View Full Version : [ROS] Adventurers' Guild Practice Arena (Combat Sim)

2016-12-18, 01:54 PM
Welcome to the Adventurers' Guild Practice Arena!

Link to Recruiting Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?508364-ROS-Re-recruiting-Expedition-to-Barrow-of-Siviniak-(beginner-friendly!))

How to start: State your interest in fighting by writing a short intro (how you enter the arena). Select your opponent. You will be informed when your fight begins.

Let me know which part of the practice field you enter - "archery range" - ranged practice, "small arena" - one-on-one combat or "large arena" - group combat. Large arena is closed until at least everyone survives at least one fight.

Combats will be one on one, but there is possibility to arrange combat for whole group (only one though). When the combat ends, next of kin will be informed... :smallsmile:

Here you can try out the combat without "endangering" your PCs in game. Nothing here transfers to the IC - nor wounds, neither gained equipment.

Feel free to try anything out (even different weapons, builds, etc.). Of course, start with the one you have to make yourself comfortable with your fighting style. Beginners - follow the steps below! It's important that you learn the combat procedure (initiative in the beginning of combat, aggressor states his intents, defender states his intents, dice are rolled, damage is determined, initiative is determined, aggressor states his intent and ad nausium or ad deathsium... :smallsmile:). Please, don't skip to the fancy manuevers before you learn to "walk"... stick to cutting, thrusting and parrying.

Rolling here will occur in plain view - no need to hide it in spoilers. Just separate the OOC part from IC part.

Each of you can try out several opponents. So feel free to select opponent (or two if you want to die quickly) - and we'll start.

The players that don't want to fight can bet on the outcome or cheer for the warriors :smallbiggrin:

absolutely harmless bag of hay
a strong peasant with a sling and staff
farmboy holding a sword for the first time
spear-wielding hunter
drunk pirate with rapier
a sword-and-board soldier
powerful barbarian with large axe
well-armoured obese knight with halberd and longsword
the above-average fencer

Combat lineup:

Step 1: Combat Preparations
For beginners - we will start easy. Do step 1, wait for response, then step 2. Additional manuevers and other things will be explained on the way. Experienced players may jump right into the fight.

1. Check your CP. This is your combat pool - the number of d10 dice you have for both one round. It "refreshes" at the start of a round and you spend it for your actions. Dice can not be "spared" for next round.

2. Each melee round is divided into two exchanges. Think of the exchange as one action. Usually - you get one attack-your opponent defends, the opponent gets one attack-you defend. End of round. Refresh dice.

3. Initiative! It's a wonderful thing.
Take one white and one red dice. Imagine, that the red dice means attack, the white defence. Now hide them from everyone in your hand and select one - red if you want to attack, white if you want to defend yourself.
When I say "throw" we both throw the dice which we selected.
If we both throw white, we circle each other. We wait. No one attacks.
If one of us throws red and the other white - the red one has initiative and attacks. The white one defends.
Red-red means, we both attack. That can get messy, quick.

Since we are not at one table, you will "throw" your dice here. I promise not to cheat - what would the fun be there?

Initiative is resolved this way only if we begin the combat or if there was a pause in combat. During combat the initiative shifts based on the tactics and rolls. We'll get there.

And one info - you don't have to roll the dice. It's just statement (I attack/I defend) of your action, hidden from the opponent.

Step 1 is over. Now - select your opponent...enter the arena...and INITIATIVE!

Step 2: First attack, first defence

You have CP at ready, you know the initiative.

Now the aggressor (the one who threw RED) states his intention in the form of

used offensive manuever
attack zone (if applicable)
dice used for the manuever

The defender (the one who threw WHITE) then states his intention, usually in the form of defensive manuever and allocated dice.

Basic offensive manuevers are cut (uses cut ATN), thrust (uses thrust ATN) and for blunt/mass weapons also strike ATN.
For cuts and strikes, if you want, you can strengthen your attack by spending an additional 1 dice for +1 to damage.
Usually you should pick the lower TN and choose attack based on the weapon you use (usually it's of no use cutting opponent with a rapier - only if you want to humiliate him).

The attack zones - since both fighters move for the whole time, it's hard to pinpoint exact place you hit. So below are the zones (usually you don't need to state which one you attack directly - a "overhead slash"/"diagonal strike"/"lunge at his chest" is enough for me to understand; but for this simulator, state the exact zone to the OOC spoiler) and the places you can hit.

Strike/cut zones

overhead (vertical) - shoulders, chest, head
diagonal - upper body
horizontal - from torso to thighs
arms - arms. Really.
from below (vertical) - legs, squishy parts, underbelly, belly
upper legs - the area around thighs
low legs - from knee below,

Thrust zones
head - head and neck
arms - arms. Really.
chest - torso and abdomen
abdomen - exactly what it says on the tin and below (again the squishy parts)
upper legs - the area around thighs
low legs - from knee below,

Yes, this RPG lets you kick people in the balls - and it hurts.

State what amount of dice do you allocate from your CP to the attack and wait for the opponent to select his defence.
Remember, if you don't plan to kill him by the first blow, there will be a second exchange - if you are left without dice and he has some, you have given him free ticket to wound you - and in this system, often the first wound wins the match.

Per attack
Thrusts (and punches) to the head: -1 CP (= you have to pay additional die to do this attack)
Thrusts to lower legs: -2 CP
Thrusts to the arms/hands: -1 CP
Cuts (and swings) to the lower legs: +1 CP against shield defence (=you get additional die for this attack)
Cuts/swings to the arms/hands: +1 CP

Per round (modify pool at the beginning of round)
Higher footing: +2 CP
Visibility - Near-darkness (dusk): -1 CP
Visibility - Night (with moonlight): reduce CP by -1/4
Visibility - Pitch darkness: reduce CP by -1/2

Weapon length (per attack)
Length steps: Hand-Short-Medium-Long-Very long-Extremely long
Length disadvantage for attack - each step: -1 CP
When shorter weapon hits, the person moves to "ideal" length
If the short weapon has advantage, the opponent gets -1 CP per step for attack and defence!

Botches (fumbles)
If you roll two or more "1s" on dice and no successes, you fumble. Usually - your weapon gets stuck, breaks, gets dropped.
On next exchange, you reduce your combat pool by 1/2 of dice you invested on attack.
E.g. you roll 10 dice. No successes, two 1s. Next exchange you lose 5 dice.

You can fight for (ENx2 - CP penalty for armour) rounds without fatiguing yourself.
After that you lose 1 CP per this number of rounds.

E.g. Character's armour penalty is -2 and EN 4. He can fight for 6 rounds, then loses 1 CP at beginning of his 7th round, 13th round, 19th...

For the defender:
Basic defensive manuevers are:

full evasion - you try to run away, get out of harm's way. You roll against DTN of 4 (very good), but you can not use it in exchange after you attacked.
partial evasion - you try to dodge the opponent's attack and stay close enough. You roll against DTN of 7. If you win the exchange (he misses), you can pay 2 dice from CP to get initiative.
duck & weave - you try to find optimal attack position after you dodge. You roll against DTN of 9 (very dangerous), but if you win, you are at your ideal length and the opponent is considered to have botched the roll (he additionally loses 1/2 of his invested dice)
parry - you try to parry with your weapon. Assign CP dice to defence and roll against DTN of your weapon. If you win the exchange, you automatically have initiative.
block - the same as parry, however you block with you shield - and use the DTN of shield.

Consider the amount of dice your opponent invested when choosing yours - it's always safer to defend with more, attack with less - only if you are sure that he has unwieldy weapon or you think you can withstand the punishment.
You do not have to select a zone you cover, however:

you are able to parry only one attack per round with one weapon (you can still parry second one by the off-hand weapon or by your hand)
using evade/dodge/duck&weave you dodge all attacks that are directed at you at that round
you are not able to parry an arrow, however you can try blocking it with the shield (there is a slight increase in DTN for that)

As soon as the opponent allocates his dice to his attack, you can state your defensive manuever and amount of dice.

And then we roll.

Step 3: Add more options and killy stuff!

When you are already sure about the basic manuevers, test the manuevers below in the arena as your next step!

Additional manuevers:


Feint is an offensive manuever, which consists of changing of attack direction before the attack connects in effort to evade the defender's defence entirely.
It's one of the first "tricks" of fencers and swordsmen.

You state attack normally ("I swing downwards at his head for 4 dice).
You let defender to state his defence ("I parry with 4 dice")
You declare FEINT, change the direction of attack ("FEINT! I swing horizontally") pay the activation price (1 if the second hit zone is near, 2 if on opposite side of body) and you can add dice into your hand, at price of 1 die per 1 added (e.g. I want to add 3 dice to the attack and so I remove another 3 dice).

The result? You use 11 dice of your CP and roll 7 for attack against opponent's 4. The opponent can not change his defence at the moment.

There are two types:
Feint & cut - you swing and change into different swing.
Feint & thrust - you swing and change into a thrust; rapier proficiency is the only one that can use the "feint thrust, change to thrust" manuever. It still has to land on different zone.

Every time you repeat a feint - state the same original attack and changed attack - the activation cost rises by 1.

Beat is an offensive manuever, which consists of aggressive attack aimed on opponent's weapon or shield at the beginning of combat - it serves to remove the weapon/shield temporarily from combat.
Beat can be used only in first exchange of the first round (at the beginning of combat) or after a break in combat (still, only in first exchange).

You state that you use beat normally, paying the activation cost (usually 1 die) and allocating dice from CP.
You let defender to state his defence.

If you win, the weapon/shield is beaten aside and can not be used in defence on the following exchange. Additionally, every net success means a "shock" of 2 dice for opponent.

