View Full Version : Up Yours, Atropus! IC Team 3

2016-12-23, 05:23 AM
Behold the death of your world. There, cresting the
horizon. Yes, that faint body is he, and he comes
for me . . . for us all. Rejoice, for the end is near,
and all life, all pain, all suffering shall be silenced
in the perfect eternity of undeath.”

—Caira Xasten, mad astronomer and ur-priest


Atropus, the World Born Dead, drifts through the gulfs of space, searching for worlds to consume and, when it finds them, erasing all life with its gruesome touch. As the afterbirth of creation, it is committed to unmaking all things. Nothing, not even the gods, can halt its relentless progress.


Those few sages who even know of Atropus debate the origins of this elder evil. They agree that Atropus was spawned when Ao created the first gods, but where they differ is in how Atropus was formed. Some claim the elder evil gained awareness from the divine amniotic fluid surrounding the first god of death, while others claim Atropus was the last god Ao created, but it was stillborn. Atropus has never come close to Faerūn, but those aware of him are ever watchful of the heavens, waiting for the day when the moonlet circles the tapestry of night.

The moonlet is one of the drifting bodies forming the ring around the dull gray planet known as Glyth, one of the Five Wanderers that do not follow the ordinary paths of the stars. Little do the mortals of Faerūn realize the cataclysm affecting this distant world. Drawn by the widespread death and destruction meted out by mind flayer overlords, Atropus drew close, masking its approach behind the belt of debris forming the ring around the planet. While the illithids waged their interminable wars against the native humanoids, Atropus descended and wiped out all life, leaving Glyth an empty husk. Now Atropus turns its attention to Faerūn and begins its slide toward a world ripe for the taking.

Atropus is as much a place as it is a being. It is a small moonlet spinning through the void, waiting to be ensnared by the pull of the planets it nears. To those on the surface of the chosen world, it appears as a speck in the sky. At night it is almost invisible, blending in with the darkness, but during twilight and dawn, it looks like a moving pinhole of darkness.

As it draws closer and its sign intensifies, it grows, expanding from a tiny dot to a small disk until it dominates the sky. Pitted and slick with the black slime of the putrid amniotic fluid of its birth, it hangs above, always drifting away from the light of the sun and lurking overhead when the sun has fled. It has the appearance of a huge chunk of black stone, but from certain angles, it looks like a great hairless head, black eyes glassy and soulless.

The story so far...

Caira Xasten, driven mad with grief at the loss of her husband, vows revenge on the gods. Having heard wild rumors of the World Born Dead, she sent out her minions to steal a manuscript held in a vault beneath the Waukeen abbey of Goldspires in the city of Athkatla. Her minions succeeded and snatched the book, leaving scores of priests dead. You managed to recover the book, but not before Caira had a chance to learn its mysteries.

The priests contacted you once more. Having deciphered the old tome, the clerics suspected whoever sought the book intended to summon the World Born Dead. The manuscript offered few details, and the clerics were unable to elicit any concrete answers with their divinations. They did uncover the name of another tome: The book of vile darkness. You were tasked with locating this book before you arch-enemy Caira uncovered it, all the while facing innumerable cultists who sought the same end. However even as you researched this tome, you heard reports from all over about how the dead have begun to rise from their graves.

Meanwhile, sensing an opportunity to make a decisive strike against his ancient enemy, the Demon Lord Orcus dispatched his legions, led by a bodak named Gorguth, to invade Demogorgon’s layer, the Gaping Maw. This strike plunges the Abyss into widespread war, with demon lords and princes lining up against one another to settle old scores. The Dark Eight of the Nine Hells perceived this infighting as a weakness and for the first time mounted a successful invasion into the Infinite Layers of the Abyss. During the interplanar wars, Gorguth forswore his allegiance to Orcus and led his undead armies into the Material Plane through a gate created by the cultists in the service of Atropus.

Now, as you were caught up trying to stem the flow of demon armies and undead hordes, Caira has recovered the book of vile darkness and has begun to decipher it's secrets. Across Faerun, the undead outnumber the living, spreading like a cancer. Gorguth’s armies beat back the defenders, filling their depleted ranks by turning their fallen adversaries into undead. Even now the Bleak General marches toward Athkatla where he intends to rendezvous with Caira to greet the Wold Born Dead when it arrives. The remaining defenders in this last bastion of humanity frantically prepare their defences even as resigned wizards plan to save those that they can. Somewhere deep beneath the city, Caira is finalizing her research and beginning the daylong casting of fell sorcery that will finally bring Atropus to Faerun and extinguish all life....!

