View Full Version : [PF] Super Genius Archetypes. What the Hell?

2016-12-22, 11:13 AM
Okay, so, I've been looking around at various Pathfinder classes and was trying to figure out how everything works, and I (of course) came across the archetypes, including the 3rd party archetypes. While reading through the Super Genius archetypes that are part of a large number of classes, I realized something.

They are seriously effed up.

For instance, look at the youxia archetype (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/super-genius-games/adept-godling/archetypes/rogue-genius-games---adept-godling-archetypes/youxia#TOC-Rogue). It gives you some pretty nice things, right? That's not the effed up part. Check the class packages at the side that tells you what you lose in exchange. The monk, for instance:

The monk has one archetype package: Ki Master.
Ki Master: The Ki Master archetype grants a monk the flurry of blows, bonus feat gained at 2nd level, ki pool, wholeness of body, abundant step, and empty body class abilities. A monk that gives up this package never receives any of these abilities, has no ki pool, and cannot spend ki points as part of the high jump ability.

Sooooo, if I take the ki master archetype, I gain what the base class says I gain, but if I don't take the archetype, the base class no longer gives me any of those things? What?

The table under the monk archetype says I lose everything listed in the above passage, but the text says I gain them. This is obviously an error, but text-over-table means the table no longer applies.

Someone needs to release some errata for this thing, because apparently "super genius" doesn't mean what they think it means.

2016-12-22, 11:21 AM
I think the idea is that the base class is made up of one or more "Archetype Packages," which are replaced entirely by the SGG archetypes.

2016-12-22, 11:29 AM
I think the idea is that the base class is made up of one or more "Archetype Packages," which are replaced entirely by the SGG archetypes.That's bass-ackwards, and my brain hurts.

2016-12-22, 11:30 AM
Yeah, it looks like they defined each default layout of a class as an archetype package than described what that grants, the issue being that some classes only have one package. I guess they planned to expand on it later.