View Full Version : Remaining: how it began.

hand ax ranger
2016-12-23, 04:27 PM
It Was a peaceful friday night for the city of Boltlick, Illinois (or as it's jokingly known, "Not Chicago")....

.... though you've known much more peaceful nights in much more beautiful places.

Right now all you're doing is waiting in your hotel room. For some reason, sleep eludes you.

You remember why you came to town, but now that the talking was moved till tomorrow morning here you wait.

....and you hope it stays that way. After all, trying to bust that vault would be difficult if the occupants of this floor suddenly woke up and down discovered you creeping in the window.

A wealthy man had set up here in this hotel. You really didn't want to bother getting a reservation, but that's why you've got friends in low places. The cameras are actually turned off on this floor, but only by the windows and in certain my mapped out areas.

Now you only needed to do was find his room.

Your phone buzzed (as it's on vibrate) as a text goes through.

....which serves you well as your just home taking classes online.

Your shared apartment is fortunately empty of other people right now. Your roommate went of to go drinking and probably get himself into some other guy's pants. Good thing to, as when he's here he's hella annoying, especially for a gay dude.

You sit there, studying..... when your phone goes off.

....as you drive in, money in an envelope. You can hardly wait to finally get that debt paid off. Henry had lent you a large sum of money a while back, and now you've got the cash.

You both decided to meet up at his favorite watering hole, which happened to be in the city.

2016-12-23, 06:04 PM
Mark, realizing he can't sleep decides to talk a walk. He grabs the room key-card and his wallet and heads out for a walk to get some fresh air until he grows drowsy.

hand ax ranger
2016-12-23, 07:04 PM
you wander the halls, easy as they are empty of all people. You do hear people moving around in there rooms, but its hardly your business.

You do manage to find a guy standing by the vending machines, minding his own business. Other than that the night seems oddly quiet.

2016-12-23, 08:12 PM
Finding nothing interesting Mark heads outside the hotel. He knows he should get some sleep, but not being sleepy...not gonna sleep much. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day and the meeting getting moved to the morning is not going to help. He looks up the sky. He missed the skies in the wilds of the world, but soon, he'll be back to those skies.

2016-12-23, 08:51 PM
These 'businessmen' were, as far as she could tell, a couple of parasites. As far as she could tell they were buying up mortgage defaults in cash at cents on the dollar, then borrowing against the property's assayer value, which was much higher. It was a way to make money fast.. perhaps for drugs or even legal businesses. Sometime down the line the firm would declare bankruptcy after being looted, with the bought assets off the books. Of course to keep it all off the books they had to deal in cash. Which is why she was here..

And now I'm getting text messages., she thought.

Liv stealthily stepped into a corner, put her back to a bookcase and slowly removed the phone from her pocket. Not going to light up the entire room. Sure enough, it seemed to her that the light from her dimmed display shone only on the black surface of the cheap chipboard, her dark masked face, and well nothing else. She hoped it was something that could help her with the job.

hand ax ranger
2016-12-23, 10:40 PM
The clod night air blows trash around the dimly lit street. As expected everything is particularly quite out here.....

(Thank you)
As you check the phone you see that your associate texted you.
Got them distracted down here..... hurry up and get the **** and bail.

You hear one of the guest leave his room....he walks off though, unaware of your presence.

hand ax ranger
2016-12-23, 11:05 PM
.......as your wandering the streets. Sleepless nights have been a problem lately....so you decided to take a walk around town to clear your mind.

It's been eerily quiet all night as you find yourself approaching that ****ty hotel.

You see another man on the road heading your way.

2016-12-23, 11:22 PM
Zepplin. There were just some nights where Harvey found himself threatening highly specific pain to old men if they requested Zepplin just one... more... time. He heard it in his sleep, now, practically, and it seriously made him consider just going full jazz and never looking back. At least jazz concerts didn't threaten to leave one with tinnitus.

He ran a hand through his hair, knowing in his heart he wasn't really serious about any of that. Or, at least, that he wasn't serious enough to consider giving up his halfway decent job. He was just letting himself get run down, with all this fretting and pacing. As he leaned against the wall of the hotel, he half pondered taking up smoking. Sure, it would kill him in forty years, but at least he'd have something to do, while leaning against walls. Heck, he thought, as he looked down the road, maybe this guy could loan him one, and a light, to get started. (Rolling Sense Motive on the stranger.)


2016-12-24, 10:34 AM

Liv moved into the room with the vault, masked because you never did know when someone would walk in on you. or have a video cam set up . She put a wedge under the entrance door, the work of moments, but a world of peace of mind, which helped enormously with focus.

Crossing the room she opened the wardrobe and well ...there it was. Thankfully it was a cheap piece of **** and ancient too. If she got the combination wrong, well she could just try again.. Even so, she knew it would take her more than a minute, maybe all the way to two minutes.

Disable Device (taking 20) for a result of 30.

2016-12-28, 03:53 PM
Jimbo smiled as he drove down the country road. Finally another debt paid off and he would be able to cross a name off the too long list of people he owned money. His radio was blasting some oldies but goodies from the rock of the 70s.
And he's got big balls,
And she's got big balls,
But we've got the biggest balls of them all!
Jimbo sang along to the radio out of tune as always. His mind was racing ahead to the upcoming meeting with Henry at the Watering Hole. It would be good to get clear of this debt and also share a beer and some stories with the man. He was lucky Henry even loaned him the money in the first place. The two hadn't always gotten along as well as they are now. Jimbo regretted being such as ass to the man in high school. But they had made their peace and where now good drinking buddies. In fact Henry might be one of Jimbo's closest friends its funny how life works like that sometimes Jimbo mused to himself as the cornfields sped by.

2016-12-28, 04:34 PM

Mark walks around a while then heads back to his room to try and sleep again.

hand ax ranger
2017-01-04, 01:07 AM
Zepplin. There were just some nights where Harvey found himself threatening highly specific pain to old men if they requested Zepplin just one... more... time. He heard it in his sleep, now, practically, and it seriously made him consider just going full jazz and never looking back. At least jazz concerts didn't threaten to leave one with tinnitus.

He ran a hand through his hair, knowing in his heart he wasn't really serious about any of that. Or, at least, that he wasn't serious enough to consider giving up his halfway decent job. He was just letting himself get run down, with all this fretting and pacing. As he leaned against the wall of the hotel, he half pondered taking up smoking. Sure, it would kill him in forty years, but at least he'd have something to do, while leaning against walls. Heck, he thought, as he looked down the road, maybe this guy could loan him one, and a light, to get started. (Rolling Sense Motive on the stranger.)


You see the man walk back into the hotel up ahead.

(Roll listen)


Liv moved into the room with the vault, masked because you never did know when someone would walk in on you. or have a video cam set up . She put a wedge under the entrance door, the work of moments, but a world of peace of mind, which helped enormously with focus.

Crossing the room she opened the wardrobe and well ...there it was. Thankfully it was a cheap piece of **** and ancient too. If she got the combination wrong, well she could just try again.. Even so, she knew it would take her more than a minute, maybe all the way to two minutes.

Disable Device (taking 20) for a result of 30.

The safe itself opens with ease....

...as does the bathroom door....mor rather as it's busted open. A young appears, wearing a bathroom and with a white line under his nose.....and yet....

Jimbo smiled as he drove down the country road. Finally another debt paid off and he would be able to cross a name off the too long list of people he owned money. His radio was blasting some oldies but goodies from the rock of the 70s.
And he's got big balls,
And she's got big balls,
But we've got the biggest balls of them all!
Jimbo sang along to the radio out of tune as always. His mind was racing ahead to the upcoming meeting with Henry at the Watering Hole. It would be good to get clear of this debt and also share a beer and some stories with the man. He was lucky Henry even loaned him the money in the first place. The two hadn't always gotten along as well as they are now. Jimbo regretted being such as ass to the man in high school. But they had made their peace and where now good drinking buddies. In fact Henry might be one of Jimbo's closest friends its funny how life works like that sometimes Jimbo mused to himself as the cornfields sped by.

(XD I love that song....)

You arrive at the bar where your buddy was meeting you. Place as always looks old and worn, an eyesore for anyone hanging around the nice shiny hotel thst had been there only a year.....

You know Henry is waiting inside. You just hope he didn't bring his F@gg0t brother.

(FYI: im a queer so I'm both allowed and allowing you.)


Mark walks around a while then heads back to his room to try and sleep again.

As you head Back to your room, the vending machine waves.

"hard to sleep? Yeah tonight feels..off.....

2017-01-04, 04:36 PM
Harvey watched the man go into the hotel with a shrug. Apparently, he wasn't going to be getting a cigarette from that stranger, tonight. Not that he minded; he was a bit too old to be trying to get into tobacco addiction, anyway. Missed his chance when he was sixteen and trying to fit in with the cool kids.

He sighed. What was it about tonight that was so weird? Like he couldn't really find an excuse to sleep?(Rolling Listen)


hand ax ranger
2017-01-04, 04:58 PM
Harvey watched the man go into the hotel with a shrug. Apparently, he wasn't going to be getting a cigarette from that stranger, tonight. Not that he minded; he was a bit too old to be trying to get into tobacco addiction, anyway. Missed his chance when he was sixteen and trying to fit in with the cool kids.

He sighed. What was it about tonight that was so weird? Like he couldn't really find an excuse to sleep?(Rolling Listen)


you hear a woman screaming in the brush next to the road...aa you peer in you see two yoing punks holding her down and apparently beating her into unconsciousness....or death. You don't know they're plan, but it's not to her liking.

A third appears from behind you. His brown skin looks greatly whitened....but the weirdest thing is if here eete mugging you......why isnt he using the bat on the side of his backpack

2017-01-04, 06:24 PM
"hard to sleep? Yeah tonight feels..off....."

Mark Pauses. "yea...it does seem off." He moves towards the machine to see the speaker.

hand ax ranger
2017-01-04, 08:17 PM
"hard to sleep? Yeah tonight feels..off....."

Mark Pauses. "yea...it does seem off." He moves towards the machine to see the speaker.

(*Vending machine guy......lol that typo got past me...)

He sits down at the table
"to be honest it feels like one of those bad horror flick or something."

2017-01-04, 09:24 PM
Well, things certainly went belly up, in a hurry. Harvey found himself seriously regretting being outside at night, now that he was apparently staring at a gang mug squad. Did muggers go out in squads? It's not like it mattered, much. What mattered now was that he was in some serious ****, and there was a woman who was getting it even worse, from the looks of things.

"Woah, woah, hey, bud," he said, taking the necessary steps to keep the approaching tough far away from him. "Let's not do anything nasty, okay? What are you after, money?" He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. "Here. It's yours. Take it, and tell your buddies to leave the girl alone. You can be about fifty bucks and a credit card richer and out of here before I've got time to flag down a phone. Everybody wins, and nobody's gotta get hurt any worse. Whaddya say?"

He still couldn't shake that really bad feeling, about all this... (Rolling Diplomacy)

hand ax ranger
2017-01-04, 11:32 PM
Well, things certainly went belly up, in a hurry. Harvey found himself seriously regretting being outside at night, now that he was apparently staring at a gang mug squad. Did muggers go out in squads? It's not like it mattered, much. What mattered now was that he was in some serious ****, and there was a woman who was getting it even worse, from the looks of things.

"Woah, woah, hey, bud," he said, taking the necessary steps to keep the approaching tough far away from him. "Let's not do anything nasty, okay? What are you after, money?" He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. "Here. It's yours. Take it, and tell your buddies to leave the girl alone. You can be about fifty bucks and a credit card richer and out of here before I've got time to flag down a phone. Everybody wins, and nobody's gotta get hurt any worse. Whaddya say?"

He still couldn't shake that really bad feeling, about all this... (Rolling Diplomacy)

The guy seems unfazed as he charges......(roll attack of opportunity)

2017-01-05, 10:51 AM
Lydia has no problem in keeping herself busy, no matter how little free time she has. Though polite to his presence, the silence caused by her roommate’s absence is as comfortable as the sheer cardigan worn over her negligee, as she sat content to enjoy an evening alone curled up in front of her desk. One hand clicked at the keys of her laptop, the other plucking the occasional grape from a bowl as she whittled the night away. Her phone vibrated before the ring tone itself echoed through her room, and recognizing the tune as for public calls rather than any she had assigned to a contact, she paused her pursuits, clearing her throat and instinctively hitching on a smile as she answered, wondering what would prompt a late night communication. “Good evening. May I ask who is calling?”

2017-01-05, 11:03 AM
"All right, I guess not!" Harvey had been in a fist fight a grand total of about four times in his life. Three of those times was during his ill-fated rock and roll period, and had to do with the boyfriend of a girl who apparently got a kick out of cuckolding him without his consent. Basically, everyone involved was an idiot. But at least Harvey learned something salient through all of that; the best way to end a fist fight was to not get in a fist fight. He'd have to see how this played out, before he turned and ran like an unabashed coward. (Harvey cannot take an opportunity attack unarmed.)

OOC: Would you say that baseball bat is well-secured to that backpack? Like, difficult to grab and wrench away?

2017-01-05, 11:55 AM

Mark grins at the vending machine guy as he sits. Just seemed like a too quiet nigh to Mark. "What makes you say that? Full moon?"

2017-01-05, 06:42 PM
Jimbo parks his truck but waits for the song to finish before entering the old run down place.
Time to pay the piper. Jimbo says out loud and then laughs at the mental image of Henry playing bag pipes.
Hopefully there isn't a lot of people inside and I can get this over with quickly without alot of prying eyes and wagging tongues. I hope Henry came alone his brother is always just so snotty and gay. Think the guy who have moved to a big city that's where they all go don't they.
Jimbo continues to muse on the evils of population centers over 2000 as he locks up the car and enters the bar.
Hey you **** eating ******s who's buying me a beer? He shouts as he walks through the door.

hand ax ranger
2017-01-05, 09:49 PM
"All right, I guess not!" Harvey had been in a fist fight a grand total of about four times in his life. Three of those times was during his ill-fated rock and roll period, and had to do with the boyfriend of a girl who apparently got a kick out of cuckolding him without his consent. Basically, everyone involved was an idiot. But at least Harvey learned something salient through all of that; the best way to end a fist fight was to not get in a fist fight. He'd have to see how this played out, before he turned and ran like an unabashed coward. (Harvey cannot take an opportunity attack unarmed.)

OOC: Would you say that baseball bat is well-secured to that backpack? Like, difficult to grab and wrench away?

