool idea (the Mind Blade) go to waste. :smallwink:

About "iconic powers", I was a tad too lazy to invent some new ones, but maybe I will listen to Behold the Void and allow them some MindBlade-buffing powers....