Another advantage: beat halves the range penalties coming from opponent's longer weapon.
The result? You use e.g. 6 dice of your CP + 1 die for activation cost to attack opponent's shield and roll e.g. 3 successes. Your opponent gets only 1 success. He loses 4 dice and can not use shield to defend, usually leading to higher DTN.

Bind and strike is an offensive manuever, which consists of pinning the weapon of the opponent with your off-hand weapon or shield, before launching your own attack.
It is very similar to the block open & strike manuever, however, it takes dice from the opponent.

You state attack with off-hand weapon ("I bind his weapon with my shield for 4 dice").
You let defender to state his defence ("I parry with 4 dice")
You roll against your DTN.

If you get net successes, you remove the same amount of CP from your opponent's dice pool for next exchange.

The result? You use 6 dice of your CP and roll 3 successes for against opponent's 1. The opponent loses 2 dice from his next exchange.

Simultaneous block & strike uses both hands - either two weapons or a weapon and shield. It is a maneuver that allows you to block opponent's attack and simultaneously launch an attack of your own - thus being ideal for Red/Red situations.

You state use of this maneuver.
Pay activation cost.
Divide CP between offense and defense - take into account that one must be half of the other (e.g. 6:3, 4:2, 2:1...)
You let defender to state his maneuver and roll.

The biggest advantage is that if your opponent attacks and has a two-handed weapon, he usually has no way to defend against your attack...


Counter is a defensive manuever, which uses the force of the attacker against him.
It has activation cost (usually 2 dice), which needs to be paid if you want to execute the manuever.
Dice are normally allocated to defence. However, if you succeed (=your successes > opponent's successes), you gain for the next attack bonus dice equal to opponent's successes on the attack (=you use the force of his attack against him).

However, since there are many types of counters, you need to roll for the exact result.

Roll (d10, normal)
Roll (d6, rapier & half-sword)

Swing at lower legs

Swing at upper legs

Horizontal swing

Diagonal swing

Vertical swing

Pommel to face

Thrust to face

Thrust to body



It's quite handy manuever, especially for attackers who spend many dice in first round ("overextend themselves").

This is a defensive manuever, which consists of pinning the weapon of the opponent with your off-hand weapon or shield, before launching your own attack.
It is very similar to the bind & strike manuever, however, it provides dice to you.

You state attack with off-hand weapon ("I block open his weapon with my shield for 4 dice").
You let defender to state his defence ("I parry with 4 dice")
You roll against the DTN of your shield.

If you get net successes, you receive the same amount of CP for next exchange.

The result? You use 6 dice of your CP and roll 3 successes for against opponent's 1. You get 2 dice from his next exchange.

Bodily harm

Of course, there is the possibility of immediate death, but if you survive the wound, here are the things you have to deal with.

Negative effects of wounds come in three "flavours".

This one is what kills you slowly - and it can kill you even if you survive the fight.

When you receive a wound, you can get a value of blood loss. These are cumulative. You have to check your bleeding every round in combat and every circa 60 seconds out of it (more often if you carry out tiring actions).

Each round you have to roll HT against the TN equal to your cumulative blood loss. If you manage to get at least one success, no harm occurs for the moment.
If you don't succeed, you temporarily lower your HT by 1.
If your HT is 1, your CP and all dice pools are halved.
If your HT is 0, you bled out and are dead.

Try to patch yourself up. One First aid skill check can lower your bleeding by (net successes x2) blood loss points.

This is the immediate shock after a wound.

When you get shock, you decrease your current CP by the value of the shock. If you simultaneously attack and get a wound, it at first lowers the invested CP, then the reserve.
If the shock is higher than amount of CP you currently have, it overflows to the next round.

After that, it's gone.

After shock is gone, pain enters the game. Pain is the long-term issue of wounds. Each point of pain removes equal number of CP dice each round and lowers also your other rolls (exceptions are e.g. blood loss rolls).

If you have more pain points than CP, you can only lie on the ground, bleed (if applicable) and whine/cry/grunt.

Pain heals after a time. Each week you get to roll your HT with positive modifiers for healthcare and negative for environment/activity. Each success removes one point of pain.

Yes, it takes loooong time to heal - and there are no "potions of healing".

Initiative issues

The initiative flows back and forth during the fight, and sometimes it's hard to decide who has it.

To make it easier, I have prepared what I think is easy way how to deduce it:

Are you starting a fight, both fighters aware of each other or was there a short break in the fight? Roll initiative.
Are you starting a fight and one of you is surprised? Initiative is with the "unsurprised" party.
Did you attack successfully in last exchange? You have the initiative.
Did you make a successful defensive manuever (other than evasion) in last exchange? You have the initiative.
Did you make a successful full evasion in last exchange? Roll initiative.
Did you make a successful partial evasion in last exchange and paid 2 dice to get initiative? You have the initiative.
Did you make a successful partial evasion in last exchange and did not pay additional 2 dice to get initiative? Your opponent keeps initiative.
Was the roll (both offensive/defensive) a tie? Initiative stays unchanged.

If you don't have the initiative and want to attack, your attack will land second (if you don't steal initiative).
If you have RED-RED situation, you both have initiative and which hit lands first is decided by a roll of REF at TN equal to ATN of your weapon. In case of ties, this is resolved by looking at REF (higher wins), WIT (higher wins). If these both are the same, both hit at the same time (usually resulting in doublekill).

I'll add procedure for buying/stealing initiative later.

Ranged Combat

Ranged combat runs on turns, as opposed to exchanges.
Yes, while you nock the arrow and shoot, several rounds may come to pass.

Let's start:
Each ranged weapon has a "prep time" attribute. This is how long it takes (in rounds) to prepare the weapon.
For bow this is usually 2-4 rounds:

2 rounds to pick an arrow from quiver (or 0 rounds if you have it in hand)
1 round to nock the arrow
1 round to draw and begin aiming

Until this point your MP (missile pool) was 0.
At the start of next round you gain into your MP an amount of dice equal to Proficiency. You now decide, whether you want to continue aiming or shoot.
If you aim, each round spent aiming will give you dice equal to your AIM attribute, up to your maximum MP.
If you shoot, you take all dice from your MP and roll them.

It is possible to reduce the preparation time - it usually costs an amount of MP dice and requires a REF roll, parameters of which are given by the weapon. It may be done only once and it reduces the prep time by 1.

Your dice pool may be modified by:

range (point-blank +1, short 0, medium -1, long -3, extreme -5; beyond extreme -10 or not possible)
target movement
your movement
lightning conditions
wind/poor weather

Hit location is determined randomly (by roll of 2d6). You can choose to concentrate and place your shot more precisely to the point where you want it - by setting dice aside (not using them for the shot). Each die provides a modifier of +1 or -1, depending on where you hit (i.e. GM will tell you where you can move it). Maximum amount of dice you can use for this depends on your AIM attribute.

Further options to be explored in combat:

...crossed-out options were already written down...

Stances (neutral, defensive, offensive, charging, advanced)
Terrain rolls (evading multiple opponents, difficult fighting conditions, movement in combat including pushing & luring opponents)
Skills in combat (style analysis, acrobacy, body language)
Favouring (defensive) - preparing for enemy's attack
Advanced manuevers - single weapon (beat, disarm, hook, stop-short, toss, expulsion, evasive attack)
Advanced manuevers - double weapon/weapon & shield (bind & strike, simultaneous block&strike)

I will slowly post these here.

Let's start with...

Basic Stances
At the beginning of combat or after a break in combat you can compose yourself and select a stance.
Basic stance is neutral (something like the Plow) - it doesn't give you any specific advantages but it doesn't hinder your actions. If you don't state your stance, I will assume this one.
Aggressive stances - these provide +2 dice at beginning of round that can be spent on offensive maneuvers, however, increase activation cost of all defensive manuevers by 2.
Defensive stances - provide +2 dice at beginning of round that can be spent on defensive maneuvers, but increase activation cost of all offensive maneuvers by 2.
Charge is considered an offensive stance...

The benefits and drawbacks of stances are gone at the end of the first round. They last only for the first round of the combat - during combat, when the blades are flashing, there is no time to pick a stance.
However, if there is a pause in combat (after full evasion...), you can select a stance...

The character with lower REF selects the stance first (giving chance to the "quicker" one to adapt his stance and tactics).

Terrain rolls
If you are fighting in the arena, which is flat, without any hindrances or terrain unevenness, you usually can ignore the terrain.
However it is not always so. You can fight on ice-covered lakes, tight spaces, have to move among trees in forests, and even fight against several opponents.
For these, there are terrain rolls.

Terrain rolls is a catch-all title for all actions that happen within the combat not covered by maneuvers. Usually by terrain rolls you:

attempt to overcome difficult fighting conditions (e.g. footing, space)
attempt to select your opponent for a round from multiple opponents
force movement beyond the standard movement in combat
attempt to hold the line or do anything that is not covered by rules for manuevers (e.g. retrieve weapon, jump on the table, etc.)

Difficult fighting conditions
Your PCs will notice that they are fighting on ice, or slippery cathedral roof in rain, or in small, cramped space. Thus the GM will tell you what roll you need to pass each round.
The target number is set by GM (usually following guidelines on p. 53 of Flower of Battle) and your actions (attacker moves as hurried, defender as normal - and thus has lower TN).
You have to allocate dice from your CP to overcome these conditions. If you fail to do so, it is assumed that you allocated 0 = failed the roll, usually landing on ground/losing 1/2 of your CP for the duration of the round.
These rolls are usually done at the beginning of the round.

Multiple opponents
Fighting 2 or even 3 opponents is a risky matter even for experienced warriors due to the fact, that you need to split your dice pool to deal with the multiple opponents. If you however have some space for moving around, you can confuse them and make them get in each other's way so that you face only one or, in the worse case, two of them.
Against 2 opponents the TN is 6 (or 7 if you "sprint", giving you more fatigue)
Against 3 opponents and more TN is 8 (or 6 if you sprint).
Usually no more than 3 opponents can attack you at one round (only if long reach weapons are used...or ranged combat). Trained opponents may oppose the terrain rolls.

