View Full Version : A Strange Old World. IC

2016-12-17, 03:07 PM
It is a steamy day in Minnesota. The recent heat wave has driven officials to warn people to stay inside. And so they have.

Of course, they all chose to do so at the Mall.

Which means the place is packed. From Macy's to the Cineplex. From the food court to LEGOLAND.

And the crowds press through the air conditioned mall, but fortunately, you have all managed to find refuge.

Welcome to the land of a thousand attractions. The kingdom of a thousand stores.

Welcome to the Mall of America.

2016-12-17, 03:35 PM
Xavier is in a technology store, looking at the racks of things he only dreams of affording.

2016-12-17, 08:15 PM
Ray sighed as he walked through the doors of the Mall of America. He had not planned to stop here on his trip but with the heat wave outside it was a decent place to be. The chill of the air conditioning washed over him. There were a couple of stores here that he wanted to visit, mainly to get some new weather resistant gear.

He pulled out his cell phone and dialed his daughters number. He missed her but she had wantes to spend a year with her mom and he had just graduated with his associates degree so he had decided to go on this trip that he had been thinking about for a while. "Hey sweetpea," he said as she answered the phone. They talked for a couple minutes, her going on and on about her new school and some of the friends that she had made. Ray smiled to himself. She was always so animated. He missed her silly smiles and infectious energy but was glad that she was having a good time at her mom's.

"I'm at mall of America sweetpea... yeah it is a really big mall with lots of stores and other things. I'll send you some pictures... I miss you too sweetpea."

He heard in the distance as his daughter's mom call her. He would love to talk to her more but it seemed that they were getting ready to go so he woulf have to let her go.

"I love you sweetpea. Have fun with your momma. Mwah."

Ray's first stop after hanging up the phone was to get a postcard to send to her. He had sent her quite a few postcards over his trip and she seemed to really look forward to getting them as she always talked about it after she had recieved one.

I will go through and edit in colors later on. Just wanted to get a good intro up.
EDIT: Wow I feel like an idiot for swapping a heat wave for a cold snap. I have edited appropriately.

2016-12-17, 10:12 PM
Jonathan is amazed at the bizarre weather Minnesota is having. He moves through the crowds, going from one side of the walkway to the other to pass slower walkers and gaggles of giggling teenagers as he heads towards his next stop. "I thought retail was dead, killed by the internet. Too many people."

He arrives at Legoland. "Where were all these cool toys when I was a kid?" he mutters as he peruses the shelves and aisles full of lego models that have actual guns and tread pieces, instead of being cobbled together from drive chains and cylinders. "But the prices are absurd."

2016-12-18, 07:48 AM
A gaunt-looking figure wanders between shops, trying to stay out of people's way. Bright, chest-length hair meets a sharp head with a masculine jawbone, flickering blue eyes and a long nose, set on a pale face. The figure wears a black t-shirt and black jeans, alongside a transparent blue blouse-like garment which becomes a sort of skirt at the bottom. From the long sleeves of the t-shirt emerge two spidery hands, the fingers thin and with skin peeling off them. The ability to see the arms would reveal that they, too, are rather worse for wear. At the bottom of this nearly six-foot person is a pair of exceptionally large trainers. Looking at Malachai, this body that traversed between shops without any apparent aim or motive, one might wonder whether there was even a real person behind it.

There were four.

Do you even know where we are supposed to be, Trianna?
I think it's here... I know it's somewhere in the mall, at least! It's around here...
Oh, and I suppose you have a better idea, Noone?

Noone didn't have an answer to that.

Hey, guys, isn't that the place? An indicator of a direction flashed into the other three's minds.
Yes, it appears to be.
Nice one, Ari. You're just as smart as ever.

Ari'El blushed internally at Antony's compliment, and as they did so, Noone took over Malachai - which had been largely staring into space - and walked over to their mutual destination.

And to be honest, they would have been a bit screwed if their destinations hadn't been mutual.

2016-12-18, 08:39 AM
Walking through the dense crowds is a rather average looking man in his thirties, with slightly shaggy looking medium length dark blonde hair and a precisely trimmed goatee. H is wearing a black Lacoste Sweatshirt, nonddescript dark grey or black Jeans and Blue Nikes.
On his back is a large Backpack made even larger by the dark blue winter Jacket on top of it.

Yes, Winter Jacket. Thick, insulated, and probably the worst thing to wear in this bizarre weather....though a few weeks later it might be very useful in Minnesotas climate.

He adjusts his almost rectangular glasses, looking as if searching for something specific....then seemingly giving up and entering a Milk Shake booth, ordering a Chocolate-Mint-Shake.

