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View Full Version : Pathfinder: Adding Spells to a Summoners Spell list

2016-12-17, 01:25 AM
We've started another crazy campaign (likely to run for a couple months with accelerated exp gain and mythic tiers available) the last one had uber crits and capped ff with godly fights. I'm running the game and my group is very odd. They want me running a character and playing along with the group. Now I've turned this to my advantage in the best way I could think of, I've turned some guys into mini GMs getting them to take over for a session or two here and there. This used to bother me, having survived GMPC horror stories, but they don't want a god in the pocket they just want the GM to have the "same fun" not realizing it's more work and a different sort of fun added to the GM work.

Anyway in this particular game I've got a crazy team of hoodlums including a Half Orc Barbarian skinned as a Cook (he kills and eats everything. Even takes the occasional action in combat to season his enemies) A tiny Fae (can't remember the exact race took a 3 level adjustment) Monk just so eventually the punches will be "serious" damage from such a small being, and a Mr Hyde Alchemist played by our Coffee-Man. As you can tell this isn't the most serious game. They fight some big fights, solve some puzzles, and save the world. Usually by finding out who is out to mess it up and ruining their day.

Anyway I was asked by the guys to make a character like Anne from League of Legends. I want to make a Summoner, but want access to a couple basic attack spells. Right now the characters are level 5 and have no Mythic tiers. Both will start shooting up after a couple sessions, if this group follows it's standard pattern. All I really want is to add to the spell list is burning hands, scorching ray, and fireball. Not earth shattering, just flavorful. What's the best way to buff up the blasty side of a mostly Summoner character? I'd like to avoid level dips in the extreme, ut 1 or 2 won't kill me. I can put it off until Mythic stuff comes into play.

So a mage that does the sub optimal blasty combat approach that summons (usually only) 1 big monster to act as flank partner. Ideas? I could hand wave some things and just say "So mote it be" but I like to e as close to legal as possible in our broken crazy games so I don't feel ad if I have to reign anything in (it has been done before) but I on't mind bending the rules let someone else have that awesome thing they want (like letting keen and improved crit stack to be that uber Samurai Ninja Scroll character) after all these aren't the most serious games, I just don't want to abuse my authority.

2016-12-17, 02:11 AM
The thing is tibbers doesnt use evolutions to much so basic answer just multi class in to socrer. And you are done

2016-12-17, 03:19 AM
Try this, might help
Don't play much LOL but doesn't tibbers get stronger as you level up? If you advoided (good) stuff like flight and simliar and went for nat attack boosters it could work like tibbers with more attacks but eh.

2016-12-20, 10:47 AM
Talking it over with the closest I have to a co-gm we've decided the easiest answer is to simply grant a handful of spells to the list by fiat. it works for our flavor and "story" so the heck with it.

Simple solution, and because I had someone else vet the list I don't feel bad.