Pressing opponents
Usually you move back and forth during combat - the specific amount of movement can be checked by comparing the MO of both opponents. This is usually not necessary, but in case you want to get your opponent into disadvantageous terrain, there is an opportunity for pressing & luring.
To press opponent, make a terrain roll (usually opposed) with any amount of CP. The TN is 3 while attacking and 4 while defending. Net successes of combat roll determine how far in feet the combatants move during the exchange. Successes in pressing terrain roll then add to whichever side rolled them.
Example: A soldier swung his blade at Kate (6 dice), who attempted to block a soldier's strike with her shield (4 dice). Soldier got 2 successes, Kate got 3 successes. They moved 1 feet forward, as the initiative switched. If the soldier invested 3 dice to press her and got 2 successes, they would have moved 1 foot backwards (from Kate's point of view). Now if they fought on a battlement, and Kate was 3 feet from the end of battlement...

Other kinds of movement
The fencer lost his weapon due to wounded arm. How can he retrieve it? Terrain roll, TN 7.
A team-member is throwing you his sheated sword so you can fight back, while dodging the enemy? Terrain roll, TN 8, limited by your REF attribute.
You want to jump on the table so you gain a height advantage? Terrain roll, TN is equal to acrobacy skill.
You want to swing on the chandelier...? Ok, you got my drift.

2016-12-28, 09:43 AM
Clad entirely in robes and wearing a thick, hooded cloak, Akisha entered the arena, grip tight on her staff. She surveyed the area with an air of disdain; there was no need for this. Still, if she was to participate in this expidition, she had to prove to the mundanes that she could protect herself. Taking the solid staff in both hands, the lizard woman leveled it at a rather burly, but dirty looking fellow.

Step 1: Check CP. Ref 4 + Polearm 3 = 7 CP
Initiative: White Die, defend
Opponent: Peasant with sword and sling.

2016-12-28, 03:19 PM
The dirty-looking fellow grew a bit pale as he understood her challenge... and then quickly took a small rock from the ground and started to put it inside the sling.

He stood there, some 10 yards from Akisha, his hands shaking as he tried to place the rock inside...

The peasant has stick & sling.

Round 1, exchange 1 (R1E1): WHITE! He stands there, tries to load his sling.

Normally, white-white means you just stand there - can not attack. However, since magic is in play, you can cast a spell. So, will you wait and watch him (and attack in second round), or cast a spell?

Clad entirely in robes and wearing a thick, hooded cloak, Akisha entered the arena, grip tight on her staff. She surveyed the area with an air of disdain; there was no need for this. Still, if she was to participate in this expidition, she had to prove to the mundanes that she could protect herself. Taking the solid staff in both hands, the lizard woman leveled it at a rather burly, but dirty looking fellow.

Step 1: Check CP. Ref 4 + Polearm 3 = 7 CP
Initiative: White Die, defend
Opponent: Peasant with sword and sling.

2016-12-29, 09:35 PM
Seeing the human hesitate, Akisha threw out her hand before her, dull clawed finger pointing directly at the quivering mans chest. Summoning upon her well of arcane power, she hissed out menacingly; "May your bones become like glass!" There was a brief bubbling of power within her soul, and then... nothing. She frowned.

Failed casting role. So, second round comes up now? Since he is going to load his sling, that leaves me again to do as I please, correct? I suppose I'll try again. Oh gawd, that ones going through, I feel XD Taint incoming. Zelda isn't LINK (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21542497&postcount=128). Do I act first or does the peasant, in this second round, or second exchange?

2016-12-30, 06:44 AM
Peasant fumbled with the stone, trying to place the stone into the sling, but his hands shook so much it took him several seconds to place it...

WIL roll for peasant, just to be sure: [roll0] TN 7

Initiative: WHITE!

He continues loading.

BTW, nice roll! What curse shall befell him? Overall "may bad things happen" or specific?

2016-12-30, 09:47 AM
Seeing the man hesitate, tremble and ultimately nearly drop his weapon, Akisha advanced toward him, finger still outstretched menacingly. With more emphasis, she again repeated, "May your bones be like glass!" This time, the power practially flowed from her like a river.

Retry at the curse with 5 successes and 4 siphoning successes. 1 point of taint gained. Purpose of the curse is to lower toughness I suppose? Thats the best thing I could think of for bones becoming brittle. I cant see the will roll right now, nor make other rolls cause phone.

Initiative; Red (can I do this because we were previously both white?)

Move forward 4 yard.

2016-12-31, 07:37 AM
Power flowed from Akisha's pointed finger and pulsed in the air, almost becoming visible.

The peasant became sickly pale, as he obviously felt the cold draft coming from Akisha's direction - his body trembled both in fear and in magic passing through it.

He finally loaded the stone... and then noticed Akisha moving closer. He quickly dropped the sling to the ground, and picked the staff that lied by his feet - his eyes were filled with fear, but he stood there, prepared to fight to the death...

Peasant's WIL resist roll: [roll0] TN 7 - no chance to beat the 5 successes, but if he fumbles...
...oh, previous round I rolled just to see if he rolls a fumble and will drop the stone again (and maybe even soil his pants)... :smallbiggrin:

With Taint 1 your sorcery pool gets decreased by 1. Otherwise no change. Since there is no interaction penalty, the obvious "effect" is that your eyes glowed with power for a moment.

Peasant gets Curse: Brittle Bones (5)

Since resisting damage is passive (not a dice pool), the peasant's TO will not be affected - but every time you try to smash his bones, you'll get additional dice equal to current curse rating.

As for the initiative: if you both throw down White, initiative is reset and needs to be set again at the beginning of round. Once one of you throws down red... you'll see.

So: new round, new dice.

You threw Red previous round and are able to attack with your staff this round. Since your previous "attack" succeeded, you keep the initiative - and he can only defend.

Round 3, exchange 1: What do you do? (just small advice: if you decide not to attack him - either with witchfire or staff - initiative will be reset again).

2017-01-02, 01:44 AM
With a confident stride and dramatic flutter of her robes, Akisha advanced toward the commoner, fingers clenched tightly on her own staff. Had she been of the fleshy sort, her knuckles would surely be white from the vice-like grip. In a move as fluid as the woman could manage, Akisha pulled her right arm back, preparing to strike, then brought it down crossways, intent upon the mans shoulder or neck.

Move forward into whatever the optimal range is for my staff (Didn't see it in the posts) and attack with a Strike Manuever (I feel blunt force trauma is the closest thing to breaking his bones xD)

Vs TN 7: (8d10)[3][5][7][7][2][7][5][9](45) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21550802&postcount=129) 4 Successes, aiming at his upper body or arm area, according to your strike zones.

Since I got the extra dice (I assume) the curse rating next round goes down to 3, and thus I would only get 3 dice next round?

2017-01-03, 07:46 AM
The peasant swung his staff wildly in wide arc in effort to parry the blow. He managed to catch Akisha's staff, but she broke through his parry.

Unfortunately, her staff lost most of its momentum - she struck, and the peasant moaned, but was still a threat.

The peasant parries for 6 dice!

Peasant's parry:[roll0] TN 6 = 4 successes!

Hit location (if applicable): [roll1] = shoulder

Damage: ST 3 + 1 net successes

Resist: 5 TO + 0 AV

Level 0 wound to shoulder. A "scratch" - will leave a bruise, but nothing else.

Since you were swinging "down crossways", I assumed downwards diagonal swing. If you swing at arms, you get +1 die (it's easier to hit them).

As for the curse: if you managed to wound him (= something bad happens) the curse rating would lower. Since you don't, it stays the same... :smallbiggrin:

Since you hit, you retain initiative. So...second exchange?

2017-01-03, 02:42 PM
In a motion that some might describe as 'fluid', Akisha took her new, lower stance with her staff hoisted perpindicular to her body. Adjusting her grip to put more thrusting power behind the weapon, Akisha drove the far end of the staff straight toward the peasants knee.

Thrust attack with TN 6 3 successes. Aiming toward the legs and for the love of god if I collapse his knee in please don't describe it. I have a RL paranoia of anything happening to my knees.

2017-01-04, 02:58 PM
The peasant's eyes widened out - he managed to overswing and almost lost his balance.

And then Akisha's staff hit his hip. The hit was forceful, but not too damaging - her opponent spun a bit sideways, and scowled.

Oh my... thank you for warning me about the paranoia. Will try to avoid it. Advice: aim for upper legs, not lower legs.

The peasant has absolutely no dice left, so no defense for him.

3 net successes

Hit location: [roll0] = hip!

Damage: ST 3 + 3 net successes

Resist: 5 TO + 0 AV

Level 1 wound to hip

Blood Loss: 0
Shock: 3
Pain: 4-WP

Normally you will not know how much of these you cause... just level of the wound. Yes, I know you can easily find it, but still, it works for me :smallbiggrin:.

Round 2, first exchange:
Akisha has initiative (she landed a blow). The peasant lost some dice from the shock.

Curse rating gets 2 lower = 3.

2017-01-05, 09:43 AM
Hoping to follow up on her current advantage, Akisha pressed the assault. She positioned herself further behind the staff, putting more of her weight behind the strike, and thrust the tip forward once more, aimed straight for the mans stomach.

4 successes on the attack, Thrust attack vs abdomen area.

It occurred to me... Depnding on how strong he is, how much can this particular enemy actually hurt me if damage is str+net success - toughness + AR? Because Akisha is actually one tough cookie with the natural AR of two over most of her body and a toughness value of 7.

