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View Full Version : Side Quests for Half the Party?

2016-12-16, 01:54 PM
The PCs in my campaign have reached a small haven in the wilderness, and they're likely to stay there for several days of game time.

Because of the holidays, our full gaming group won't be able to get together for at least another month, but I'd like to try a side quest if a couple players are available. The PCs are very low-level, but I'd like something more interesting than "save the town from goblins," etc.

So, can anyone recommend a good low-level side quest? I'm open to anything published for 3.0, 3.5 or Pathfinder, and also very open to suggestions from the Playground.

2016-12-16, 01:58 PM
The side quest should highlight the strengths of the available PCs. If the ranger and rogue are the ones available, make it a sneaky quest. If you've got the fighter and paladin, slaying a monster will do nicely. But if you want it to be truly special, make sure you know who's coming first.

2016-12-16, 01:58 PM
The PCs in my campaign have reached a small haven in the wilderness, and they're likely to stay there for several days of game time.

Because of the holidays, our full gaming group won't be able to get together for at least another month, but I'd like to try a side quest if a couple players are available. The PCs are very low-level, but I'd like something more interesting than "save the town from goblins," etc.

So, can anyone recommend a good low-level side quest? I'm open to anything published for 3.0, 3.5 or Pathfinder, and also very open to suggestions from the Playground.
Gattering sins of newborn balor

2016-12-16, 03:06 PM
Another option is to avoid combat altogether and do a "hijinx at the inn" type scenario, where they have to hunt down someone's wandering familiar before they get back, or other small slice-of-life antics. The reason being that since the whole group isn't there, as far as the story is concerned, this is a "filler" episode. Have fun with that concept.

2016-12-16, 03:34 PM
Try a Chain of Deals. Find Item A, trade for Item B, trade for Item C, and so on and so on. Don't make it too long though maybe up to Item F or G. You could make the ultimate reward of the quest something that would be helpful, but not generally required for the overall campaign.

2016-12-16, 03:57 PM
Before we suggest anything specific (there are a lot of good low level Paizo modules, especially if you include PFS stuff) what is your group looking like? Level & classes?

2016-12-16, 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by Flickerdart
The side quest should highlight the strengths of the available PCs.

Originally Posted by digiman619
Another option is to avoid combat altogether and do a "hijinx at the inn" type scenario, where they have to hunt down someone's wandering familiar before they get back, or other small slice-of-life antics.

Originally Posted by ChaosStar
Try a Chain of Deals. Find Item A, trade for Item B, trade for Item C, and so on and so on.

Good advice and suggestions, thanks.

Originally Posted by CharonsHelper
Before we suggest anything specific (there are a lot of good low level Paizo modules, especially if you include PFS stuff) what is your group looking like? Level & classes?

The group is all first level. We have a magus, an inquisitor, a ranger and an Unchained rogue.

I'd definitely be interested in ideas from the modules you mentioned, since this is a Pathfinder game, but I'm also open to 3.0/3.5 material or scenarios worked up by the Playground. Right now I'm open to just about anything.

2016-12-16, 05:02 PM
A wandering, crazed prophet comes near the town, and some of the townspeople are starting to follow, then others start to disappear, including some of the Non-attending PCs. Attending PCs must investigate to free their friends from the Herald of McGuffin.

Cold snap takes out a bunch of the crops, and the PCs break into two groups to go hunting - the attending PCs discover a large mysterious were-McGuffin beast that's been scaring away the wildlife or may have caused the bad weather.

The last shipment into a town doesn't arrive, then a wounded, exhausted person says they were attacked, and the caravan needs help, but passes away before they tell the crew which direction of the fork in the road that the caravan was on. The non attending PCs go the wrong way at the fork towards Nopeville, the attending PCs choose the right one, and finds the shipment and the highwaymen on the road to McGuffinshire

The highly-transmittable McGuffinitis disease is ravaging the village and the non-attending PCs are either ill themselves or assisting the sick. Attending PCs have to go collect more medicine from plants on Mt. McGuffin, or from McGuffinshire, or have to go find Doc McGuffin, who was last seen going that general direction, but hasn't returned.

A marauding horde runs through the town by night, burning down the Department of McGuffin building. Non-attending PCs are assisting in the town with rebuilding, while the attending PCs hunt down the marauders.

2016-12-16, 05:58 PM
I was in the same situation last year and I run the first adventure of the Tales of the Old Magreve for half of my party. Kept them busy for 2 sessions and can be inserted wherever a small village in a forest could be.

2016-12-17, 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by DrMartin
I was in the same situation last year and I run the first adventure of the Tales of the Old Magreve for half of my party. Kept them busy for 2 sessions and can be inserted wherever a small village in a forest could be.

I keep hearing about this one, and it sounds wonderful. Seems fairly hard to get hold of, though.

Originally Posted by CharonsHelper
…there are a lot of good low level Paizo modules….

Any of these you'd recommend in particular?