View Full Version : [spycraft2.0] New player seeking help

2016-12-13, 05:01 AM
So after a wipe our DM pulled open a fresh new game with a different gamesystem, spycraft 2.0
After looking through the rules and tables and (this system is pretty extensive) I want to try something specific.

The hacker section speaks of AI that can fight you when trying to hack systems.
But these AI aren't described anywhere else (as far as I could see) and it's this AI I want to mess around with.
I want to play a scientist that keeps working on a pet-project where he tries to enhance his own little AI system.
The idea is that as my character progresses, his skills increase which allows him to enhance his AI a bit more.
I want to eventually be able to actually use the AI as an extra NPC that has its own skillset.
Eventually I hope to be able to allow the AI to enhance itself and then things (hopefully) gets weird and interesting.

Has anyone tried this?
Does anyone know how this fits in SC2.0 ruleset?
I could use any help you might think of.

2016-12-25, 05:36 PM
In my experience with Spycraft it would be built as an NPC with hacker related skils and abilities and some of the other NPC qualities you can apply. There is an extensive list of random qualities in that section.

Also some of the campaign qualities can be useful.