You are a hundred or so miles northwest of the city of Athkatla, at Citadel Amnur one of the twin Citadels guarding the Cloud Peaks. The mood is grim on the northern border. As the necrotic moon hangs low in the sky above, the surviving population has all but fled to the capital city. A hardened force of 700 men and women hold the Citadel, paid well to buy time for the remnants of humanity and other mortal races to flee to what passes for safety. Throughout the land, healers and priests are confounded as minor ailments become untreatable and fatal. The dead rise and have wreaked havoc among the smaller communities. In larger towns the graveyards and mausoleums have been sealed off and completely incinerated where possible as ancient ancestors claw their way forth. Even the newly dead rise in undeath and must be quickly isolated or restrained lest they drag more of their townsfolk with them.


As if the inevitable spread of walking dead were not enough, the Gate far to the north spews forth an unholy legion of demons and dead straight from the Abyss. The horde of chaos advances now toward the Citadel driving with it the dead of Atropus. Ultimately it heads toward Athkatla which sits as an alluring target with so many beating hearts cowering within its walls, unaware that beneath the city the godless lunatic Caira Xasten seeks to doom them all.

Here, with the soldiers under Captain Arilan Krimmevol ready to lay down their lives (in exchange for significant remuneration), you know that you must hold off the forces of Orcus for a few more days as the main Amnian military in Athkatla prepare the city for the final siege. Yet you know that you cannot delay here too long as the cultists of Atropus must still be rooted out in Athkatla before they can destroy the world! The Council of Six works to do this in your absence but even with the priests of Waukeen and the Shadow Thieves on their payroll your assistance is vital.

Captain Krimmevol strides toward you, his face grim beneath his turbaned helm...the scouts must have returned with news of an imminent threat!

2016-12-23, 06:10 AM
Nanashi woke up really soon this night. Even more than usual: that dark omen floating above them much like a vulture waiting for the prey to die really messed his dreams and he woke all sweaty and gasping for air.

As much as he doesnt like it, he's a bit coward. He fear of going outside and doing what's right, but he also fear doing nothing as well. For him, fear was the key to victory, much like a cornered rat would fight back, so does he. And yes, he was cornered now.

He get up and begin a series of breathing and meditations. Once he calmed down, he begin his morning exercises, even though the sun was still shy and asleep. For two hours he train til the cold sweat of fear is gone and replaced by the sweat of hard work. Much better now.

He takes a shower and take a quick look on whatnto eat, but find himself hungerless: what if that moon is poisoning the food as well? Cant take that risk!

He meet the others and face Captain Krimmevol.
"Morning, my good captain. You look pale, is everything all right? Or as right as the situation allows?"

Nanashi's Status
HP 104/104 AC 44 (FF 38, Touch 32), Saves +26/+24/+23 (+6 vs spells and SLA) Init +4
Passive Skills: Diplomacy +14, Listen +16, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +14, Spot +16
Resistances: Evasion, Immune to negative-dominant planes damage, Immne to negative levels, Resist Energy (Acid 5, Cold 5 and Eletricity 5), Greater Screening (-10 to touch attacks made by incorporeal creatures)
Vulnerabilities: -2 on saves aggainst fear.
Buffs: Spellstrike (+4), Defending (+4), Greater Magic Weapon, Greater Mighty Wallop
Reactions: Absorb Spells, Good Karma, Always set to Counter-Charge, Combat Reflexes (3 AoO), Celerity, Ruin Delver's Fortune, Greater Mirror Image, Nerveskitter

2016-12-24, 10:30 AM

Zaoquon rolled over and stared at the cealing, his nose catching the morning air.

It might end today. The Order. The Cause. The World. Him.

For a moment he allowed himself the brief luxury of thinking he could get away. Run, keep running, leave it all behind him.

But there wouldn't be anywhere to run to. That was the point.

He swung himself up. After a few minutes he was buttoning up the silver buttons of his uniform, silver on black, almost as black as the eyes that glittered in his head. He took a knife out of it's sheath, and examined it carefully. Best examine them all.

Half an hour later he was making his way to the courtyard.

And here was as good a place to make a stand as any.

