View Full Version : Moperville South [IC]

2016-12-19, 07:04 PM
You are all currently sitting in History Of WWI (precursor to History of WWII), when you see her walk in. The new girl. The adorable, cute, and all around wonderful looking and seeming new girl.

"Oh! Class, this is Grace Scir... Scwir... Grace S! Please make her feel welcome. Now, as I was saying, if you look at these factors leading up to WWI, you'll find that..."

She sits down near the front of the class, and opens her textbook. She starts flipping through it rapidly, reading at a rather rapid pace, and, looking closely, you can see her expression becoming steadily more distraught. The teacher, Mr. Goniri, is turned to the board, so doesn't notice when Grace puts her head in her hands and starts to cry quietly. She's attracting quite a bit of attention now, and is still looking through the textbook. When Mr. Goniri turns around to make a point, he sees Grace, and asks "Is everything o-" but before he can finish, Grace runs out of the room, full-scale sobbing.

"Does anyone know why she's like that?" Mr. Goniri asks, concern on his face. When no one answers, he looks to the class. "Alright, someone is going to have to go get her. Let's see..."

First Roll Of The Game! 3 VP

Luck d4-Be picked by chance to go look after Grace
Skill d6-Be doing well enough in the class that Mr. Goniri feels confident you can easily catch up what was missed

Note that, if you so choose, you can sneak out after the first person is sent (and in a tie, multiple people will be sent first). You just won't get VP since you weren't the first to arrive and help Grace, but you will get to be in the next scene.

2016-12-19, 07:17 PM
Sarah's hand shoots up, right at the front of the class, and says, "It's my job, right? I'll take care of it, ma'am. I'll be sure to come back by after class to make sure I know what I missed."

Neutral Skill, +2 from Connections.

2016-12-19, 07:39 PM
Melody just looked so sad. Just so so sad when Grace ran out of the class.

That's when someone jostled her shoulder. "Yo... you know... If you want to go help her... I can help cover what you miss." They pipe up, a crimson blush on their cheeks.

That would be great. Melody whispered back. Mr. Goniri I believe I should be the one to calm her down, I have a way with people after all.

Neutral skill, Supernaturally attractive +2. =+2.

2016-12-20, 05:26 AM
In the back corner of the room, Alina is nonchalantly playing with her tail, apparently not having noticed any of the drama going on at the front.

Neutral luck, Easily Distracted. +1

She's distracted cutely, and she is going to have to locate someone.

2016-12-20, 03:32 PM
12 hours to post, or you're skipped for this roll.

2016-12-20, 03:37 PM
Morrigan kept her head down; she wanted to go help the new girl, but with her luck she'd probably have to visit the nurse before she found the poor girl.

Straight Luck, no bonus.

If I roll a 4, and somehow win, I'm gonna take it as a sign from RNGesus that I'm meant to win this game and will go far less easy on you for future Luck rolls than I was originally intending to.

2016-12-20, 03:49 PM
Roger watches the others immediately vie for his old friend's attention. Getting up, he whispers to Mr. Goniri, "I think myself or Sarah should go check on her, make sure she's alright."
Skill (+1), Compassion (Sarah gets +2, I get 1/2 the VP she would, round up, if she wins)

Auto VP from Old Friends

2016-12-20, 03:53 PM
Sarah: [roll0]
Melody: [roll1]
Alina: [roll2]
Morrigan: [roll3]
Roger: [roll4], Compassion on Sarah

For 3 VP.

"Roger," Mr. Goniri says, "go and see that Grace is okay. Now, the rest of you, if you'll pay attention, will see that..."

2016-12-20, 04:01 PM
Sarah lets out an exasperated sigh and nods, listening to the lecture and taking careful notes, frustrated that there will be romance going on outside of her reach to put a stop to things.

2016-12-20, 04:19 PM
When Mr. Goniri turns back to face the class, she sees that Alina has, once again, mysterious disappeared out of an open window. Whether or not to find the new girl, is anyones guess.

2016-12-20, 05:28 PM
Morrigan was getting that feeling she got a lot - that feeling that the universe was trying to push her towards some kind of action, and she wasn't doing it, so the universe was punishing her. She didn't get rained on today, but she happened to be walking past one of the largest puddles left over from the last time it rained just as some ******* was speeding by and drenched her from head to toe. Fortunately, she kept some extra clothes in her locker, although apparently some bugs had gotten into it and there were some small holes here and there. Getting drenched, even though she had dry clothes now, meant she had a sneezing effect here and there, and her notebook was unfortunately unusable until she refilled her apparently-empty Kleenex box (also in her locker, although she needed to check that more often it seemed). And of course, having to go by her locker meant she had an undesired encounter with Gloria Underwood, that stupid stuck up bi- *snap*

...and her pencil broke in two from her getting angry about the day's series of events. Sighing, Morrigan scanned her surroundings to make sure there were no errant puddles, or bags placed where they could be tripped over; satisfied that there was nothing to potentially trip her on her way to the pencil sharpener, she stood up. Unfortunately, a couple holes in her clothes had snagged on tiny jagged parts of the metal bits of her desk frame, and another sneeze caught her buy surprise. Attempting to bring her arm up in time to block the sneeze resulted in the desk upending out from under her half-stood-up body, sending her and it tumbling to the floor.

