View Full Version : Equipment constantly being destroyed (D&D 3.5)

2016-12-10, 04:37 AM
So, to sum things up:

I'm a fighter in a campaign with a handful of other people (6 of us total). My fighter's equipment keeps being destroyed by both magical and mundane means. I'm trying to find ways to keep my equipment safe from stuff like sunders, acid, rust, disintegrate, dispell/shatter, etc.

What are the ways to do so? Most effective/cost-effective? New around here and to D&D so the help is appreciated!

2016-12-10, 04:43 AM
What level are you?

Riverine is a pretty good way to protect equipment, but it's pricy and vulnerable to Disintegrate.

2016-12-10, 05:05 AM
If you're low-level, your best bet is to carry a lot of spares.

If it's your +3 Flaming Sword (or equivalent) getting disintegrated every other session, it may be time to sit the GM down for a little talk.

2016-12-10, 05:09 AM
Make it cheap, is really the best option. You can make do with just Masterwork Swords and Bows and those should be plentiful. One of your casters casting Greater Magic Weapon on 'em and you're golden for the day.

2016-12-10, 05:10 AM
We're level 8 right now.

Also, had some adamantine and mithril gear get destroyed, lovin' life :smallmad:

2016-12-10, 05:39 AM
Aurorum: It may break, but you can piece it back together later.
Riverine: Basically tiny wall of force, so immune to basically everything.
Binding dip: there's a vestige for armor, and a vestige for a warhammer. might be able to dip to pick up one of them
Meldshaping feats: Don't know if there's one for armor, but Shape Soulmeld (Incarnate Weapon) might be useful.

2016-12-10, 05:49 AM
Also, a somewhat relevant point. You can't do much about sundering but if you're fighting some creatures with equipment destroying abilities (hopefully your friendly neighborhood Wizard is maxing Knowledge-skills) - Babau, Rust Monster, Oozes or the like - switch to some ranged combat form or use something disposable (Major Creation + Craft-check can give you a free sword for example). They usually are something you can handle martially without your best edge.

2016-12-10, 05:53 AM
We're level 8 right now.

Also, had some adamantine and mithril gear get destroyed, lovin' life :smallmad:

That sounds like whatever you do, the DM will take it off you. If the DM has realized that they have given you stuff too powerful they may decide to ask to take it off you, at least for a short time in plot (sideplot?) purposes.

But things like Sunder, Disjunction, Rust Monsters, Ethereal Filchers etc are all sort of things I'd use only as a real plot point to non trivialise a boss encounter.

The other option is to just roll up a Psion and tell your DM to get stuffed as you break the game without the use of a +1 Greatsword.

2016-12-10, 06:16 AM
How is your wisdom score? If it is high enough, you can use shapesand. Then when it gets busted, you just turn it right back into a weapon/armor and keep right on going.

2016-12-10, 06:21 AM
How is your wisdom score? If it is high enough, you can use shapesand. Then when it gets busted, you just turn it right back into a weapon/armor and keep right on going.

Next week, same poster:

"Shapesand constantly being destroyed! (D&D 3.5)"

John Longarrow
2016-12-10, 06:25 AM
Talk to your DM to see if there is some reason he's doing it. Most NPCs don't sunder stuff since that means its no longer valuable for their own use and sundering DOESN'T KILL YOU. NPCs should be trying to kill you, not break your stuff.

2016-12-10, 06:26 AM
Next week, same poster:

"Shapesand constantly being destroyed! (D&D 3.5)"

The real problem is having something else turn it against you. Things can get quite rough when your armor turns into a coffin mid battle.

2016-12-10, 06:39 AM
We're level 8 right now.

Also, had some adamantine and mithril gear get destroyed, lovin' life :smallmad:I guess it is time for a talk with the DM then.

Sundering (especially adamantine weapons) is not easy. First the opponent has to suffer an AoO (unless he has the improved sunder feat) then he has to beat your attack roll with his and then has to deal at least 42 points of damage to destroy a +1 adamantine greatsword

2016-12-10, 08:02 AM
Everbright weapons (+2000 GP, MIC) are immune to rust and acid. This property can be added to a special material, such as adamantine or aurorum (riverine would be a waste of GP).

For armor, there's the Durable property (+500 GP, Dungeonscape). This protects against rust, acid, and green slime.

And if it's made out of stone or metal, you can add the Dwarvencraft template to it (Races of Stone) for additional HP/hardness.

But yeah... if the DM is just being a jerk, then your best defense is talk to him and let it know it's bothering you.