He stopped for a moment, seeing the bustle of activity, the soldier heading too and fro. And there in their midst, the unmistakable figure of Nanashi talking to the captain, the staves of his two quarterstaffs crossed on his back.

If he had to make a stand, Zarthon reflected, maybe this was the best place of all.

HP 200/200 AC 35 (FF 19, Touch 27), Saves +19/+25/+18 Init +12
Passive Skills: Diplomacy +2, Listen +24 (detect living or moving within 30'), Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +2, Spot +21 (lowlight and darkvision 60')
Resistances: Evasion, Resist Fire 5, Dessication 10
Vulnerabilities: -2 on saves aggainst fear.
Buffs: <none>
Reactions: Snatch arrows

2016-12-24, 03:57 PM

Anhur rises as the faint muted sunlight breaks through the cloying dark clouds and lights up the small Temple of Ilmater where he has taken refuge - the hawk God not possessing a shrine here in the small fortress in the Cloud peaks. The whole land had the feel of corruption and decay surrounding it and at least the Temple had peace for him.

Rising his wings still blessed by the god's brilliance fills the Temple with light as he invokes a curse on the undead on his golden blade and looks around. The Temple was busy though he ignored the stares from the panicked looking people praying for salvation and protection. The prayers of the populace had not saved the Temple Cities and great pyramids of the desert from falling to the tide of the undeath.

Leaving the Temple he takes to the air flapping upwards above the walls to look out across the sea of enemies, uncaring that the gleaming light surrounding him would mark him as a target for them. Let them come, he would welcome the battle. Eyes spying Nanashi and the strange looking Zaoquon he flapped down beside them. A mod of respect to the desert warrior and the arcane warrior. Both mighty champions in their own right. "They come. Can you feel the taste of it in the air?" Even his normal aura of concescration felt under pressure like being a small bubble of good. "We shall give a good account of ourselves today and the enemy shall be as the wheat beneath the scythe ".

Hps 148 / 148
Saves +22/23/26 evasion, +4 vs possession, +2 vs mental

Consecrate aura 20ft, always readied vs charge, miss chance 20%
Aura courage,
Turn undead 14 / 14 remaining
Smite 1/1

Active buffs
Greater Magic Weapon (16 hours CL16)
Superior Resist (24 hours)
Undead bane weapon (30 hours)
Magic Vestment (CL 18, 18 hours) x 2
Celestial brilliance (14 days, CL15)

2016-12-24, 05:25 PM
Nanashi smile upon seeing both champions come close.
"With your aid we may very much stop this tide and protect those inside. Just help me stay alive and I'll reap the reaper til the end", he says and look at the horizon, "I just hope the end isnt today, though".

2016-12-31, 03:29 AM
A slight man trails the Captain, you recognise the translator who always accompanies him, tasked with translating the Captain's words to Mulhorandi so that you can comprehend him. "They come, finally. A horde straight from the Abyss that drives all before it and draws these unliving in to swell it's ranks" he speaks in southern-accented Chondathan as he gestures to the multitude of shambling humanoid and animal corpses that mill beneath the citadel walls, drawn by the breath of the living within. "As if this wasn't enough".

He shields his eyes from the morning sun and looks to the nearby hills. Even these expanses of rock and dirt shift and ripple with the aimless shuffling of the undead upon them.

"When the ledger's tallied we'll give a good account for ourselves. If it buys time for the coin-priests to find a weakness, so be it." In a time of ordinary battle Captain Krimmevol would be a good leader and capable commander. But this is not an ordinary battle and it is painfully obvious that the Captain and his soldiers have little chance against a relentless tide of undead. Minor coin-adepts move through the ranks pressing coppers to the foreheads of the troopers as they administer Waukeen's blessings.

Movement at the crest of the nearby hills sends ripples through the ranks of corpses as they are driven forward, something behind them forcing them onward, many falling and being trampled as they run out of space. Dark shapes flit on the horizon, bat-like demons and worse flying above the Abyssal host. Larger creatures appear over the crest, undead or demons, whatever they are carelessly carving a path through the lesser forms around them. Shadows envelop the land as the bloated atropal moon above eclipses the morning sun.

All of a sudden it is on, the mass of zombies moving forward in unison to smash upon the lower walls of the citadel. Bolts, arrows and fire rain down taking a dreadful toll but the horde keeps coming oblivious to the destruction. "Do what you can", Captain Krimmevol moves to his men, commanding squads along the fortifications all the while ensuring that the reserves are held back ready to plug any breach.