"...nurse pass? I think I dislocated my shoulder," came Morrigan's shaky, quiet voice.

2016-12-20, 05:45 PM
Mr. Goniri sighs, but nods-the event is common enough he doesn't feel the need to stop his lecture to say yes to Morrigan.

2016-12-20, 06:10 PM
As Morrigan stands up to leave, Sarah slams her pencil down on the table and stands up, saying, "Can you cut that out, for the love of God! Everyone's seen it a million times, the old fake injury schtick, and I for one am sick of you cutting class whenever you feel like it because no one wants to call you on it!"

2016-12-20, 06:11 PM
"Sarah, if you're concerned, go with her," Mr. Goniri says. "You can keep an eye on her and rush her back if she's lying."

2016-12-20, 06:19 PM
Sarah nods and says, "Thank you, sir. Let's go, Morrigan."

2016-12-20, 06:27 PM
Morrigan was already leaving the room, not bothering to see if the prissy puppy princess was following along like a good little lap dog.

2016-12-20, 08:32 PM
Roger nods, immediately stepping out of class to follow the girl.

"Grace, is everything alright?," the boy says, gently putting a hand on the girl's shoulder.

2016-12-20, 08:43 PM
Roger has to spend a few minutes actually FINDING Grace-he tracks down the sound of crying to the girls' restroom, and, since it's his job, goes in to help Grace.

Once he asks his question, Grace responds, still crying, All-all, all those people! And their families! And... And... Millions of people! Millions! How could-could, how could people do that?

2016-12-20, 08:50 PM
Melody waited a moment, just a moment before sneaking out.

Morrigan needed her help. Following the girls to the nurses office, she waved eagerly to Morrigan from behind the door.

2016-12-20, 08:54 PM
As Morrigan, Melody, and Sarah all pass by the girl's washroom, they hear sobbing from within.

2016-12-20, 08:56 PM
Morrigan makes her way through the hall, eyes scanning everywhere for possible threats as she tries to move her right arm as little as possible. She gives a glance at the restroom in sympathy for the girl within, but keeps moving towards her destination resolutely.

2016-12-20, 09:25 PM
Melody will check it out, but upon seeing Roger handling it will continue moving to Morrigan.

2016-12-20, 10:01 PM
Sarah gives Morrigan the death glare as they walk past the girl's bathroom, but when she hears the sobbing, she glances back and forth between the girl's bathroom and Morrigan, then sighs and says, "Stay right here. I need to make sure someone isn't getting beat up," then dashes into the girl's washroom.

When she sees Roger, a white rage starts pounding in her ears and her eyes begin to glow yellow as she shouts, not noting that it's Grace sobbing, "GET OUT YOU PERVERT!"

2016-12-20, 10:04 PM
Sarah gives Morrigan the death glare as they walk past the girl's bathroom, but when she hears the sobbing, she glances back and forth between the girl's bathroom and Morrigan, then sighs and says, "Stay right here. I need to make sure someone isn't getting beat up," then dashes into the girl's washroom.

When she sees Roger, a white rage starts pounding in her ears and her eyes begin to glow yellow as she shouts, not noting that it's Grace sobbing, "GET OUT YOU PERVERT!"

"I'm supposed to be going to the nurse, and you're supposed to be following because you're a nosy busybody. If you wanna take a detour, that's your problem, but I'm getting my shoulder popped back in." She continues walking down the hallway.

2016-12-21, 12:39 AM
Sarah gives Morrigan the death glare as they walk past the girl's bathroom, but when she hears the sobbing, she glances back and forth between the girl's bathroom and Morrigan, then sighs and says, "Stay right here. I need to make sure someone isn't getting beat up," then dashes into the girl's washroom.

When she sees Roger, a white rage starts pounding in her ears and her eyes begin to glow yellow as she shouts, not noting that it's Grace sobbing, "GET OUT YOU PERVERT!"
A calm anger washes over Roger, but quickly subsides as he simply holds an open hand up to the girl. She didn't know, after all. His tone is gentle, but still firm as he speaks. "Hush... Grace needs a moment. I will leave her side when she is well enough to return to class, or dismisses me." Other than that, he does not acknowledge the girl's presence.

Roger has to spend a few minutes actually FINDING Grace-he tracks down the sound of crying to the girls' restroom, and, since it's his job, goes in to help Grace.

Once he asks his question, Grace responds, still crying, All-all, all those people! And their families! And... And... Millions of people! Millions! How could-could, how could people do that?

As Grace recounts the events that she learned about in class, Roger nods, other hand still resting on her back. "Much of human history was full of tragedy and atrocity. It's why we learn about it, so that we may prevent such horrors from ever happening again.

I've never seen someone so affected by learning about historical events. Has this happened before?"

2016-12-21, 12:41 AM
A calm anger washes over Roger, but quickly subsides as he simply holds an open hand up to the girl. She didn't know, after all. His tone is gentle, but still firm as he speaks. "Hush... Grace needs a moment. I will leave her side when she is well enough to return to class, or dismisses me." Other than that, he does not acknowledge the girl's presence.