2016-12-10, 08:50 AM
I guess it is time for a talk with the DM then.

Sundering (especially adamantine weapons) is not easy. First the opponent has to suffer an AoO (unless he has the improved sunder feat) then he has to beat your attack roll with his and then has to deal at least 42 points of damage to destroy a +1 adamantine greatsword

This. It sounds more likely that your DM doesn't understand the rules or is fudging the numbers than just a string of bad luck. Have a polite chat with your DM about how he runs sunders, about why he uses equipment destruction so much and if it getting to the point where it is impacting your enjoyment of the game, let him know. Some people have different playstyles, different expectations and different house rules so clearing it up is a good idea.

So, to sum things up:

I'm a fighter in a campaign with a handful of other people (6 of us total). My fighter's equipment keeps being destroyed by both magical and mundane means. I'm trying to find ways to keep my equipment safe from stuff like sunders, acid, rust, disintegrate, dispell/shatter, etc.

What are the ways to do so? Most effective/cost-effective? New around here and to D&D so the help is appreciated!

That aside, now to actually answer your question:
In a party of 6 I assume you have either a UMD user or a Caster. Obviously prevention is better than fixing items, but presented for completeness:

Rebirth of Iron from CM - level 3 or 4 spell. Fix any rusted nonmagical item as long as you still have 1/4 of its mass left. Can fix the form of a magical item, but the magic is lost.
Mending from the SRD - Cantrip, limited use as limitation to damage and weight of object
Make Whole from SRD - Clr 2, MUCH more useful for you, fix basically anything that hasn't be completely destroyed. Any nonmagical item that was sundered should be fixable with this. Alchemical or magical damage won't be however. If it was rusted, use Rebirth of Iron instead.
Rebuild Item from Tome of Magic - the ONLY time I'd consider recommending anything to do with Truenamers. Repair anything, even magical items, to full working order including magic. Herein lies the rub 1) It has to be used within 1 round 2) If its made into a magic item it only applies to a SINGLE item because apparently the designers thought Truenaming needed to be nerfed.

Arguably, you buying and using an adamantine weapon should have covered this but let's go through some options anyway.

As mentioned Aurorum and Riverine do exactly what you want. But both are pretty expensive - Aurorum only works on Sunders, is +4000gp. If it gets rusted or acided or disintegrated you're out of luck and out a large chunk of your WBL. Here are some cheaper options in case you want something a little more disposable:

Dragon 358 has a bunch of mundane weapon options that will be useful to you. Of note are Blood Groove (+2 Hardness) or Acid Washed (+4 vs acid, rust & disintegrate) are +100gp each. Folded Metal (+4 hardness) or Resilient (+5hp) are +200gp each.
Dragon 347 has Pure Ore. Double Hardness and Double HP of any metal item, but at a cost of 400gp/lb (includes free upgrade to masterwork in price)
Races of Stone has Dwarvencraft: Masterwork but with Hardness +2, +10hp and +2 to all saving throws all of which explicitly stack. +600gp (includes free upgrade to masterwork in price)
SRD has Hardening: Sor/Wiz 6, +0.5 hardness/CL permanently. For 720gp you can get +6 to hardness, and if it gets dispelled you know the DM's out to mess with you.
Everbright, MIC +2000gp that grants the item immunity from Rust and from Acid.

Obviously you don't combine all of them*. A a few hundred extra gp on a sword isn't a lot and if your DM throws a curveball you're not losing one of you prized possessions. Depending on what you're facing, how you're losing items and how your DM is running those attacks you should pick what fits best.

Theres also a host of different materials available - magical woods can replicate almost any weapon or armor, but don't rust. Obdurium has ridiculous Hardness and HP, over and above Adamantine. etc. But there are just too many to reasonably list and honestly, I think the ones I presented are more cost effective. Might be wrong though.

*Though I suppose you could if you really want. A Hardened Dwarvencraft, Pure Ore, Folded Metal, Blood Grooved longsword which would have something like (10+2+4+2)*2+6 = 42 hardness for 3235gp, 62 hardness for 6235gp if you start with adamantine or even 82 Hardness for 9235gp if you made it out of obdurium from the SBG.

EDIT: Get distracted half way through writing a post and you get partially swordsage'd. Oh well.

John Longarrow
2016-12-10, 09:34 AM
I guess it is time for a talk with the DM then.