The cry of one of the priests cuts through the din of the siege and your attention is drawn to ghostly shapes weaving and flowing across the horde below. Deathly shrieks ring out from the ghastly apparitions and what few trees remain on the slopes visibly wither. Two of the incorporeal things flit up to the battlements nearby, arrows passing clean through them as they drift toward a ballista crew. With a horrific wail a dozen soldiers fall instantly dead about them, and more stumble dropping their weapons and cowering at the impending doom...it's up to you to defend the walls!

Banshees (1d20+7)[23]
Anhur (1d20+14)[17]
Zarthon (1d20+12)[16]
Nanashi (1d20+4)[12]
Saderran (1d20+3)[17]

All long-term buffs can be pre-cast if desired.

Banshees fly 80ft forward

Banshee 1 horrific appearance vs all. Fort DC 26 or permanently lose [roll0] Str, [roll1] Dex & [roll2] Con
Banshee 1 wail vs all. Fort DC 26 or die.

Banshee 2 horrific appearance vs all. Fort DC 26 or permanently lose [roll3] Str, [roll4] Dex & [roll5] Con
Banshee 2 wail vs all. Fort DC 26 or die.

Banshees are elevated 10ft above ground

=> Party

2016-12-31, 03:40 PM
Nanashi listen to the evil spirits' wail and pause as he focus is body, mind and soul to resist its malignant effects.

He look at everyone, to see if everyone resisted as well before continuing.

He'll cast Fly on himself and fly to Z9, 15ft high.

If anyone dies, he'll use his Alter Fortune (immediate action) to grant one of them a reroll on the failed save (if more than one die, priority is: cleric > wizard > thrower)

2017-01-01, 03:29 AM
Anhur prays as the wails and vile undead kill a score of men. Saddened by both the death and the likelihood he will face them as undead beasts. Floating upwards, shedding light and restoring faith with his aura of concescration he leaps forwards towards one of the floating dead spirits, sword glittering and crystals that are harmful to undead igniting in golden fire. A single word sending a glittering trail of gold covering him.

Swift: protection from evil
Move: fly to Y8
Free: enter Robilars gambit
Standard: smite banshee! (Xtal gives ghost touch)
PA 6: [roll0] dam [roll1] +[roll2]
-- if 15+ then threat [roll3] dam [roll]2d4+55[roll]

Robilars gambit counter attacks as needed
PA 6: [roll4] dam [roll5] +[roll6]
-- if 15+ then threat [roll7] dam [roll]2d4+39[roll]

PA 6: [roll8] dam [roll9] +[roll10]
-- if 15+ then threat [roll11] dam [roll]2d4+39[roll]

PA 6: [roll12] dam [roll13] +[roll14]
-- if 15+ then threat [roll15] dam [roll]2d4+39[roll]

PA 6: [roll16] dam [roll17] +[roll18]
-- if 15+ then threat [roll19] dam [roll]2d4+39[roll]

PA 6: [roll20] dam [roll21] +[roll22]
-- if 15+ then threat [roll23] dam [roll]2d4+39[roll]

Hps 148 / 148
Saves +22/23/26 evasion, +4 vs possession, +2 vs mental
AC 37 touch 22 FF 31: +2 vs evil

Consecrate aura 20ft, always readied vs charge, miss chance 20%
Aura courage,
Turn undead 13 / 14 remaining
Smite 1/1
Know devotion : undead +4

Active buffs
Greater Magic Weapon (16 hours CL16)
Superior Resist (24 hours)
Undead bane weapon (30 hours)
Magic Vestment (CL 18, 18 hours) x 2
Celestial brilliance (14 days, CL15)
Protection from evil (15 minutes)

Stance: Blood in the water

2017-01-02, 09:14 AM
Zarthon ducks low behind the parapet, his bow springing into his hands. He takes careful aim, his jackel head canted at a slight angle to sight the bow precisely.

At that point a wave of necromantic energy sweeps over him.

Fort save DC 26 or die : Fort [roll0]
Fort save DC 26 or die : Fort [roll1]

Knowledge check on banshees
knowledge religion [roll2]

2017-01-05, 07:37 AM
(I got my will and my fortitude save mixed up fort save bonus is +19, so I passed... just!)