As Grace recounts the events that she learned about in class, Roger nods, other hand still resting on her back. "Much of human history was full of tragedy and atrocity. It's why we learn about it, so that we may prevent such horrors from ever happening again.

I've never seen someone so affected by learning about historical events. Has this happened before?"

I... I... N-n-no... Grace says before breaking out in a fresh round of sobs. She grabs both Roger and Sarah, hugging them close as she cries into their shoulders.

2016-12-21, 01:03 AM
"It's okay, just let it out, okay?" he says, firmness gone for his voice.

2016-12-21, 10:15 AM
The window of the bathroom opens, and Alina sticks her head in to see what the commotion is. "Oh?" she says, intrigued by the sight of Robert hugging the sobbing transfer student. "Did you have to tyurn her down already?"

2016-12-21, 10:36 AM
"I've got it. You can head back to class. You'll miss his discussion on what lessons we learned from the war, if he's following the book's sequence."

2016-12-21, 11:08 AM
Sarah purses her lips as she realizes who she was yelling at and why he was in the girl's bathroom, and says, suddenly embarrassed, "Oh...Sorry Roger. Um...I...Didn't realize it was you. I am escorting someone right now, so..."

And then Grace hugs her. Sarah exhales something like a sigh and says, "R-right. Grace, uh...If you need any help, just let me know. It's...My job, after all. Again, sorry Roger." She then turns and leaves the bathroom, tracking down Morrigan again.

2016-12-21, 11:09 AM
The window of the bathroom opens, and Alina sticks her head in to see what the commotion is. "Oh?" she says, intrigued by the sight of Robert hugging the sobbing transfer student. "Did you have to tyurn her down already?"

Grace looks over and sees Alina, and tries to smile at the other woman, but it falls flat as she continues to cry.

2016-12-21, 11:31 AM
"It's alright, just let it out. Need me to get you anything? Some tissue, a bottle of water? Or should I stay here?"

2016-12-21, 11:33 AM
"It's alright, just let it out. Need me to get you anything? Some tissue, a bottle of water? Or should I stay here?"

J-just stay, please, Grace says. She's slowly calming down, her tears stopping to flow so freely.

2016-12-21, 11:38 AM
Sarah purses her lips as she realizes who she was yelling at and why he was in the girl's bathroom, and says, suddenly embarrassed, "Oh...Sorry Roger. Um...I...Didn't realize it was you. I am escorting someone right now, so..."

And then Grace hugs her. Sarah exhales something like a sigh and says, "R-right. Grace, uh...If you need any help, just let me know. It's...My job, after all. Again, sorry Roger." She then turns and leaves the bathroom, tracking down Morrigan again.

Morrigan is much further down the hall, going at a relatively slow pace to avoid slipping again when she's already seriously injured.

2016-12-21, 11:55 AM
J-just stay, please, Grace says. She's slowly calming down, her tears stopping to flow so freely.

"You've got it," Roger says, holding the girl until she calms down. Did he have any memories from the time? Hm... he remembered... fighting. Gunshots, gas, explosions. And the cold. He didn't even know how that him had fared in the war, though he could only imagine poorly. He heard the language as his own English now, but if he were to guess based on the skin and uniforms, he was German at the time... Nothing there that would help, now... Wait!

"Have you ever heard the story of the Christmas Truce of 1914?" he asks Grace. After all, one of the great things about people: dark times may bring out the worst in some people, but they also bring out the best in others. There was more history behind the story, but Grace didn't need any of that.

2016-12-21, 11:58 AM
"You've got it," Roger says, holding the girl until she calms down. Did he have any memories from the time? Hm... he remembered... fighting. Gunshots, gas, explosions. And the cold. He didn't even know how that him had fared in the war, though he could only imagine poorly. He heard the language as his own English now, but if he were to guess based on the skin and uniforms, he was German at the time... Nothing there that would help, now... Wait!

"Have you ever heard the story of the Christmas Truce of 1914?" he asks Grace. After all, one of the great things about people: dark times may bring out the worst in some people, but they also bring out the best in others. There was more history behind the story, but Grace didn't need any of that.

N-no... she says.

2016-12-21, 12:20 PM
N-no... she says.

Roger smiles warmly. It was one of the proudest memories he had. "So, you know, the world one century ago was embroiled in what became known as The Great War, better known now as World War I. The details of the war are a political nightmare, much like those of the world today. In short, someone assassinates an archduke in the not so small region of Austria-Hungary, war is declared with Serbia, and alliances were called upon. The war was one of the bloodiest wars in world history due to the advent of deadlier weaponry and the pure scale of the conflict.

Let me set the scene: The life of a soldier at this time was bleak. On a lucky day, you didn't wake up to artillery fire or poison gas, but chances are gunshots would have been your alarm clock. You sat in a muddy, reeking trench for weeks until you got sick or shot, and the poor guy 60 meters across the way was faring no better. By late December, you have to add in that it was winter in the early 1900's, that is, you were cold, some of your friends have died to a combination of sickness, infection, hypothermia, if they weren't lucky enough to die quickly from a gunshot wound. To make things worse, it was dark. The end of that rifle is looking mighty friendly by that time of year.