Sundering (especially adamantine weapons) is not easy. First the opponent has to suffer an AoO (unless he has the improved sunder feat) then he has to beat your attack roll with his and then has to deal at least 42 points of damage to destroy a +1 adamantine greatsword

8th level party with a +1 adamantine greatsword. Could be that the DM has been generous with loot and is trying to cut back on what you've got. Even with improved sunder it would be a LOT better option to do 42 points of damage (plus hardness, per blow) to the target character than destroying an expensive magic item.

2016-12-10, 09:45 AM
8th level party with a +1 adamantine greatsword. Could be that the DM has been generous with loot and is trying to cut back on what you've got. Even with improved sunder it would be a LOT better option to do 42 points of damage (plus hardness, per blow) to the target character than destroying an expensive magic item.A quick talk would be preferable to those underhanded tactics. The DM could just tell them he screwed up and wants to retcon the adamantine greatsword into a steel/cold iron/silver one. Besides, unless the DM frequently has obstacles with hardness, adamantine is no better than steel. He can be lucky that the characters don't sell the greatsword and buy something useful for the money.

BTW the 42 points of damage already include overcoming hardness. A +1 adamantine greatsword has only 20 HP (but hardness 22). Then again 42 damage would kill some level 8 characters.

2016-12-10, 09:56 AM
Besides, unless the DM frequently has obstacles with hardness
They're called "doors."

2016-12-10, 09:58 AM
They're called "doors."I know, but an adamantine sword is hardly the best tool to open them.

John Longarrow
2016-12-10, 10:20 AM
A quick talk would be preferable to those underhanded tactics. The DM could just tell them he screwed up and wants to retcon the adamantine greatsword into a steel/cold iron/silver one. Besides, unless the DM frequently has obstacles with hardness, adamantine is no better than steel. He can be lucky that the characters don't sell the greatsword and buy something useful for the money.

BTW the 42 points of damage already include overcoming hardness. A +1 adamantine greatsword has only 20 HP (but hardness 22). Then again 42 damage would kill some level 8 characters.

That is if they do 42 points in ONE blow. Otherwise each attack is reduced by 20.

Lets say you face off against a hill giant and it tries to sunder this blade. The giant is +16 to hit with its great club and it does 2d8+10 damage (average = 19) On a lucky hit its going to do a couple points of damage to the sword, but not enough to sunder it with one hit. Max damage would be 26 of which only 6 get applied to the sword.

If it does two sunder attempts per round it can do up to 8 points (max damage), so it will take 3 rounds of successful sunders for max damage to break the blade. If that was damage put to the character, that would be 156 hp of damage, more than most 8th level character could possibly have.

That is why I pointed out "plus hardness" since it is applied on each attack, not once.

Still have to wonder why the monsters would go after your weapon rather than the easy to hit and kill PC.

2016-12-10, 10:38 AM
I know, but an adamantine sword is hardly the best tool to open them.

I dunno. Chopping off the locks and hinges with a swing is pretty good, sheerly for the purpose of opening them.

2016-12-10, 10:39 AM
Still have to wonder why the monsters would go after your weapon rather than the easy to hit and kill PC.

Weapons tend to be way easier to destroy and without a weapon, a warrior is pretty useless. Plus if the monsters are e.g. built to have Shock Trooper, they have Improved Sunder anyways. It's not hard to think of rationales.

2016-12-10, 10:44 AM
I know, but an adamantine sword is hardly the best tool to open them.
Rogues are heavy, take a share of the treasure, and complain when you wield them two-handed. Sword is better.

2016-12-10, 10:46 AM
Weapons tend to be way easier to destroy and without a weapon, a warrior is pretty useless. Plus if the monsters are e.g. built to have Shock Trooper, they have Improved Sunder anyways. It's not hard to think of rationales.Shock trooper neither requires improved sunder nor does it give a similar ability. shock trooper is a nother reason not to go for the weapon but for the wielder. A charge with 16 or more extra damage from power attack and no attack penalty will most likely kill the opponent.

Also destroying the weapon may help, if the opponent does not have a back up weapon and is much less powerful without one, but killing the opponent will always make him unable to retaliate. As John Longarrow already pointed out the opponent wastes 22 points of damage with each attack.

John Longarrow
2016-12-10, 11:23 AM
Shock trooper neither requires improved sunder nor does it give a similar ability. shock trooper is a nother reason not to go for the weapon but for the wielder. A charge with 16 or more extra damage from power attack and no attack penalty will most likely kill the opponent.

Also destroying the weapon may help, if the opponent does not have a back up weapon and is much less powerful without one, but killing the opponent will always make him unable to retaliate. As John Longarrow already pointed out the opponent wastes 22 points of damage with each attack.