Swift action -activate bracers of lightning
full round action - Shoot with longbow. +2 to hit and damage from knowledge devotion
[roll0] for [roll1] damage plus [roll2] electricity damage
[roll3] for [roll4] damage plus [roll5] electricity damage
[roll6] for [roll7] damage plus [roll8] electricity damage
[roll9] for [roll10] damage plus [roll11] electricity damage
[roll12] for [roll13] damage plus [roll14] electricity damage
[roll15] for [roll16] damage plus [roll17] electricity damage

All attacks are ghost touch, and ignore cover, concealment, and DR.

2017-01-07, 04:37 AM
The wails of lethal power wash over you it's evil grasping at your souls but thankfully resisted by your determined will! With the creatures swooping toward you Nanashi speaks words of magic and, holding a simple feather aloft, flies into the air ready to intercept the apparitions. Anur flies alongside meeting the lead banshee head-on and slicing clean into its ghostly form for 70 damage. Saderran is focused on the battle waged below.

Meanwhile Zarthon, still reeling from the close brush, raises his bow a barrage of charged arrows blasting into the other banshee for a total of 181 damage. Shaft after shaft flies true and the thing takes a battering the final arrow shattering its form into smoky wisps that drift away on the gentle mountain air.

The remaining banshee reaches out toward Anhur trying to drain his life. As it does Anhur draws it forward then lashes out with a counterattack for 109 damage sending it too dissipating into the ether.

Banshee vs Anhur melee touch (1d20+16)[35] damage (1d8)[5] plus Fort DC26 or Cha drain (1d4)[3]

2017-01-14, 04:03 PM
Anhur curses as the banshee splits and fades away in front of him, the glowing blade destroying the beast. Seeing the disfiguring scar from its touch he shrugs as he surveys the dead and dying soldiers, saddened by the needless deaths and even more saddened by the fact that they may well rise up and join the army against them. Glancing around he looks to the others - "Are you well, did the beasts damage you or affect you? If not shall we seek to help where the wall is at risk."

He flaps up slightly into the air, some 20ft up above the parapet, happy to let his glowing form mark a banner of light on the walls as he scans the walls and gates looking for the greatest risk!

Hps 143 / 148
Saves +22/23/26 evasion, +4 vs possession, +2 vs mental, -2 w/Cha drain
AC 37 touch 22 FF 31: +2 vs evil

Consecrate aura 20ft, always readied vs charge, miss chance 20%
Aura courage,
Turn undead 13 /12 14 remaining
Smite 1/1
Know devotion : undead +4

Active buffs
Greater Magic Weapon (16 hours CL16)
Superior Resist (24 hours)
Undead bane weapon (30 hours)
Magic Vestment (CL 18, 18 hours) x 2
Celestial brilliance (14 days, CL15)
Protection from evil (15 minutes)

Stance: Blood in the water

2017-01-14, 06:53 PM
Nanashi watch the banshees fading amd look at the dead guards in the wall.

"Bring the torch someone!", he motion to.some guards, "We need to get rid of those dead by the evil spirits before we have undead walking the wall!

He enjoy the still running Fly spell to follow up the winged cleric.

"Where next?", he ask him while looking around.

Spot for more trouble [roll0]

2017-01-17, 05:53 AM
As Amnian troopers rush forward to deal with the bodies of their comrades, soon to join the ranks of the unliving, the party casts its attention to the horde beyond the walls searching for more significant threats. The mostly mindless sea of undead continues its unceasing press against the walls below as weaponry continues to rain down upon them.

A chorus of alarmed cries rise up from the battlements as a huge boulder sails through the air. Crash! The massive rock smashes into the fortress nearby, narrowly missing you all. Crash! Another smashes home moments later sending rubble and men flying into the courtyard below. Focusing your attention outward you spy a pair of giant humanoids in the distance. Sheltering in the summit of a squat old watchtower the 15ft tall monsters look almost like dark, hairless giant drow elves. Strange faint mists swirl about them. Heavily armoured in banded they have greataxes slung across their backs but each wrenches another slab of stone free and prepares to send it sailing! Left unchecked this assault will surely breach the citadel walls eventually and the horde will be able to pour through!


Giants are 600ft distant and have cover.
The terrain between you and the giants is a gently gradient uphill slope. Zombies swarm the slopes (in a slow shuffle).

