View Full Version : Are there any good RPGers on Youtube?

2016-12-23, 04:52 AM
I was wondering if any of you had any suggestions about anyone on youtube that plays (and films the playing) of RPGs? Pathfinder preferred if at all possible. It's just that I tried Geek and Sundry's version, but they just rubbed me the wrong way, especially they way they handled, as my brother put it "anything that wasn't Disney saccharine ****". Especially when, according to him, (I hadn't gotten that far before I quit) they went on a "Guns are evil" tirade even though they had a Gunslinger in the party!


Anyway, any other funny/cool RPGer's on Youtube?

2016-12-23, 05:28 AM
itmejp does some roleplay stuff. Couldn't tell you whether he does pathfinder, but they do various games.

2016-12-23, 05:57 AM
itmejp (https://www.youtube.com/user/itmeJP) has great selection of role playing stuff as said above. original rollplay was modified 2e but eventually goes to 5e and kot of newer stuff is 5e. There are shadowrun and other systems also, but in the end system doesn't matter too much as most of it is fun to watch.

koibu0 (https://www.youtube.com/user/Koibu0) (dm of original rollplay) has some of his own series also 2e pretty lethal games.

misscliks (https://www.youtube.com/user/misscliks) also has their games (koibu0 as dm most games)

Then there is Acquisition inc. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rXYCmL0roM&list=PLQgwgSb1GXCxbU-IfvGxZG4cscjC1iIh_) games that happen on PAX

Then there is Harmonquest (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cuqqHGpRDE) series that can be harder to find as it is on seeso mostly. (first episode on youtube)

haven't yet come across to pathfinder games but hopefully these help.

2016-12-23, 06:21 AM
SHame you didn't seem to like Critical Role as I always considered them the best online RPG series (that I've personally found so far) as they really offer a good mix of professionalism (all of them being accomplished actors after all) as well as friendliness that comes out of a group of friends just having fun. I have no idea where one would have gotten a 'guns are evil' ting from in the series though as I certainly don't remember anything along those lines.
I mean, unless you (or rather your brother I guess) are talking about when the gunslinger got possessed and it was revealed that he got his inspiration for his gun designs through a deal with a devil and all that came out of that, but the lesson in that plot arc wasn't that guns are evil but rather how vengeance was (more specifically the kind of meticulous stop-at-nothing vengeance).
That's not to say that there are other problems with the show, such as the huge real-world falling out with the Dragonborn character or some of the other characters getting a bit preachy at times, so it's not like I can't understand why not everyone would enjoy them, but I still consider them pretty top-tier as far as a series of people filming themselves sitting around playing D&D goes.

Then there is Acquisition inc. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rXYCmL0roM&list=PLQgwgSb1GXCxbU-IfvGxZG4cscjC1iIh_) games that happen on PAX

They also ran a smaller series (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjZRIC6PMEFku-_jr2Pe4db4DCuyjVKSl) made up of short but weekly episodes rather then just one really big episode once a year.

One of the ones that I fallowed quite a bit is Dice, Camera, Action (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfS8QgUdeGYo8F3RPUQ2Wsi2mZLPcaU6X) which is run straight from D&D's channel and is made up of various YouTubers (while I can't speak for the other two, two of them (Commander Holly and ProJared) I'm big fans of and both are pretty well invested in D&D even though that's not what their respectful channels necessarily are about, although ProJared does a 'D&December' once a year which he is currently in the middle of) and it's DMed by Chris Perkins who is the same DM for Acquisitions Inc.
As it happens Commander Holly is also DMing a game for the various members of Game Grumps and I know a lot of people have been begging them to do a series on it, but as of yet they aren't.

Force Grey (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLl4T6p7km9daNfMrrEpm9mFzuP-TSmDMe) I thought was decent enough, though kind of short lived. It's DMed by Matthew Mercer however, same as Critical Role, so I don't know if that makes a different to you.

2016-12-23, 06:48 AM
I think other parts of Geek & Sundry are worth trying for yourself. I found TitansGrave (http://geekandsundry.com/shows/titansgrave/) to be quite enjoyable and, if you're in the mood for horror instead, TableTop also had a two (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0loSZFsyoQ) part (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ1C-yqfC6I) episode where they played Dread.

For Pathfinder, DawnforgedCast (https://www.youtube.com/user/dawnforgedcast) seems pretty friendly.

I know he has described a Pathfinder campaign he has run, but I don't believe The Gentleman's Guide to Gaming (https://www.youtube.com/user/clackclickbang) has recorded a Pathfinder game, yet. There has been, however, a good bit of Vampire: the Masquerade 20th anniversary edition.

Kaiser Omnik
2016-12-23, 08:14 AM
I suggest Exaltwitch (http://www.exaltwitch.com/) for some Exalted 3rd edition goodness! As the name implies, the game is played on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/jonverrall, every Sunday at 6 EST), but they post the episodes on Youtube a few days later. You can find the first episode here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woQuG6NfQJk) and browse the Exaltwitch website for easy access to the entire list of 35 episodes.

This group is very strong on roleplay, but there are also some exciting battles. They don't shy away from mature discussions, including sexuality, as well as exploring very realistic relationships (not just the romantic kind).

2016-12-23, 12:42 PM
Then there is Harmonquest (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cuqqHGpRDE) series that can be harder to find as it is on seeso mostly. (first episode on youtube)

haven't yet come across to pathfinder games but hopefully these help.

Harmonquest doesn't specify the system they use to avoid royalty problems, but it's fairly clear that they're using the Pathfinder system. The general mechanics they use point towards either D&D 3.5 or 5e (hit points, d20 rolling, no indication of powers like in 4e) and some of the guest players had characters whose abilities match up with pathfinder classes (I believe they had an alchemist at some point, as her character used bombs and cast spells through potions)

Also occasionally you can make out the players glancing through pathfinder books at the table.

So yeah, based on what everyone's said, it seems like Harmonquest is your best bet for pathfinder.

I highly recommend it (I generally have some problems listening to people play RPGs but harmonquest is good at holding attention with a lot of professional comedians improving banter, not to mention the animation itself.) but it does come with the obvious caveat that it's not a series for someone looking for more of the crunchy aspects. It's pretty clear that they operate more under what's cool at the time and avoid getting into the nitty gritty (partially because that's not terribly entertaining but also partially because of the aforementioned royalty issue. The less they refer to the system they don't own but which they're technically making money off of, the better.)

2016-12-25, 12:53 AM
I mean, unless you (or rather your brother I guess) are talking about when the gunslinger got possessed and it was revealed that he got his inspiration for his gun designs through a deal with a devil and all that came out of that, but the lesson in that plot arc wasn't that guns are evil but rather how vengeance was (more specifically the kind of meticulous stop-at-nothing vengeance).
With respect, they made a fundamental aspect of the character intrinsically evil. They took made something that is the entire basis for a character class and made it the work of infernal design. That'd be like saying, long after the game has started, that regardless of bloodline, all sorcerers are powered by demons. Or all psychic magic was invented by daemons. Having that in a campaign is fine, but springing it on a character who was, like 12th level or so is honestly unacceptable.

2016-12-25, 02:59 AM
Ah, I see where you are coming from now. Thing is I'm pretty sure it wasn't just sprung on the player and more then likely something worked out way back when the character was first created. Sure it was a hell of a shock to the rest of the players, but not to the individual it all happened to. Also after it was resolved he continued going on using guns just fine with no judgement, so I'm pretty confident that absolutely in no way was there a 'guns are evil' message in there.