To boost the spirits of soldiers, governments have sent small ration packages with Christmas supplies; Germans even got a few little trees. Back on the English side of the line, you see some green things propped up by their trench. A weapon? Shoot it. But they don't respond, and you grow bored and curious. The eve passes into night, and everyone is ready to sleep and wake for another morning of drudgery. Then, you hear a familiar tune, though with unfamiliar words. Maybe one of the other soldiers studied a little German in his younger days, and identifies the song as Silent Night. You smile a bit, laughing even. Still, it gives a good idea to boost moral. Your group begins to sing as well, in English instead. One of the crazier guys gets up above the trench, and goes to investigate those weird green things- how did you not realize before? They were trees! Little evergreens, like you would decorate back home. Being so close, one of the other soldiers spots you, but thinks nothing of it. You're unarmed, and it would be odd to stop singing to shoot a man.

The next morning, there is no gunfire. People are climbing over the trenches, talking to the other side in the no man's land, exchanging rationed cigarettes. One of your comrades, a Scot, pulls out a ball, and a pickup game of European football is on between the same men who not 24 hours ago were shooting at each other. The other team wins in the end, but it is a close game. For a few days, the ceasefire continues, only being broken up by the threat of court-marshaling by your commanding officers. Still, you bid farewell to your new friends with warm embraces and well wishing, perhaps intending to aim a little higher up tomorrow.

People can fight with each other, fight amongst ourselves, find every reason to hate each other, but in the end, what does that get us? Nowhere. Ultimately, nobody remembers most of the battles of the Great War, but people remember the temporary truce that went along the lines of most of the western front, because that was humankind at their best. When I learn about World War One, that's what I choose to think about. Amidst everything that happened, people were still people."

2016-12-21, 12:27 PM
Grace sniffs, smiling a little bit now and no longer crying. I guess... I guess that makes me feel better. It's still sad, but... Well, no but there. It just is.

Thank you, she says. And, after a few moments, asks What's Christmas?

2016-12-21, 12:32 PM
Grace sniffs, smiling a little bit now and no longer crying. I guess... I guess that makes me feel better. It's still sad, but... Well, no but there. It just is.

Thank you, she says. And, after a few moments, asks What's Christmas?

Roger stops, a very confused look on his face. "What do you mean? It's a holiday. One of the most well known holidays in western civilization. How do you not know what Christmas is?"

2016-12-21, 12:34 PM
Roger stops, a very confused look on his face. "What do you mean? It's a holiday. One of the most well known holidays in western civilization. How do you not know what Christmas is?"

I didn't get out much, growing up. Or at all, Grace says, looking away, and a little embarrassed.

2016-12-21, 12:49 PM
I didn't get out much, growing up. Or at all, Grace says, looking away, and a little embarrassed.

"Wow... huh. Well, at least you don't have amnesia. I wondered if that might be it for a second. Well it is winter, you'll find out soon enough."

2016-12-21, 03:18 PM
Morrigan is much further down the hall, going at a relatively slow pace to avoid slipping again when she's already seriously injured.

Hey, hey. Hun. Are you feeling any better? Melody question hovering around but not touching the shoulder.

2016-12-21, 03:24 PM
Hey, hey. Hun. Are you feeling any better? Melody question hovering around but not touching the shoulder.

"Honestly, I feel fine at the moment, as long as my arm doesn't get touched. Dislocation only really hurts when it happens, and when it's fixed."

2016-12-21, 03:41 PM
Anything I can do to help? Melody asks brightly moving in front of Morrigan.

2016-12-21, 04:13 PM
"Ah. Homeschoolers." Alina climbs the rest of the way through the window and drops to the floor beside Roger and Claire. "That explains a lot."

2016-12-28, 11:25 PM
Grace sniffs a little more, but looks to Roger. I think I'm ready to go back to class.

2016-12-28, 11:38 PM
"Good. Come on, let's get you cleaned up first," Roger says, getting a paper towel and dabbing the girl's eyes dry. "I'll be just outside when you're done."

2016-12-28, 11:42 PM
"Good. Come on, let's get you cleaned up first," Roger says, getting a paper towel and dabbing the girl's eyes dry. "I'll be just outside when you're done."

Grace spends a little bit more time composing herself, then heads back to class.

Mr. Goniri is in the middle of a lecture when she returns, but nods to her when she comes back in. When he's begun the class on some work, he comes over to her desk. "You okay, Grace?" he asks.

Yes sir, Mr. Goniri. I'm... I'm okay.

After about twenty minutes, the bell rings, sending you all off to lunch! Grace heads for the lunchroom, and you see her hesitate at the start. It's her first day here, after all-she doesn't have friends to sit with yet.

Luck d6-Get Grace to sit at your table through LUCK!
Skill d7-Same thing, but SKILLFULLY!
Allure d9-Same thing, but SULTRILY!

Opposed check for 2 VP.

If you want to team up, you can-multiple people sitting at the same table. You'll use the highest bonus, with a +1 modifier for each person helping out. The main roller gets 2 VP, the sidekicks get 1 each.