2017-01-07, 07:11 AM
Still shaken by her previous hit, the peasant launched a desperate atempt to parry the next blow. He moved to slowly, parried to wide and she hit him square in the stomach.

He managed to lean forward and step back, but the hit was still solid and will leave him with a nasty bruise...and will slow him down more.

Peasant parries for 3 dice: [roll0] TN 6 = 1 success

3 net successes for Akisha!

Hit location: [roll1] = abdomen

Damage: ST 3 + 3 net successes

Resist: 5 TO + 0 AV

Level 1 wound to abdomen

Blood Loss: 0
Shock: 3
Pain: 5-WP

Level 1 wound to hip

Blood Loss: 0
Pain: 3

Thankfully not legs this time! :smallwink:

"Tanking" is actually a valid tactic in some cases... especially if you can take the blow. However, there is almost always a risk. And yeah, I was surprised that she was so tough. Well, touch witch cookie she is :smallbiggrin:

However, with this opponent, this weapon and your AV... unless he attacks your weak points and hits solidly, he can not overcome both your TO and WIL (for pain). He could however disarm you and even get you on the ground to beat over and over without much effect until he gets so fatigued he can barely move :smallbiggrin:.

One update: I wanted to be sure, and checked the original response (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21494866&postcount=45) regarding AV. It was "weak points - belly, face and "soft parts" would put AV 2 all over the body to 1 point cost". So not just belly.

So - Round 2, Exchange 2: he's out of dice. Your attack?

2017-01-07, 10:57 AM
It was a good thing her staff made contact; Akisha had nearly overbalanced herself with that thrust. The weight of the peasant stopped her from tumbling, and allowed her to push back and regain her balance. With her poor footing, she didn't have much time or ability to make another attack, but seeing him bent over and vulnerable was too good an opportunity. Thrusting forward once more, Akisha hoped to give him a good crack on the head.

I rolled 4 dice, because you didn't mention the curse rating going down, and you can disregard the later 2 if it did, but either way the result is the same with one success. Thrust zone head/neck.

For the AV, from what I understand, I get limb, chest and back armor. My face/neck/groin/belly is otherwise unprotected. Got it.

And yes, I very much imagine Akisha being the person last standing because she absolutely refuses to give up. You tend to have a drive to not die when you know you're going to hell. That's more on the willpower side of things which ended up my 'high' stat, but mechanical wise, that means I had to up her toughness as well. So it gives me an impressive knockout of 10 :D Or at least it feels impressive after looking at the group stats.

2017-01-08, 07:30 AM
Akisha's staff now missed peasant's head by few inches - she couldn't get enough balance to properly aim - and bumped him with her shoulder. The peasant staggered backwards as she tried to regain her footing.

But the fight was not over yet. The peasant was still standing, even though it was obvious that he was trying to catch his breath and his hands were shaking.

If a player rolls more dice, these are always removed from the right side - so you assumed correctly.

One point: thrusts to head are at -1 die. So in practice you ended only with one die, zero successes.

Now there is no difference - one success would mean a "scratch" (level zero wound).

So: new round, new dice!

Round 3, exchange 1: Akisha still has initiative. Your action?

2017-01-08, 10:34 AM
Akisha took a step back, somewhat winded herself. While not wounded, it was not often she physically exerted herself this much. Looking on the battered and shaking human, she determined that it wouldn't take much more to drop him. Instead of striking him, however, the woman reached up to her neck, gripping a necklace made of bone and feather. A single harsh and gutteral word was spoke, eyes looking directly at the gasping peasant.

Step back five yards, casting Mending (Pain). Two successes on the casting check with one success on the siphoning check, one more point of taint gained. I believe the 2-3 range brings me to 2 casting dice lost total?

2017-01-13, 01:44 AM
The peasant's eyes lit up with relief when Akisha backed away - and he made no effort to pursue, instead just leaned on his staff, checking with his hand his wounds.

When she started to speak, she felt the strange energies pulsing in her veins, full of pain, and in her mind she felt them searching for weakness - but they found none, and departed towards the peasant. He heard her, and raised his eyes, wide open with fear - and then his eyes bulged out, his face turned red, as if all his blood was drained from his body into his head. He opened his mouth in a silent scream, followed by strange, wheezing croak, full of pain.

He grabbed the staff with both hands, violently, and used it for support, but with only small effect - his knees gave up on him and he fell to the ground. He knelt before Akisha, his bloodshot eyes turning on her, a spit running down his jaw.

Correct. -2 SP and -1 die for SOC rolls.

Also: normally to step away from combat you have to use Full Evasion manuever.

Full evasion can be only used if you did not attack last exchange. It has DTN 4, if you succeed, you create a "break" in combat flow - either by moving sufficiently away, or by placing an obstacle between you two.

For this case, the peasant was actually glad you backed away, so he did not press. If you did this in combat, without the manuever, a skilled opponent would seize the moment to attack - and most probably could cause harm to you.

So beware - while there are no "attacks of opportunity", getting away from combat is possible only if you did not attack last exchange and succeed with Full Evasion, or if both combatants decide not to attack.

Also, you can normally move up to your MO attribute per round. That means around 2.5 yards per exchange.

Peasant's resist against Pain: [roll0] TN 7

No successes. Akisha's spell gives him 6 points of pain. He's defenseless.

If you keep it up for next round, he'll get another 3 and I'll have him roll KO for pain overload.

If you release the spell, the pain will slowly recede - at beginning of each round, 3 points of pain will be lost.

2017-01-13, 12:23 PM
Seeing the reaction from the man, Akisha continued to back away, her gaze locked on the crippled individual. There was no need to press this for much longer. Taking a more relaxed stance, Akisha leaned against her staff to catch her own breath while focusing on the magic.

Akisha continues to focus on the spell. The note a oht creating a break is duly noted. However, to clarify. In a situation where I have my opponent at a range disadvantage (staff vs dagger) do I still have to roll evasion as in his current position he would not immediately threaten me? Also, half MO per exchange, got it.

2017-01-13, 06:05 PM
It was visible, that the man was wracked by the pain and it was becoming worse. He fell to the ground, failing to pick himself up...

...Akisha could hear him whisper pleas for help, but his voice was too weak...

We are officially reaching Pain 12.

Knockout: [roll0] TN 8
If he's KO'd, how long? [roll1] seconds (if fumble: x10 minutes).

At this point he has no chance to defend himself or snap out of it. Akisha wins!

2017-03-21, 05:51 PM
"Talon" enters the small arena with longsword in hand and a strong and confident gait. Combat was his life and he'd be damned if he missed a chance to prove it. This would be fun. After taking a look at the gathered crowd he launches into a short, practiced, routine to get his blood pumping before standing at the ready against his challenger entering the arena.

The hunter seemed like a decent challenge, Aiden held no hate for them. So he holds one hand close to his chest and gives a slight bow of respect before the conflict happens in earnest.

-Foe: A Spear wielding hunter
-Location: Small arena for one on one combat.

-CP 14

-Initiative, Red die. Attack.

2017-03-26, 02:15 PM
The hunter, a burly man clad in furs, watched him since he entered the arena with a thoughtful expression. When Aiden challenged him, he returned a small, respectful bow and grabbed his spear. He slowly stepped forward, as if preparing to attack a boar, his spear held in both hands, ready for attack. Even if he knew he was overclassed, but did not let it show on his face.

Initiative: WHITE! The hunter defends!

How do you attack?
= which manuever do you use and how many dice do you invest?

2017-03-26, 06:39 PM
"He won't be expecting this." Talon thinks to himself. Gripping his Longsword he moves quickly to strike at the hunter. As he swings his blade it becomes apparent to the crowd that the target wasn't the hunter, but his spear instead as he attempts to knock it aside and leave him defenseless.

Attempting a Beat against the Hunter's spear. Assigning 8 dice to the attempt.

(Didn't want to skip to fancy stuff but I noticed that a Beat can only be performed during a lull in combat or the beginning and I didn't want to miss the opportunity to use it.)

Attack TN 6? (Longsword cut TN)


2017-03-27, 07:07 AM
The hunter did not expect an attack on his weapon, and reflexively tried to defend by deflecting the blow with the haft of his spear.

The blow was powerful, but through sheer luck - or quick reflexes - the hunter managed to deflect it, however he stumbled two steps back, and lost opportunity to respond to the brutal attack.

Parry for 8 dice, TN 7.

[roll0] TN 7

And yes, the TN was correct - we use ATN for cut/swing for Beat.

Talon's attack: 3 successes
Hunter's parry: 3 successes

A tie!

No effect. Initiative stays with Talon.

Round 1, Exchange 2: Your action (you are still the attacker)?

2017-03-27, 04:37 PM
"Good reflexes, but that was just lucky. Now it's all or nothing." Talon presses the attack, pulling his blade off the parry he spins adding momentum as he slashes for the hunters' upper legs.

Cut against upper legs, spending 1 CP to add 1 damage to the strike (if it hits).

Using all my remaining 6 dice, so in this case I roll 5 for the attack.

Cut ATN 6 (Longsword)


-Side note I want to ask a strange and complicated question. Currently I am wielding my Longsword in this combat and using that CP. How would it work if I wanted to say perform a kick attack in the round instead of a weapon strike? Or do something fancy or irritating like performing a weapon Feint into a Kick/Punch instead?

Would I switch to my Pugilism CP and lose my Longsword Pool for the round? Would I attack with the Pugilism pool but retain the Longsword pool for defense? Would I just spend CP from my Longsword pool since that is what I am using?

Sorry for the strange question but I think it could help me understand the CP's a bit better for weapon/attack swapping. This also kind of falls under the category of throwing my Dagger in the middle of a fight. (I think Throwing Dagger defaults at like a -2 from Dagger you said?)

2017-03-28, 04:13 AM
Talon's opponent did the only reasonable thing - he tried to jump as far back as possible, getting some distance between himself and Talon's deadly blade...