(OOC: it appears to be mostly held by a bottle holder and a snap. If you can get it at the right angle it should come out fairly easily. It would be a medium-sized club damage wise)


He misses you widely as your able to side step hus attempt. You realize maybe those petty bar fights weren't in vain. Painful, but not in vain.

(OOC: roll initiative)

Lydia has no problem in keeping herself busy, no matter how little free time she has. Though polite to his presence, the silence caused by her roommate’s absence is as comfortable as the sheer cardigan worn over her negligee, as she sat content to enjoy an evening alone curled up in front of her desk. One hand clicked at the keys of her laptop, the other plucking the occasional grape from a bowl as she whittled the night away. Her phone vibrated before the ring tone itself echoed through her room, and recognizing the tune as for public calls rather than any she had assigned to a contact, she paused her pursuits, clearing her throat and instinctively hitching on a smile as she answered, wondering what would prompt a late night communication. “Good evening. May I ask who is calling?”

the voice laughs in a way you've only heard from you're Dad. "Hey Lydia.... you're sounding like a secretary. I like the respect but it's coming across as brown-nosing..."


Mark grins at the vending machine guy as he sits. Just seemed like a too quiet nigh to Mark. "What makes you say that? Full moon?"

"No....i mean its not helping but it's something else.... almost like a deer in the fall feels....

I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Frank. I'm in town for some low budget HEMA convention. Then again I won my way in, so there's that.

He scratches his beard, which despite his biker/mechanic aura is both shiny and clean.witg this and his long hair tied bsckhe looks like someone out of a barbarian flick.

hand ax ranger
2017-01-06, 01:25 AM
Jimbo parks his truck but waits for the song to finish before entering the old run down place.
Time to pay the piper. Jimbo says out loud and then laughs at the mental image of Henry playing bag pipes.
Hopefully there isn't a lot of people inside and I can get this over with quickly without alot of prying eyes and wagging tongues. I hope Henry came alone his brother is always just so snotty and gay. Think the guy who have moved to a big city that's where they all go don't they.
Jimbo continues to muse on the evils of population centers over 2000 as he locks up the car and enters the bar.
Hey you **** eating ******s who's buying me a beer? He shouts as he walks through the door.

You see Henry facepalm before anything else. T when you see his brother wave. " over here hick! And my brother isn't gay by the way."

Henry sigh. " I'm guessing this is part of something plot to make me suffer before paying me back Jim? Hehehe you haven't changed...first ones on me."

2017-01-06, 03:58 PM
Okay, Harvey found himself telling himself. You can do this. It's just some know-nothing kid and his two jerk friends. Knocking the offending swipe aside was something of a confidence booster, and it allowed him to think that maybe he might be able to pull a proper win out of this rigmarole. He just needed a plan. And he was pretty sure he had it... (Rolling initiative)


Step one was pretty obvious. He had to get that bat. (If Harvey goes first, opposed attack roll to try and take the bat off of the thug. If not, I guess I'm gonna see what happens, but this way I save a redundant post if it turns out Harv has initiative.)


hand ax ranger
2017-01-06, 04:36 PM
Okay, Harvey found himself telling himself. You can do this. It's just some know-nothing kid and his two jerk friends. Knocking the offending swipe aside was something of a confidence booster, and it allowed him to think that maybe he might be able to pull a proper win out of this rigmarole. He just needed a plan. And he was pretty sure he had it... (Rolling initiative)


Step one was pretty obvious. He had to get that bat. (If Harvey goes first, opposed attack roll to try and take the bat off of the thug. If not, I guess I'm gonna see what happens, but this way I save a redundant post if it turns out Harv has initiative.)



hand ax ranger
2017-01-06, 04:46 PM


The punk swings wild at you, bashing your chest.

As you try to pull the bat out of the bag he knocks you off. Fortunately you take no damage as you cheap jacket is torn to shreds by his nails

2017-01-06, 04:53 PM
He felt his jacket tear away under the punk's fingers. "Hey! That was a gift!" he snarled. His pulse started to race, however, when he felt himself registering how close that was. Things were certainly dangerous, right now. Come on... come on... (retrying a disarm to get the bat)


2017-01-06, 05:41 PM

Mark nods. "I'm Mark, just here for a meeting until i head down to Tierra del Fuego. Hopefully for a few months."

2017-01-06, 06:11 PM
Sorry. Rolls apparently don't register on edited posts.


hand ax ranger
2017-01-07, 12:49 AM
He felt his jacket tear away under the punk's fingers. "Hey! That was a gift!" he snarled. His pulse started to race, however, when he felt himself registering how close that was. Things were certainly dangerous, right now. Come on... come on... (retrying a disarm to get the bat)


(Ehh close enough....)

You manage to yank the bat out of the bag, barely avoiding the second swing at you.....

The punk gives off a yell, attracting the other two other to you.


Mark nods. "I'm Mark, just here for a meeting until i head down to Tierra del Fuego. Hopefully for a few months."

"oh cool....." he says, showing a face that has no clue where that even is.

" so it seems to be that everything is eerily...*sound of a door smashing in the distance*... silent. I guess I stand corrected."

2017-01-07, 01:22 AM

Liv, wondering why no-one had mentioned the second guy in the room, or why her criminally honed senses had failed to hear anything splashing away in the bathroom, shrugs.. surprises were a part of the life. Stepping towards him she lets him have it with the pepper spray, thinking the beat down would come after..

Pepper Spray Ranged Touch Attack


2017-01-07, 08:47 AM
Harvey took a second to adjust the weapon in his grip. The last time he had to hold a bat, it was when he had that contest at the batting cages. He was out-home ran by some pudgy, half bald metalhead from Chicago. Hardly his finest moment, but at least it was slightly more dignified than what was going on, right now. He saw that the other two toughs were finally pulling themselves off that woman. Yes! Perfect! He had been planning to try and cow the kids into submission through judicious use of violence, but now he could see a way to get this dealt with so he wouldn't have to get his hands dirty!

"Hey, jackasses!" he cried, as he began to cautiously backpedal. "Why don't you pick on somebody even remotely in your weight class, huh?" And then, Harvey enacted the plan. The one plan that had seen him through some of the most dangerous times of his life. Turning his back and running like a coward. Withdraw action to break away safely from the punk in melee, and then putting as much distance as possible between me and them by moving at full speed. Unless something comes up, I'm pretty sure that's going to be Harvey's strategy until he's reasonably sure he's lost them. Also, Spot check to get an idea on the girl's condition:


2017-01-07, 10:14 AM

Mark smiles at Frank's apparent ignorance. While startled by a door smashing he initially brushes it off. He laughs at Franks joke, but still realizing he can't sleep decides to go check it out. He stands. "Might as well go check that out, as I can't sleep and if it is a psychopathic slash and we are in a horror movie well ..."

hand ax ranger
2017-01-07, 05:14 PM

Liv, wondering why no-one had mentioned the second guy in the room, or why her criminally honed senses had failed to hear anything splashing away in the bathroom, shrugs.. surprises were a part of the life. Stepping towards him she lets him have it with the pepper spray, thinking the beat down would come after..

Pepper Spray Ranged Touch Attack


The being takes it to the side of the face, but seems to shrug it off.

He growls, then clubs you with a backhand swing.

Harvey took a second to adjust the weapon in his grip. The last time he had to hold a bat, it was when he had that contest at the batting cages. He was out-home ran by some pudgy, half bald metalhead from Chicago. Hardly his finest moment, but at least it was slightly more dignified than what was going on, right now. He saw that the other two toughs were finally pulling themselves off that woman. Yes! Perfect! He had been planning to try and cow the kids into submission through judicious use of violence, but now he could see a way to get this dealt with so he wouldn't have to get his hands dirty!

"Hey, jackasses!" he cried, as he began to cautiously backpedal. "Why don't you pick on somebody even remotely in your weight class, huh?" And then, Harvey enacted the plan. The one plan that had seen him through some of the most dangerous times of his life. Turning his back and running like a coward. Withdraw action to break away safely from the punk in melee, and then putting as much distance as possible between me and them by moving at full speed. Unless something comes up, I'm pretty sure that's going to be Harvey's strategy until he's reasonably sure he's lost them. Also, Spot check to get an idea on the girl's condition:


which ever way your running (OOC: though I'm assuming towards the hotel) you get away from his grasp cleanly. All three chase you....though only seemingly to have the speed of a particularly quick walk. Then again..... it's a small comfort comparatively.

2017-01-07, 06:55 PM
Something was seriously screwy with these kids, on closer inspection. They were moving weird, and the whole business with the forgotten baseball bat... were they on something? That was probably what it was. Not that it mattered, all that much. At least they were off that poor girl, and he was able enough to put some distance between them and him.

He prepared himself to double back around, taking another way back to the hotel. On the way there, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and began dialing the number for 911. He could really only hope he wasn't headed back to a corpse; those two looked like they were doing a serious number on her.

hand ax ranger
2017-01-07, 07:38 PM

Mark smiles at Frank's apparent ignorance. While startled by a door smashing he initially brushes it off. He laughs at Franks joke, but still realizing he can't sleep decides to go check it out. He stands. "Might as well go check that out, as I can't sleep and if it is a psychopathic slash and we are in a horror movie well ..."

He gets up and starts to head down the hallway. He rushes into his room, fumbles around then comes back out. On his back he carries a black bag.

"let's go see what's up."

He walks with you till you end up gearing rattling on the other side of the door. You hear a smacking sound on the other side.

" Hey! Everything ok in there?"

As all this happens you hear two people outside.

On of them yells through the door.
" Hey! Everything ok in there?"

2017-01-07, 07:46 PM

Mark peers through the door's window as best he can and repeats Franks request, "Everything ok?"

hand ax ranger
2017-01-07, 08:18 PM
Something was seriously screwy with these kids, on closer inspection. They were moving weird, and the whole business with the forgotten baseball bat... were they on something? That was probably what it was. Not that it mattered, all that much. At least they were off that poor girl, and he was able enough to put some distance between them and him.

He prepared himself to double back around, taking another way back to the hotel. On the way there, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and began dialing the number for 911. He could really only hope he wasn't headed back to a corpse; those two looked like they were doing a serious number on her.

You succeed in avoiding them as you turn back, but as you call the emergency services you only hear that the line is busy.

You do make it to the door however, almost knocking over an elderly couple.

2017-01-07, 08:59 PM

Alright, no more Miss Nice Girl.

Liv rode the blow, stepping back, albeit involuntarily, a fleeting sensation of blackness. Still, it gave her some room. She draws her Glock, kinda wishing it had been a sawn off, and aims it his centre torso.

"Everything's fine. Say it.", she whispers, her voice below the sound of the water going down the drain, below the sound of a truck rolling past outside, certainly too low for the voices outside the door.

If he so much as moves, she'll open fire. And then hope the die roller doesn't try to kill her again.

Listen 1d20+6 in case there's someone under the bed.
Spot 1d20+6 looking for something she can use.
Move Silently 1d20+7 So the guys outside don't hear her feet moving over the carpet

And shot to centre torso if he doesn't play ball..

Attack 1d20+3

Uh, why is it not rolling???

2017-01-07, 09:10 PM

If he so much as moves, she'll open fire. And then hope the die roller doesn't try to kill her again.

Listen [roll0] in case there's someone under the bed.
Spot [roll1] looking for something she can use.
Move Silently [roll2] So the guys outside don't hear her feet moving over the carpet

And shot to centre torso if he doesn't play ball..

Attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4]

Reckon I'll roll up a new character and hope for better than a 1-3 die roll

2017-01-07, 09:25 PM
Oh, man... if this day wasn't getting worse with each passing second. How's 911 going to be down, at a time like this? Yeah, it figures, the one time people need some actual help, budget cutbacks happen and...

"Ahh! Jeez!" He barely managed to avoid knocking two old folks right off their feet, as he finally got back to the hotel. He was about to blow on past them, when he suddenly realized the usefulness of them showing up. "Wait. Perfect. Hey!" He probably didn't look like the most friendly of folks, with a bat in one hand and a phone in the middle of redialing in the other, but right now he was flustered beyond the point of caring. "Listen, we got an emergency out here. There's a girl. She's hurt. We need a doctor and the cops, like, now, and I'm not getting either of them on this thing." Hopefully, his voice could make up for his appearance. (Rolling a Diplomacy check. Also a Renown check, because hey, old folks might recognize one of the local voices of classic rock.)


Regardless, he tried to find that area in the shrubs where the girl had gone. "Lady? Lady, tell me you're still conscious. I'm trying to get help, so stay with me, okay?"

hand ax ranger
2017-01-07, 10:37 PM

If he so much as moves, she'll open fire. And then hope the die roller doesn't try to kill her again.

Listen [roll0] in case there's someone under the bed.
Spot [roll1] looking for something she can use.
Move Silently [roll2] So the guys outside don't hear her feet moving over the carpet

And shot to centre torso if he doesn't play ball..

Attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4]

Reckon I'll roll up a new character and hope for better than a 1-3 die roll


Alright, no more Miss Nice Girl.

Liv rode the blow, stepping back, albeit involuntarily, a fleeting sensation of blackness. Still, it gave her some room. She draws her Glock, kinda wishing it had been a sawn off, and aims it his centre torso.

"Everything's fine. Say it.", she whispers, her voice below the sound of the water going down the drain, below the sound of a truck rolling past outside, certainly too low for the voices outside the door.

If he so much as moves, she'll open fire. And then hope the die roller doesn't try to kill her again.

Listen [roll0] in case there's someone under the bed.
Spot [roll1] looking for something she can use.
Move Silently [roll2] So the guys outside don't hear her feet moving over the carpet

And shot to centre torso if he doesn't play ball..

Attack [roll3]

Uh, why is it not rolling???

The man doesn't even let you for finish the thought before he swipes st you again. Your shot rings out but he still has the energy to hit you as the round bust through him...yet he's still standing.


Oh, man... if this day wasn't getting worse with each passing second. How's 911 going to be down, at a time like this? Yeah, it figures, the one time people need some actual help, budget cutbacks happen and...

"Ahh! Jeez!" He barely managed to avoid knocking two old folks right off their feet, as he finally got back to the hotel. He was about to blow on past them, when he suddenly realized the usefulness of them showing up. "Wait. Perfect. Hey!" He probably didn't look like the most friendly of folks, with a bat in one hand and a phone in the middle of redialing in the other, but right now he was flustered beyond the point of caring. "Listen, we got an emergency out here. There's a girl. She's hurt. We need a doctor and the cops, like, now, and I'm not getting either of them on this thing." Hopefully, his voice could make up for his appearance. (Rolling a Diplomacy check. Also a Renown check, because hey, old folks might recognize one of the local voices of classic rock.)


