View Full Version : [IC] The Legend of Zelda: A New Legend

2016-12-16, 01:54 PM
Lon Lon City. Once a simple ranch, the place received a massive influx of refugees after the Great Fire of Castle Town, a mysterious incident that started the War of Succession. As the tent city surrounding the ranch grew over the years, the people realized that the nobles were too busy squabbling to ever lend aid. Thus, they established their own government as the Lon Lon Republic, beginning the ranch's transformation into the true city it is today. The five splinter kingdoms of Hyrule regard the Lon Lon Republic as both friend and enemy; the recent attack from Empress Inara of the highlands was rebuffed not only by the Wardens of Hyrule, but by the other kingdoms who refused to give an inch of high ground to their enemies. Taking advantage of this neutrality, Lon Lon City welcomes people from all walks of life. From the Shadow Quarter of Centurbum to the Rito Aviary of Post, every kind of people imaginable have made their own place in this bustling city.

One of the most notable landmarks in this city is the Warden Inn, a simple inn that has been converted into quarters for the Wardens of Hyrule. Here, the Wardens eat, sleep, and often hang about during their free time. Each of the rooms, including the ones you reside in, are small and plain, but the Wardens have little regulation against decoration and personalization of one's quarters. Today, your otherwise normal morning is intruded upon by a letter sliding under the door, the Wardens' seal upon it. Whatever could it be? It better be something good at this hour of the morning!

2016-12-16, 06:25 PM

The gerudo priestess finishes her praying, as usual. This time, however, there is an alien object in her otherwise familiar quarters. A letter. Oh? She thinks as she stands up and closes to the envelope. She kindly grabs it and turns it around. The Warden's Seal! is the first thing her mind processes before opening it to read its contents. It may be something of importance. Yet she has been in Lon Lon City for a while now, Inoboru has not made that many friends. In fact, her true nature made her to exile herself from formal relationships, both in love and for plain friendship, so she has not outstood in nothing in particular, prefering to take on solo misions, maybe this was one of those, and she was selected because of that? No. Pretty much the best scenario. Anyways, Inoboru opens the envelope to read its contents.

Prepared Spells
• Bless
• Cure Wounds
• Detect Magic
• Sanctuary
• Augury
• Calm Emotions

2016-12-16, 08:46 PM
Zayn hears the letter slide along the ground behind him as he murmurs the last few lines of his daily prayer, and then stands to retrieve it. Messages are unusual occurrences for the Twili, and what are, judging by the seal, official missives from the Wardens are even more so. Still, he takes the time to return the mat he was kneeling on to its space beneath his bed and pulls on the rest of his voluminous robes before he picks up the letter and slits it open with one of his knives.

2016-12-16, 09:02 PM
Valen was resting on his mattress with wet rags over his forehead, torso and legs. While it wasn't necessary, it was soothing to keep his skin moist and it had become a long habit of his. When the letter it took him a bit to take notice of it, but after a few moments he noticed it. Throwing away the rags towards a corner he picked up the letter. First he sniffed it, trying to find something odd about it. Second he shook it too find any sounds anything that might be hidden inside. When he was content with his suspicions he opened the letter, carefully as not to rip the paper.

2016-12-16, 10:54 PM
Yuri was playing her flute when the letter slid under the door. It took her a minute to notice it, but when she did, she quickly stopped playing. Her hands hovered just above her lap as she sat on her bed, staring quizzically at the delivery. After a few seconds she lifted herself to her feet and made her way over to the letter. Leaving her flute on the table beside her door, Yuri bent over to pick up the letter without bending her knees, her eyes locked intensely onto the Warden Seal the entire time. She hadn't been with the Wardens long and this was the first official looking piece of mail she had ever received. Yuri's excitement and curiosity could no long be contained and she began to slowly open the letter, careful not to tear anything.

2016-12-20, 02:39 PM
Any analysis of the envelope shows it to be harmless (at least, physically so). Breaking the seal and opening the envelope shows a letter inside. What a shock! The parchment is fresh and the ink is bright and bold, showing that this letter was written very shortly before you received it. The handwriting is rushed and rough, as though the person sending it was more concerned about sending the letter than about making it look 'professional' in any sense.

"To [name of Warden who received this letter],

Meet me in my office in one hour. I have a new mission specifically for you and four others. Sorry for the short notice.

Grandmaster Tetra Vel

As you finish reading, you hear the sounds of others waking up and leaving their rooms on business of their own. You know that the Grandmaster's office can be found in the council building - a short walk from the Warden Inn.

2016-12-20, 05:56 PM
"Well it seems like I hit the jackpot." Valen said with a whistle. Maybe it was his instinct, maybe it was the fact that the letter was so hastily thrown together, but he smelled something good would come out of this. He put the letter back in it's envelop and gathered his things. He dressed himself in casual clothing, but strapped on his bow and quiver, as well as his daggers, his rapier and a bag of ball bearings. The Zora hid it all with a cloak which he wore over it all. He made sure to stash his letter in a safe spot in the inside of his cloak. He double checked that he had everything and then was off.

He bumped and snuck his way through the other members of the inn as he left. But since he still had a good hour, he decided to walk slowly towards the Grandmaster's Office. Valen took the time to enjoy the morning; it was something everyone took for granted but it was nice to be outside after being jailed for as long as he had.

2016-12-20, 07:12 PM
''Yes!'' She can't help but yell in joy. Inoboru thinks this is her time to shine and she is recognized as a valuable member of the Wardens. Inoboru places the letter in its envelope and puts it on her coat. She quickly takes and places her sheathes on her self, and about a minute after, she leaves her room in haste towards Tetra Vel's place.

2016-12-21, 02:04 PM
"Excellent." Zayn tucks the letter into one of the sleeves on his robes, and goes to retrieve his pack from the corner of the room. This is an opportunity that he absolutely cannot afford to lose, and not knowing exactly how long ago the letter was written, he is soon out of his room and on his way to the Warden's office.

2016-12-21, 02:36 PM
Yuri read the letter over a few times, it was as she had hoped. Maybe this would be her chance to get out there and really make a difference. She folded the letter and put it in her pocket. Yuri donned her leather armor and placed her blue tunic over top. She fastened her boots that covered half way to her knee and strapped her quiver to her belt. As she made her way over to her door, where her pack and cloak hung on the wall, she realized she forgot to eat breakfast in all the excitement. Not wanting to waste any time, she grabbed an apple from the table on her way out the door.

The day was beautiful and the warm sun made Yuri feel good. She stared into the sky as she walked, eating her fruit and daydreaming about the excitement that was no doubt ahead of her.

2016-12-25, 03:33 AM
Dara was very deliberate in her daily routine. The world was messy, and so it was up to her to bring order through proper cleaning and arranging. On top of that, every detail was important, either in ensuring her victory in battle, or giving the best impression possible as Yuri's representative. So engrossed was she in her work, Dara failed to notice the letter slipped under her door, until she was getting ready to leave and stepped on it. Once she noticed it, Dara quickly scanned it, then immediately rushed to the location. Once she arrived, Dara bowed her head in apology to Yuri. "A thousand apologies for my tardiness."