"Damn that insane weather, and the travel agent who told me to expect cold, even on a trip that only lasts till early october....Typical, you win a 5 week trip to the States, choose a cooler and less swamped area....and what happens.." he sighs while taking a seat and waiting for his shake.

2016-12-18, 11:50 AM
Mike has been in Minnesota with his family; he always take a trip to see them this time of year. Normally they are out at the farm or the lake, but this year they decided to go to The Mall of America. His aunt turns to him and his wife and says, "Well hey there, it's so big dontcha'know. We girls are going to get a pop and do some shopping, then." Before he knew it his wife and extended family were off. Alone with the rest of his family, he decides to abscond, preferring to explore the mall on his own.

2016-12-18, 02:43 PM
Xavier is in a technology store, looking at the racks of things he only dreams of affording.

Jonathan is amazed at the bizarre weather Minnesota is having. He moves through the crowds, going from one side of the walkway to the other to pass slower walkers and gaggles of giggling teenagers as he heads towards his next stop. "I thought retail was dead, killed by the internet. Too many people."

He arrives at Legoland. "Where were all these cool toys when I was a kid?" he mutters as he peruses the shelves and aisles full of lego models that have actual guns and tread pieces, instead of being cobbled together from drive chains and cylinders. "But the prices are absurd."

The both of you, wandering about the open mall, hear an overhead announcement.

The Wizards of the Coast attraction at Nickelodeon Universe will be starting in one hour. Tickets on sale now!

Ray sighed as he walked through the doors of the Mall of America. He had not planned to stop here on his trip but with the heat wave outside it was a decent place to be. The chill of the air conditioning washed over him. There were a couple of stores here that he wanted to visit, mainly to get some new weather resistant gear.

He pulled out his cell phone and dialed his daughters number. He missed her but she had wantes to spend a year with her mom and he had just graduated with his associates degree so he had decided to go on this trip that he had been thinking about for a while. "Hey sweetpea," he said as she answered the phone. They talked for a couple minutes, her going on and on about her new school and some of the friends that she had made. Ray smiled to himself. She was always so animated. He missed her silly smiles and infectious energy but was glad that she was having a good time at her mom's.

"I'm at mall of America sweetpea... yeah it is a really big mall with lots of stores and other things. I'll send you some pictures... I miss you too sweetpea."

He heard in the distance as his daughter's mom call her. He would love to talk to her more but it seemed that they were getting ready to go so he woulf have to let her go.

"I love you sweetpea. Have fun with your momma. Mwah."

Ray's first stop after hanging up the phone was to get a postcard to send to her. He had sent her quite a few postcards over his trip and she seemed to really look forward to getting them as she always talked about it after she had recieved one.

I will go through and edit in colors later on. Just wanted to get a good intro up.
EDIT: Wow I feel like an idiot for swapping a heat wave for a cold snap. I have edited appropriately.

You find souvenir stands aplenty. The real problem seems to be finding one that doesn't charge an arm and a leg for a simple postcard. You finally find one that looks good for you, and as you go to purchase it, you see a sign for new Nickelodeon attractions. On the list is a special event listed by Wizards of the Coast. The event is today, it seems, in just over an hour.

A gaunt-looking figure wanders between shops, trying to stay out of people's way. Bright, chest-length hair meets a sharp head with a masculine jawbone, flickering blue eyes and a long nose, set on a pale face. The figure wears a black t-shirt and black jeans, alongside a transparent blue blouse-like garment which becomes a sort of skirt at the bottom. From the long sleeves of the t-shirt emerge two spidery hands, the fingers thin and with skin peeling off them. The ability to see the arms would reveal that they, too, are rather worse for wear. At the bottom of this nearly six-foot person is a pair of exceptionally large trainers. Looking at Malachai, this body that traversed between shops without any apparent aim or motive, one might wonder whether there was even a real person behind it.

There were four.

Do you even know where we are supposed to be, Trianna?
I think it's here... I know it's somewhere in the mall, at least! It's around here...
Oh, and I suppose you have a better idea, Noone?

Noone didn't have an answer to that.

Hey, guys, isn't that the place? An indicator of a direction flashed into the other three's minds.
Yes, it appears to be.
Nice one, Ari. You're just as smart as ever.

Ari'El blushed internally at Antony's compliment, and as they did so, Noone took over Malachai - which had been largely staring into space - and walked over to their mutual destination.

And to be honest, they would have been a bit screwed if their destinations hadn't been mutual.

Malachai as well as the others, walked up the entry to Nickelodeon Universe. There, cartoon characters came to life, and many projections bring scenes from various Nickelodeon properties to life. Kids scream up above as a roller coaster takes them hurtling through its tight, hard curves.