Regardless, he tried to find that area in the shrubs where the girl had gone. "Lady? Lady, tell me you're still conscious. I'm trying to get help, so stay with me, okay?"

(you misunderstood... they're still right behind you....just moving comparatively clumsy)

hand ax ranger
2017-01-07, 10:53 PM

Mark peers through the door's window as best he can and repeats Franks request, "Everything ok?"

you both hear a loud gun shot coming from the other side of the door.

"oh f#¢k this!"

He draws something big and steel from the very large bag as he attempts to kick the door down....


2017-01-07, 10:55 PM
Liv, terrified now, being a safe cracker, not a hit man, fires again. Her only thought now is escape.

Step back to avoid OOC strike, shoot another round at him.
Gonna let you roll it. Dice hate me. 
If I don’t make it, my twin sister Meg will take over.

2017-01-07, 10:57 PM

Mark hears the gun shot and moves to the side of the door and sees Frank pulling something out of his bag. Damn American's and their guns.

2017-01-07, 11:01 PM
OOC: Oh. That would throw the entire last two posts on their head. I was sort of working under the assumption I'd lost them. Uh... I guess Harv would have probably had to do something else after getting enough of a distance. Hide checks, maybe?


hand ax ranger
2017-01-07, 11:38 PM
(Let's try that again...)


He kicks the door to half breaking.....

....then you see a large metal double sided blade bust through the crack in the door, then the door snaps in half as it acts as a lever, separating the two halves. When the dust clears you see a big man holding it.....

You watch him out a huge crack in the door with his is kick.......and realize that that metal thing is a goddamn longsword!

He stabs it through the crack, then uses it to pry the door apart.

You see a woman under attack by some guy in a bathrobe.....and he's bleeding.

2017-01-08, 12:21 AM
the voice laughs in a way you've only heard from you're Dad. "Hey Lydia.... you're sounding like a secretary. I like the respect but it's coming across as brown-nosing..."

“’Treat others the way you want to be treated.’” she sing-songedly quotes into the phone. “You and Mom raised me by the Golden Rule; I’d hardly change my ways just because I’ve moved out, Daddy. Besides, to present yourself as both respectful and respecting is hardly a misstep in the business world.” Lydia laughs. “ It’s a pleasure to hear from you, Daddy. But I’m a little surprised you’d call so late at night. How are you?”

hand ax ranger
2017-01-08, 01:48 AM
“’Treat others the way you want to be treated.’” she sing-songedly quotes into the phone. “You and Mom raised me by the Golden Rule; I’d hardly change my ways just because I’ve moved out, Daddy. Besides, to present yourself as both respectful and respecting is hardly a misstep in the business world.” Lydia laughs. “ It’s a pleasure to hear from you, Daddy. But I’m a little surprised you’d call so late at night. How are you?”

"I'm not THAT old...... besides I knew you'd probably still be awake by now.... online classes and all.

Anyway, you remembered that we were coming through town right? Cause we we're on our way from Chicago? I just checked me and your mother into a hotel here, so I thought that I might let you know that."

hand ax ranger
2017-01-08, 01:51 AM
OOC: Oh. That would throw the entire last two posts on their head. I was sort of working under the assumption I'd lost them. Uh... I guess Harv would have probably had to do something else after getting enough of a distance. Hide checks, maybe?


Even as you dodge behind some bushes, they still head towards you at a very quick speed.

2017-01-08, 03:15 AM
"I'm not THAT old...... besides I knew you'd probably still be awake by now.... online classes and all.

Anyway, you remembered that we were coming through town right? Cause we we're on our way from Chicago? I just checked me and your mother into a hotel here, so I thought that I might let you know that."

"I know, Daddy... It still feels like yesterday you were helping me study...

Of course I remembered! I had hoped we might be able to enjoy Breakfast together, and maybe a bit of a tour, as long as the time permitted. Or, would you like me to visit tonight? I suppose it isn’t too late to cross paths, but for some reason I thought you'd be arriving Saturday Morning, not Friday Night...”

hand ax ranger
2017-01-08, 11:17 PM
"I know, Daddy... It still feels like yesterday you were helping me study...

Of course I remembered! I had hoped we might be able to enjoy Breakfast together, and maybe a bit of a tour, as long as the time permitted. Or, would you like me to visit tonight? I suppose it isn’t too late to cross paths, but for some reason I thought you'd be arriving Saturday Morning, not Friday Night...”

well personally I was willing to drive on through the night to get to your apartment...but your mother decided it was better we get a room here, probably because she still thinks o can't drive at night. Anyway it's only 9:30....come on over. You ever get that car?"

2017-01-09, 01:40 AM
well personally I was willing to drive on through the night to get to your apartment...but your mother decided it was better we get a room here, probably because she still thinks o can't drive at night. Anyway it's only 9:30....come on over. You ever get that car?"

“Oh, Daddy... Well, better safe than sorry, right? And besides, my place is a little compact, even without sharing it with a roommate.” she sighs as she listens, closing down a few programs and saving her files in the process. “Unfortunately, not yet on a car of my own; I was hoping to wait until I needed to before I went to the bank to figure out how to finance one. Still, it shouldn't be too late to walk to the bus station. I'll be over in about an hour at most, if that's alright with you and Mommy." she says, cell-phone set to speaker on her desk as she takes the time for her laptop to safely shut down in order to change.

I'm more than happy to speed up my end if I'm too far behind everyone else.. just putting that out there, depending on how much more you wanted to role-play each of us individually or together.

hand ax ranger
2017-01-09, 03:34 AM
“Oh, Daddy... Well, better safe than sorry, right? And besides, my place is a little compact, even without sharing it with a roommate.” she sighs as she listens, closing down a few programs and saving her files in the process. “Unfortunately, not yet on a car of my own; I was hoping to wait until I needed to before I went to the bank to figure out how to finance one. Still, it shouldn't be too late to walk to the bus station. I'll be over in about an hour at most, if that's alright with you and Mommy." she says, cell-phone set to speaker on her desk as she takes the time for her laptop to safely shut down in order to change.

I'm more than happy to speed up my end if I'm too far behind everyone else.. just putting that out there, depending on how much more you wanted to role-play each of us individually or together.

(OOC: I'm already doing that essentially.... you'll see)

You manage to hail a cab....

*Enter transition music*

.... you step out of the cab and see your father waiting outside the door. He waves at you. " Hey over here Lydia!"

2017-01-09, 04:24 PM
"Tch!" Harvey probably should have guessed that tearing through the shrubs was not going to shake these guys. They were slow on their feet, but dammit if they weren't persistent. "All right then," he called back. "If that's the way you wanna play it, lemme show you guys why I coulda made track in high school."

He was done playing this clever. Clearly, these guys couldn't get much faster than a labored shuffle, for whatever reason. All he had to do was pick a direction, say, across the field and down the way, and just keep going straight, non-stop, as fast as his legs could take him. He was pretty confident that he'd be able to get a fair amount of distance before his lungs started to fail, and by then, assuming these guys didn't suddenly decide to be professional athletes, they'd be so far away, he could lose them just by being out of their line of sight. After that... well, he could jump that hurdle when he got there. He wasn't taking any chances fighting three-on-one, even if he had a weapon and they didn't. No real skills or anything I can think to use. Just Running.

2017-01-09, 05:59 PM
You see Henry facepalm before anything else. T when you see his brother wave. " over here hick! And my brother isn't gay by the way."

Henry sigh. " I'm guessing this is part of something plot to make me suffer before paying me back Jim? Hehehe you haven't changed...first ones on me."

Make you suffer yeah right what do you know about suffering book boy. Jimbo takes a seat between the two brothers. Turning to Henry's brother. Quit looking at my a$$. Then back to Henry. I got your damn money sorry it took so long to pay you back. You know things are tight with the farm right now. Now that is suffering! Any news from town you two? Who you knocking boots with now Henry? Jimbo takes a long drink of the Budweiser draft in front of him before letting out a loud belch in Henry's brother's face.

2017-01-09, 10:33 PM

Mark charges through the door, trying to see what is going on. "Just calm down everyone."

2017-01-11, 04:56 PM
(OOC: I'm already doing that essentially.... you'll see)

You manage to hail a cab....

*Enter transition music*

.... you step out of the cab and see your father waiting outside the door. He waves at you. " Hey over here Lydia!"

Lydia drops her bags on the sidewalk after stepping out of the taxi and dashes forward to hug her parent. “It’s so good to see you in person! I’ve been more than a little bit homesick.” she admits. “Where’s Mommy? I thought she’d be out here, too. Or is she that tired from your trip?”

hand ax ranger
2017-01-11, 06:28 PM
"Tch!" Harvey probably should have guessed that tearing through the shrubs was not going to shake these guys. They were slow on their feet, but dammit if they weren't persistent. "All right then," he called back. "If that's the way you wanna play it, lemme show you guys why I coulda made track in high school."

He was done playing this clever. Clearly, these guys couldn't get much faster than a labored shuffle, for whatever reason. All he had to do was pick a direction, say, across the field and down the way, and just keep going straight, non-stop, as fast as his legs could take him. He was pretty confident that he'd be able to get a fair amount of distance before his lungs started to fail, and by then, assuming these guys didn't suddenly decide to be professional athletes, they'd be so far away, he could lose them just by being out of their line of sight. After that... well, he could jump that hurdle when he got there. He wasn't taking any chances fighting three-on-one, even if he had a weapon and they didn't. No real skills or anything I can think to use. Just Running.

(usually it won't be this easy.... but I'll gibe it to you this time) you sprint a far distance, across the field and actually manage to lose them. Your lungs ache almost as much as your legs.....then you hear the gunshots back from where you just came from.

( OOC: the rest coming soon.... scheduling errors)

hand ax ranger
2017-01-12, 01:50 AM
your shot missed as the world around you has very much become cluttered with noise and big long haired guys with swords.

Make you suffer yeah right what do you know about suffering book boy. Jimbo takes a seat between the two brothers. Turning to Henry's brother. Quit looking at my a$$. Then back to Henry. I got your damn money sorry it took so long to pay you back. You know things are tight with the farm right now. Now that is suffering! Any news from town you two? Who you knocking boots with now Henry? Jimbo takes a long drink of the Budweiser draft in front of him before letting out a loud belch in Henry's brother's face.


Mark charges through the door, trying to see what is going on. "Just calm down everyone."

Lydia drops her bags on the sidewalk after stepping out of the taxi and dashes forward to hug her parent. “It’s so good to see you in person! I’ve been more than a little bit homesick.” she admits. “Where’s Mommy? I thought she’d be out here, too. Or is she that tired from your trip?”

hand ax ranger
2017-01-12, 04:59 AM
Make you suffer yeah right what do you know about suffering book boy. Jimbo takes a seat between the two brothers. Turning to Henry's brother. Quit looking at my a$$. Then back to Henry. I got your damn money sorry it took so long to pay you back. You know things are tight with the farm right now. Now that is suffering! Any news from town you two? Who you knocking boots with now Henry? Jimbo takes a long drink of the Budweiser draft in front of him before letting out a loud belch in Henry's brother's face.

(Actually the gay still had your back a couple times.... granted when you and Henry were raising hell as teen-agers he was just a little TOO young to be involved much..)

He gives an annoyed look. "Hey £u¢ker you forget we came from the same background? The yeah i mived to the city life because of Heather..... she dumped my a** then i found myself to comfortable to move back out. Now stop being a prick.... or do I got to remind you who taught you how to fight... And broke your ribs a couple time you stepped out of line?"

As he says this you can't help but shudder a hit as you recall all the fights you've been in together. In truth, if it weren't for him you'd probably of been dead in a ditch somewhere. Then again...... your guys hone town wouldn't of developed an amateur bare-knuckle boxing club.....

"As for the new girlfriend, she's out of town on business....."

Gary, his gay brother, laughs. " oh please.... she's totally get it stuffed by some ghetto trash. "

"DAMNIT Gary! I told you she wasn't like that...."

"oh you're so ₱u$$¥whipped...""


This resolved into them arguing back and forth for a bit. Slowly but surely time goes by and as people leave, Henry finishes the story of that time he started out trying to score a cheerleader only to have his car burn to a crisp.

"....and to this day I still haven't found out where the hell that dog went."

The two laugh there @$$e$ off...

Henry slams the table. "Jim! Remember that Night that big bearded £u¢ker made a move on your girl friend!? $h1t what was her name?"


Mark charges through the door, trying to see what is going on. "Just calm down everyone."

(That quote is seeable by you both, abd you are considered group 1 for now.)

This..... isn't happening.

The man in the bathrobe keeps smacking at her.


The big sword man steps up and swings at the attakers shoulder.


(Mark roll initiative)

Lydia drops her bags on the sidewalk after stepping out of the taxi and dashes forward to hug her parent. “It’s so good to see you in person! I’ve been more than a little bit homesick.” she admits. “Where’s Mommy? I thought she’d be out here, too. Or is she that tired from your trip?”

He smiles, shifting a bit with the blow. Your Dad had always been the big bad veteran guy..... now his almost getting knocked over by your hug shows his age alone.

"yeah you know how she is.....spent hours in the car so her back was hurting. She's laying back for now." he makes a fame whisper gesture as he winks. " But I didn't tell you that...you know your mother's terrifying when she feels like people are calling her old."

He picks up your bags with a slight grunt, then starts walking inside. "come on baby girl.... let's go inside before your mother starts assembling a search party."

2017-01-12, 07:16 AM

Liv lets loose with the pepper spray in her hand once more.

So this is how I go out. Sent into a trap by a confederate. Well at least I'll be shot or cut in two, not raped and tortured. There's worse ways to go I guess.

Liv tries the pepper spray, ranged touch attack with a really low to hit score (probably 10 or 11 not more, not that it matters at this point.

2017-01-12, 12:11 PM
(usually it won't be this easy.... but I'll gibe it to you this time) you sprint a far distance, across the field and actually manage to lose them. Your lungs ache almost as much as your legs.....then you hear the gunshots back from where you just came from.

Harvey took a moment to lean against the wall, both to catch his breath and to slowly start to piece together just how bad things apparently were. Those were either gunshots, or somebody apparently decided to start shooting off fireworks to celebrate national Nothing Important Happening Day. That girl was probably still in some serious trouble, but if he went back he'd just be getting himself into more trouble. His jacket was ruined, he had a stranger's baseball bat in his hands, the hotel was out of the question and he'd be damned if insomnia wasn't the least of his worries.