2016-12-29, 12:27 AM
Roger sits alongside the unusual girl who had joined him in helping Grace, Sarah. "Grace!" the young man calls out with a friendly smile, "what's a gorgeous girl like you doing looking for a place to sit? Come hang out with us!"
Sitting by Sarah
Allure (+1), Garb (+1)

2016-12-29, 09:18 AM
Sarah takes her customary place by herself (turns out being a stickler for people following rules really doesn't make you many friends), so when Roger sits next to her, she looks surprised, even moreso when he waves for Grace to come over as well. Sarah shakes her head, then waves, saying, "Yeah, Grace! Come sit over here!"

Strong Allure (+1), Feral Instincts (+2)

2016-12-31, 01:14 AM
Morrigan's day hadn't started well, and dislocating her shoulder was hardly the end of her troubles; of course it hurt like hell when the nurse re-located it, as it always did - and it couldn't be good for her joints long-term that this kept happening - but now because Sarah was having her time of the month (well, her other time of the month), she'd accused Morrigan of faking stuff, and now lots of people were giving her **** because when Sarah had foisted herself onto the trip, she'd just abandoned it halfway through and never told anybody that the nurse had confirmed it was real...which was just as bad as Sarah saying the nurse had confirmed it was fake. So far, people had been tripping her, or dunking water on her all day, as some kind of joke about her fake clumsiness, and all it did was make her slip and slide around even more.

As she made her way to an unoccupied table, her clothes still soaked from the last person to have the hilarious idea of dumping a bucket of water over her head, she didn't notice out of the corner of her eye that more pathetic losers were approaching her with another bucket filled to the brim...and there it went, right over her head. Her body was soaked, her food turned into a mushy mess, and the unexpected force of nearly 5 pounds of water slamming into her head combined with the water that already surrounded her dripping off her clothes, and she pitched forward...

Luck. Splash Magnet 2+Elemental Affinity (Water) 2+Accident Prone 2+Vulnerable 2=+8.

2016-12-31, 01:26 AM
However it was also that time of the month for Melody.

That time of the month when she would treat her friends to a buffet. Grabbing delicious meat after delicious meat. Filet mignon, Technically endangered species of octopus tentacles, hunks of delicious delicious turkey smothered in gravy.

Meat after fish, after bird, and not a carrot in sight.

Grace! Melody waved over, several infatuated males, making her seem like the most popular choice. The maid outfit she had on, certainly didn't hurt either.

Why don't you come over here, sit. Enjoy some actual food, instead of the stuff. The school offers.

Strong allure, Supernaturally attractive, School queen, Cosplay enthusiasts, (+7) and use dazzling display Dazzling display.

Should one of my powers be deemed unusable, or I get inflicted with a penalty. Cancel my use of dazzling display, and instead help Morrigan.

2017-01-09, 07:11 PM
Melody [roll0]
Roger [roll1] [roll2]
Sarah [roll3] [roll4]
Morrigan [roll5] [roll6]

Grace looks around, smiling at the various people who are being so friendly to her, but eventually gravitates towards Morrigan. You okay? You look kinda... Wet.

2017-01-09, 08:15 PM
Melody [roll0]
Roger [roll1] [roll2]
Sarah [roll3] [roll4]
Morrigan [roll5] [roll6]

Grace looks around, smiling at the various people who are being so friendly to her, but eventually gravitates towards Morrigan. You okay? You look kinda... Wet.

Morrigan flushed, and had to hold her tongue to stop herself from snapping at the girl. "It's more or less a constant state of being for me. Particularly today...but that's not worth thinking about. You enjoying the new school?"

2017-01-09, 08:16 PM
Morrigan flushed, and had to hold her tongue to stop herself from snapping at the girl. "It's more or less a constant state of being for me. Particularly today...but that's not worth thinking about. You enjoying the new school?"

It's a nice experience. Different than what I'm used to.

2017-01-09, 08:18 PM
She upset a poltergeist pretty much. Melody teased giggling as she rubbed Morrigan's hair.

2017-01-09, 08:22 PM
She upset a poltergeist pretty much. Melody teased giggling as she rubbed Morrigan's hair.

Morrogan rolls her eyes at Melody's words and actions, although the slight blush in her cheeks and the twitching corners of her mouth betrayed her true feelings on the matter.

It's a nice experience. Different than what I'm used to.

Oh? How so?"

2017-01-09, 08:29 PM
Oh? How so?"

Oh! Um... Uh... Grace says, looking from side to side, trying to find another thing to talk about. Would you look at that! she adds, pointing to an unremarkable potted plant.

2017-01-09, 08:37 PM
Oh! Um... Uh... Grace says, looking from side to side, trying to find another thing to talk about. Would you look at that! she adds, pointing to an unremarkable potted plant.

Don't want to talk about it? Melody asks raising an eyebrow.

2017-01-09, 08:40 PM
Don't want to talk about it? Melody asks raising an eyebrow.

I... Um... No? she says, raising her hands a bit defensively.

2017-01-09, 08:48 PM
I... Um... No? she says, raising her hands a bit defensively.

Understood. I'll let you tell me on your own time. Melody replied happily.

2017-01-09, 08:49 PM
Understood. I'll let you tell me on your own time. Melody replied happily.

Grace lowers her arms, looking rather surprised. But then, she smiles brightly.