Walking through the dense crowds is a rather average looking man in his thirties, with slightly shaggy looking medium length dark blonde hair and a precisely trimmed goatee. H is wearing a black Lacoste Sweatshirt, nonddescript dark grey or black Jeans and Blue Nikes.
On his back is a large Backpack made even larger by the dark blue winter Jacket on top of it.

Yes, Winter Jacket. Thick, insulated, and probably the worst thing to wear in this bizarre weather....though a few weeks later it might be very useful in Minnesotas climate.

He adjusts his almost rectangular glasses, looking as if searching for something specific....then seemingly giving up and entering a Milk Shake booth, ordering a Chocolate-Mint-Shake.

"Damn that insane weather, and the travel agent who told me to expect cold, even on a trip that only lasts till early october....Typical, you win a 5 week trip to the States, choose a cooler and less swamped area....and what happens.." he sighs while taking a seat and waiting for his shake. The shake arrives, and the waitress gives your bag a hard look. And she isn't the only one. Of course, most of the people just roll their eyes and mutter, "Tourists," under their breath.

Of course, some people are looking like they may be more than just onlookers. And it might be a good time to find somewhere to lose a group of potentially hostile folks.

Mike has been in Minnesota with his family; he always take a trip to see them this time of year. Normally they are out at the farm or the lake, but this year they decided to go to The Mall of America. His aunt turns to him and his wife and says, "Well hey there, it's so big dontcha'know. We girls are going to get a pop and do some shopping, then." Before he knew it his wife and extended family were off. Alone with the rest of his family, he decides to abscond, preferring to explore the mall on his own.

You are wandering about, and down on the first floor, you see a large banner advertising the latest attraction at Nickelodeon. Something being presented by Wizards of the Coast.

2016-12-18, 04:08 PM
"Huh. Maybe I can take a better look at 5th edition. Or maybe it's just one of those money-based card games. May as well look." Jonathan heads over to the Nickelodeon (they're still around?) area to see what it is.

2016-12-18, 05:21 PM
With gusto enjoying the Shake, and ignoring the weird look the waitress gave him (after all, everybody is a tourist in the Mall of Amaerica, European or not!) it takes a while for Ferdinand to realize that some people are looking at him in a, while not dangerous (after all its stock full of people) still .... clearly not good way.

"Not as if the day had started off good anyway....ah welll."

He empties the shake, pays and leaves the unfriendly shake providers shop.

"Now where would I find non-judging people, open for tourists, and ideally enough kids and their parents to be sure to avoid any violence?"

And so Ferdinand aims to find the place with the highest concentration of Kids and their families nearby.

Probably that Nickelodeon Universe thing over there, its certainly LOUD enough....

2016-12-18, 05:27 PM
"Hmm, wizards of the coast presentation sounds interesting. Might as well go check that out."

Ray tightens his pack and starts walking towards Nickolodean. He tucks the postcard into his pack. His daughter would love it. He didn't have long left in his journey and he couldn't wait to get back home so that he could see her again.

His eyes are caught by a small gaming store and since he figures that he has some free time. He looked around for a bit and then went back to walking towards the presentation. He determined that before he returned he would pick up some minecraft stuff for her. He had gotten various souvenirs from his various stops but they were mostly niknak type items.

When he got to the area for the presentation he was a bit ahead of schedule so he pulled out his cell phone to check his facebook. He updated his trip journal album with some more pictures that he had taken. After that was done he just relaxed and waited for the scheduled time for the presentation.

2016-12-18, 07:48 PM
"Hm... well, perhaps I can afford something there without selling a kidney...

2016-12-18, 08:31 PM
Mike follows the signs, after grabbing a strawberry Julius from orange Julius. Walking, mostly keeping to himself, he silently enjoys watching people.

2016-12-19, 08:35 AM
Something by Wizards of the Coast bears a look, I suppose. Interesting compared to the other attractions here at least. It kept on piloting Malachai towards the store, and decided to go up and get a ticket. None of the others voiced - or rather, thought - their dissent.

2016-12-20, 03:05 AM
As you all make your way into the event, you find that the place is packed with nerds of all kinds, as well as press and assorted other random curious attendees.

After a few minutes, the hall goes dark. Not pitch black, but definitely more dim than is particularly comfortable.

Then a figure steps into the stage wearing what you recognize as a costume from an old D&D game. A few other people come out, modeling costumes for several other Core classes.

Then a man in a polo shirt and jeans.

The man waves and smiles at the crowd as he is handed a microphone.