=> Party

2017-01-17, 01:20 PM
Nanashi looks at his allies and at the rock-throwing giants.
"We must stop them before they breach the outer walls", he looks to the master thrower and touch him the shoulders, "This will help you reach them. Do you need one too, merchant?"

He's about to fly when he look at the spellcasters, "Does any onf you have anything you're willing to share with a friend spellthief?",

Anyone wants to lend a few spells to Nanashi? Maybe a Divine Power or a healing spell in case we need to heal the healer?

2017-01-23, 08:00 AM

Waking up after his meditations, Saderran was a very busy drow; he quickly completed his routine of powerful magics and started to account his earnings in the last two weeks: with this crysis covering all the world, and undeads raising up here and there, making money became harder. Therefore, he joined his group of companions briefly waving his hand at them, still reading through his ledger, considering that the price of halfling slaves went down to 2cp at week, after all those dead kobolds rising into Nashkell mines. "I hate those little undead buggers, will need to raise up some dr..."
Too much self-absorbed in his work, and overconfident because he could not be seen by undeads, the drow wizard noticed that between the group of attacking zombies and monsters, a pair of Banshees joined the fray too much close to him.
Still distracted and more concerned with his life than that of the others, he used one of his magical abilities to... change direction and 'join' the battle below for a moment.

Still considering on his best course of action, Saderran hears Nanashi speaking, and turn to answer him:
"You can take away some of my shadow powers! ... you'll pay me later..."
While he speaks, a boulder travels over his head, crushing on a tower. He turns and sees the dark giants, a 15 ft equivalent of his less elegant cousin, Lethenor. "Let's see if killing them will be funnier than killing Lethenor!" He thinks.

"Jump on me!"He shout at his companions, and runs towards the giants, changing form at the same time; a bunch of disgusting spider legs spring out of his body, while all his equipment seems to adjust to the new form.

HP 102/102, Speed 30 Saves F14;R:19;W:17; Attack +17
Active Effects:
Shield +4 AC
Greater Mage Armor +6 AC
Greater Heroism +4 Morale on Attack Rolls, Saves, Skill Checks, Immune to Fear, +16 HP
Greater Mirror Image
Combat Readiness +5 Initiative
Gargantuan Monstrous Spider From;

2017-01-23, 08:10 AM
Nanashi thanks Saderran and take some of his shadow magic. Who knows when it might be handy?

He look at the giant-sized spider the wizard became and decide to go flying above it instead.

"These giants must have taken the Let's rock this town saying to the letter. Let's stop them! Anyone know if they are capable of casting spells?"

As he fly towards them he focus on them and his irises turn white, scanning them for magic.

Arcane Sight

2017-01-24, 04:36 PM
Zarthon rises, the sun silhouetteing his ears as he leaps first onto the parapet, and then onto the back of the winged man as he swoops past.

Balance check with sandals of harmonious balanceto balance on a moving object that can't support my weight is about DC 20 for the something that can't suppot me, plus say 10 for a moving object[roll0]

He then draws his longbow, and waits.

2017-01-30, 05:17 AM
Zarthon leaps onto the back of Anhur as the winged man swoops past, Nanashi flying nearby. Soaring across the mass of undead below they swoop closer to the attacking giants. Meanwhile Saderran magically transforms into a towering eight-legged arachnoid, all clicking legs, mandibles and hairy armoured plates. The massive form skitters straight down the wall of the citadel and into the milling mass of undead below, scattering corpses in all directions as he ploughs toward the distant death giants.

As boulders soar by the flying group get closer to the huge demonic creatures. Standing fully 15ft tall a swirling nimbus of ghosts cloaks each of them, coursing around their armoured limbs and across their torsos and axe hafts.

The old watchtower is a squat structure. Its crumbling foundations sit elevated some 15ft above the rocky hillside forming a clear area on which the giants are based, free from the mindless zombies that mill about on the surrounding slopes. The ruined walls of a taller signal tower rise from the middle of the platform but there is no upper storey remaining.

okay some assumptions on movement:

death giants are 600ft distant
anhur & zarthon fly together at 200ft per round, so 3 rounds to melee range
nanashi is using fly spell. if so can move at 120ft per round, so 5 rounds to melee
saderran is on foot. Zombie horde prevents x4 running but otherwise doesn't materially affect the approach, so moving at 60ft per round = 10 rounds to melee.

