View Full Version : Chain spell question

2016-12-11, 02:09 AM
So if a chained spell that requires an attack roll like for example a Ray is chained then does the spell also require another attack roll for the secondary tagets or does it not?

2016-12-11, 02:19 AM
First, most rays cannot be chained as they do not specify a single target and instead are effects. The only instance I know of a ray that can be chained is rust ray in the SpC, which is both an effect and specifies a single target.

As to the question: no. The Reflex save ostensibly replaces the attack roll.

2016-12-11, 02:58 AM
Note: that spells with attack rolls don't usually specify a target so are not valid targets for the spell rendering the questions moot. That is the issue with rust ray which is the oddity whern the question actually arises.

2016-12-13, 12:03 PM
Try the Split Ray feat instead.