View Full Version : Circulatory Logic - OotS Tribute

2007-07-16, 09:55 PM
Just thought I'd share a little tribute comic I worked into my current storyarc. You can read it here. (http://www.elrosth.com/comic/index.php?d=20070716) Its referencing this strip (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0135.html) if you didn't already know. Since that strip has been ripped off in the past, I figured it would be appropriate.

Figured some of you would enjoy it. :)

2007-07-16, 09:57 PM
Ha! Very cute. Nice homage to Rich there.

2007-07-17, 12:49 AM
You are aware theres a difference between a tribute and straight-up ripping off a joke aren't you?

Invisible Queen
2007-07-17, 05:02 AM
This reminds me of a boy and his dad I knew. The dad would sometimes say really funny things in the middle of a conversation. A gift of comedic skills, I believe, being able to come up with jokes on the spot that would never work out of context.

Between 5 and 30 minutes later, the boy would repeat his dad's joke, his head still spinning at the comedic brilliance of the words. Those who heard him would say, yes, yes, that was fun when your dad said it, secretly pitying the child who thought he was funny.

Sorry Elrosth, but yes, that was fun when Rich wrote it.

2007-07-17, 05:10 AM
That's why you tell the joke when you know nobody knows where the source is from. You get far better reactions that way.

2007-07-17, 10:12 AM
I believe the humor is in the self-conscious nature of the blatant lifting. Also in the protagonista apparently being a dumb blonde.

In short, I did laugh, but not a quarter so hard as I did at the original joke.

2007-07-31, 06:23 PM
Not bad...maybe a different punchline in the last panel...your character directly referencing Rich was pretty good.

2007-07-31, 07:56 PM
Alright, thanks. Yeah, I know its not the greatest or funniest thing in the world, I just wanted to give a nod to Rich's strip.