...and he succeeded, even if barely. Talon's sword missed his legs just by inches, but again, the hunter was unable to gain footing to launch an attack of his own.

And the deadly dance continued...

One point: length disadvantage!
The hunter has a spear, which is VL (very long).
Longsword is L (long).

This makes it disadvantageous for Talon to attack hunter's body (VL - L = 1 dice disadvantage for attacks, meaning you get additional activation cost of all attack manuevers; for beat this is halved since you are not attacking the body but weapon, and rounded down to 0). If you manage to hit the hunter, the situation will change (hunter will be too close for comfortable use of his weapon = will get -1 die to attacks AND defences using weapon).

So, this fight is about overcoming the length disadvantage.

Normally I roll for the player so I can calculate in all these modifiers, but in such cases where there are too many dice (e.g. pre-rolled counters, etc.), I take away the dice from right (the ones rolled first are valid).

Hunter's manuever: full evasion for 2 dice

Hunter's evasion: [roll0] TN 4 = 2 successes
Talon's cut: 2 successes

Result: Tie! The hunter evaded, but initiative stays with Talon. New round, new dice!

Round 2, exchange 1: what is your attack?

...remember the length disadvantage. One way to overcome it is to attack arms (they are closer and provide +1 die per attack).

Hit location (if applicable): [roll1] = ?

Level ? wound to hunter's ?
Blood Loss = ?
Shock = ?
Pain = ?

Side note I want to ask a strange and complicated question. Currently I am wielding my Longsword in this combat and using that CP. How would it work if I wanted to say perform a kick attack in the round instead of a weapon strike? Or do something fancy or irritating like performing a weapon Feint into a Kick/Punch instead?

I'll provide an additional answer in the evening, when home - I don't have the correct book with me now (manuever overview - it has also the activation costs for additional manuevers such as Kick).

First off: feint into kick/punch is not possible. You can feint & cut/bash/swing/thrust/beat/hook/draw cut.

Feinting into kick would better be simulated with Stop Short (first exchange) & Kick combo (second exchange).

Now how would it work...

Would I switch to my Pugilism CP and lose my Longsword Pool for the round? Would I attack with the Pugilism pool but retain the Longsword pool for defense? Would I just spend CP from my Longsword pool since that is what I am using?

As stated, I'll have to take a look into the Manuever Overview sheet. I assume the answer will be:
1st exchange: cut for X dice of your longsword pool
2nd exchange: kick for X dice (+1 or 2 activation cost) of your longsword pool.

However, to understand how CP works, the dagger example you gave would be better...

Sorry for the strange question but I think it could help me understand the CP's a bit better for weapon/attack swapping. This also kind of falls under the category of throwing my Dagger in the middle of a fight. (I think Throwing Dagger defaults at like a -2 from Dagger you said?)

So: 1st exchange cut, 2nd exchange throw dagger...correct?
Your CP for longsword is 14.
Your MP for thrown dagger is (assuming the default is correct, which I'll have to check - it's a ruling, not a rule and I am not 100% sure about the value) (4 AIM + 6 thrown daggers). Now in this case we have to assume it is not possible to aim the dagger during combat.
Because this is taking attention away from the melee combat, the dice come out of his CP, but you cannot use more dice than your Proficiency with the missile weapon (as stated, AIM does not count since you'd have to stop moving). The attack has an activation cost of 1.
If you want to launch additional attack at the same time (with melee weapon), this counts as a double attack for
the purposes of the opponent defending himself and has an activation cost of 2.

So, your CP for the round? 14
Out of these, you can use only 6 to throw a dagger, provided it is already in your hand, ready to be thrown.

Is the answer satisfactory? Or did I miss something?

2017-03-28, 07:19 PM
"Just like I expected. Good, good. Let's put on a show huh? No fun if I do all the attacking." He makes a weak horizontal slash towards the hunters right arm, fully expecting it to be parried. Truth is he wants to lose initiative for a moment, he just doesn't want to seem like he is.

Cool, didn't know his spear was VL. Some of the ones listed are L so I couldn't be sure.

I'll let you roll from now on if you'd like, to make things easier.:smallsmile:

New round CP: 14

Making a 2 dice Cut attack on the hunter's arms. ATN 6

-That answers me beautifully, thank you. So I would still pay dice from my weapon pool, but at an activation cost for unarmed strikes. Makes sense. I used feint as an example but you are right, stop short and then unarmed strike would be mechanically how that would work instead of using the actual Feint maneuver.

-For throwing my dagger in combat, I'd have to draw it but wouldn't be able to spend time aiming it. So I would only be able to spend dice equal to my Proficiency in throwing dagger, but they would come out of my Longsword CP with an activation cost.

So that only leaves me with the question for what type of action/CP cost would I pay in combat for drawing a weapon like that? Like if I had the dagger on my belt and wanted to draw it and throw it how would that happen during combat?

2017-03-29, 04:00 AM
The hunter was a prudent man, careful. He caught the bait - and attempted to parry the light slash with full power...

...and managed to put too much power into it, overstepping. And there was this moment while he caught his balance...

Hunter parries for 4 dice.
Talon's attack: [roll0] TN 6 (+1 for swing at arms) = 1 success
Hunter's parry: [roll1] TN 7 = 1 success

Result: Tie!

Talon keeps initiative! R2E2 - what's your attack?

Hit location (if applicable): [roll2]
Short spear is listed as L and if used with shield, the spear also gets shortened.

Thanks - I'm used to rolling here, and have some templates ready, so it's no additional work for me. Just check my rolls once in a while - I tend to mess up sometimes :smallsmile:

Also, tactical advice: while this hunter is fairly gullible (he's used to hunting animals, not duelling), there may be other opponents (more skilled) who will not fall for this trick and will use this opportunity to attack. That could be rather dangerous. Tread carefully.

-For throwing my dagger in combat, I'd have to draw it but wouldn't be able to spend time aiming it. So I would only be able to spend dice equal to my Proficiency in throwing dagger, but they would come out of my Longsword CP with an activation cost.


So that only leaves me with the question for what type of action/CP cost would I pay in combat for drawing a weapon like that? Like if I had the dagger on my belt and wanted to draw it and throw it how would that happen during combat?

There are 3 possibilities how to get a dagger from belt ready:
- during a break in combat - if you "break" the flow of combat (via full evasion, or by throwing white-white on initiative, or by not attacking when the opponent does not attack), you can switch up weapons, combat styles, stances, locations, and/or prep a ranged attack
- quickdraw manuever - described in Flower of Battle, basically you draw & throw the dagger in one exchange;
- terrain roll - terrain rolls are used for anything in combat that's not in manuevers (e.g. movement/footwork, acrobacy, picking up weapons, balancing, spitting on opponents :smallwink:). Terrain rolls are done from CP against TN set by rules/GM (for drawing weapons I use the quickdraw rules also - use cut ATN -2 for dagger since it's short but you need to reverse it to hold it by the blade for throwing; failure means you did not manage to reverse it, fumble that you dropped it).

2017-03-29, 03:38 PM
"Today is just not my day it seems." Getting slightly frustrated Talon attacks again. This time it is anything but weak.

Holding his blade down he closes the gap and attempts an upwards vertical strike towards the hunters' stomach. He expected the hunter to try and dodge, but at this point it was a toss up for who would succeed.

Oh I knew it was a dangerous move. I'm trying to get in the flow of roleplaying Talon's overconfidence via flashy combat right now. It also gives me an excuse to try the different maneuvers. I was hoping he'd win initiative and attack, then I was going to attempt a Parry + Expulsion to open him up. Though if the defender chose to attack instead of parry, wouldn't they risk getting hit by my strike?

Current CP: 12

Cut upwards vertical strike for 12 dice. -1 for length.

So it should be an 11 dice attack at ATN 6 ?

2017-03-31, 01:33 PM
The hunter was not frustrated - he was terrified and were it possible, he would definitely surrender. But he knew this was fight to the death...

...and so he jumped back again, trying to get away from the imminent threat...

...too slow...

Talon felt as the blade struck the man, entering his chest, cracking his ribs, cutting through meat and sinew. It was just a moment, and his sword left the man's chest covered in blood. The man staggered back, his face twisted with pain, his hands clutching his bleeding chest, leaving the spear to fall to the ground.

It was time to finish this...

Full evasion for remaining 6 dice.
Talon's upward cut: [roll0] TN 6 = 6 successes
Hunter's full evasion: [roll1] TN 4 = 4 successes

2 net successes for Talon! A hit!

Hit location (if applicable) [roll2] = chest

Damage: 7 (weapon+ST) + 2 net successes = 9
Resist (TO 5 + AV 0) = 5

9 - 5 = 4
Level 4 cutting wound to the chest.
Blood loss (BL) = 9 (which means he'll have to roll HT against TN 9 each round; failure means he loses 1 HT point, when at HT 1, all his dice pools are halved; at HT 0 he dies.
Shock (S) = 10 (which means he loses 10 dice from his dice pool, which is 0 => they "spill" into next round, removing his whole CP)
Pain (P) = 12-WP (which means once shock goes away = after next round, he'll lose 9 CP dice every round)

Oh I knew it was a dangerous move. I'm trying to get in the flow of roleplaying Talon's overconfidence via flashy combat right now. It also gives me an excuse to try the different maneuvers. I was hoping he'd win initiative and attack, then I was going to attempt a Parry + Expulsion to open him up. Though if the defender chose to attack instead of parry, wouldn't they risk getting hit by my strike?

Ok, then it's all fine - roleplaying-wise it's a great move and I wholly support it.

If he chose to attack, he would get hit (his attack would land second). He would risk a hit - in this case, he knows he's outclassed and is desperate enough to trade a relatively weak blow for his full-on attack of desperation (he would overspend and try a one-hit-kill). Had he a spear & shield, he would go for simultaneous block & attack, but this is not the case.