2017-01-09, 08:55 PM
Morrigan shrugs, picking at her food.

2017-01-09, 09:19 PM
Sarah shrugs as Grace wanders over to Morrigan and looks at the table, then at Roger, then back at the table, before saying, "Um, since you're here...Sorry about yelling at you earlier."

2017-01-09, 09:47 PM
Sarah shrugs as Grace wanders over to Morrigan and looks at the table, then at Roger, then back at the table, before saying, "Um, since you're here...Sorry about yelling at you earlier."

The young man shrugs. "It made sense, though weren't you in the class with us? Surely you saw me get permission to go with her, yes?"

2017-01-09, 09:50 PM
Sarah shrugs as Grace wanders over to Morrigan and looks at the table, then at Roger, then back at the table, before saying, "Um, since you're here...Sorry about yelling at you earlier."

And sorry for accusing Moriggan of lying? Melody asks cocking her head.

2017-01-09, 10:01 PM
Sarah glares at Melody and pointedly doesn't reply to her, as she says to Roger, "Yeah...I don't think I even realized who it was...Just saw a guy and I heard a girl crying. Didn't realize who it was, just assumed the worst. I...I feel awful. Sorry."

2017-01-09, 10:21 PM
Sarah glares at Melody and pointedly doesn't reply to her, as she says to Roger, "Yeah...I don't think I even realized who it was...Just saw a guy and I heard a girl crying. Didn't realize who it was, just assumed the worst. I...I feel awful. Sorry."

Roger similarly ignores the call from a different table. "Ah, that would make sense. Like I said, no hard feelings. I might respond similarly if I were in your situation."

2017-01-10, 01:03 AM
And sorry for accusing Moriggan of lying? Melody asks cocking her head.

"I appreciate you sticking up for me Melody, but don't waste your breath."

2017-01-10, 01:16 AM
"I appreciate you sticking up for me Melody, but don't waste your breath."

I am surprised, you think the model student would believe the adult that had to reset the joint. Melody comments.

2017-01-10, 01:21 AM
I am surprised, you think the model student would believe the adult that had to reset the joint. Melody comments.

"Or years of medical records. But that's not my point: even if she was actually sorry or whatever, the damage is already done at this point. She'd have to work around the clock informing people of the truth to kill the rumor, and to be honest it'd probably be a lot of wasted effort," Morrigan mumbled.

2017-01-10, 01:36 AM
"Or years of medical records. But that's not my point: even if she was actually sorry or whatever, the damage is already done at this point. She'd have to work around the clock informing people of the truth to kill the rumor, and to be honest it'd probably be a lot of wasted effort," Morrigan mumbled.

Yeah, they'd just assume you had something on her. Melody agrees/

2017-01-10, 01:41 AM
Yeah, they'd just assume you had something on her. Melody agrees/

"Or something. I don't know exactly what the thought process would be, but I know that killing this rumor requires a lot more effort than I imagine she's willing to put in," Morrigan replied, her voice kept low and downcast.

2017-01-10, 01:01 PM
Roger similarly ignores the call from a different table. "Ah, that would make sense. Like I said, no hard feelings. I might respond similarly if I were in your situation."

Sarah smiles and says, "Thanks. That actually makes me feel a lot better."

2017-01-10, 02:16 PM
"Good! I'd hate to remain on bad terms with a nice person." Roger looks at the girl and then at Grace. "So do you know much about the new girl?" he asks, lowering his voice a little.

2017-01-10, 03:26 PM
Sarah can't help but smile at the compliment and replies, lowering her voice to almost a whisper, "Not much honestly. She's too new."

2017-01-10, 03:35 PM
"Yeah. I'm a little concerned after seeing that this morning. I get that the war was awful, but if learning about it causes that kind of response, I'm worried about how she'll respond to the Second World War..."

2017-01-10, 04:37 PM
Sarah blinks and says, "Wait that's what it was about? World War I? Jeez...Yeah. I wonder why, though? We're seniors. Surely she learned about it during, like, middle school or something, right?"

2017-01-10, 05:26 PM
Sarah blinks and says, "Wait that's what it was about? World War I? Jeez...Yeah. I wonder why, though? We're seniors. Surely she learned about it during, like, middle school or something, right?"

"Homeschooling, maybe? Or she could be a highly empathic person," he says with a shrug.

2017-01-10, 05:45 PM
Sarah shakes her head and responds, "Jeez. If it is homeschooling...Who would even do that to their daughter. How can you justify just...Ignoring so much of history."

2017-01-10, 05:54 PM
Sarah shakes her head and responds, "Jeez. If it is homeschooling...Who would even do that to their daughter. How can you justify just...Ignoring so much of history."

"Avoiding uncomfortable topics? I mean, people do the same thing with evolution, or areas of science that they don't like. I could see someone being raised in such a way. Or maybe her family was affected in some way and didn't want to mention it at all. It's obviously not a rational choice, so why apply rational thinking to why it happened?"

2017-01-10, 06:49 PM
Lunch goes on. Eventually, the mealtime ends, and it's back to classes for everyone. You don't see Grace for the rest of the day, at least not in any more than passing, but when school is over, you see her looking with confusion at her bus schedule.

