View Full Version : Player Help Lucky/Awesome Coup de Grace

2016-12-12, 09:09 AM
Yesterday my lvl3 Rogue used Coup de Grace on a sleeping Ogre (thanks to the mages Sleep spell). It failed its fortitude save and left us for the afterlife. It felt awesome to 1 shot something that could have easily put me into a dirt nap with a regular attack.

What are some other awesome Coup de Grace stories?? ANyone Coup de Grace a Dragon somehow? Can you Coup de Grace a legitimate Dragon?

Also, any Coup de Grace tips and tricks for an up and coming Rogue?

Thanks in advance!!:smallcool:

2016-12-12, 10:26 AM
Get a wand of Shivering Touch. Use it on everything bigger than Medium. Heck, use it against non-dextrous medium things, too.

2016-12-12, 10:47 AM
Yesterday my lvl3 Rogue used Coup de Grace on a sleeping Ogre (thanks to the mages Sleep spell). It failed its fortitude save and left us for the afterlife. It felt awesome to 1 shot something that could have easily put me into a dirt nap with a regular attack.

What are some other awesome Coup de Grace stories?? ANyone Coup de Grace a Dragon somehow? Can you Coup de Grace a legitimate Dragon?

Also, any Coup de Grace tips and tricks for an up and coming Rogue?

Thanks in advance!!:smallcool:

Well, the party Cleric used Hold Person on a fighter from a rival party of heironeous who was supposed to be there as recurrin enemies (our whole party is of Hextor) Long story short, our own fighter ended doing a Coup de Grace on him and he died, we were all 3rd level except the party Arcane who was a fighter/wizard multiclass and had next to no magic items other than a least augment crystal and he had a +1 Longsword with a Lesser electricity augment crystal and was messing with us along with their sorcerer and other fighter. Well, we captured the cleric of their party, killed the fighter, captured the other fighter and the sorcerer escaped. We gave the captured ones to our church of Hextor we follow of extremists. Yeah, permanent torture for them for Liquid pain.

John Longarrow
2016-12-12, 11:44 AM
Wand of Shivering Touch and Wand of ray of Stupidity. Both are really nasty against different targets.