There is also the possibility to "steal initative" - you wait for attacker to launch his attack and try to beat him with your own. But that's quite costly and usually only skilled fighters use it. Were this the "above average fencer", the tactic would be viable. But not the hunter :smallsmile:.

Also: don't forget that with swing/cut weapons you can "power attack" - put some more power into the blow. You trade 1 die for 1 additional damage, which - in some cases - is rather advantageous.

...but now, back to the arena!

New round, new dice!
Talon has initative and his opponent is gravely wounded!
Your action?

2017-03-31, 03:32 PM
The wound is fatal, the only thing to do now is end this quickly. Talon closes the distance and raises his longsword in an right overhand grip. He again puts all of his strength into what should be the finishing blow as he brings his blade down.

Let me say thanks for explaining each step along the way for the wound effects. Really appreciate that. And for the insight into how that counterattack would have worked out with him overspending and just accepting the hit. Definitely helps for the future.

This attack will be using all 14 of my dice and it is a Cut, Overhand Right location (Zone IV). Really hope I don't hit the poor guys shoulder. I noticed you didn't have it listed in the attack zones in your intro post but I spend a lot of time looking at the SRD. Nevermind, you wrote it as Diagonal.

I will spend 1 die to increase the damage. So it should be 13 dice rolled at ATN 6.

2017-04-02, 01:00 PM
The hunter managed only to raise his head in time to watch as Talon launched his attack. He made no effort to retreat this time - either he had no strength to do so, or no will.

The blade passed through hunter's neck, almost without resistance - the sickening cracking sound of spine breaking was the only proof of the hit for a moment - so powerful was the blow. His eyes became glassy as his head slowly fell down to the ground, followed shortly by the rest of his body.

There was a short round of applause coming from the sparse audience.

Talon's diagonal cut: [roll0] TN 6 = 8 successes
Hunter does not defend (no dice left due to shock).

Hit location: [roll1]

Damage: 7 (weapon+ST) + 1 additional power + 8 net successes = 16
Resist (TO 5 + AV 0) = 5

Level 5 wound to neck.

Combat is over!

2017-04-17, 06:53 AM
Gunnar enters the arena only to hear boos and shouting. Apparently he wasn't very popular among the arena spectators. He didn't really care. As far as he was concerned they were all just one crime away from funding his next meal. Gunnar drew his warhammer and shield. Ready to face his opponent.

The Sword and Board Warrior would surely prove to be a tough opponent. Gunnar was going to have to make his hits count and try get around the shield.

His opponent entered the arena and got a much better reception among the crowd. He must have been a regular to the arena.

So I will face the Sword and Board. Using my warhammer and shield for now.

2017-07-01, 06:53 PM
Jeshickah did not enjoy being the center of attention, but understood the importance of 'shaking off the rust'. The plague doctor clad in black leather slowly walked down to the arena, her cane punctuating every other step she took. She slouched slightly, this combined with her mask gave her the appearance of a bird with it's neck craned. The audience studied her, their murmuring broken suddenly by the musician troupe assigned to the arena. The conductor wiped the sweat from his face, painted with uncertainty and uneasiness. Jeshickah smiled under the mask, she had paid the troupe to play one of her favorite ensembles from back home, it was her little gift to the arena. She saw the faces contort, some shrinking in their seats - the music had that marvelous effect. They were struck by it's simple beauty, she thought. When she entered the arena, she placed her doctor's bag down gingerly by the gate.down when they realized the doctor was not here in a medical capacity.

As the violins shrieking picked up she carefully slid her rapier from it's sheath, the cane itself. She stood before the spear-wielding hunter, "Greetings," her voice was frail yet did not waver, alluding to a hidden determination and confidence. Slowly, and with audible poping of her joints, Jeshickah straightened her back. With no warning, she lunged at the enemy!

Red Dice!!!
Thrust - 6 dice [roll0]


2017-07-07, 03:07 PM
Gunnar (R01E01)

The soldier was obviously a veteran - he had scars to prove it, armour collected obviously from several battlefields - a pot helmet and scale vest were worn but well maintained. And he had the look in the eye of someone who has danced with death and walked away still breathing.

He watched Gunnar and made no attempt to close distance at first - he drew his arming sword, and adjusted his shield, and then nodded to Gunnar.

The combat begun.

Round 1, Exchange 1: Initiative!

State your initiative. I have mine already decided. Normally we would take white and red die into had and simultaneously throw one of them (red for attack, white for defence) on table.

In the meantime, roll PER/7 = roll amount of d10 equal to Perception against target number of 7+, every hit will give you more information about your opponent.


It was obvious that Jesickah would never be the crowd favourite. People were at first intrigued, but the strange music... made them throw something that looked like spoiled cabbage at the conductor and his troupe. They started packing and leaving before they even managed to finish the song.

The spear-wielding hunter was also nervous. He did not like the music - and he did not like the sight of the plague doctor in front of him.

When she spoke, he reacted by pure animal instinct and pointed his spear towards her. Fear was a mighty catalyst.

As she lunged, it was again only animalistic reaction to pull back, threaten her with the pointy stick and get some breathing space.

White die!
Hunter has spear (L), Jesickah rapier cane (M) - Jesickah is out of reach (1 die disadvantage to attacks)
Please, state which zone Jesickah is attacking with thrust.
Hunter uses full evasion for 6 dice.
Jesickah's thrust [roll0] TN 5
Hunter's full evasion [roll1] TN 4

2017-07-09, 06:37 AM
Gunnar nodded back to the warrior. That was the extent of the pleasantries.
He raised his shield up expectantly and met his opponents gaze.

White Die
Gunnar will take a defensive stance.

[roll0] for perception. Target number 7.

2017-07-09, 06:41 AM

I haven't done this in ages.

2017-07-09, 02:31 PM

Gunnar spared a moment to look at his enemy as carefully as he dared to, taking into account the arming sword and short range.

The man was muscular - heavily built. But he was already sweating - and breathed heavily. His eyes darted from side to side - he also observed Gunnar, and was preparing for serious fight. He would not pull his punches.

And there came first blow - a fast swing from the above...

Round 1, Exchange 1.
Initiative: RED!

The soldier attacks with 4-dice vertical downwards cut. What is Gunnar's defense?

Gunnar gets 2 additional dice for defensive maneuvers for first exchange.

2017-07-10, 01:12 AM
Gunnar had hoped to have more time to size up his opponent, but that clearly wasn't on the table. He raised his shield in an attempt to block and make an opening.

12 dice in pool. +2 for defensive stance.

Gunnar will attempt the Block Open and Strike maneuver.
Spending the 2 dice from his defensive stance.
Investing 5 dice from his pool to defend.
Target number is 6
7 dice left in pool, only 5 may be used for offensive maneuvers.

2017-07-11, 03:04 AM

Soldier's sword hit Gunnar's shield with a thud - it seemed that the soldier was just probing the bounty hunter's defences - and Gunnar managed to push it aside, to create a small opening.

Soldier's quick slash: [roll0] TN 6 = 3 successes
Gunnar's block open: 4 successes

1 net successes for Gunnar. Gunnar gets initiative and 1 additional die for second exchange attack.

BTW, it's assumed that the defensive stance dice are used always first (e.g. for the activation cost).

Tactical advice:
Defence is important. Especially in cases where the net successes you get increases your next attack (block open & strike) or hinders your opponent's defence (bind & strike) - the more you invest, the more you get.
This is your first fight, so I will keep it to the basics, however, a skilled opponent would use an opening like that.

See for yourself:
Alternate R1E1:
Activation cost 1. The soldier switches the attack zone (attacks arms; gets +1 for attacks to arms with cut). Soldier adds 2 dice to his attack and discards 2 dice from his dice pool.

Now he's attacking with 7 dice your 4-dice defence at the overall cost of 9 dice (still having some for the second exchange). If he gets 2 successes from the 3 dice, he's going to hit - and while the impact wouldn't be so bad in this case, he will retain initiative.

So beware. Smart opponents will wait for openings.

Round 1, exchange 2:
Gunnar has initiative! What is your action?
...and remember: if you are using the warhammer, you are out of reach (longer weapon is in ideal reach at the start of combat).
Until you hit, your attacks get penalty of 1 die (counted as 1 die activation cost usually) due to being out of reach. When you hit, the opponent with longer weapon gets penalties both to parries with the weapon (no use due to shield) and to attacks (not enough space for swings).

2017-07-11, 07:10 AM
With his new found opening Gunnar takes the opportunity to attempt to smack the warrior on his shoulder.

Bash on zone IV.
5 die in pool, +1 from opening. -1 from range.

Target number is 5.

2017-07-12, 01:14 AM
The soldier copied Gunnar's previous tactic, by trying to push his hammer aside with his shield...

...but Gunnar's hammer smacked his shield with such force, that he was forced to step back with loud "Oof!", and lost his momentum. It was time for Gunnar to continue pushing him back...

Block open & strike for 8 dice (6 for block, 2 activation cost)

Gunnar's diagonal bash: 3 successes
Soldier's block open: [roll0] TN 6 = 3 successes


If hits:
Hit location [roll1]
Damage: ? + net successes
Resist: TO + AV
Level ? wound to ?
Blood Loss:

During ties nobody gets hit, but initiative stays with attacker.

New Round, New Dice!
R2E1: Gunnar has initiative. His action?

Also: do you want this still to be practice (easy) fight or should he fight as true veteran?

2017-07-12, 05:40 AM
Gunnar expected the warrior to put up a decent challenge and he was not disappointed. He followed up his failed strike with another. This time aiming for his opponent's head, hopefully a decent knock to the head will take some of his speed away.

