View Full Version : Kill Garkul [IC]

2016-12-20, 03:27 PM
You are set up in your various perches around the canyon. Moving at a brisk pace down the center is an Orc-a large one, perhaps six and a half feet tall, thickly layered with muscle. Strung on his back is a massive bow, and at his side a similarly large axe.

Where are you?

Sicarius Victis
2016-12-20, 07:18 PM
600 feet up in the air, readying an action to drink a Potion of Speed once the fight starts.

2016-12-20, 07:21 PM
600 feet up in the air, readying an action to drink a Potion of Speed once the fight starts.

Make a stealth check, to pretend to be a bird.

Sicarius Victis
2016-12-20, 07:26 PM
Make a stealth check, to pretend to be a bird.

Sadly, Stealth is not a Fighter skill.

2016-12-20, 07:27 PM
I see you, there in the sky, Garkul says, his voice deep and booming. Do not cross my path, or you will meet the same fate that has befallen the rest of my foes.

Sicarius Victis
2016-12-20, 07:40 PM
"Oh, don't worry. I swear on my life that I don't intend to come anywhere near you..."

Just some fun IC stuff while waiting for everyone else.

2016-12-20, 07:43 PM
I see your bow. Your statement is not lost on me-but I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps you are wiser than you appear.

2016-12-21, 02:50 PM
Breena and her Simulacrum are hiding behind some bushes, 500 feet away from the edge of the canyon.

EDIT: The Simulacrum is readying an action for Dimension Door, and Breena's readying one for Meteor Swarm Forcecage.

I guess her Simulacrum of Firial is next to the real Firial?

Sicarius Victis
2016-12-21, 03:54 PM
Breena and her Simulacrum are hiding behind some bushes, 500 feet away from the edge of the canyon.

EDIT: The Simulacrum is readying an action for Dimension Door, and Breena's readying one for Meteor Swarm.

I guess her Simulacrum of Firial is next to the real Firial?

Not immediately next to, but somewhere close. I suppose I should roll Stealth for the Simulacrum as well.


2016-12-21, 06:31 PM
Breena and her Simulacrum are hiding behind some bushes, 500 feet away from the edge of the canyon.

EDIT: The Simulacrum is readying an action for Dimension Door, and Breena's readying one for Meteor Swarm.

I guess her Simulacrum of Firial is next to the real Firial?

Stealth, with advantage due to distance.

2016-12-21, 07:25 PM


Take the best of the two. Also, I realized that Forcecage is a better option than Meteor Swarm. Would you let me switch without losing my spell slots?

2016-12-21, 07:48 PM


Take the best of the two. Also, I realized that Forcecage is a better option than Meteor Swarm. Would you let me switch without losing my spell slots?

Yes. Yes I will.

2016-12-28, 04:09 PM
"Well, if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get!" From a nearby alcove stepped a woman clad in armor, and holding a gigantic sword. Her blonde hair grew thick and wild like a lion's mane, and her facial features and eyes had a distinctly feline look. Her entire apperence screamed that she was a deadly avatar of nature...

Except she was only a pale imitation, created by her wizard ally. The real paladin stood in the opposite direction, completely invisible, twice as large, and armed to the teeth with magic weapons and even more power. She smiled in anticipation.

Then, simultaneously, both warriors launched their attack. The visible paladin rushed forwards and swung her sword, while the invisible one first launched

Sorry, it took a bit to work out exactly what order I wanted to do things in, and work has been busy. But I'm here now!

Both Pau'la's Activate Elder Champion the turn before Attacking. Sim Pau'la goes first, moving in, and attacking with a Staggering Smite.

Initiative: [roll0]
Attack 1:[roll1]
Improved Divine Smite: [roll3]

Attack 2:[roll4]
Improved Divine Smite: [roll6]

Staggering Smite: [roll]4d6[roll]

Real Pau'la also closes in, and will cast Destructive Wave as a Bonus Action (thanks to Elder Champion), then attack 3 times (extra attack from Haste).
Initiative: [roll7]
Thunder Damage [roll8]
Radiant Damage [roll9]

Assuming Greater Invisibility gives Advantage. If that doesn't work (which, honestly, I'm expecting), just use the first roll. Also, since she is Enlarged, Pau'la gets an extra d4 damage on a hit. Not a big thing, but every little bit counts.

Attack 1: [roll10], [roll11]
Damage [roll12]
Improved Divine Smite: [roll13]
Enlarged Damage [roll14]

Attack 2: [roll15], [roll16]
Damage [roll17]
Improved Divine Smite: [roll18]
Enlarged Damage [roll19]

Attack 3: [roll20], [roll21]
Damage [roll22]
Improved Divine Smite: [roll23]
Enlarged Damage [roll24]

Both Pau'la's will use a 3rd level spell slot to Smite on a hit, with preference given to crits, of course.

All of the above calculations assume that Garkul is not a fiend or undead. If he is somehow, then he takes an extra 2d10 radiant damage from attacks made with the Holy Avenger. Also, as long as one of the Pau'la's is within 10 feet of Garkul, he has disadvantage on Saving Throws against that Pau'la's spells.

2016-12-28, 04:13 PM
[roll0] versus DC 19 Simulacrum
[roll1] versus DC 19 Magic Weapon
[roll2] versus DC 20 Belt
[roll3] versus DC 20 Holy Avenger
[roll4] versus DC 17 +3 Armor
[roll5] versus DC 19 Invisibility
[roll6] versus DC 19 Enlarge

Recharge: [roll7]

Garkul lets out a massive roar, a roar infused with the primal energies of the earth itself.

The simulacrum dissolves into a pile of snow instantly, leaving behind only its still-magical equipment.

Paula's sword, armor, invisibility, and massive size vanish as well, or at least the magic does-leaving her only her belt in terms of superior equipment.

Then, Garkul turns to face her. A very bad mistake.

Sicarius Victis
2016-12-28, 04:15 PM
Well, if we're rolling for initiative now...
Real Firial: [roll0]
Simulacrum Firial: [roll1]

2016-12-28, 04:16 PM
Garkul charges forward, swinging out thrice with his massive axe.

As he strikes, Paula can feel the magic in her belt be cut like a string, leaving her with only her true strength.



Also, how is your AC 24? I see 18 (full plate) plus 1 (Defensive) plus 3 (Armor magic, which no longer applies).

Regardless, take 87 damage.