View Full Version : Pathfinder: Breath weapon with 2 saves vs evasion

2016-12-13, 09:52 AM
The discussion is:
A khala can fire a jet of frigid liquid from one of its three mouths, dealing 16d6 points of cold damage (Reflex DC 27 half). Even if they succeed at the Reflex save, creatures caught in the line must succeed at a DC 27 Fortitude save or be encased in ice.

A trapped creature must succeed at a DC 25 Strength check or DC 26 Escape Artist check as a full-round action to break free.

Know the debate was, if a monk with improved evasion saves against the ref, he wouldn't not be subject to the 2nd part of the breath weapon, and he is no longer there, and I say, yes they do, as they were in the line of the breath weapon. What is the correct answer??

Stealth Marmot
2016-12-13, 10:29 AM
Hm, nothing about the text of evasion indicates that you avoid secondary effects, but I would consider the idea that evasion is suppose dto utterly avoid any ill effects of a reflex save.

What does evasion mean? Generally an ability to duck and cover in a way that gets you the hell out of anything bad. If something doesn't actually touch you ebough to do any damage, how can it encase you in ice?

Then again, evasion somehow evades damage in a sealed off room where a fireball goes off, so it might represent the ability to roll with a punch, avoiding the damage, but you are still touched by the effect.

DM would have to make a ruling here I think, and given that the effect is a LINE, and not an all encompassing sphere like a fireball, I could see the ruling easily going with "you managed to sidestep 5-10 feet out of the line". A lot easier to believe than a 20 foot teleport.

2016-12-13, 10:29 AM
Evasion does not allow you to move out of the line. It only reduces damage taken from the breath weapon. The monk is still subject to the freezing and must make a fortitude save.

2016-12-13, 01:24 PM
It seems by RAW they would still have to make the Fort Save or Freeze but I think RAI says the exact opposite, you shouldnt Freeza if you evaded (taking no damage) a "cold laser".

As someone else said it would be DM discretion but if I was the Monk and DM ruled in favor of RAW here I'd probably be very miffed.