"Hi everyone! We here at Wizards of the Coast have been invested in bringing you the absolute best experience in Role-playing games that is possible, and now we are here to tell you about an exciting new way to play! We have teamed with the great people at Oculus, as well as the folks at TacSoft. And we are here today to provide a lucky few with the opportunity to experience the fruits of our labor first hand.

"We, along with our partners have created an entirely new virtual experience. When you put on the newly developed tactile immersion gear, you will be more than just some face walking a virtual world. Your hands will feel the swords in your hand, you will feel the spells and arrows that strike you, registering damage, not just as a declining health bar, but as a real feeling!"

As he speaks, a large screen behind him turns on, displaying the movie quality images of the world he describes you playing in.

And over that, a translucent overlay resolves, along with the words "Winning numbers:"

"Alright folks, if you look down at your tickets, you will see that each of them has a number. If your number gets called, please head for the backstage entrance."

He reads out a series of numbers, and as you look down, you see that your number is one that gets called, along with nineteen others.

2016-12-20, 04:01 AM
"Twenty winners for a d20. Cute." Jonathan holds up his phone to take a quick picture, then sends a text to his wife with the photo.

He muses as he walks back. "I wonder how they'll handle real skills versus dice rolls? Hmmm...rapier, staff, shortbow, spear, or katana?"

2016-12-20, 05:56 AM
Ray looks down at his number, mildly shocked that he actually got a winning ticket. He was pretty excited, he hadn't ever been able to attend a gaming convention where such events were usually held and having a child full time didn't exactly leave one able to keep up with tech. He walked forward wondering whether the world would be an established setting or something unique to the experience. He also wondered if it even mattered. With such an event it was likely that it would only be a demo of sorts. Surely not more then a few hours of gameplay as the team would likely have to pack up quickly.

With twenty people it was fairly obviois to him that they would likely be split into multiple groups. Most likely four groups of 5 or so to simulate as close to the classic party as could be done. "I wonder how they handle character creation? Do we pick feats or is there some kind of automatic character generation?" He asked himself.

2016-12-20, 07:02 AM
This stuff never happens to me... I'll go along with it until they take me out...

2016-12-20, 11:08 AM
I won., Mike says with mild disbelief. He usually never wins these sorts of things, though that isn't a strange happenstance. It is far more likely to lose than to win.

He considers leaving, not particularly wanting to go through all the hassle, though free trials is like free stuff, and if there is one thing Mike cannot say no to, it is free stuff.

He starts walking up to the stage, texting his wife:
How are you doing? I won some DnD thing, when you are done come over and check this out. :D

2016-12-20, 11:20 AM
As the presentation goes on, Ferdinand ponders, from time to time making a snapshot with his Smartphone.

Nice Graphics, I`ll give them that. Didn`t expect Wizards to still actually have that kind of money. VR? Well, thats a new direction, and a cute 20 of winners, I wonder if.....WHAT? I ACTUALLY won something? Thats the second time in my life .....
The face of the European Tourist shows utter bafflement. Then a positively evil grin starts to split his goatee.
Wonderful. Lets get to it. I hope they are able to simulate Magic well enough....

With that thought he is one of the first to head to the backstage area....

2016-12-20, 11:25 AM
You do realise, I hope, that this means we would have been better off not winning?
Shush, Noone. Stop being a pessimist.

With that, they collectively entered, still slightly apprehensive.

2016-12-22, 04:55 PM
Each of you makes your way backstage. Some of the other employees show you to a small room where you are asked to deposit your belongings into a bin, each of which is locked and stored away. You are given the key for the bin, and escorted into another room where some private booths are. You are each shown how to put on all the gear without damaging it, and then helped into one of the private booths. You are invited to sit down in a chair, and your gear is paired to the computer sitting in the booth.

As you place the VR goggles over your eyes, you think you hear someone say something. It sounds like Oh, no. This won't do... Not at all. What can we do about it though, hmm?

But then the earbuds in your ears turn on, and you hear a triumphant fanfare as the goggles turn black.

Text begins scrolling up in your vision.

This world is not the only world. There are so many others.
So many that we could spend days just listing their names...
Instead, we will call it the Great Wheel of the Planes.
As it turns, fate and chance are brought to a head on these worlds.

And now, we take you to one of these worlds, a world of strife...
A world where joy and sorrow hang upon a knife's edge...
We take you now to a world of...

Dungeons and Dragons

As the text scrolls up, the background changes. No longer are you just in a void of darkness, but you are floating through a starfield. Your vision is slowly brought around and down to a planet sitting below you. Clouds swirl slowly over blue oceans and continents of golds and browns and greens. As you look down at this world, the vest over your chest starts to give you the sensation of a breeze blowing past you as you start zooming toward the world.