However, he told himself to keep it together. Things were still okay, he told himself. He was okay, first and foremost. Getting a hold of emergency services was still a pain in the ass, and people were getting shot in the streets, but he was safe, for the moment. He just needed to... he had no idea what. Finding help seemed like the most reasonable course of action. Getting to a point where he didn't look like a madman, prowling the streets, was probably also pretty high on the list. He tucked the bat under his arm, purely for the sake of propriety, as he started down the road. "Hey!" he called. "Anybody out here? Preferably anybody sane? I could use a hand, here!"

Listen check to try and keep an ear out for the situation around Harvey:


2017-01-12, 06:27 PM
(Actually the gay still had your back a couple times.... granted when you and Henry were raising hell as teen-agers he was just a little TOO young to be involved much..)

He gives an annoyed look. "Hey £u¢ker you forget we came from the same background? The yeah i mived to the city life because of Heather..... she dumped my a** then i found myself to comfortable to move back out. Now stop being a prick.... or do I got to remind you who taught you how to fight... And broke your ribs a couple time you stepped out of line?"

As he says this you can't help but shudder a hit as you recall all the fights you've been in together. In truth, if it weren't for him you'd probably of been dead in a ditch somewhere. Then again...... your guys hone town wouldn't of developed an amateur bare-knuckle boxing club.....

"As for the new girlfriend, she's out of town on business....."

Gary, his gay brother, laughs. " oh please.... she's totally get it stuffed by some ghetto trash. "

"DAMNIT Gary! I told you she wasn't like that...."

"oh you're so ₱u$$¥whipped...""


This resolved into them arguing back and forth for a bit. Slowly but surely time goes by and as people leave, Henry finishes the story of that time he started out trying to score a cheerleader only to have his car burn to a crisp.

"....and to this day I still haven't found out where the hell that dog went."

The two laugh there @$$e$ off...

Henry slams the table. "Jim! Remember that Night that big bearded £u¢ker made a move on your girl friend!? $h1t what was her name?"

Henry you punkass I told you not to bring that b1tch up. You know Chloe nearly ruined my life. And that big guy was hardly a blip on the radar for all the sh1t she put me through. Jimbo takes a long drink of his beer with a pained look in his eyes as he remembers his time with Chloe. All the pain that she put him through with the fights she caused both between each other and Jimbo and bar rats. The financial woes that he was still dealing with do to her drug habit. And then his eyes flashed and he said. She sure was good in the sack though D@mn.
Chloe was 1 of 2 girlfriends Jimbo every had. The relationship lasted 18 months before self destructive behavior of both brought it to a quick end. Jimbo hasn't seen Chloe since.

2017-01-16, 02:59 AM

Not really wanting to get hit by the sword Mark looks around for something to use as a weapon.

Search [roll0]

2017-01-17, 11:28 AM
He smiles, shifting a bit with the blow. Your Dad had always been the big bad veteran guy..... now his almost getting knocked over by your hug shows his age alone.

"yeah you know how she is.....spent hours in the car so her back was hurting. She's laying back for now." he makes a fame whisper gesture as he winks. " But I didn't tell you that...you know your mother's terrifying when she feels like people are calling her old."

He picks up your bags with a slight grunt, then starts walking inside. "come on baby girl.... let's go inside before your mother starts assembling a search party."

Lydia smiles, hand on her father's shoulder, as she follows him inside. Though she laughs at his comment, she can't help but appreciate how lucky she was to still have her youth, seeing her old man and matron themselves worn by age. The hug she gives her mother upon seeing her isn't as rapidly produced, but still very bit as full of love as the one she gives her father. "It's so delightful to be together again. I've missed you both so much... Enjoying yourselves, I hope?"

hand ax ranger
2017-01-17, 12:48 PM

Not really wanting to get hit by the sword Mark looks around for something to use as a weapon.

Search [roll0]


Liv lets loose with the pepper spray in her hand once more.

So this is how I go out. Sent into a trap by a confederate. Well at least I'll be shot or cut in two, not raped and tortured. There's worse ways to go I guess.

Liv tries the pepper spray, ranged touch attack with a really low to hit score (probably 10 or 11 not more, not that it matters at this point.

Mark manages to pick up a chunk of the broken door to use as a improvised stabbing instrument.

Liv gets a break from the combat as the assailant moves to the long haired swordsman, swinging his arm with a powerful backhanded bash.


This misses however as the man swats the limb away then without even even stopping his momentum streaks the blade diagonally down the assailant's left shoulder. The blade moves so fast you almost don't register it for a second, leaving you surprisedd thst this heavy looking blade can do such a seemingly precise cut.


The white bathoe now red and tattered, the assailant's organs start to slightly poke out from the deep incision as he falls back, twitches then stops moving.

".... Mark I think I just committed murder, cause I doubt anyone is going to be believe this **** was a good samaritan's action....."

hand ax ranger
2017-01-17, 01:40 PM
Harvey took a moment to lean against the wall, both to catch his breath and to slowly start to piece together just how bad things apparently were. Those were either gunshots, or somebody apparently decided to start shooting off fireworks to celebrate national Nothing Important Happening Day. That girl was probably still in some serious trouble, but if he went back he'd just be getting himself into more trouble. His jacket was ruined, he had a stranger's baseball bat in his hands, the hotel was out of the question and he'd be damned if insomnia wasn't the least of his worries.

However, he told himself to keep it together. Things were still okay, he told himself. He was okay, first and foremost. Getting a hold of emergency services was still a pain in the ass, and people were getting shot in the streets, but he was safe, for the moment. He just needed to... he had no idea what. Finding help seemed like the most reasonable course of action. Getting to a point where he didn't look like a madman, prowling the streets, was probably also pretty high on the list. He tucked the bat under his arm, purely for the sake of propriety, as he started down the road. "Hey!" he called. "Anybody out here? Preferably anybody sane? I could use a hand, here!"

Listen check to try and keep an ear out for the situation around Harvey:


You only hear the sound of crickets and the city, though things have gotten significantly quieter than usual.... excluding those gun shots.

You also hear the music of the bar which you happened to have just found yourself in front of.... oddly enough.

A ways back you can see the three.....oh **** are there five of them now?..... still coming after you.

Henry you punkass I told you not to bring that b1tch up. You know Chloe nearly ruined my life. And that big guy was hardly a blip on the radar for all the sh1t she put me through. Jimbo takes a long drink of his beer with a pained look in his eyes as he remembers his time with Chloe. All the pain that she put him through with the fights she caused both between each other and Jimbo and bar rats. The financial woes that he was still dealing with do to her drug habit. And then his eyes flashed and he said. She sure was good in the sack though D@mn.
Chloe was 1 of 2 girlfriends Jimbo every had. The relationship lasted 18 months before self destructive behavior of both brought it to a quick end. Jimbo hasn't seen Chloe since.

nice backstory element. I like how yours isn't sioer sift but very gritty and hooligan filled.

"...****.....ok **** don't bite my head off..." Henry says as he backs of....only for you to bring up her talents. " hah.....in every storm cloud..."

The bar has died down in motion but not in noise as the jukebox plays out Guns and roses on a worn down speaker. The po place is do dimly light it almost seems for a second the place closed and forgot you all were there.

Lydia smiles, hand on her father's shoulder, as she follows him inside. Though she laughs at his comment, she can't help but appreciate how lucky she was to still have her youth, seeing her old man and matron themselves worn by age. The hug she gives her mother upon seeing her isn't as rapidly produced, but still very bit as full of love as the one she gives her father. "It's so delightful to be together again. I've missed you both so much... Enjoying yourselves, I hope?"

Your mother gets up from her seat to hug you.

" ohh... good to see you. Yes it's do great being able to get out of thst car finally. A supposedly we're staying in town for a few hours tomorrow as....."

The room falls quite as from the outside, on the floor below, two shots ring out.Thisvstsrtles your mother something fierce, but your father runs into the bedroom. You hear him work an action from within there....

2017-01-17, 06:49 PM
Your mother gets up from her seat to hug you.

" ohh... good to see you. Yes it's do great being able to get out of thst car finally. A supposedly we're staying in town for a few hours tomorrow as....."

The room falls quite as from the outside, on the floor below, two shots ring out.Thisvstsrtles your mother something fierce, but your father runs into the bedroom. You hear him work an action from within there....

Though shocked by the sound, and almost as startled as her mother, Lydia moves to grab the bag containing her work equipment, kept on hand almost at all times jut in case. "I'll... I'll be right back." she mumbles, not even waiting for a response before going out, just to see what the commotion was about, though hopefully remaining out of immediate danger herself.

2017-01-17, 10:20 PM

"Well you have witnesses." Mark looks to the woman to see if she is okay.

"Are you okay?"

hand ax ranger
2017-01-18, 01:30 AM
Though shocked by the sound, and almost as startled as her mother, Lydia moves to grab the bag containing her work equipment, kept on hand almost at all times jut in case. "I'll... I'll be right back." she mumbles, not even waiting for a response before going out, just to see what the commotion was about, though hopefully remaining out of immediate danger herself.

Your father runs out of the room, his trusty hi power in hand. " Lydia what the ****.....oh right.... EMT.."

None the less he follows you closely.....as in with range to shove you behind him should the situation call for it. The way he is suddenly acting is not surprising, given his Vietnam veteran background, but thst doesn't make it extremely odd to see the guy who would pudh you on the swings and tolerate your "yes parties" suddenly channel the solder he was....

.... is.

2017-01-18, 08:03 AM
Your father runs out of the room, his trusty hi power in hand. " Lydia what the ****.....oh right.... EMT.."

None the less he follows you closely.....as in with range to shove you behind him should the situation call for it. The way he is suddenly acting is not surprising, given his Vietnam veteran background, but thst doesn't make it extremely odd to see the guy who would pudh you on the swings and tolerate your "yes parties" suddenly channel the solder he was....

.... is.

Lydia only silently nods at her father as they advance to investigate the noise in question.

2017-01-18, 02:31 PM
"Oh, for ****'s sake..." How many tweakers could there possibly be in Boltlick, and why did they all suddenly have a hard on for him, personally? This was just about all that he could take. Literally. He wasn't all that crazy about cracking into a run, again.

A bar. Great. It was either a good spot to get out of their line of sight, or else a place that was gonna be full of bouncers and angry drunks. Either way, he'd be some kind of safe, there. He slipped inside, trying to be as subtle about it as possible, in the hopes that the approaching group of creatures didn't see him and get any ideas to wet their whistles. Attempting a Hide check, again.


2017-01-18, 03:47 PM
Jimbo was looking over his shoulder at the bar. It was a bit dead inside. He was just about to make a joke about how the hellhole stayed up when the door opened and a man sneaked in.
Jimbo didn't recognize the guy which meant he wasn't from the area. The stranger's jacket looked torn and the man had a wild look in his eyes.
Look at this dandy. Jimbo whispered to Henry. Is he your boyfriend? Jimbo teased Henry's brother. Ignore this post if Harvey is walking into the other bar in this small town.

hand ax ranger
2017-01-18, 08:55 PM
"Oh, for ****'s sake..." How many tweakers could there possibly be in Boltlick, and why did they all suddenly have a hard on for him, personally? This was just about all that he could take. Literally. He wasn't all that crazy about cracking into a run, again.

A bar. Great. It was either a good spot to get out of their line of sight, or else a place that was gonna be full of bouncers and angry drunks. Either way, he'd be some kind of safe, there. He slipped inside, trying to be as subtle about it as possible, in the hopes that the approaching group of creatures didn't see him and get any ideas to wet their whistles. Attempting a Hide check, again.


Jimbo was looking over his shoulder at the bar. It was a bit dead inside. He was just about to make a joke about how the hellhole stayed up when the door opened and a man sneaked in.
Jimbo didn't recognize the guy which meant he wasn't from the area. The stranger's jacket looked torn and the man had a wild look in his eyes.
Look at this dandy. Jimbo whispered to Henry. Is he your boyfriend? Jimbo teased Henry's brother. Ignore this post if Harvey is walking into the other bar in this small town.

A well groomed guy (almost too groomed for a place like this looks at you...." No....I don't know the guy or why he's tattered and holding a bat..... Henry...."

The one who's supposedly Henry glances back. He sets down his drink, shifting to his feet and stares him down. "hey.... put the bat down.... nothing here is worth having that bat shoved up your ass. "

The groomed guy maneuvers around the tables..... ending up at Harvey's side but keeping his distance .

2017-01-18, 09:42 PM
Ugh. Right. The bat. Always something. Harvey held up his free hand in a placating sort of manner. "Hey, hey, easy, guys. No trouble. I'm putting it down, all right?" He reached out for a table, on which he could gently and deliberately set the thing down, while he tried to gather his thoughts into a coherent enough explanation. "Listen, okay? Really ****ty night, happening out there, and I got no time to explain it properly. I got tweaked out kids chasing me, and I dunno if I lost 'em. They ripped my jacket, they beat some girl, and if they saw me comin' in here, I get the feeling they're gonna be a bigger problem than my ass. Like, seriously, I'm about to get murdered, out there, and I need the cops yesterday." How was that, he thought to himself. Too panicky? (Attempting Diplomacy on the big fella.)


hand ax ranger
2017-01-20, 08:59 PM
Lydia only silently nods at her father as they advance to investigate the noise in question.

As you move the hallway you see a bloodied man crouched over another's body... while two more bleed out further down the hall....

Your father lowers his firearm. " I don't see a shooter.....and those aren't any bullet wounds I've ever seen....Sir please back away from the injured. My daughter is going to render aid to....."

The man stands up.... blood dripping from his mouth, a chunk of skin hanging from his tooth. He lumbers forward towards you.

" oh god....." his weapon is up ready within the blink of an eye. "get on the ground! Now! On the ground! I will fire!"

(Roll spot and initiative if you want. Do initiative first.)

hand ax ranger
2017-01-23, 08:57 PM

"Well you have witnesses." Mark looks to the woman to see if she is okay.

"Are you okay?"

luckily you mask was torn off in the conflict

Frank lowers his sword. " I'm fine.... minus the sickly feeling in my gut.. "

He looks at her. "How about you miss? He hurt you....or anything else?"

2017-01-24, 03:36 PM
As you move the hallway you see a bloodied man crouched over another's body... while two more bleed out further down the hall....

Your father lowers his firearm. " I don't see a shooter.....and those aren't any bullet wounds I've ever seen....Sir please back away from the injured. My daughter is going to render aid to....."

The man stands up.... blood dripping from his mouth, a chunk of skin hanging from his tooth. He lumbers forward towards you.