Targetting zone V with a vertical bash.
12 dice in pool. -1 due to range.
Investing 6 dice to the strike.
[roll0] TN: 5
5 dice remaining.
Also i would like to keep it at an intermediate level at the moment. I do have a somewhat firm grasp on the system.

2017-07-12, 05:43 AM
Rook stepped into the arena. Mostly there was a silence that hushed over the crowd. Partly at the recognition of the walking tragedy story and the rememberance that Rook has protected and saved quite a few of their lives. What was he doing here in an arena. His spear gripped in his right hand and his shield gripped in his left. His armor glistening off the sun and shimmering arena sabd. His head is held low... downwards....shame. he raises his spear and points to the drunken pirate.

If he had to participate in this then he wasnt going to fight a frightened innocent farmer or peasant. So if he had to kill, it must be the pirate. His shame melts away, replaced by a gaze of stone and concentration as he sinks down into his defensive stance. His shield held up, his spear resting ontop, ready to thrust. He wsits patiently. Falling back on his training and experience as a body guard. Never charging in and leaving his people defenseless.

CP for spear and shield REF - 6 pluss weapon proficiency - 7 = 13

Initiative: White

2017-07-12, 06:25 AM

The soldier grinned and this time blocked upwards, to create as large opening as possible for his next strike...

...and he succeeded, catching and pushing Gunnar's shield aside, and following with a slow, but powerful strike at Gunnar's hammer-wielding arm!

Block open & strike for 9 (+2 AC - activation cost) dice!

Gunnar's vertical bash: 4 successes
Soldiers block open: [roll0] TN 6 = 5 successes

2 net successes for soldier, who gets 2 additional dice for his next attack.

If hits:
Hit location [roll1]
Damage: ? + net successes
Resist: TO + AV
Level ? wound to ?
Blood Loss:

The soldier attacks with 2-die swing at arms (+1 for swinging at arms), putting more power into the attack with additional 1 die (for +1 damage if it hits).

Gunnar's defense?

BTW, how much dice has the soldier in his CP?


The pirate was just finishing his bottle, so he just downed it, threw the bottle aside and stood up, staggering somewhat.

He walked forward, a bit unstable on his legs, two or three times tried to grip his rapier and missed, then finally drew it, took down his hat, wobbly saluted his opponent and presented himself in stood in a parody of guard...

...and lunged into attack, fast as serpent, launching a thrust aimed at Rook's face...

RED die!
Round 1, Exchange 1
Pirate attacks for 4 dice (gets -1 for attacking the head with thrust for final attack pool of 3).

Rook's action?

2017-07-12, 07:01 AM
Rook raises his shield to defend. Then blocking to the side in order to create an opening. Rook activated the Block open and strike manauver. With 13 total dice + another 2 for defensive stance defense manauver bonus. Rook uses the 2 dice for his defensive manauver with 8 base dice adding to 10 dice including the manauver activation. Leaving 5 dice remaining.

Block open and strike 8 dice. 2 dice to activate. [roll0]

How do i know the TN for this? Also what do i do now? XD Do i roll for the strike or is that included in the block open and strike?

2017-07-12, 07:03 AM

Correct roll this time.

2017-07-12, 08:43 AM
Gunnar attempts to block the strike coming his way. He was frustrated that he was unable to land an effective hit on his foe.

Assigning 5 dice to block defence target number 6.

2017-07-13, 12:26 AM

Rook sprung forward, placing his shield well against the thrust, practically beating his opponent's blade aside, what placed him at good position for attack...

Update: Pirate is spending 5 dice (1 for range, 1 for thrust to face, 3 for attack itself)

Pirate's thrust: [roll0] TN 5
Rook's block open: 5 successes

2 net successes for Rook

Rook gains 2 additional dice for next attack and gains initiative.

Round 1, Exchange 2: Rook has initiative and gained 2 additional dice for second exchange. His attack?

The deadly dance continued, but it was questionable for how long. The soldier was heavily sweating already, while Gunnar was just warming up.

The soldier's blade came swinging once more, this time slowly but powerfully...

...and Gunnar skillfully blocked the blow, with such force that the soldier almost dropped the sword.

Soldier's swing at arms: [roll1] = nada
Gunnar's block: 3 successes

3 net successes for Gunnar
Gunnar gains initative.
Round 3 Exchange 1: New Round, New Dice!
Gunnar's action?

2017-07-13, 01:40 AM
Growing tired of this constant back and forth Gunnar quickly decided to proceed with a huge hammer strike aimed towards the warrior's breastplate. With a massive grunt Gunnar launched his hammer at him.

Beat against zone III
12 dice in pool.
-1 due to range.
spending 9 dice (including the range penalty)
[roll0] target number 5.

2017-07-13, 05:21 AM
Rook thrusts his spear forward quickly and viciously like a balista bolt. His grip tightening on the spear, the pirate may be drunk but he was used to fighting drunk so that didnt make him helpless. Rooks spear was poised directly to the pirates face. In an attempt to show the pirate how to stab faces.

Spending one dice of my current 7 dice to thrust to his face, gives me 6 dice with ATN 6. [roll0] 2 hits. If it strikes it will do 8 points of damage.

2017-07-13, 06:24 AM

The soldier was no fool and decided to play it safe, trying to block the deadly swing with his shield, waiting for opportunity.

He did not get one.

The hammer slammed into his shield, almost bringing him to his knees with the power, making him lose his balance.

He only had time to regain balance, but Gunnar did not give him much breathing space - and the old guy was running out of breath...

Block for 11 dice.

Gunnar's horizontal swing: 7 successes
Soldier's block: [roll0] TN6 = 7 successes


Hit location: [roll1]

Initiative stays with Gunnar.

R3E2, Gunnar's action?


The pirate grinned and the rapier seemed to dance in his hands - he brought it back towards his own body and with a half-step back he attempted to bind Rook's spearhead and push it aside with smart beat...

...and he barely succeeded, but still succeeded. Rook's spear missed his face and he lost the tempo.

The pirate immediately responded with quick thrust against Rook's armoured chest...

Expulsion for 6 dice (+2 AC, in total 8 dice spent)

Rook's thrust: 2 successes
Pirate's expulsion: [roll2] TN 6 = 3 successes

1 net successe for pirate!

Hit location: [roll3]

Pirate gains initiative! Rook loses 1 die from his CP to pirate's next thrust!

R2E1. New Round, New Dice!

Pirate attacks with thrust to Rook's torso for 4 dice. Rook's response?

2017-07-13, 07:03 AM
"WHY WON'T YOU DIE!" Gunnar roared as he raised his hammer high in an attempt to slam it onto his head. Anger was fueling his strike but he had clearly used most of his effort on the first one.

Beat at zone V

-1 dice due to range.
[roll0] target number 5

2017-07-13, 07:11 AM
Rook grins at the exchange. The pirate is impressive for being drunk. Still Rook must push on. Rook pulls his shield back attempting to block the strike. Rook forms a quick one man phalanx and activates the simutaneous black and strike for one dice. Putting 5 for attacking and 3 for defense. Including the activation cost totals 9 dice, leaving 4 dice remaining for the next exchange. Rook keeps his shield up to block whilst thtusting his spear forward at the pirates attack.

Simultaneous block and strike.
1 dice activation

Defense: [roll0] subtract one from the 3 dice due to penalty to defense.

Attack: [roll1]

Damn. Good ****ing rolls. Both defense successes and 3 attack successes.

AV 6 for 8 damage if hits.

2017-07-13, 07:13 AM
Shoot forgot target. [roll0]

2017-07-13, 07:29 AM

The soldier's eyes widened as Gunnar's hammer broke through his defense...

...and the hammer hit his helmet...

...and slid to the side. Still the impact was there, and Gunnar still had the momentum...

Gunnar's downwards vertical strike: 2 successes
Soldier's block: [roll0] TN 6 = nil

2 net successes for Gunnar

Hit location: [roll1] = upper head

Damage: ST 5 + 1 (hammer) +1 (hammer vs armour) + 2 net successes = 9

Resist: 5 TO + 4 AV

Level 0 wound to upper head

Blood Loss: 0
Shock: 0 + 1 (additional shock from hammer)
Pain: 0

It's a "scratch" but you move to your ideal distance - since he has longer weapon, he will be at disadvantage to attack or to parry with sword. And he loses 1 die from shock.

One remark: it's bash, not beat. Beat is a different maneuver. Quite useful though :smallsmile:

Round 4, Exchange 1: new round, new dice!

Your attack?


...and the thrust changed its direction, aiming straight at Rook's face!

He attempted to raise the shield, but the pirate was deceivingly fast and he could feel the point painfully scraping his face...

...and then Rook's spear hit the pirate, straight in the chest, and he could feel his ribs break under the pressure and his body going limp for a moment.

When Rook retracted the spear, the pirate was still standing, although he dropped his weapon to the ground and clutched his chest, gurgling with pain...


The pirate feints his attack, changing the direction to face (1 die activation cost) and adding 2 dice to the attack (removing additional 2 dice from his CP). He is still at distance (1 die penalty).

Attacks for 6 dice.
Total cost: 10 dice

Just to explain:
Simultaneous block & strike is an offensive maneuver. It is possible to switch from defence to offence during an exchange, but in that case your attacks land after the attacks of your opponent, as you decided to attack while not having initiative (there is a possibility to steal initiative - something similar to what you can see in samurai movies - but it's quite costly and dangerous).
So basically, what he did was to empower his own attack, hoping that the damage/pain will stop you from attacking him. If he hits, he will first remove dice from your attack for this round.

Word of advice: always defend more than you attack. Wait for an opening or create one.

So, let's see:

Pirate's thrust-to-face: [roll2] TN 5 = 3 successes
Rook's defence: 2 successes
Rook's attack: (5d10)[8][6][1][9][2] = 3 successes

1 net success for Pirate, 3 net successes for Rook.