As you enter the atmosphere, you start flying into and around and through the clouds. Misty white words resolve over some of the places below, naming them for you.

Serazi, in the north. The Taspa mountains. The Threshold. Celea, The White River, The Gold Road. As you fly south, you see a tower floating over a massive city. Shaerlorne. That is the name that rises above this city. And it is apparently also your destination. Or rather it was. Until a ray shoots out of the tower, changing into a massive hand that grabs you all and pulls you into the tower.

"This is so awesome!" One of the women in the group calls out.

2016-12-22, 06:39 PM
"Woah," Mike says under his breath. "I wonder if we'll get to choose our classes or if we'll be assigned one..."

2016-12-22, 07:57 PM
Ray just relaxes while the world shifts around him. His heart is racing though despite his relaxed outer ezpression.

"This is cool. Can't believe they simulated that so well."

He picks his brain trying to identify what world he might be in given the names of the various locals that had been identified. Nothing springs to mind right away so he lets it go. No reason to wrack his brain over where they might be.

He jumps a little as the hand wraps around them.

"Looks like we are aboit to get a quest eh?" He says to the group.

2016-12-22, 08:24 PM
"Wow, this reminds me of Continue Online. I hope it doesn't have the pain feedback and the crazy "tough through it all" main character, though. Fun story, though."

2016-12-22, 11:01 PM
"Wish it was Spelljammer though..."

2016-12-23, 10:19 AM
"Reall neat... is Ferdinands main thought ...until the hand grabs them?

"Bigbys Interfereing Grasp maybe? lets see who stops us, and why. Also, where`s the Char Gen Editor?
With that though he eagerly awaits what the Tech will do next.

2016-12-28, 11:24 AM
The hand grabs you all from the air, and pulls you into the tower. As you near the tower, individual stones resolve out of the texture packs, and shows a varied and unique outer wall. Through a massive open arch, the hand drags you into the interior of the massive floating structure. Through a large hole between floors, you are pulled up.

Then you hear a voice call out.


The energy of the hand changes around you. Now instead of a hand gripping you around the chest, you feel a sensation in your hands. Looking down, you see that a set of glowing, ghostly green manacles has appeared around your wrists.

Past your hands, you see a figure standing on a nearby ledge, its hand outstretched towards you. Then the hand twists so t is palm up, and crooks a finger in a beckoning gesture.

Each of you float down, one at a time until you are only several feet away. Now, you can more clearly see the figure. A face hooded deep in a dark cowl atop robes blacker than midnight.

"So. You are the ones chosen. You are the chosen warriors who will challenge the fate of this world. I wish you well. Your first trial will begin soon. Then we shall see if you truly have what it takes to-"

No. No, no, no. This simply will not do. They captured the look, but of course that doesn't take much imagination. But the feel... No. They have that completely off.

"-be the ones to change destiny itself."

The hand turns and thrusts out at you again, and the manacles disappear. But so does whatever force was holding you in the middle of the air. And without that force, the laws of nature take hold again, and you find yourself plummeting down through the hole in the floor of the tower. One floor, Two, four, eight... They blur together, and become one long continuous blur of motion. Seconds later, you lose your sight as the light vanishes. And then, just as suddenly, you are out of the tower, and plummeting through the darkening night sky...

Only to land on something soft. And... Warm?

2016-12-29, 02:54 AM
"In the words of Neo, Whoa." Jonathan tries to sit up and look around.

2016-12-29, 06:08 AM
Trianna was the first of the four personalities to recover enough to stand up. "What in the exalted blazes...?"

2016-12-29, 07:12 AM
Well this is more then just a bit theatrical, thought Ray. He couldn't fault the twch but the whole wizard hand propecy felt a bit heavy handed, pun intended.

"Well that was interesting. I wonder what comes next. Do we finally get to play or are we still on the circus ride?"

2016-12-29, 10:06 AM
I've had horrid DMs that didn't railroad this much...

2016-12-29, 01:06 PM
"Well, that's rather stereotypical, if very well executed." Still admiring the detailed surroundings, Ferdinand strokes his goatee as.the guy whose.whole look screamed "Evil Wizard" gave his intro.
"A wee bit railroady, but at least it's neither a prison nor a tavern. Excellent feel of the handcuffs...."
And they are plummeting fast...
A slightly sick greenish tint colors the face of the blond European as they fall. Even if it wasn't real, it was close.
"What now?" He looks and feels around, trying to find out what they.landed on...and making sure he's no longer falling.

Ooc: Smartphone. Strange.bug with the color command, hence not grey. Sorry.