" oh god....." his weapon is up ready within the blink of an eye. "get on the ground! Now! On the ground! I will fire!"

(Roll spot and initiative if you want. Do initiative first.)

Initiative:3. Spot:13. Listen:10. Rolled in the OOC.

Lydia gasps in horror, taking more than just a single step back away from the incoming threat. "A-are any of you still alive?" she splutters, assuming the worst yet trying all the same to see if any of the people left on the ground are at all responsive, as she checks her surroundings for anything she could use.

hand ax ranger
2017-01-26, 09:06 PM
Ugh. Right. The bat. Always something. Harvey held up his free hand in a placating sort of manner. "Hey, hey, easy, guys. No trouble. I'm putting it down, all right?" He reached out for a table, on which he could gently and deliberately set the thing down, while he tried to gather his thoughts into a coherent enough explanation. "Listen, okay? Really ****ty night, happening out there, and I got no time to explain it properly. I got tweaked out kids chasing me, and I dunno if I lost 'em. They ripped my jacket, they beat some girl, and if they saw me comin' in here, I get the feeling they're gonna be a bigger problem than my ass. Like, seriously, I'm about to get murdered, out there, and I need the cops yesterday." How was that, he thought to himself. Too panicky? (Attempting Diplomacy on the big fella.)


As soon as you set the thing down, the well groomed man attempts to tackle you to the ground, while Henry swoops in and removes the bat.

Frankly, they seem rather unconvinced.

(OOC: you get an attack of opportunity should you want to take it.)

His grapple check:

Initiative:3. Spot:13. Listen:10. Rolled in the OOC.

Lydia gasps in horror, taking more than just a single step back away from the incoming threat. "A-are any of you still alive?" she splutters, assuming the worst yet trying all the same to see if any of the people left on the ground are at all responsive, as she checks her surroundings for anything she could use.

You manage to swipe up a sturdy broomstick.

The person's in question rise up in front of you all and start walking swiftly over to you both.

The one in front lunges at your father, but the old man quickly retorts with 9mm.

Readied double tap attack:

.... however, somehow he misses to the left.....

2017-01-27, 11:36 AM
As Henry and his brother swoop in and disarm the stranger from his bat Jimbo walks up to the guy and looks him in the face.
What the hell is the idea coming in here swinging a baseball bat around. Who slept with your lady? Sure wasn't him. Jimbo says with a shrug towards Henry's brother. Now what was it you were saying about a group of kids causing trouble. You seem to be the trouble from my point of view. Jimbo waits for an answer but his hands are already in fists and where his mind has been since he walked in was just looking for an excuse to hit someone.

hand ax ranger
2017-01-29, 10:05 AM
You all stand around and try to make sure everyone is ok.... until more gunshots ring out from upstairs.

" Holy ****! I think that others are getting attacked by these £uck€rs. Come on....I got some firepower in my room." he dashes out the destroyed door and heads there.

The woman (Liv) follows him, not really having much else to do. (Liv you can react or just tell me what you do instead)

As the three if you start to gang up on the poor schlub, the door flies open. In shambles two smelly dirty individuals......one knocking Gary off of said schlub.

Harvey you recognize these *******s, who've been chasing you. One picks you up and throws you against the wall, then starts towards you.

" Holy ****! " Henry yells, tossing you the bat then moving in on the one assaulting Gary.

The jukebox, by sheer coincidence, starts playing "Ballroom blitz".....as Henry hammer hands this £ucker on the side of the neck.



Your situation has not changed that much.... waiting on you.

2017-01-29, 11:07 AM

"What £uck€rs? What are you talking about?" Mark looks at the body of the man for some clue, back to the woman then to frank. "What the hell is going on?"

2017-01-30, 11:35 AM
[SPOILER=group 2]

As the three if you start to gang up on the poor schlub, the door flies open. In shambles two smelly dirty individuals......one knocking Gary off of said schlub.

Harvey you recognize these *******s, who've been chasing you. One picks you up and throws you against the wall, then starts towards you.

" Holy ****! " Henry yells, tossing you the bat then moving in on the one assaulting Gary.

The jukebox, by sheer coincidence, starts playing "Ballroom blitz".....as Henry hammer hands this £ucker on the side of the neck.



1. Gary is Henry's brother, correct?
2. Who has the bat Harvey or Jimbo? The "you" in the post is confusing.
3. There is one dirty guy on Gary and one which threw Harvey into the wall is going after him. Correct?

hand ax ranger
2017-01-30, 08:46 PM
1. Gary is Henry's brother, correct?
2. Who has the bat Harvey or Jimbo? The "you" in the post is confusing.
3. There is one dirty guy on Gary and one which threw Harvey into the wall is going after him. Correct?

Would these not have made more sense to put on the the OOC?

1. Yes
2. Harvey
3. Yes

2017-01-31, 09:50 AM
Yes OOC would have been better you are right.
Jimbo hearing the cry of help from Henry and seeing that Gary was being attacked the big ole grins as he gets his wish of hitting someone tonight. Reaching in his pocket he puts on his brass knuckles before punching the attacker in the back of the head.
Let's kick his ass Henry. Jim shouts after his strike misses.

hand ax ranger
2017-02-06, 08:40 PM

"What £uck€rs? What are you talking about?" Mark looks at the body of the man for some clue, back to the woman then to frank. "What the hell is going on?"

He runs back into the room. " Man I have no £ucking clue! But it seems likely that if there's more shooting then it might involve these.....Just this whole damn thing."

He looks around, realizing that the woman has taken off with no sign of where.

"Something tells me that time is of the essence. You go ahead and call the.....Oh ****.... " you see him walk to the window, where you both see snoke rising from the rest of the city.

You both also see three people looking to be breaking into the bar down the street.

"....OK nevermind.....You know how to use a Smith and Wesson?"

hand ax ranger
2017-03-07, 02:10 AM

....or at least it was till some jackasses started shooting and screaming outside your hotel room door in the halls. you hear the sound of door breaking open, and evn more gunshots ringing out.

turns out this is NOT a nice city after all. BUT....seeing as you heard them break into a room downstairs...

...or at least it was till some jackasses started shooting and screaming outside your hotel room door in the halls. doors are apparently breakig, and **** has gotten real..

turns out this is NOT a nice city after all. BUT....seeing as you heard them break into a room downstairs...

...ad you are peacefully spending the night using the wifi to check GiTP in your hotel room. ut then loud gunshots come from the outside hall. this obviously is unexpected, and the quick change form quiet to WW3 makes you jump.

what do you do?

...as you ready yourself for what will probably become an all-niter.....

the the gunshots happen. as does the sounds of a breaking door. followed by even more gunshots.

.... till the gunshots happen. you were merely sitting in your hotel room when for downstairs you hear them as well as the breaking of a door. this....is probably something major, but you're reasonably conflicted on if you should act on it.

...as you are sleeping, admittedly tired from the excitement of the day. mingling with HEMA enthusiasts was as rewarding and enlightening as it was tiring.

but the gunshots did give you that needed startle to get up. the next thing you hear is the sounds of people upstairs running towards the sound. A door breaks, then even more gunshots.

**** escalated quickly...

Mark and Jimbo are in the same situations the were in previously.

2017-03-07, 02:26 AM
Zenko awakes in a reasonable panic. "What the hell is going on?!" He bolts out of bed, scrambling for his suitcases and grabbing his Daikyu.

Crouching in the far side of the room from the door, with his bow in his lap, he dials 911 on his cell phone.

2017-03-07, 02:53 AM
Oh, joy. My life just randomly turned into Grand Theft Auto. That's what I need.

William checks his phone to see if it has reception as he draws his gun with his other hand.

(Is there a handy fire escape or something that William can use to leave his room by a route that doesn't have guns popping off that way?)

2017-03-07, 03:29 AM
What in the...?
The lawyer who was checking an internet forums, that he often does as a hobby, puts his phone in his pocket. It was a day of work, and he hadn't removed his lawsuit.
That sounded pretty much like gunshots. He quickly thought. He was trained in using guns for self-defense, he had a licence to own guns (although not to wield them in public), and even if he wasn't a total expert, those were from a gun.

The lawyer reached for his briefcase and took out his 9mm, just to be safe. He wasn't going to participate directly, but as anything can happen, being safe is the whole reason to owning that weapon. He checked the clip, removed the safety, placed his phone in "do not disturb" mode, and turned off the ligths, basically ceasing all activity from his room. Waiting.Equipped the SITES M9 (9mm autoloader), and I'm taking 10 on Listen to try to hear carefully the events outside.

2017-03-07, 04:18 AM
Sitting on his bed, his laptop on his legs while some action film played in the background on the TV, he was going over some of the work from his last lectures, while texting his sister back home in India. His mobile sat on a pillow next to him while it charged. His earbuds were in his ears, streaming the audi of a talk he recorded from his laptop. What was that sound?

Ahmed pulled the earbuds out of his ears and reached for the remote of the TV hitting the mute button as what sounded like firecrackers? Or maybe guns? then he heard what sounded like a door breaking. He jumped up and grabbed the hotel phone dialling the desk as he started flipping through the channels to find a news station as he waited for someone to answer the phone.

2017-03-07, 11:19 AM
Lewis sprang from his bed where he had been scrolling through his social media. He grabbed his bat from the closet and his bag, then stood quietly from the side of the door. He waited with anticipation to clobber whomever came breaking through his door.

The gun shots were enough to make him think some kind of robbery. He tried to keep his breathing under control and thought of his next move.

2017-03-07, 02:05 PM
Ariana lazily rests when she ears the gunshots fired from downstairs.
"what the fraking hell is happening? A robbery? Wolf" she says to the dog nesting next to her and also awoke.

She goes to her jacket and picks her gun and phone. She dials 911 while she thinks about the scoop and how she will make it a good story.

hand ax ranger
2017-03-07, 04:28 PM
Zenko awakes in a reasonable panic. "What the hell is going on?!" He bolts out of bed, scrambling for his suitcases and grabbing his Daikyu.

Crouching in the far side of the room from the door, with his bow in his lap, he dials 911 on his cell phone.


So far the gun shots have remained on the floor above you...two to be exact.....but you now hear the sounds of footsteps heading towards you door.

You also here a man stepping out of his room as the door flings open...you hear him make a run for it.

"..Oh God!...where are you going!? we need to get out of here!"

the sound that come next are unsettling.....the sounds of the man screaming out in terror as the footsteps pick up the pace and pursue him....

Oh, joy. My life just randomly turned into Grand Theft Auto. That's what I need.

William checks his phone to see if it has reception as he draws his gun with his other hand.

(Is there a handy fire escape or something that William can use to leave his room by a route that doesn't have guns popping off that way?)

(alas, no)

you get dial tone.

Now The sounds of gunshots above have died down, it seems that the floor below you has started to get it's own troubles.....A man screaming. Because tonight seems t have gone tits up....

What in the...?
The lawyer who was checking an internet forums, that he often does as a hobby, puts his phone in his pocket. It was a day of work, and he hadn't removed his lawsuit.
That sounded pretty much like gunshots. He quickly thought. He was trained in using guns for self-defense, he had a license to own guns (although not to wield them in public), and even if he wasn't a total expert, those were from a gun.

The lawyer reached for his briefcase and took out his 9mm, just to be safe. He wasn't going to participate directly, but as anything can happen, being safe is the whole reason to owning that weapon. He checked the clip, removed the safety, placed his phone in "do not disturb" mode, and turned off the lights, basically ceasing all activity from his room. Waiting.Equipped the SITES M9 (9mm autoloader), and I'm taking 10 on Listen to try to hear carefully the events outside.

(magazine. sorry but as a a lifelong firearm owner/enthusiast it makes me cringe to here that. I do hope that by osmosis I might teach y'all a bit of the subject. Who knows...

also, IDK if that even has a safety......most ccw style pistols don't....

and license? nonono as long as you're not a felon or something you don't need a license for anything under class three. I'd also say constitutional carry, but it's a bit early for that. Oh, and Illinois.)

this was well timed, as you here something battering at your door. whoever...or whatever...it is seems t want in. Now.

Sitting on his bed, his laptop on his legs while some action film played in the background on the TV, he was going over some of the work from his last lectures, while texting his sister back home in India. His mobile sat on a pillow next to him while it charged. His earbuds were in his ears, streaming the audi of a talk he recorded from his laptop. What was that sound?

Ahmed pulled the earbuds out of his ears and reached for the remote of the TV hitting the mute button as what sounded like firecrackers? Or maybe guns? then he heard what sounded like a door breaking. He jumped up and grabbed the hotel phone dialling the desk as he started flipping through the channels to find a news station as he waited for someone to answer the phone.

you get nothing but busy signals.

as the news flickers on a Woman apppears reading of a report from Chicago, though the news is oming from a St. Louis news station...

"...IF you're just now joining us we're still seeing instances of rioters breaking into building and attacking random civilians. For the record this is not as comparable to the attacks at Berkly, California as CNN had earlier compared it to, We have actual reports of casualties and even of ....*looks away from the the prompter* OK seriously? cut it. no that can't...wait they have footage!? oh god....OH god..... "

the woman regains her composure......*ahem*....it would seem that some of them have begun to....to feed off those they kill....."

she panics and flees the desk, though you hear vomiting in the background (it is soon cut as they flip on the "technical difficulties"screen.)

you hear a man screaming across the hall...and someone banging on a door upstairs.

Lewis sprang from his bed where he had been scrolling through his social media. He grabbed his bat from the closet and his bag, then stood quietly from the side of the door. He waited with anticipation to clobber whomever came breaking through his door.

The gun shots were enough to make him think some kind of robbery. He tried to keep his breathing under control and thought of his next move.

wit all the sounds around him.....the screams, the banging of doors....all quite compared to the gunshots...it is still not hard to hear as a large group head up the stairs......which is bad seeing as you're on the top floor (or at least as far as the actual rooms go..)

Ariana lazily rests when she ears the gunshots fired from downstairs.
"what the fraking hell is happening? A robbery? Wolf" she says to the dog nesting next to her and also awoke.

She goes to her jacket and picks her gun and phone. She dials 911 while she thinks about the scoop and how she will make it a good story.


Wolf rushes over to the door and starts growling....then sniffs the air and adjusts himself to face the right side of the door from your side....


you hear someone's door being battered down....the OTHER direction from where Frank just went.

2017-03-07, 05:02 PM
Ahmed quickly shuts off his laptop, and unplugs all of his devices, he grabs his backpack and hurriedly stuffs his stuff inside, once he has gathered his belongings he throws his bag on his back sends a quick message to his family telling them he is ok,for now but something is going on he'll get in touch with them later. He puts his phone in his pocket and heads over to the door grabbing the key card for the room and putting it in his back pocket as he pauses in front of the door listening.