Another roll-help Grace figure out her bus situation. Opposed, Skill d6, 1 VP.

2017-01-10, 07:00 PM
Later that afternoon Sarah notices Grace struggling and wanders over, saying, "Hey, do you need a hand?" If anyone else approaches, she shoots them a glare, with just a flash of lycanthropically glowing eyes to add to the effect of warning people off.

Neutral Skill, Intimidating Presence/Aggravated Misery combo to give all my competitors a -2 to Skill checks.

2017-01-10, 07:06 PM
Or alternatively. Me and Trevor could explain it to you. Melody replied brightly gesturing to a young man, ensnared by Melody's charisma.

Neutral skill, Supernaturally attractive (+2) Total +2, before -2 being applied. so 0

2017-01-10, 07:48 PM
Morrigan is unconcerned with Grace's scheduling issues and more concerned with making sure she doesn't slip in the many leftover puddles from the previous rain - made more difficult by how many people seem intent on 'helping' her get acquainted with the ground, nor by how the wind is coming and going in great gusts that seem almost perfectly timed and positioned to send her crashing over just as somebody's giving her a push, or dumping water over her head again (because that's so ****ing original at this point!!! :smallfurious:). Between the great winds and the bullying peers, she's barely able to make any headway getting to her bus early, and is so delayed that Grace and her entourage of helpers are passing her by when she's still being pushed around...and she overhears some details of Grace's schedule that sound familiar.

Luck O' The Irish: Use Luck in place of Skill.

Accident-Prone 2+Elemental Affinity 2+Rain Magnet 2+Splash Magnet 2+Vulnerable 2=+10.

2017-01-10, 08:37 PM
Roger is a bit preoccupied with dealing with one of the students harassing Morrigan to be able to focus his attention on the likely in-need Grace.
Skill (+1)

2017-01-11, 11:23 AM
If Grace was hoping to get help from Alina with her bus situation, she's **** out of luck, since Alina is currently staring glassy-eyed at her own bus schedule.

Weak Skill, firedaemon's penalty. -3

2017-01-21, 10:28 PM
Sarah [roll0]

Melody [roll1]

Morrigan [roll2]

Roger [roll3]

Alina [roll4]

My money's on Alina! :P

Morrigan, looking up for a moment, finds herself falling rapidly down as she slips in a puddle. Grace drops her schedule and closes the short distance between the two, helping Morrigan keep her balance. You okay? she asks.

2017-01-21, 10:34 PM
Morrigan, looking up for a moment, finds herself falling rapidly down as she slips in a puddle. Grace drops her schedule and closes the short distance between the two, helping Morrigan keep her balance. You okay? she asks.

Morrigan wanted to scowl, but didn't wanna blow the girl off right after she'd helped out. "About as okay as can be expected. How about you?" Is is cool if Morrigan's Luck roll turns out to be "oh, we have the same bus!"?

2017-01-21, 10:41 PM
Morrigan wanted to scowl, but didn't wanna blow the girl off right after she'd helped out. "About as okay as can be expected. How about you?" Is is cool if Morrigan's Luck roll turns out to be "oh, we have the same bus!"?

It looks like I'm doing a bit better than you right now. Although I'm trying to figure out my bus schedule, and... Grace says, turning to see her bus schedule soaking up water in a puddle on the ground where she dropped it. And I need to get a new one. Can I do that?

Over by Melody, Trevor asks "So what's the deal with that Grace chick anyway?"

2017-01-21, 10:51 PM
She's the new girl on the block. Melody replies cocking her head as fate seemed insistent on Morrigan and Grace being friends, or at least hanging out a ton.

2017-01-21, 10:52 PM
It looks like I'm doing a bit better than you right now. Although I'm trying to figure out my bus schedule, and... Grace says, turning to see her bus schedule soaking up water in a puddle on the ground where she dropped it. And I need to get a new one. Can I do that?

Melody nods. "Yeah, you can get a new bus schedule - I know from experience - but it might not be immediately available. The secretary will be able to help you figure it out, though. Come on, I'll show you where her office is."

2017-01-21, 10:55 PM
She's the new girl on the block. Melody replies cocking her head as fate seemed insistent on Morrigan and Grace being friends, or at least hanging out a ton.

"Yeah, I guess. Are you entering this year's school talent show?"

Melody nods. "Yeah, you can get a new bus schedule - I know from experience - but it might not be immediately available. The secretary will be able to help you figure it out, though. Come on, I'll show you where her office is."

Thanks! Grace says, following behind.

2017-01-21, 10:58 PM
Thanks! Grace says, following behind.

Grace watched her steps carefully on the way to the office, and was happy that she didn't slip once on her way back into the building. "Not a problem, I can empathize with losing important stuff to the weather. 's why I memorized my bus schedule a week before school started, 'cause I knew something would happen. Of course, then I got a new one due to a scheduling error, but I've memorized the new one too, so it's cool."

2017-01-21, 10:59 PM
Grace watched her steps carefully on the way to the office, and was happy that she didn't slip once on her way back into the building. "Not a problem, I can empathize with losing important stuff to the weather. 's why I memorized my bus schedule a week before school started, 'cause I knew something would happen. Of course, then I got a new one due to a scheduling error, but I've memorized the new one too, so it's cool."