2016-12-31, 08:08 AM
The sheep you have landed on bray, as they start from your sudden intrusion upon their slumber. Then, they start to run, tumbling you the rest of the way to the ground. You find yourselves in a field, illuminated from above by three moons, a very large white one, a green moon, and a black moon. The stars make brilliant patterns in the sky, and the lack of any artificial light sources means you see more stars now that you ever have in your entire lives.

From somewhere else in the field, a woman gasps, then lets out a sharp "Ow." When you get over to her, to see what the problem is, she looks up at you from the ground.

"I think, I think I twisted my ankle. But how could I have done that? We are all sitting down, right? How could I have twisted my ankle?"

2016-12-31, 09:48 AM
Jonathan grins. "Sheep, hah! Brilliant. I was expecting something a little more staged, but this lets them show off some nice visuals. I love seeing the stars in the country. And the moons are a nice touch."

He turns to the woman. "I don't know about you, but I felt the wool of the sheep, and it felt pretty real to me. If you can feel one thing, why not another?"

He walks over to her and kneels down, looking to see what type of shoes she's wearing.

2016-12-31, 11:39 AM
"Because we don't have haptics on our feet!"

You all appear to be wearing some kind of boots. They look pretty cheap and some of them have holes in them. You are all also wearing simple clothes, none of it is incredibly fancy and it also seems a bit rundown.

2016-12-31, 11:45 AM
"We don't have them on our backs either. I haven't been following VR tech; the holy grail is neural induction, but I think I would have heard something about that anyway... and they'd probably have had us sign extra waivers with warnings about nerve damage if things go wrong. I...probably would have passed on that. Weird.

If we can find some rope and some sticks, I can rig up a brace, but it's still going to hurt. I had an aunt who got a bad sprain on the Appalachian Trail...it took her all day to cover 5 miles to a town so she could get a ride out and fly home early. In the meantime, you should just lean on one of us."

Jonathan helps the woman up.

2017-01-01, 10:33 AM
Well, at least there aren`t any Goats.... mumbles Ferdinand as he gets up after the Mini-Stampede.
Then he looks up. And Up. Well, color me impressed. Great Design. And the Haptics are really good too....

Then the Womans Question interrupts his train of though. He gives her a closer onceover, noting her looks for later use, followed by doing the same to himself and again all others here, his face getting a harder, more worried expression as his musterings progress.

I dont think they are even close to using neural Induction on this scale yet, and using something like that, if it existed, is far out of WotC`s Budget. I am more worried that we were drugged. Given the right sensory stimulation, some drugs could explain this quite well. What do you think?

He sighs. Of course he won something for once, and landed in a probalby military-funded Drug Test.

And I am quite opposed to being dressed like this. Shouldn`t these be ...well at the very least less run-down?

2017-01-05, 01:19 AM
"Well this has been quite a show."

Ray spit some wool out of his mouth.

"I don't appreciate being thrown into sheep though."

He looked around. Wondering what could be next. It seemed like they had pulled out all of the stops. He was hesitant to think that they had drugged them. They had not dranken or eaten anything.

"How would they have administered a drug to us? I guess that there are ways it could have been done but I somehow doubt it."

2017-01-05, 06:22 AM
"Probably either contact application in the suits or very small epidermal needles we.didnt feel due.to the sensory feedback. If it's drugs that is, I do.seem far too lucid for.it.to.be that though. Hmmm....

His brow creases further as he answers.

2017-01-09, 04:00 PM
Oh, no. No, no, no. You haven't been drugged. You were just... selected.

There is that voice again.

2017-01-10, 03:48 AM
I'm going to feel crazy for this, Ray thinks to himself.

"What do you mean selected. Other then selected for the demo?"

Why am I talking to a disembodied voice? It's probably just a game designer talking to us while in the experience. Oh well guess it could be worse.

2017-01-10, 03:59 AM

"Huh, creepy. I guess for the demo they're going for a metagame approach instead of immersion. I think they'd do better letting us start off at level 5 with some basic gear and options, instead of level 0 peasant.

Unless we're going to be attacked by some wild sheep, we should probably find someplace to go. If we find some trees, I'm going to pick up a tree limb to use as a club in case they're being a little too clever."

2017-01-11, 12:52 AM
There are indeed some trees. In fact, it appears to be a whole forest. There is a large fence between you and it, however. And from behind you, you hear a dog barking. The sheep that are still bleating, start calming down, and running back the direction they came, namely toward you.

A light comes on nearby, and you realize, if you haven't yet, that you are in a farmyard. And farmers don't usually take kindly to a large group of strangers in their pastures this late at night.