What floor am I on and how did I come here, with university, group on a bus in a carpool ect? How far away are we from "home" where some of my stuff would be -- if not here like my bikes?

2017-03-07, 05:02 PM
Ah... ahahahah. Don't mind my ignorance, please. And you're right, I'll try to remember that it is a magazine.
Yael stood silent, he would like not to get involved in the fight, maybe if he didn't open the door or answered to the door's harm would let him out of whatever was happening outside, but still, he steadily aimed his gun at the door's entrance.

Is there light from the hallway, so I can see shadows under the doorstep?

2017-03-07, 08:14 PM
"Oh my god, what is happening? I need to get out of here." Zenko mutters under his breath while closing his phone. But he wasn't about to leave any of his things behind. He decided he'd carry his weapons and ditch the cases. But he'd have to wear his armor if he wanted to fit everything else in his backpack.

Quietly as he could, he began to hastily don his Ashigaru Armor. Move Silently: [roll0]

I can't find the time for Donning armor in d20 modern. Looking at 3.5 rules it would take me 5 rounds to don this armor hastily (-1 AC, -1 Check Penalty). If you can find the modern rules let me know, or if you want to enforce a different ruling.

hand ax ranger
2017-03-08, 01:54 AM
Ahmed quickly shuts off his laptop, and unplugs all of his devices, he grabs his backpack and hurriedly stuffs his stuff inside, once he has gathered his belongings he throws his bag on his back sends a quick message to his family telling them he is ok,for now but something is going on he'll get in touch with them later. He puts his phone in his pocket and heads over to the door grabbing the key card for the room and putting it in his back pocket as he pauses in front of the door listening.

What floor am I on and how did I come here, with university, group on a bus in a carpool ect? How far away are we from "home" where some of my stuff would be -- if not here like my bikes?

you're one the second floor....actually right across form one of those Martial artists that came into town for their Weird convention. you came here due to the meeting involving you actually being tomorrow. Today it had been some HEMA convention down stairs. whether or not you actually look around there or not was uo to yo, but the people seemed nice enough and gave you your space.....even if they seemed pretty obsessed with swords and looking like something out if a b-list sci-fi film...

you did actually take your bike to get here....it was locked up in the bike-rack downstairs.

form outside the door you hear a man make a run for it, s well as a group of people moving towards him. then you hear him scream as he apparently is attacked.

Ah... ahahahah. Don't mind my ignorance, please. And you're right, I'll try to remember that it is a magazine.
Yael stood silent, he would like not to get involved in the fight, maybe if he didn't open the door or answered to the door's harm would let him out of whatever was happening outside, but still, he steadily aimed his gun at the door's entrance.

Is there light from the hallway, so I can see shadows under the doorstep?

yeah well least you're going try. that means something. :smallbiggrin:

yes and you can make out a humanoid shadow from beneath the door.

The banging at the door gets more intense as whoever is trying to get in keeps at it....

(roll Move silently)

"Oh my god, what is happening? I need to get out of here." Zenko mutters under his breath while closing his phone. But he wasn't about to leave any of his things behind. He decided he'd carry his weapons and ditch the cases. But he'd have to wear his armor if he wanted to fit everything else in his backpack.

Quietly as he could, he began to hastily don his Ashigaru Armor. Move Silently: [roll0]

I can't find the time for Donning armor in d20 modern. Looking at 3.5 rules it would take me 5 rounds to don this armor hastily (-1 AC, -1 Check Penalty). If you can find the modern rules let me know, or if you want to enforce a different ruling.

(ooc: yeah that rule is bull****. It would take make three to put it on properly...it's certainly not full plate lol)

the screaming intensifes as the an is apparently attaked by the group outside the door.

2017-03-08, 02:45 AM
With a shaky hand Ahmed quietly secures all the locks on his door he grabs a chair from the small desk in his room and props under the handle setting the chair up at a 45° angel to the floor. He had seen it done in countless American action and thriller films, he was hoping it would work.

It sounded like things were getting crazy, he would need to get out of here and somewhere safe, but would also need to protect himself if there was any trouble. He switches off all the lights in the room except for the bathroom, he cracks the door so enough light to see the room seeps in but hoping it won't pour out into the hall.

Sliding the shower curtain all the way to one side he goes to the where the rod inserts into the wall and he puts his weight down on it while pulling trying to dislodge it hang and pulling down. but being careful not to cause too much noise, if it seems an impossible task he checks the hanging rod in the rooms closet, looking for anything he could put to use as a portable club in case things get bad. If there are screws holding any of the rods in he uses his leatherman to remove them.

Once he has something to defend himself with, he goes to the window (or balcony) to see if things look bad outside and if he can climb down from here to the ground floor.

2017-03-08, 02:47 AM
"What the f$%k, what the f$%k! He can't help but whisper to himself.

He couldn't stay here, he had to get out. That was all that was going through his mind at the moment while he continued to don his armor frantically but quietly.

I'll assume that it will take 3 rounds then? So 2 rounds in this case would be don hastily? Depending on what happens here, hastily might have to be good enough since this would be round 2.

Also is there a parking garage or just typical outdoor parking lots? I imagine Zenko would try to get to his truck soon.

hand ax ranger
2017-03-08, 03:19 AM
With a shaky hand Ahmed quietly secures all the locks on his door he grabs a chair from the small desk in his room and props under the handle setting the chair up at a 45° angel to the floor. He had seen it done in countless American action and thriller films, he was hoping it would work.

It sounded like things were getting crazy, he would need to get out of here and somewhere safe, but would also need to protect himself if there was any trouble. He switches off all the lights in the room except for the bathroom, he cracks the door so enough light to see the room seeps in but hoping it won't pour out into the hall.

Sliding the shower curtain all the way to one side he goes to the where the rod inserts into the wall and he puts his weight down on it while pulling trying to dislodge it hang and pulling down. but being careful not to cause too much noise, if it seems an impossible task he checks the hanging rod in the rooms closet, looking for anything he could put to use as a portable club in case things get bad. If there are screws holding any of the rods in he uses his leatherman to remove them.

Once he has something to defend himself with, he goes to the window (or balcony) to see if things look bad outside and if he can climb down from here to the ground floor.

the locks slide in place well enough, and the chair s not at exactly 45 degree's, but it's lose enough to be comforting...

while the shower actually uses a sliding glass door, the closet has a large thick wood hanging rod. with a few screws loosened, it comes out easily enough. the pole is about 5ft, and seems like something you'd of expected to resemble a staff. it is too big currently to use in one hand with any ease of effectiveness, but with two you can definitely do some damage.

As you look out the window you see that things are MUCH worse outside. there are fires in the distance after close examination, and you are only now seeing the groups of people running around like ants that had lot their trail. sirens blare out as their lights zoom past....the ones that aren't abandoned or stuck in place that is.....

THe ledge outside the window could by chance be walked across,though coincidentally that also is a staple of American films. it's not that far down that you would definitely die, but it seems to be a bad idea to risk jumping down and risk even a sprained ankle..let alone possibly breaking your leg or something worse.

the violence outside carries on...but now some are banging at your door.

"What the f$%k, what the f$%k! He can't help but whisper to himself.

He couldn't stay here, he had to get out. That was all that was going through his mind at the moment while he continued to don his armor frantically but quietly.

I'll assume that it will take 3 rounds then? So 2 rounds in this case would be don hastily? Depending on what happens here, hastily might have to be good enough since this would be round 2.

Also is there a parking garage or just typical outdoor parking lots? I imagine Zenko would try to get to his truck soon.

No because you just do or don't put it on all the way.....half-assing it would be FAR worse than either not having it or taking the time to do it completely.

There is in fact a parking garage, though it isn't exactly well secured. it seems more set up to allow parking for the hotl primarily while still allowing a more safer option for the bar next door's patrons.

As you continue to put your armor on you hear the screams grow louder as the group seems to move in on someone else's door.

2017-03-08, 03:37 AM
"Bloody hell" he thinks coming back from the window. He takes out his leatherman opening the saw placing the 5' wooden rod half on the bed and the other on the floor he puts his foot on floor end grips the head on bed with his left hand and begins quickly sawing at the centre with his right.

Now they are at his door! He increases the sawing, rotating the pole every so often so as to reach more surface, when he feels it has been weakened he puts pressure on the joint and snaps it in two.

Are there any adjoining rooms?? If so he will go to one of the doors of the Adjoining room and knock softly on it saying in a harsh whisper, "Hey anybody there?" he will try both doors if there are any if not he will look back and forth between the door to the hall and the window. trying to decide what to do.

2017-03-08, 04:06 AM
"Almost got it..." as he nearly has his his armor fully on. Just a few straps to tie and he could leave.

Why was there such screaming though? What are they doing to those people. He felt terrified and awful but he had heard the guns, he couldn't help against that.

Hey no problem. I understand where you are coming from. I'm used to separating game logic from reality to an extent so I just wanted to clarify things in case this scenario came up again in the future.

2017-03-08, 04:15 AM
Ariana turns the lantern on her cellphone puts her self against the wall opening slowly and watching the corridor, pistol in the other hand.


2017-03-08, 06:43 AM

So far the gun shots have remained on the floor above you...two to be exact.....but you now hear the sounds of footsteps heading towards you door.

You also here a man stepping out of his room as the door flings open...you hear him make a run for it.

"..Oh God!...where are you going!? we need to get out of here!"

the sound that come next are unsettling.....the sounds of the man screaming out in terror as the footsteps pick up the pace and pursue him....

(alas, no)

you get dial tone.

Now The sounds of gunshots above have died down, it seems that the floor below you has started to get it's own troubles.....A man screaming. Because tonight seems t have gone tits up....

I quickly dial 911, keeping my gun in my hand and facing the door, occasionally glancing at the window in case someone comes through it.

2017-03-08, 10:32 AM
Lewis pulls the desk up to the door and tries to wedge it to keep the door from swinging open. He then Attempts to launch the chair out the window.

strength check? [roll0]

2017-03-08, 01:09 PM
You manage to swipe up a sturdy broomstick.

The person's in question rise up in front of you all and start walking swiftly over to you both.

The one in front lunges at your father, but the old man quickly retorts with 9mm.

Readied double tap attack:

.... however, somehow he misses to the left.....

Too terrified to speak, yet composed enough to act in the face of danger, Lydia swings as hard as she can at the legs of the nearest oncoming assailant, intent to knock them down, with the intent to jump back towards her family's room regardless of the precision of her wild swipe.

Standard Action: Trip Attack, with rolls generated in the actual OOC Thread: a 12 for the hit, a 9 for the attempt, 6 if the attempt fails to see if she drops the broom, and if it hit in the first place it's your call either way if the broom breaks; a 1 between 1 and 2.

Move Action: start getting the hell out of dodge, now!

hand ax ranger
2017-03-10, 01:35 PM
"Bloody hell" he thinks coming back from the window. He takes out his leatherman opening the saw placing the 5' wooden rod half on the bed and the other on the floor he puts his foot on floor end grips the head on bed with his left hand and begins quickly sawing at the centre with his right.

Now they are at his door! He increases the sawing, rotating the pole every so often so as to reach more surface, when he feels it has been weakened he puts pressure on the joint and snaps it in two.

Are there any adjoining rooms?? If so he will go to one of the doors of the Adjoining room and knock softly on it saying in a harsh whisper, "Hey anybody there?" he will try both doors if there are any if not he will look back and forth between the door to the hall and the window. trying to decide what to do.

YOu succsesfully turn the rod into two convenient sized clubs.

(ooc: there are no such doors.)

"Almost got it..." as he nearly has his his armor fully on. Just a few straps to tie and he could leave.

Why was there such screaming though? What are they doing to those people. He felt terrified and awful but he had heard the guns, he couldn't help against that.

Hey no problem. I understand where you are coming from. I'm used to separating game logic from reality to an extent so I just wanted to clarify things in case this scenario came up again in the future.

You manage to don your armor. as you manage this though you feel a loud bang as something is bashed aganst the door, causing it to partly splinter. this door will not last long....

Ariana turns the lantern on her cellphone puts her self against the wall opening slowly and watching the corridor, pistol in the other hand.


As you open the door you see two beings, a man and a teenage girl, crouched over a blood-soaked body down the hall.....and as blood drips from their mouths you realize...they're eating it.

further down you see a custodial cart, as well as several open doors. more blood covered faces exit these doors, scanning the halls for more victims.

the most terrifying part is how human these....these monsters look. But something is very...very wrong.

I quickly dial 911, keeping my gun in my hand and facing the door, occasionally glancing at the window in case someone comes through it.


nothing seems to be coming through the window...nor the hall. well you hear sounds in the hall.....but they seem to be sort of leaving your door alone, so all seems well. for now.

Lewis pulls the desk up to the door and tries to wedge it to keep the door from swinging open. He then Attempts to launch the chair out the window.

strength check? [roll0]

You succeed at both tasks. As the window busts open glass showers the ground below, and the cahir soars out, falling into a tree.

the door busts a bit, but the desk helps keep it in place.

Too terrified to speak, yet composed enough to act in the face of danger, Lydia swings as hard as she can at the legs of the nearest oncoming assailant, intent to knock them down, with the intent to jump back towards her family's room regardless of the precision of her wild swipe.

Standard Action: Trip Attack, with rolls generated in the actual OOC Thread: a 12 for the hit, a 9 for the attempt, 6 if the attempt fails to see if she drops the broom, and if it hit in the first place it's your call either way if the broom breaks; a 1 between 1 and 2.

Move Action: start getting the hell out of dodge, now!

Completely failing to do any good with the broom, you do manage to get away. Your father follows, but doesn't leave them to his back, giving a sort of retreating fire.

(ooc: I'll say that you succeed to get back to the room safely.) As you run back in, your father close behind after he managed to block the stairway doorway with random furniture creating a makeshift barricade, your mother gasps as you both close the door. He starts to lock the door, then throws a desk in front of it.

2017-03-10, 04:17 PM
You manage to don your armor. as you manage this though you feel a loud bang as something is bashed aganst the door, causing it to partly splinter. this door will not last long....

He had planned to make a dash for his truck, but that idea seems more difficult with the door being smashed in. Panicking a little and unsure of what else to do he draws his Daikyu and aims at his door.

He speaks a warning loud enough to hopefully be heard by the would-be assailant. "I-I'm warning you! Don't come in or I'll shoot!"

Zenko is readying an action to shoot at the attacker if they break through and enter his room.