Plus if you break a magic sword isn't not worth nearly as much... Think of all the LOOT they are destroying!! What self respecting mercenary type monster is going to destroy their own paycheck?

2016-12-10, 03:19 PM
Take Improved Unarmed Strike?

2016-12-10, 03:55 PM
The most drastic approach is to take Vow of Poverty. You still don't have any equipment, but at least you get compensated for it.

Another approach is temporary magic equipment, like the psychic warrior's call weaponry power and Savnok's Call Armour. Soulmelds, like Incarnate Weapon, can provide equipment, or take over some of the functions of magical equipment. I don't think many of this type of ability are in the Player's Handbook, though - you'd have to look a bit further. For the aforementioned, respectively the Expanded Psionics Handbook (and web enhancement (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070214a)), Tome of Magic, and Magic of Incarnum.

Fighters are the most equipment-dependent class (tied with a few others), so if you want to fix your problem long-term, take levels in not-fighter. I know that's not a very satisfying answer, but I'm putting it out there. Your ideal equipment-independent level progression, starting with fighter 8, would be something like Ur-Priest 2/Sacred Fist 10, assuming you had the prerequisite feats as fighter bonus feats already.

2016-12-10, 04:15 PM
Shock trooper neither requires improved sunder nor does it give a similar ability. shock trooper is a nother reason not to go for the weapon but for the wielder. A charge with 16 or more extra damage from power attack and no attack penalty will most likely kill the opponent.

Also destroying the weapon may help, if the opponent does not have a back up weapon and is much less powerful without one, but killing the opponent will always make him unable to retaliate. As John Longarrow already pointed out the opponent wastes 22 points of damage with each attack.
I don't think most reasonable DMs build all their critters with shock trooper.

2016-12-10, 04:24 PM
Throw a couple ranks into craft (weapons and armor) and fix them up between combat; ask your party caster to get mending, make whole, or minor creation to help. At the very least you should be able to reforge your old equipment for half price or less.

Dip into Monk or Warlock or Psion or whathaveyou to get some non-equipment options, or take Vow of Poverty.

There is a special material from Book of Exalted Deeds called Aurorum (http://eberronunlimited.wikidot.com/aurorum) that costs an extra 4000gp and lets you piece your sundered or broken equipment back together perfectly as a full round action.

2016-12-10, 04:30 PM
Shock trooper neither requires improved sunder nor does it give a similar ability. shock trooper is a nother reason not to go for the weapon but for the wielder. A charge with 16 or more extra damage from power attack and no attack penalty will most likely kill the opponent.

Oh, I was thinking of Combat Brute. Well, same difference.

2016-12-10, 06:00 PM
So, to sum things up:

I'm a fighter in a campaign with a handful of other people (6 of us total). My fighter's equipment keeps being destroyed by both magical and mundane means. I'm trying to find ways to keep my equipment safe from stuff like sunders, acid, rust, disintegrate, dispell/shatter, etc.

What are the ways to do so? Most effective/cost-effective? New around here and to D&D so the help is appreciated!

Honestly, kill off or retire this character and make a character who is less gear-dependent or leave the group. If your DM is out to get you, you're not going to be able to protect your equipment from his fetish for rendering your character ineffective.

2016-12-10, 07:45 PM
Honestly, kill off or retire this character and make a character who is less gear-dependent or leave the group. If your DM is out to get you, you're not going to be able to protect your equipment from his fetish for rendering your character ineffective.

That's a bit drastic. Talking to the DM first about it, and also confirming he's actually following the sunder rules properly is a better first step.

If that doesn't fix it, sure but at least try first.

2016-12-10, 09:24 PM
How's your party's wealth doing compared to WBL? Maybe you've just found yourself caught in the crossfire of somebody else being brought back in line because you keep getting in the way.

2016-12-10, 09:34 PM
So, to sum things up:

I'm a fighter in a campaign with a handful of other people (6 of us total). My fighter's equipment keeps being destroyed by both magical and mundane means. I'm trying to find ways to keep my equipment safe from stuff like sunders, acid, rust, disintegrate, dispell/shatter, etc.

What are the ways to do so? Most effective/cost-effective? New around here and to D&D so the help is appreciated!

If your DM allows homebrew, check out the focused champion in my sig. It's an attempt on my part to forgo the magic item Christmas tree syndrome among other things. It should be capable of contributing even in low gear situations. Barring that, play a druid with natural spelll. They don't need gear.