2017-01-11, 01:01 PM
Huh, strange voices actually answering? Noooo of course not.
Ferdinand shakes his head.
Well, so much for talking InGame to the ... strange voice. I agree by the way, if my disgust about the outfit ahs not spelled it out already.

Then he looks around more, realizes the surroundings are a farm, and sighs. "No, not back to my Uncles farm, well at least there are no Goats. We should prepare a remotely believable story to tell the farmer. Anyone recognize the World we`re in? Haven`t played in official Worlds much the last years...and we should at least avoid being taken as liers because we dont know where we are.....

2017-01-11, 01:19 PM
"This is D&D, home of the Owl-Bear. "A wizard did it" is a perfectly reasonable explanation."

2017-01-12, 01:49 AM
"I get the feeling that not knowing the name of the country or even continent that we are on is going to raise some eyebrows. I just hope this country isn't at war with it's neighbors. That could get us thrown into jail aweful quick."

Ray scans for an easy way out.

Search [roll0]

2017-01-12, 12:20 PM
Aside from the trees, there does not appear to be anywhere to go except toward the farmhouse.

As you turn back to the trees, something new catches your eye. A door. A door painted bright red.

A door that wasn't there before.

2017-01-13, 01:45 AM
"Is everyone else song the door that appeared out of nowhere? Looks like our best route or of here."

2017-01-13, 08:37 AM
"Yellow brick road, eh? Maybe this is how we get the tour."

Jonathan strides over to the door and pulls it open.

2017-01-13, 01:51 PM
Ah well, why not. Lets see where this leads.
Fedinand follows directly behind Jonathan, a bit wary but not very.

2017-01-13, 08:22 PM
Like I said, a tad railroady. Xavier follows Jonathan.

2017-01-15, 08:43 PM
You walk through the door, and find yourselves in.... a parlor. A rather smallish, slightly run down parlor, but that is exactly what it is. Inside are enough chairs for all of you. And there is a fire blazing in the hearth, so it is at least warmer here than it was in the field. The parlor has several odd things about it.

First, the room looks completely square. But you count seven corners, each with its own object in it to differentiate them from the others. several globes sit on tables, but none of them depict Earth. Or any other planet you are aware of. One of the 'globes' is just a flat sheet, etched on both sides with maps of different worlds. Strange objects float in the air, a large device sits affixed to the ceiling that randomly rotates spheres about in some unknown pattern.

Aside from the devices, there are also books on almost every subject you can imagine.

On a table in the center of the parlor, a sign sits.


2017-01-17, 07:31 AM
Xavier begins to examine the globes and tries to memorize as much as he can.

2017-01-17, 08:53 AM

"A wizard did it! Hah." After helping the woman with the injured leg sit, he wanders over to the bookshelves and starts glancing over the titles, before moving on to the maps.

"This room feels pretty non-Euclidean. How'd they fit 7 corners on a square?" He blinks his eyes a few times. "That's a really weird effect, even for VR."

2017-01-17, 04:34 PM
"Yeah, not sure how they pulled off the coding on this room. Must be something unique, I'm pretty impressed of I do say so myself. Anyway, we might as well sit down."

Ray goes and takes a seat.

2017-01-18, 12:35 AM
The globes and maps are... incomplete. The parts that are finished are highly detailed, ridged to show terrain. Mountains rise from the surface, and rivers flow (No really, they actually flow, with water.) into the oceans. But there are entire sections that are simply blank. The details simply... stop. Like their creator got bored and moved on, forgetting the incomplete projects now on display.

As Ray turns to sit down, a voice comes from just under him.

A different seat, if you please.

In surprise, Ray stands and turns around, to see an odd little creature in red robes sitting in the chair, now sized perfectly for the little man.

Hello. Sorry to keep you waiting. I am the Dungeon Master. And, I think, you have questions for me.

2017-01-18, 01:55 PM
Ferdinand almost hungrily devours the details in the room.
Ah, the good old non-euklidian geometry. Iah.... fthaghn anyone?"
He intensily looks at the unfinished world creations, a staple of his own RPG life as well.

He smiles a little....that is until the "DM" popped up.

"OK, this is good. Didn`t expect the combination of tradition and advanced tech. I like it. And yeah, I do. Why is the discrepancy between our clothing and general choicelessness and the immensely wellcrafted world so far so big?
And when do we get to choose class and associated variables?

2017-01-18, 06:15 PM
Ah. The Game Master raised a finger in front of him, as he makes his grand point.

You see, there has been a terrible error. You have all become victims of a much larger game, with dire stakes, and fatal consequences.

2017-01-18, 06:19 PM

"And this is where they give us magical weapons and flying mounts to help fix the problem. Sweet."