2017-03-10, 04:59 PM

"What the fuc....In the name of everything sacred what is this" Ariana stutters leaving her chin drop. Inside her the revulsion, the fear is enormous and almost everything she can think on. Her stomach agrees and bile climbs her throat into her mouth.

As the creature looks at her, she takes a step back and almost falls.

First it was the sound, than the pain in her arm from the recoil, that made her realise she was shooting. Shooting at the head of the demon.

Attack closer zombie (head if possible )

2017-03-11, 04:10 AM
With the two impromptu wooden clubs in hand Ahmed tightens the straps of his backpack, making sure it fits snugly on his back as he does when he riding. He bounces a few times on the balls of his feet to test how it sits, makes a few adjustments and approaches his door he leans over the chair propped under the door knob, close to the door listening and looks out of the peep-hole into the hall


2017-03-11, 04:12 AM
Completely failing to do any good with the broom, you do manage to get away. Your father follows, but doesn't leave them to his back, giving a sort of retreating fire.

(ooc: I'll say that you succeed to get back to the room safely.) As you run back in, your father close behind after he managed to block the stairway doorway with random furniture creating a makeshift barricade, your mother gasps as you both close the door. He starts to lock the door, then throws a desk in front of it.

Still full of terror induced adrenaline, Lydia catches up her bags while staying out of her father's way. Even someone like her, with next to no popculture experience, had an inkling of what all was going to happen next. "Mom, we need to get ready to leave. Now." she states while simultaneously flying to the hotel phone and dialing the management, snatching up the tv remote to check for the local news or alerts, readying her own cellphone to see any information she can gather, and looking around the hotel room to check for any alternate exits possible... Or potential vulnerabilities. Multitasking was one of Lydia's best skills, and served her well, on the job and furthering her education.

2017-03-11, 04:42 AM
[SPOILER=911 Response]https://youtu.be/EoWWyGi9Um8

nothing seems to be coming through the window...nor the hall. well you hear sounds in the hall.....but they seem to be sort of leaving your door alone, so all seems well. for now.

Prompt ****ing service.

William keeps his phone's volume quiet and the phone itself to his ear in case 911 decides to respond.

Is there a peephole on the door that he can use to try and figure out what's going on?

hand ax ranger
2017-03-15, 01:14 AM
(ooc: ok this is going to be big...)

As the three if you start to gang up on the poor schlub, the door flies open. In shambles two smelly dirty individuals......one knocking Gary off of said schlub.

Harvey you recognize these *******s, who've been chasing you. One picks you up and throws you against the wall, then starts towards you.

" Holy ****! " Henry yells, tossing you the bat then moving in on the one assaulting Gary.

The jukebox, by sheer coincidence, starts playing "Ballroom blitz".....as Henry hammer hands this £ucker on the side of the neck.



1. Gary is Henry's brother, correct?
2. Who has the bat Harvey or Jimbo? The "you" in the post is confusing.
3. There is one dirty guy on Gary and one which threw Harvey into the wall is going after him. Correct?

Would these not have made more sense to put on the the OOC?

1. Yes
2. Harvey
3. Yes

Yes OOC would have been better you are right.
Jimbo hearing the cry of help from Henry and seeing that Gary was being attacked the big ole grins as he gets his wish of hitting someone tonight. Reaching in his pocket he puts on his brass knuckles before punching the attacker in the back of the head.
Let's kick his ass Henry. Jim shouts after his strike misses.

You all stand around and try to make sure everyone is ok.... until more gunshots ring out from upstairs.

" Holy ****! I think that others are getting attacked by these £uck€rs. Come on....I got some firepower in my room." he dashes out the destroyed door and heads there.

The woman (Liv) follows him, not really having much else to do. (Liv you can react or just tell me what you do instead)


"What £uck€rs? What are you talking about?" Mark looks at the body of the man for some clue, back to the woman then to frank. "What the hell is going on?"

He runs back into the room. " Man I have no £ucking clue! But it seems likely that if there's more shooting then it might involve these.....Just this whole damn thing."

He looks around, realizing that the woman has taken off with no sign of where.

"Something tells me that time is of the essence. You go ahead and call the.....Oh ****.... " you see him walk to the window, where you both see snoke rising from the rest of the city.

You both also see three people looking to be breaking into the bar down the street.

"....OK nevermind.....You know how to use a Smith and Wesson?"

(OOC: oh well derp........ I guess he is still I the room after all. Jut start from the last quote then.)

you hear yet another gunshot now...

He had planned to make a dash for his truck, but that idea seems more difficult with the door being smashed in. Panicking a little and unsure of what else to do he draws his Daikyu and aims at his door.

He speaks a warning loud enough to hopefully be heard by the would-be assailant. "I-I'm warning you! Don't come in or I'll shoot!"

Zenko is readying an action to shoot at the attacker if they break through and enter his room.

you hear banign on the other side of the hall as assumedly one is trying attack another person trapped inside of a room.

first...nothing happens......Then an arm busts through the door! it pulls back to reveal a human face...but....it seems so inhuman....something about the way...it...is staring at you through the hole...

it goes back to punching out chunks of the door.

Oh joy....even more gunshot now....
To shoot now is possible, but the thing has quite a bit of cover....

"What the fuc....In the name of everything sacred what is this" Ariana stutters leaving her chin drop. Inside her the revulsion, the fear is enormous and almost everything she can think on. Her stomach agrees and bile climbs her throat into her mouth.

As the creature looks at her, she takes a step back and almost falls.

First it was the sound, than the pain in her arm from the recoil, that made her realise she was shooting. Shooting at the head of the demon.

Attack closer zombie (head if possible )

Your shot flies wildly as it zooms past the target, now getting their full attention at you......they dash after you.

[roll initiative]

With the two impromptu wooden clubs in hand Ahmed tightens the straps of his backpack, making sure it fits snugly on his back as he does when he riding. He bounces a few times on the balls of his feet to test how it sits, makes a few adjustments and approaches his door he leans over the chair propped under the door knob, close to the door listening and looks out of the peep-hole into the hall


you find no peephole.

yu adjust your bag to fit on your back comfortably as you ready yourself for.....whatever is coming next...

ghen there is even more gunshots as they keep trying to beat down the door across from you.....from which you hear someone yell at the assailant to "back off or he will shoot" in a fairly Japanese sounding accent.

Still full of terror induced adrenaline, Lydia catches up her bags while staying out of her father's way. Even someone like her, with next to no popculture experience, had an inkling of what all was going to happen next. "Mom, we need to get ready to leave. Now." she states while simultaneously flying to the hotel phone and dialing the management, snatching up the tv remote to check for the local news or alerts, readying her own cellphone to see any information she can gather, and looking around the hotel room to check for any alternate exits possible... Or potential vulnerabilities. Multitasking was one of Lydia's best skills, and served her well, on the job and furthering her education.

From the news you only see fooftage of the same thing happenng allover town as well as reaching as far as Chicago (where the gangs do seem to be helping in a F*cked up way) and St.Louis (where Gun-ownership is helping and the entire county of ergeson happens to be looting already......)

you get nothing for the Hotel Phone but dial tone.

form your phone you're getting texts from other people you kn ow that seem to be very panicked. they each end a simalr fashion:
"omg wtf is goin oN *Panic emote*"
"WHERE THE POLICE *crying emote*"

As far as you can tell you do happn to be a fairly close to the fre escape...if yu could walk the narrow ledge to get to it that is.....

your mother screams as there are more gunshots.

Prompt ****ing service.

William keeps his phone's volume quiet and the phone itself to his ear in case 911 decides to respond.

Is there a peephole on the door that he can use to try and figure out what's going on?

There is no peephole....

...but now there are more gunshots.....

2017-03-15, 03:11 AM
There is no peephole....

...but now there are more gunshots.....

Thaaat's reassuring.

William keeps the line to the police open just in case that clears up (he's about as hopeful as you'd expect) and moves to the right of the door so that if the door opens, he'll see through the crack as soon as it's big enough to see through.

****, I might have to shoot someone... can I do that? ... if I have to I have to... can I? ... maybe it'd be easier if I turned on my GTA playlist... how the hell am I going to do that in the middle of a fight? I could do it now... no, that would draw attention to myself. Whoever that is tearing things up might think this room is empty.

Is it late enough that the lights would be off?

2017-03-15, 03:47 AM

2017-03-15, 09:33 AM
His heart pounding in his throat, Ahmed says a quick prayer, and as quietly as possible he removes the chair and begins to unlock the door. He takes a deep breath puts one of the clubs through his belt, and then cracks the door open very slowly his the club in his other hand becoming slippery from the sweat accumulating on his palms. He peeks into the hall from the cracked door...

2017-03-15, 09:50 AM

Mark puts out his hand. "Sure, I can do that."

2017-03-15, 01:34 PM
As he sees the unhuman-like face peer through the hole in the door he can't help but let his arrow fly.
His nerves getting the better of him as his fingers slip off the bowstring.



Since Zenko had a readied action, that went off when the person/zombie broke through his door. Since I don't know the result of the shot yet, I can't exactly plan around what he would do next. So I'll list two possibilities:

1. The Zombie is dead (again).

Zenko would move to his door, slowly open it and make a Spot check ([roll2]) for more zombies in the hall.

2. The Zombie is not dead (again).

Zenko readies another action to shoot when he has a clear shot. "Sh*t! Just leave me alone!" Almost shouting at this point he can't comprehend what he is seeing right now.

2017-03-15, 09:17 PM
Jumbo waits.

2017-03-16, 12:38 AM
From the news you only see fooftage of the same thing happenng allover town as well as reaching as far as Chicago (where the gangs do seem to be helping in a F*cked up way) and St.Louis (where Gun-ownership is helping and the entire county of ergeson happens to be looting already......)

you get nothing for the Hotel Phone but dial tone.

form your phone you're getting texts from other people you kn ow that seem to be very panicked. they each end a simalr fashion:
"omg wtf is goin oN *Panic emote*"
"WHERE THE POLICE *crying emote*"

As far as you can tell you do happn to be a fairly close to the fre escape...if yu could walk the narrow ledge to get to it that is.....

your mother screams as there are more gunshots.

"Mommy, please calm down!" Lydia hisses in a whisper, turning to look at her as shivers flow down Lydia's spine, her own panic barely contained. "We need to stay composed if we're gonna get out of here safely!" She frowns as she looks at her phone, thinking while walking around, and checking to see if other countries have been effected yet. Where to go, I don't know... The world itself might be going to H-E-Double Hockeysticks at this rate...

After finishing her survey, Lydia tosses her bags by the window. "Right, we need to leave, get to the car, and make tracks." Lydia declares, a little more assured with a way to escape in mind. "Mommy, please grab your essentials and come get ready. Daddy, are you almost done over there?" she asks, trying to observe around the fire escape and see where it would take them and what might be nearby.

hand ax ranger
2017-03-21, 09:21 AM
Thaaat's reassuring.

William keeps the line to the police open just in case that clears up (he's about as hopeful as you'd expect) and moves to the right of the door so that if the door opens, he'll see through the crack as soon as it's big enough to see through.

****, I might have to shoot someone... can I do that? ... if I have to I have to... can I? ... maybe it'd be easier if I turned on my GTA playlist... how the hell am I going to do that in the middle of a fight? I could do it now... no, that would draw attention to myself. Whoever that is tearing things up might think this room is empty.

Is it late enough that the lights would be off?

it was only about 9:23 when this all started....now it feels like only a few minutes have passed.

(ooc: I'm confused on what you're trying to do here....)


....what are you doing though?

His heart pounding in his throat, Ahmed says a quick prayer, and as quietly as possible he removes the chair and begins to unlock the door. He takes a deep breath puts one of the clubs through his belt, and then cracks the door open very slowly his the club in his other hand becoming slippery from the sweat accumulating on his palms. He peeks into the hall from the cracked door...

you see as a group of people surround a now bloody body....and as one tries to bust through the door across form you a loud thunk hits the otherwise of the door as the tip of a blade hits too far to the left. You hear the person trapped withing scream out for the ...thing...to back up or he'll shoot again...

then the hand of the one against the wall tries to reach in and grab you through the door.

melee touch attack to grab you;


Mark puts out his hand. "Sure, I can do that."

"...well good. Oh you thought....no if I had it on me I'd of used it...but it being in it's locked in his case *mutters "thanks Illinous"* I did not think I had the time to get it out so I went with my cut test "sword." He starts walking out of the room. 'Follow me. It's back in my hotel room."

As he sees the unhuman-like face peer through the hole in the door he can't help but let his arrow fly.
His nerves getting the better of him as his fingers slip off the bowstring.



Since Zenko had a readied action, that went off when the person/zombie broke through his door. Since I don't know the result of the shot yet, I can't exactly plan around what he would do next. So I'll list two possibilities:

1. The Zombie is dead (again).

Zenko would move to his door, slowly open it and make a Spot check ([roll2]) for more zombies in the hall.

2. The Zombie is not dead (again).

Zenko readies another action to shoot when he has a clear shot. "Sh*t! Just leave me alone!" Almost shouting at this point he can't comprehend what he is seeing right now.

Seeming to take notice of the warning, ti keeps knoking chunks out of the door.....

Jumbo waits.

*to be added later*

"Mommy, please calm down!" Lydia hisses in a whisper, turning to look at her as shivers flow down Lydia's spine, her own panic barely contained. "We need to stay composed if we're gonna get out of here safely!" She frowns as she looks at her phone, thinking while walking around, and checking to see if other countries have been effected yet. Where to go, I don't know... The world itself might be going to H-E-Double Hockeysticks at this rate...

After finishing her survey, Lydia tosses her bags by the window. "Right, we need to leave, get to the car, and make tracks." Lydia declares, a little more assured with a way to escape in mind. "Mommy, please grab your essentials and come get ready. Daddy, are you almost done over there?" she asks, trying to*poke* observe around the fire escape and see where it would take them and what might be nearby.

Your mother starts to gather up her essentials as your father throws the last of the furniture against the door.

you see the fire escape will drop you into a back alley between the building and a fence, with brush and trees on the other side. from down below however you see more of those...things....are infesting the alleyway.

2017-03-21, 11:40 AM
Ariana again shoots at the zombies in the corridor. Then she became undecided in what to do. Close herself or trie to shoot the bastards down. As the shot flies her mind became decided.

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

If it hits (and slows or kills the abomination) she'll keep steady knowing that they can be killed, if she misses she uses her move action to close the door shut.

