View Full Version : The Interrogator (build help)

2016-12-10, 09:48 AM
I was just re-reading Detect Thoughts and thought it might be a neat idea to build a character that is an expert in information extraction.

Lore Bard 3 seems to be a good start;

Jack of all Trades will let you add half proficiency to the opposed Int check of Detect Thoughts and Cutting Words allows you to reduce your victims Int check by the value of one of your Bardic Inspiration dice.

Expertise in Intimidation and Persuasion is also solid for this character.

Aside from Detect Thoughts, Bard also has access to Friends, Charm Person, Calm Emotions, Suggestion and Zone of Truth within those 3 Class Levels.

After that, Knowledge Cleric 6 for Speak with Dead and (more importantly) Channel Divinity: Read Thoughts for a non-concentration version of Detect Thoughts without the opposed Int checks, the continual Wis saves to resist and a free no-save Suggestion when it ends. There's also some overlap on the previously mentioned Bard spells.

From there I'm struggling.

What other Class Features, Spells or other options would be good for a character looking to break someones will, with a mind to learn all that they know?

- Eldritch Knight 10 for Eldritch Strike, perhaps?
- Arcane Trickster 9 for Magical Ambush?
- Sorcerer 3+ for Heightened Spell Metamagic?
- GOO Warlock to really get inside someones head?

2016-12-10, 10:11 AM
First of all, Detect Thoughts and the Knowledge Cleric level 6 Channel Divinity require an enemy to make Wisdom saves, not Intelligence saves.

Secondly, what is the purpose of this character? S/he is good at extracting information, sure, but for what ultimate purpose? Are they a police interrogator for the town who "interviews" all the criminals? Do you work for a more private person who requires the absolute truth, and you simply act as an assistant to ensure the truth is what's provided? Are you a bounty hunter who uses information gained to bring down your targets?

You have a lot of good ways at extracting information with the build of Lore Bard 3 // Knowledge Cleric 6, but we don't know what you're doing it for. Knowing what you are doing it for will help us in trying to guide your build from this point forward.

All that aside, if I had to make a decision based only off what you've provided us, I would say you're a MAD character. It will be difficult to pull off without rolled stats, as you're going to want a 14 in Dexterity, decent Constitution, high Wisdom (for the Cleric Channel Divinity save DC), and high Charisma (for those Persuasion/Intimidation checks). Seeing as how you're going so far into Knowledge Cleric already, I would say just stay Knowledge Cleric for the next 11 levels and be Lore Bard 3 // Knowledge Cleric 17. You'll depend on Expertise'd Persuasion and Intimidation to carry your checks, plus Friends/Charm Person to grant you advantage. Your stat layout would be something like this (assuming Human variant because why not)

13 (+1)
15 (+1)

Grab a fun feat at level 1, max out Wisdom with your PC level 7 (Bard 3 // Cleric 4) and PC level 11 (Bard 3 // Cleric 8). To deal with your weaker Constitution, you could consider grabbing Tough or Inspiring Leader, and your party would love you for Inspiring Leader. With this buildout, and then finishing up with Knowledge Cleric 17, you'll be a great interrogator, and provide all the utility that a level 17 Cleric provides as well (which is fantastic in the late game).

2016-12-10, 10:26 AM
First of all, Detect Thoughts and the Knowledge Cleric level 6 Channel Divinity require an enemy to make Wisdom saves, not Intelligence saves.

Wis Save to resist, yes, but the spell (not the CD) also requires opposed Int Ability Checks every turn after the first.

Secondly, what is the purpose of this character?

No particular purpose; this is more of a theoretical exercise than for an actual character. I'm just spitballing ideas, really. Just looking to build the best manipulator and information extraction expert possible and thinking about what tools are available to do so.

Lore Bard 3 // Knowledge Cleric 17.

Probably the most optimal route, from an actual play perspective; excessive multiclassing tends to make weak characters, but I'm not necessarily looking for a strong character, so much as one who is just really good at getting any and all to dish the dirt on anything they might know. Super specialised at the expense of all else, kind of thing.

Thinking about it, missing out on Modify Memory and Dream as potentially significant manipulation tools is something I'd like to avoid.

2016-12-10, 11:03 AM
I'd go Goochainlock 3 / WM Sorc 3, to start. Your invisible sprite familiar tells you everyone's feelings, you can transcend all language barriers, and you can inflict disadvantage reliably, both against spells and against skill checks.

Also, you're a sorclock, so you've got great pew pew.