View Full Version : Pathfinder: Hast vs rideby/flyby attack

2016-12-21, 03:22 AM
A player in my group who is playing a paladin 14/myth 4, who casts speed on his bonded +5 ten ring holy avenger bastard sword, fly by/ rides by an enemy, would he only get the one attack, or would the speed allow him to get two attacks as he went by??

2016-12-21, 04:55 AM
In 3.5 haste (and its derivatives) requires a full attack, and to my knowledge, pathfinder didn't change that. If 3.5 material is allowed, there are several ways to make something similar work though, if you're interested.

2016-12-21, 11:29 AM
Right, thanks, I thought that was the case, right, my players were facing Khala (b5) and the Paladin on his winged mount flew past and hit with his +5 holy avenger ten ringed bastard sword (which is a mythic bonded artifact item)... But then he hit again, and I questioned it, he said no, he's right, being the optimistic hero, and I said for now, till I check this out... So thank you, once again I am right...