2017-01-18, 10:31 PM
"Do go on. Tell us about this greater game that is going on. I am truly curious."

2017-01-19, 08:00 AM
No, I don't think I can. Suffice to say that that would be a violation of the rules binding me. But I can tell you that you are no longer sitting in a chair in Minnesota. I can tell you the stakes. All of Life and Reality itself. I can tell you that if you make a mistake, there is no coming back. I can also tell you that in order to proceed, there are three exits from this room. One of them is right, one of them is left, and the other is wrong. Oh, and as for your equipment, you will find things improved when you awaken.

2017-01-19, 12:23 PM
Tad of a plot twister... Xavier cracks his knuckles.

2017-01-19, 12:34 PM

"So you're saying we are physically here?" Jonathan pinches himself, hard.

Jonathan stands pensively for a minute, one hand idly smoothing his beard as he organizes his thoughts.
"You're bound by rules. Bound is different than obedient, so they are probably magic in nature, like a geas" (he pronounces it 'geese') "or magical oath.

Can you, within the bounds of the rules, suggest any questions or lines of inquiry for us to pursue that would give us more useful information? Similarly, can you point us in the right direction for anything that would help us in doing whatever we're supposed to do?"

2017-01-19, 01:24 PM
Jonathan's pinch hurts.

There is not much I can do to aid you at the present moment. I will be occasionally be able to point you somewhere, but most of what happens next will be driven by yourselves. Oh, he adds pointing off behind you. You turn to look where he is pointing. There are two doors. One is labeled "Right," the other is labeled "Wrong."

Your exits are over there.

When you turn back, the Dungeon Master is gone.

2017-01-19, 01:45 PM
Hey, do you think we could actually....be, you know, here?" Jonathan points down and around. "Like, for real? I don't believe in magic, but like we were saying earlier, this is way beyond what modern tech can do."

2017-01-19, 03:39 PM
"Honestly I'm not sure what to think. I mean I'm not sure how the hell the would have programmed non Euclidean geometry like this. And the haptic inputs seemed above our technological capabilities but how would we even know if we are really 'here'? Either we are or we're not and I can't think of any way to figure that out. Honestly the only way we will know is time."

2017-01-19, 03:53 PM
Ferdinand kicks a chair. Hard.

After this hurts in a way too deep for sensory stimulation (and too sharp for Drugs...he thinks), his Eyes widen.

OK, aside from the fact that I am surely not the only on who has had dreams like this .... I did NOT expect anything of such potentially fatal consequences when I signed up."

He turns to ask the GM another question ... and the small guy vanishes. "hey, what exactly do you see as much improved? Can we at least have some choices?"
He grumbles a but into his goatee...which is to short for it. Instead he strokes it.

"OK guys and Girl, I`m Ferdinand. And it seems we`re stuck for now, in an at least VERY real seeming ... different world. And 2 obviously labelled doors when our GM said there would be 3....

2017-01-19, 04:20 PM
"Well... it's better than lazing around on Earth..."
EDIT: Changed colour

2017-01-24, 12:25 AM

Jonathan looks to the left of the Right door for a hidden or secret door.

2017-01-24, 12:41 PM
After a few minutes of feeling the wall to the side of the door and searching for any sign of any kind of secret, including pulling several books form the nearby bookshelf, Jonathan concludes that there is not a secret door. He does however discover something that is rather odd.

The Right door has two knobs on it. One on the right, and one on the left. There are also two sets of hinges, and based on what you know of basic door design, means the door should not be able to open at all because the door is one solid piece of dark wood.

Assumed taking 20 on a Search check. In the future, let me know if that is not what you intend.

2017-01-24, 12:53 PM
"Very, very punny. There's a right door that's both a right door and a left. At least this wizard has a sense of humor. I hope time isn't passing at home while we're here. I've got two kids and a wife who are gonna get worried if I vanish off the face of the earth while out of town. Although, if time does pass, the Wizards of the Coast guys will probably get arrested. Too bad we didn't bring our stuff with us. I'd feel better with my pistol and my knives on me, because if this keeps up something's eventually going to try to eat us."

Jonathan looks at the rest of the room. "I say we go left, just because it's likely to be a less traveled path. What do y'all think?"

2017-01-24, 02:29 PM
Ferdinand raises a brow. Americans and their guns. Sure, it would likely (if physics worked regularly) be useful here, but then again...

A agree. Walking the Left hand path is rarely easy but almost always more exclusive. Lets just hope its not merely another pun. Or that Alignment applies fully here... The last part is said almost in a whisper, and with a thoughtful expression.