I guess some of you might want to act/ attack prior to melee range so I'll give them 1 round of attacks now and then let me know at what range you want to act (which will determine how many more attacks they get, if any, prior to you engaging with them.

fiendish death giants
boulder vs Anhur (1d20+12)[28] damage (2d8+12)[25]
boulder vs Anhur (1d20+7)[25] damage (2d8+12)[21]
boulder vs Anhur (1d20+2)[7] damage (2d8+12)[21]
boulder vs Anhur (1d20-3)[11] damage (2d8+12)[22]

boulder vs Zarthon (1d20+12)[23] damage (2d8+12)[18]
boulder vs Zarthon (1d20+7)[19] damage (2d8+12)[21]
boulder vs Zarthon (1d20+2)[22] damage (2d8+12)[22]
boulder vs Zarthon (1d20-3)[10] damage (2d8+12)[20]

Arcane sight has 120ft range so Nanashi can use this on his final approach.
They're "giant" type so Nature is what will feed into Knowledge Devotion for Anhur. An easy Planes check will get him knowledge of all of the fiendish (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/fiendishCreature.htm) abilities.

No-one is flat-footed any more.

You are approaching from the bottom of the map, the giants having taken slight cover behind the ruined walls.

=> Party

2017-01-30, 12:28 PM
Just now realizing the great distance between the giants, Nanashi say some very fast tngue-tripping rhyme, making all his allies faster.

It may help makes us arrive faster

2017-01-31, 01:52 AM
Anhur streaked towar the giant on his golden wings, blessings firing around him as he sought the weakened power of his God. Streaking over the massed undead ranks he felt saddened and turned is eyes to the dark giants.

Without pausing he streaked towards the nearest one, blade glittering as it sought the gaps in the beast's armour!

Swift cast on way in:
Rnd 1: Righteous Fury
Rnd2: fell greatest foe
Rnd3: find the gap

Charge to N22 10ft high
Power attack (10) ignoring Armour/shield/Natural, Smite!
[roll0] [roll1] + [roll2] fell foe
If 36+ threat [roll3] [roll4]

Hps 143 / 148 +50
Saves +22/23/26 evasion, +4 vs possession, +2 vs mental, -2 w/Cha drain
AC 37 touch 22 FF 31: +2 vs evil +1 haste

Consecrate aura 20ft, always readied vs charge, miss chance 20%
Aura courage,
Turn undead 12 /12 (14) remaining
Smite 1/1
Know devotion:+1

Active buffs
Greater Magic Weapon (16 hours CL16)
Superior Resist (24 hours)
Undead bane weapon (30 hours)
Magic Vestment (CL 18, 18 hours) x 2
Celestial brilliance (14 days, CL15)
Protection from evil (14 minutes)
Haste 17 rounds
Fell greatest foe 14 rounds (bonus damage vs big)
Righteous Fury 15 minutes (+4 Str, 50 temp hps)
Find Gap (touch attacks) 15 rounds

Stance: Blood in the water

Bad effects
Cha Drain 4

2017-02-04, 02:37 PM
Saderran charges toward the two monsters, trying to fill the gap as fast as possibile; understanding that even in his new form it would take too much time, he expends part of his magical power to create a dimensional door and appear right in front of the ruined fortress.

The enormous spidery drow moves over the crumbling walls, and shapes the shadows in an unexpected form, directing them against his enemies.

First Round: Dimension Door to "R26" (Approximately, considering his Shape)
Second Round: Greater Shadow Evocation to Cast Prismatic Spray, targeting both Giants. DC 26
Rolls for spell Resistance:

HP 102/102, Speed 30 Saves F14;R:19;W:17; Attack +17
Active Effects:
Shield +4 AC
Greater Mage Armor +6 AC
Greater Heroism +4 Morale on Attack Rolls, Saves, Skill Checks, Immune to Fear, +16 HP
Greater Mirror Image
Combat Readiness +5 Initiative
Gargantuan Monstrous Spider From;

2017-02-08, 06:42 PM
Zathon lands in the lee of shattered remenants of the top of the tower. Shadows dapple his face as slips between the broken teeth of the ancient fortification. Carefully he emerges in the shadows of the rubble, relying on the distraction of his companions to help shield his presence.

Activate ring of blinking
Move to Q22
Move silently [roll0]
Hide [roll1]