View Full Version : OOC: Roleplaying Guidelines

2007-07-16, 07:48 PM
I'm considering writing a list of guidelines for roleplayers of The Town. They would not be bound rules but a slandered which people should follow to promote good roleplaying. Note that they would only be guidelines; no one would be bound to follow them.

Some ideas I have in mind:

-Getting an MSN account.
-Suggestions on resolving plot infringement issues peacefully.
-What to do if someone godmodes.

Feel free to comment on what should and should not be on the list.

Lord Magtok
2007-07-16, 07:56 PM
What does an MSN account have to do with the Town? :smallconfused:

2007-07-16, 07:58 PM
It allows OOC communications on the fly with others.

I personally like being able to talk to other Townies on it without having to use these forums.

2007-07-16, 08:01 PM
A lot of us use MSN to communicate thing outside of the Town. It keeps OOC arguments from filling up the Town, and it helps orchestrate plots a little better. That Pelgof killing Raril thing, brought to you by MSN. If there's an easy alternative IM or maybe a chat thing we could set up I wouldn't be opposed to that,

2007-07-16, 08:02 PM
MSN helps with communication between roleplayers and I know this through experience. True you could just use OOC text or PMs but MSN is the best method being instant and off of the forums so you don't have to see (( conversations like this )) throughout the threads and you don't clog up your PM box.

2007-07-16, 08:09 PM
I'd like to add that everyone should read, or possibly re-read, the stickied rules. Knowing and understanding them helps to avoid a lot of confusion and conflicts. Thanks.

2007-07-16, 08:15 PM
I am instinctively opposed to this.

-MSN Messenger accounts are by no means necessary. Okay, it is sometimes helpful to communicate with other players, but PMs are usually sufficient, unless, perhaps, you want to do a lot of co-ordinating, but it's still perfectly easy using PM. Especially with the recent 'mass-Townie-conversations', once you're invited, people can easily add your email address, which some people don't like.

- Plot infringement. Tricky, sometimes. This is where a council could come in, if the two parties really can't sort it out by themselves. Maybe. A main thing to remember when running plots is to be flexible, and allow your plots to adapt to other PCs interfering. On the other hand, try to sense when someone might be sensitive about a plot. But, both PCers and Plot-Runners, remember that if you want some kind of compromise, it should be IC as well as OOC.

- Godmodding and Godmoding.
For godmodders, just correct them.
"I chop your arm off."
"Actually, my character deflects the blow, and recieves just a scratch."
That way, you still define what happens to your own character, and they can either notice, and (if you're lucky) apologise, or continue to do it, in which case you still keep control of your character, and they might learn eventually.
For godmoders, I guess you have several options. Either respond in like, and have similarly ridiculously-powered characters, and devolve into 'you miss, I attack' repeatedly. OR let them 'win'. React realistically. This might mean your characters die, or are put out of action temporarily, but if the god-moders have no threats, and always win, we can only hope that they might grow bored, and learn how to RP a bit better.

Well, those are my brief thoughts, and feel free to debate the points with me. But it's what I think works, perhaps.

And, agreeing with Artemis97, go and re-read the 'welcome to town' thread often. It really is helpful, and probably more useful than anything extra we cna come up with.

2007-07-16, 08:22 PM
-MSN Messenger accounts are by no means necessary.I agree with this. No one should be required to have MSN to play but since it is advisable to do so I would put it down as a guideline.

2007-07-17, 08:16 PM
I'd like to add in some sort of limit on creating threads, I see new threads pop up everyday, there used by maybe one or two people then dissappear. Think about the places you create, is there a purpose? Will it be more than you and your characters sitting there?