Pirate's attack lands first:
Hit location: [roll3] = 2 = face
Damage: ST 5 + 2 (for rapier, 1 in case it hits mail) + 1 net successes = 8
Resist: 8 TO + 0 AV
Level 0 wound to face.
It's a scratch!

Blood Loss: 0
Shock: 0
Pain: 0

Rook's attack:
Hit location: 3 = chest (you did not mention where you attack, so I assume chest)
Damage: ST 6 + 2 (spear) + 3 net successes = 11
Resist: 5 TO + 2 AV = 7
Level 4 wound to chest.

Blood Loss: 3
Shock: 10
Pain: 9-WP =4

Blood Loss: 13
Shock: 13
Pain: 15-WP = 10

R2E2: Rook has initiative. His attack?

2017-07-13, 08:00 AM
Rook pulls the spear and thrusts once more for the chest in an attempt to finish the pirate off. His face a picture of determination, now with a nice scratch added. Rook was smiling at the thrill of the fight. Rook enjoyed fighting. But now his face melted away into the familiar stone face. For now Rook must try to kill this man.

There could never be any enjoyment in thus, but necessity must always outweigh what you want. Rook thrusts the spear forward, hoping to end this quickly. He learned much from this fight. But its not over yet.

Rook thrusts with his final 4 dice. [roll0] 2 net hits.

Damage is hits 8 plus 2 net hits = 10 damage to the torso. (Did i get that right?

2017-07-13, 08:10 AM
His strike had not been as effective as he hoped but it was an opening. A huge follow up attack followed aimed at his opponents head again. Gunnar was determined to turn his brain into paste.

[roll0] TN:5
Investing 10 dice into a bash aimed at zone V.
Hopefully this is the strike that does the job.

2017-07-14, 01:14 AM

This time the pirate made no attempt to defend himself and so Rook plunged his spear - quite unceremoniously - into his chest again. He only whimpered and stepped back, barely standing, blood gushing from the two large wounds...

...and then fell to his knees, trying to say something. It could be a curse, or it could be plea for mercy...

...but those were his last words.

And suddenly, the crowd, which was until now silent, went wild with cheers.

No defence possible (out of dice).

Hit location: [roll0] = chest

Damage: 10
Resist: 5 TO + 2 AV = 7
Level 3 wound to chest.

Blood Loss: 8
Shock: 7
Pain: 8-WP = 3

Blood Loss: 13 + 8 = 21
Shock: 9 + 7 = 16
Pain: 10 + 3 = 13

Knockdown: [roll1] TN 4
Blood loss roll (roll HT at TN of BL...) [roll2] TN 21

He bleeds out (loses 1 point of HT)

Re: the roll/result - yes, you did it correctly.

Info: had to edit the previous information - the values for blood loss/shock/pain were incorrect as I looked at incorrect wound type.

Now they are correct and he's almost dead and dying.

Will bleed out in 2 or 3 rounds and won't be able to fight back. The combat is over.


The soldier decided to get out of harm's way - and quickly, attempting to dodge the hammer and put some distance between himself and Gunnar.

Previous exchange:
Additional shock (hit to the head): 4 - successes from KO roll below = 1 point of shock
Knockout roll (for the hit to the head from previous round): [roll3] TN6 = 3 successes

Full evasion for all dice!
Gunnar's smash-the-head: 8 successes
Full evasion: [roll4] TN 4; shock dice from above will be removed from right = 6 successes

2 net successes for Gunnar!

Hit location: [roll5] = upper head

Damage: ST 5 + 1 (hammer) +1 (hammer vs armour) + 2 net successes = 9

Resist: 5 TO + 4 AV

Level 0 wound to head

Blood Loss: 0
Shock: 0 + 1 (from weapon) +1 (from blow to head, see below)
Pain: 0

Additional shock (hit to the head): 4 - successes from KO roll below
Knockout roll (for the hit to the head from previous round): (4d10)[9][6][8][5](28) TN6 = 3 successes

No dice, no defence!
He also loses 2 dice from his next round CP.
Gunnar's action?

(btw, I suggest using the possibility to "hit for more damage" in this case - just spend 1 die to power up the swing and you get +1 damage; can be done only once per attack)

2017-07-14, 01:35 AM
Progress was slow for Gunnar but he could tell he was making ground. His opponent was starting to give way. Gunnar decided to attempt a bash at his opponent's sword arm. If he is able to disarm him he will have the fight.

Bash against Zone VII. His sword arm.
2 dice in pool

Gaining +1 dice for bash to arms/hands.
Expending one dice for an extra point of damage.
[roll0] TN:5

2017-07-15, 03:34 PM

Gunnar felt a sting of satisfaction, when he felt the impact of the hammer and heard the soft, but very audible "crack" and the awed "Ooooh!" from the audience. The sword landed on the ground a moment later...

"Ow! You bas..."

Gunnar's strike vs arms: 1 success
No defence

1 net successes for Gunnar
Hit location: [roll0] = elbow
Damage: ST 5 + 1 (hammer) + 1 (extra power) + 1 net success (+1 vs armor if applicable)= 8

Resist: 5 TO + 0 AV

Level 3 wound to elbow

Blood Loss: 2
Shock: 6 + 1 +3 (from weapon)
Pain: 6 - WP = 2

R5E1: Gunnar has initiative, the opponent is rather shaken but may recover!

...by the way, does Gunnar play fair? Because there are possibilities... and you can also switch to the piercing part of the hammer for 1 CP.

2017-07-15, 05:21 PM
Oh boy I thought I posted.

Jesh will be attempting to ventilate the torso, namely the heart. The brain can be preserved for the experiment.

2017-07-15, 06:34 PM
With his opponent disarmed Gunnar knew he had the fight in his hands. This time his strike to the head will not fail. He flippwd his hammer over to the pick side and attempted once more to bash his opponent's head.

Spending 1 CP to switch to pick.
Spending 1 Cp for bonus damage.

Attack zone XIII [roll0] TN5

Time to give this guy a new face hole.

2017-07-16, 05:22 AM

The end was close and the soldier knew. But he did not run this time - he just raised his shield to try to catch the deadly weapon, but he basically just invited doom.

He was able to clip the hammer with his shield, but not stop it - and the spike punctured his throat and the mass of the hammer completely obliterated most of his neck, leaving the head hanging only on few tendons.

The soldier was dead before he even fell to the ground.

And the crowd went wild...

One thing: zone XIII is for thrust attacks. In this case, I will use zone IV or V (diagonal swing/vertical swing) to determine hit location and then use hit location from zone XIII or other to determine actual effect.

Gunnar's swing: 6 successes
Soldier's block: [roll0] = 1 success
5 net successes for Gunnar
Hit location: [roll1] = throat
Damage: ST 5 + 2 (hammer) + 1 (extra power) + 5 net success (+1 vs armor if applicable)= 12

Resist: 5 TO + 0 AV

Level 5 wound to neck


Congratulations. Are there any questions or would you like to continue?


She noted the fast reflexes on this specimen. He overall looked quite healthy and as such she only mourned the fact that she may - inadvertently - ruin the good material. But he was far from dead yet...

He jumped back, far enough to evade her cane, but not far enough to escape her - she was able to follow as he stumbled back.

White die!
Hunter has spear (L), Jeshickah rapier cane (M) - Jeshickah is out of reach (1 die disadvantage to attacks)
Hunter uses full evasion for 6 dice.
Jeshickah's chest-thrust (5d10)[8][6][6][5][7](32) TN 5 = 5 successes
Hunter's full evasion (6d10)[4][10][7][8][9][6](44) TN 4 = 5 successes

Tie! Nobody hits, but he fails to evade fully, giving her chance to continue attacking.

Jeshickah still has initiative.
Second exchange action?

2017-07-16, 06:51 AM
Gunnar looked down upon the corpse of the soldier. A tough fight indeed but he had come out unscathed. As the body was being dragged away Gunnar spat on the ground.

"Pathetic, perhaps next time I'll be given a worthy opponent" Gunnar stomped off the arena ignoring the crowd.

I think I am good for now. I will look forward for a group combat though. I got to do some shopping for Gunnar.

2017-07-19, 02:30 AM
How annoying, she thought. Did he not understand the importance of her work, of the noble contribution he could be making. Well, they almost never did. No matter, compliance wasn't a factor, it never was. The good doctor twisted her wrist and brought the hilt close to her chest, preparing to launch quick and lethal strikes.

Red Dice! Double Strike - (not exactly sure how this works) [roll0]

2017-07-19, 05:29 AM

Her first attack just touched his chest, piercing skin, but only the epiderma - she did not push for in-depth attack.

That was just the start - she followed it by even fiercer attack.


Your total CP is 13, giving you one more die.

Unfortunately, double attack means attacking with two weapons at once. So I will switch it to thrust.

Hunter parries for 4 dice!

Jeshickah's thrust: 4 + [roll0] TN 5 = 5 successes
Hunter's parry: [roll1] TN 7 = 4 successes

The hunter loses one die for second exchange.

(for thrust) Hit location: [roll2] = chest

Damage: 2 + 1
Resist: TO 4 + AV 0

Level 0 damage to chest

Blood loss: 0
Shock: 0
Pain: 0

Jeshickah moves into optimal distance and still has initiative.
R2E1: New round, new dice. Your action?

2017-07-29, 01:19 AM
They never made it easy, why?

Red Dice - Bind and Strike! Whatever that does! [roll0]

2017-08-01, 01:31 PM
Bind & Strike at first binds the opponents' weapon with the off-hand weapon and then uses the opening for next attack.

In rapier vs rapier duels I would allow using the same hand for binding, but not against spear.

2017-08-01, 10:26 PM
Lets call it a thrust then.