View Full Version : Genesis secondary castings

2016-12-13, 02:44 PM
I'm a little confused on the wording of the genesis spell. It says that it increases at 1 foot per day to an initial radius of 180ft, does this hold true for the secondary castings of the spell that increases the initial radius, or does it increase at a faster rate?

2016-12-13, 03:25 PM
The first part says 'at first' before explaining the one foot per day growth. Later, it just says more castings increase the radius.

So, the way it's worded, it looks like secondary castings instantaneously increase the radius.

2016-12-13, 06:51 PM
Even if the DM wants to rule expansion takes the same rate, it's just delaying the inevitable. If it takes 1 ft/day on later castings, swallow your pride and let it ride; you're still creating your own demiplane, which is one of those bucket list things for wizards when they achieve phenomenal cosmic power.

But yeah, if he lets you have the expansion all at once, take it. Cuts down on sitting around waiting for things to happen.