You seem... Really accident prone. Like, a lot. No offense! Grace says, blushing a little near the end as the two young woman arrive at the secretary's office.

2017-01-21, 11:08 PM
"Yeah, I guess. Are you entering this year's school talent show?"

Not unless they allow sewing or streaming this year, why? Melody asked.

2017-01-21, 11:09 PM
Not unless they allow sewing or streaming this year, why? Melody asked.

"Aw, come on. You've got to have something you could do," he says.

2017-01-21, 11:10 PM
You seem... Really accident prone. Like, a lot. No offense! Grace says, blushing a little near the end as the two young woman arrive at the secretary's office.

Morrigan grimaced. "No offense taken, it's true. Part of it's that I'm clumsy, but part of it is that I'm unl-" SLAM goes the door in her face as a couple panicked students burst through the door trying to catch the bus they're about to miss. Morrigan sighed, holding her bloody nose with one hand while she dug around in her backpack for dry tissues with the other.

2017-01-21, 11:11 PM
Morrigan grimaced. "No offense taken, it's true. Part of it's that I'm clumsy, but part of it is that I'm unl-" SLAM goes the door in her face as a couple panicked students burst through the door trying to catch the bus they're about to miss. Morrigan sighed, holding her bloody nose with one hand while she dug around in her backpack for dry tissues with the other.

Do you... Do you need a hug? Grace asks. Or... Something?

2017-01-21, 11:16 PM
Do you... Do you need a hug? Grace asks. Or... Something?

Morrigan gave her a weak smile, blushing at the attention. "I appreciate the offer, but a hug every time I get hurt will just end with your arms getting tired. Don't get me wrong, though, I really appreciate the noble sentiment." She held the door open for Grace, taking care this time to be out of the way should it suddenly swing open. "Shall we, milady?" she asked with a hint of a joking smile sneaking into her voice.

2017-01-21, 11:18 PM
"Aw, come on. You've got to have something you could do," he says.

Like what? Melody replies. I can sing. But I find it so exhausting.... Melody replies.

2017-01-21, 11:21 PM
Morrigan gave her a weak smile, blushing at the attention. "I appreciate the offer, but a hug every time I get hurt will just end with your arms getting tired. Don't get me wrong, though, I really appreciate the noble sentiment." She held the door open for Grace, taking care this time to be out of the way should it suddenly swing open. "Shall we, milady?" she asked with a hint of a joking smile sneaking into her voice.

Sure, Grace says, stepping inside. The secretary (a bored, middle-aged man) is sitting there, idling doodling on a paper.

Like what? Melody replies. I can sing. But I find it so exhausting.... Melody replies.

"Just practice! I know you'll be good at it."

2017-01-21, 11:25 PM
Sure, Grace says, stepping inside. The secretary (a bored, middle-aged man) is sitting there, idling doodling on a paper.

"Excuse me, sir? Grace's bus schedule got damaged, would she be able to get a new one?" Morrigan asked, her voice much more soft and meek now that she was talking to an authority figure who she regularly accidentally caused problems for.

2017-01-21, 11:31 PM
"Just practice! I know you'll be good at it."

You just want to see me in a typical singer's outfit don't ya. Melody teased bopping Trevor with her hip.

2017-01-21, 11:33 PM
"Excuse me, sir? Grace's bus schedule got damaged, would she be able to get a new one?" Morrigan asked, her voice much more soft and meek now that she was talking to an authority figure who she regularly accidentally caused problems for.

He sighs, looking up when he hears Morrigans voice. "What did you do this time?"

You just want to see me in a typical singer's outfit don't ya. Melody teased bopping Trevor with her hip.



"Okay, maybe," he relents. "But regardless, I think you'd do great!"

2017-01-21, 11:37 PM
He sighs, looking up when he hears Morrigans voice. "What did you do this time?"

"I escorted her to the office of the person who could help her out with that," Morrigan said, a tad defensively.

2017-01-21, 11:47 PM


"Okay, maybe," he relents. "But regardless, I think you'd do great!"

It'd be exhausting. Melody complained.

2017-01-22, 12:11 PM
It'd be exhausting. Melody complained.

"Alright," Trevor says.

"So what about pole dancing?" he asks with a cheeky grin.

2017-01-22, 03:50 PM
"Alright," Trevor says.

"So what about pole dancing?" he asks with a cheeky grin.

You think the school would allow that? Melody teased with her own grin.

2017-01-23, 01:40 PM
You think the school would allow that? Melody teased with her own grin.

"Ha, no. But I can dream, right?"

2017-01-23, 03:19 PM
"Ha, no. But I can dream, right?"

I'll consider some sewing, how's that. Melody offered.

2017-01-23, 09:51 PM
"Syo," Alina says, tapping Sarah Kagerou on the shoulder, "Do you have any idea how we're supposed to read these things?"

2017-01-23, 10:20 PM
Sarah looks distractedly annoyed, but when Alina taps her on the shoulder she turns her head and says, "What? Oh, yeah. Um...Let me see." She looks at Alina's schedule, then points out the important bits helpfully to the best of her ability.