2017-03-21, 03:48 PM
He takes a few deep breaths trying to calm himself down and focus. "Think Zenko, you have to wait for a clear shot. Clearly they can't be reasoned with. You have to defend yourself. Remember your training. It will be ok."

He keeps his aim steady, waiting for a clear shot at the person, thing, whatever it is bashing down his door.

Readied action to fire when he has a clear shot. (Zombie at one-quarter cover or less)

2017-03-22, 12:26 AM

Mark nods with a quizzical look on his face. "Well lets get it."

2017-03-22, 01:01 AM
He backs away from the door kicking the door closed as he does so.

I gotta get out of here, he thinks backing away.


2017-03-22, 06:43 AM
it was only about 9:23 when this all started....now it feels like only a few minutes have passed.

(ooc: I'm confused on what you're trying to do here....)

If the lights are on, I wanted to quietly move towards the light switch (I think that's a Move Silently check, if there's anything listening?) and turn it off. If the lights are off, I stay still and wait for the next sound.

If you decide whether or not the lights are on is my call, I think they're off. My character could grab his phone and his gun by touch, so there's no reason he'd turn them on.

2017-03-25, 02:08 PM
Your mother starts to gather up her essentials as your father throws the last of the furniture against the door.

you see the fire escape will drop you into a back alley between the building and a fence, with brush and trees on the other side. from down below however you see more of those...things....are infesting the alleyway.

After surveying the outside for a bit, Lydia pauses for a moment, to contemplate a plan and to control her nerves. "Daddy, do you think you could cover for us if we could somehow distract some of them?" she asks, making a quick run through the room to see if anything useful that was not used for a barricade remains. "This entire building is surrounded, and the longer we stay here, the worse our chances become for survival. But if we could draw them somewhere else, even to one side of the alley, we could try escaping the other."

Taking another look out of the window, just to determine how easily the three of them could escape if the monsters were distracted in any direction. "I bless my fortune to still be young and healthy. I'll go first; I have the best chance of outrunning them if I have to. In between attempts, we can try to make a diversion to distract them, and then we can all get away once a path is clear."

Just repeating here, wondering if her (and my) assumption, that the incident is probably localized, assuming the rest of the world just hasn't had a chance to report on it yet, is accurate.

Additionally, just to be clear, she's looking for anything as simple as a small appliance, or maybe even a pot or pan. Something that would make a lot of noise when thrown on the ground or against the wall. Probably wouldn't distract them too long,

hand ax ranger
2017-03-28, 05:21 AM
Yes OOC would have been better you are right.
Jimbo hearing the cry of help from Henry and seeing that Gary was being attacked the big ole grins as he gets his wish of hitting someone tonight. Reaching in his pocket he puts on his brass knuckles before punching the attacker in the back of the head.
Let's kick his ass Henry. Jim shouts after his strike misses.

As your punch sail wide of the freaks head, it strikes back at you. Gary and Henry handle the other one as a third barges in. This place is getting rather filled with violence....

Attk on Jimbo: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Ariana again shoots at the zombies in the corridor. Then she became undecided in what to do. Close herself or trie to shoot the bastards down. As the shot flies her mind became decided.

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

If it hits (and slows or kills the abomination) she'll keep steady knowing that they can be killed, if she misses she uses her move action to close the door shut.

As your shot misses you slam the door behind you. it's not long Till they start banging down your door. Wolf starts barking up a storm as these intruders are now trying to get in.

He takes a few deep breaths trying to calm himself down and focus. "Think Zenko, you have to wait for a clear shot. Clearly they can't be reasoned with. You have to defend yourself. Remember your training. It will be ok."

He keeps his aim steady, waiting for a clear shot at the person, thing, whatever it is bashing down his door.

Readied action to fire when he has a clear shot. (Zombie at one-quarter cover or less)

Soon it bust a hole big enough to try and crawl though... exposing itself to your readied arrow.

(go for it)


Mark nods with a quizzical look on his face. "Well lets get it."

You both run into his hotel room, him closing and locking the door behind him he reaches into his pocket. "Come hold this door close." he say as he runs to his luggage to get his gun.....as he also opens and spills out a bag containing a large forest green jacket thing and knee pads, which he sets aside. he tosses a suitcase on the thing then opens it. tearing through his jeans he pulls out a Blue gun case. setting it down and unlocking it he opens it, revealing a 4" barrel S&W revolver. Opening the cylinder he checks it for ammo, then closes it and hands it to you. finally he reaches down and throws two boxes of .38 special out of the suitcase. "I got .357's in there...after that all I brought was the .38's." he hands you the Revolver as well as the boxes.

He backs away from the door kicking the door closed as he does so.

I gotta get out of here, he thinks backing away.


With the hand still in the door it doesn't close as the thing crawls in. as it pulls itself through it does close it, thoigh likely by accident. It snarls at you with a hungry predator face.

(roll initiative)


If the lights are on, I wanted to quietly move towards the light switch (I think that's a Move Silently check, if there's anything listening?) and turn it off. If the lights are off, I stay still and wait for the next sound.

If you decide whether or not the lights are on is my call, I think they're off. My character could grab his phone and his gun by touch, so there's no reason he'd turn them on.

I will say your lights happen to be off. you wait. (roll a move silent check....with +5 bonus due to...well...not moving."

After surveying the outside for a bit, Lydia pauses for a moment, to contemplate a plan and to control her nerves. "Daddy, do you think you could cover for us if we could somehow distract some of them?" she asks, making a quick run through the room to see if anything useful that was not used for a barricade remains. "This entire building is surrounded, and the longer we stay here, the worse our chances become for survival. But if we could draw them somewhere else, even to one side of the alley, we could try escaping the other."

Taking another look out of the window, just to determine how easily the three of them could escape if the monsters were distracted in any direction. "I bless my fortune to still be young and healthy. I'll go first; I have the best chance of outrunning them if I have to. In between attempts, we can try to make a diversion to distract them, and then we can all get away once a path is clear."

Just repeating here, wondering if her (and my) assumption, that the incident is probably localized, assuming the rest of the world just hasn't had a chance to report on it yet, is accurate.

Additionally, just to be clear, she's looking for anything as simple as a small appliance, or maybe even a pot or pan. Something that would make a lot of noise when thrown on the ground or against the wall. Probably wouldn't distract them too long,

Your Father grins in a way that shows pride in raising such a smart and especially proactive person. "Good idea Lydia.....I think I know just the thing....." He rushes to his bags and produces a traveling alarm clock. (He always uses one rather than his phone because....well old people are weird. Also this one does radio.)

He Hands it to you. "Says it will stand a ittle abuse...it's a cheap piece of Chinese sh!t though so hitting concrete? not suggested. I don't know how your going to get it down there without breaking it....."

I thoguht you had gotten your answer already...

You did hear reports from a few other cities in the US and globally.....but those were just as spotty reporting wise.

2017-03-28, 06:04 AM
I will say your lights happen to be off. you wait. (roll a move silent check....with +5 bonus due to...well...not moving."

That would be [roll0].

2017-03-28, 06:49 AM
Ahmed screams and raises the club up in front of him, swinging at the thing as he begins to back away.


2017-03-28, 04:44 PM
This wasn't Jimbo first fight in fact it wasn't even his fight involving himself, Henry and some out of towner. But it was the first time the three of them were on the same side. What was up with these young pups who normally just shoot their traps off and then back off when it comes time to swinging punches. These teenies were all about the violence tonight. No worries Jimbo was in a mood to dish out some of his own. In fact just to spite the young pups he slipped on his brass knuckles before.
he grabbed the troublemaker by the his shirt spun him around and delivered a hell of a knockout uppercut punch to the temple.

2017-03-28, 05:26 PM
"How are these people, these...things breaking through the doors so easily?" He thinks to himself as he exhales, loosing the arrow at the now mostly exposed target. Without pause he slings his bow over his shoulder and grabs his Naginata. The thing would be on him soon and he would need to defend himself. He just needed to stay calm, or try to anyway.

Readied attack with Daikyu: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2017-03-29, 05:07 AM
Ariana locks the door and pushes a chair so it make sit harder to open, just like she saw in the movies actors doing it.

She looks around trying to see another way out of the room, as she points the gun to the door, her heart pounding.

Spot check [roll0]

hand ax ranger
2017-03-30, 10:47 AM
That would be [roll0].

You are more or less able to remain still and quiet as things pass your door. it dawns on you that your luck will eventully run out, but for now you have time to come up with a plan.

Ahmed screams and raises the club up in front of him, swinging at the thing as he begins to back away.


Without a seconds thought you manage to mentally prepare yourself as it comes through the door, giving you seconds to act that end up being the difference in getting at it first.

In this time, you manage to pull off a powerful blow to the side of it's head. You hear bones crack and see flesh bruise as the sign of internal bleeding show. What ever the hell it is now....another solid blow like that will finish this.


As it swipes back you manage to just barely dodge its clawing attempt. Now you just hope yu can take it out before it can get another try....It might get you next time....

This wasn't Jimbo first fight in fact it wasn't even his fight involving himself, Henry and some out of towner. But it was the first time the three of them were on the same side. What was up with these young pups who normally just shoot their traps off and then back off when it comes time to swinging punches. These teenies were all about the violence tonight. No worries Jimbo was in a mood to dish out some of his own. In fact just to spite the young pups he slipped on his brass knuckles before.
he grabbed the troublemaker by the his shirt spun him around and delivered a hell of a knockout uppercut punch to the temple.

your blow rocks the side of the punks head, causing a nice bloody gash on the side of his head. Rather than run or even stop for a moment it attacks you once more.

Attack on Jimbo:[roll2]

....which really sucks as this ****er does manage to land a good blow across your chest as he rakes with his nails, leaving a few scratch marks that bleed. you've had worse....but then again that's little comfort right now....besides that blow definitely had a surprising about of force behind it.

As this happens, the third one assaults Henry from behind as the one one Gary still tries to kill his f@gg0t a$$.

Attack on Henry:[roll4]

The one focused on Harry swipes across his back, leaving a good row of scratches on his back.

Attack on Gary:[roll6]

The one in front of Gary backhands him with a high degree of force, obviously causing great pain to the admittedly frail nancy boy.

(...an I forgot Gary's and Henry's attacks....fml i'm tired. look below)

"How are these people, these...things breaking through the doors so easily?" He thinks to himself as he exhales, loosing the arrow at the now mostly exposed target. Without pause he slings his bow over his shoulder and grabs his Naginata. The thing would be on him soon and he would need to defend himself. He just needed to stay calm, or try to anyway.

Readied attack with Daikyu: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

your arrow lands into it's shoulder, though it hardly seems to notice....

it crawls the rst on the way in and jumps to it's feet. Fortunately by this time your Naginata inin your hands....

....Roll initiative!

enemy initiative [roll]1d20+

Ariana locks the door and pushes a chair so it make sit harder to open, just like she saw in the movies actors doing it.

She looks around trying to see another way out of the room, as she points the gun to the door, her heart pounding.

Spot check [roll0]

THe door stands strong.....but so far you see no way out.....your mind becomes filled with terro at the possiblity of having to fight it out....even with the gun they might swarm you then.....then....

Wolf has not ceased his attempts to ward of the attackers, baring teeth and barking at them. while he's not really helping, you know he is trying.

the sudden sounds you make attract a lot of attention......which is bad seeing as **** has hit the proverbial fan.

loud noises come from one of the rooms down the hall. you hear even more of these things heading towards the source of the noise.

hand ax ranger
2017-03-30, 10:49 AM
Enemy initative try 2: [roll0]

2017-03-30, 11:13 AM
Again, now trying to calm herself, she looks around, searching for a place of escape.

Spot check

hand ax ranger
2017-03-30, 11:25 AM
Henry turn around, ready to deck this c!#t in the face. "Jim the F%cking bat!"

Henry's Attack:[roll0]
Adjusted Damage:8

He swerves his body so as to hit the ****-heel in the head with the back of his elbow (which you have learned the hard way can definitely knock a guy out) he hit's at an angle that whips the guys head quick enough that you hear bone split a bit as his neck cracks a bit.

Gary....not as good with his fists (though he always out-shot you both) tries to get to the bat...but seeing as his way is blocked he will have to go for a punch then try and to get the bat "Over here! toss that F#cker to me!"

Gary's attack:[roll3]
(he is also reading an action to catch the bat/take the bat from you)

He manages to get in a gut punch on this guy, but it seems to have minimal effect.

hand ax ranger
2017-03-30, 11:35 AM
Again, now trying to calm herself, she looks around, searching for a place of escape.

Spot check

This time you spy a group of people below as they peek from the fire escape. they appear to be going for the fire escape. while the ground below has more of those monsters, it's at least a possibility.

2017-03-30, 12:08 PM

Mark takes the unfamiliar weapon. He has only ever used a semiautomatic handgun before, but he knew the basics. He made sure his finger was not on the trigger and pulled the hammer back then opened the door to look about into the corridor to see what was going on.

2017-03-30, 02:25 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

2017-03-31, 02:03 AM
Yael notices he's obviously been heard, due to him tripping on the table.

No ambush, then. I guess I'll just surprise them somehow diferent.

The lawyer walks towards the door, and holds it with one hand, standing on the opposite side of the doorknob, holding his gun with a strong grip, and with the other holding the knob.

With a flick of the wrist, he opens the door to the inside of the room, to let whatever was hitting the door fall into the floor, so he could freeze it by pointing at it.
I know what's on the other side, but let's speed things up ;)

2017-03-31, 04:37 AM
This isn't happening...

But it is. It is happening. Get it together!

Ahmed takes another swing at the... what is it? A person?


2017-04-01, 01:22 PM
Ariana screams loud at the people peaking from the fire escape "Hey guys let's gather. In a pack we have better chances"

2017-04-01, 06:44 PM
Your Father grins in a way that shows pride in raising such a smart and especially proactive person. "Good idea Lydia.....I think I know just the thing....." He rushes to his bags and produces a traveling alarm clock. (He always uses one rather than his phone because....well old people are weird. Also this one does radio.)

He Hands it to you. "Says it will stand a ittle abuse...it's a cheap piece of Chinese sh!t though so hitting concrete? not suggested. I don't know how your going to get it down there without breaking it....."

I thoguht you had gotten your answer already...

You did hear reports from a few other cities in the US and globally.....but those were just as spotty reporting wise.

Lydia takes the clock and examines it closely. As she does, she chooses her words with the utmost of care. "Once this is all over, I'll buy you a new one, Daddy. For now, just do your best to keep all of us safe." she says, hoisting her bags onto herself and opening the widow. Turning back, she takes a moment to look at both of her parents. "I love you." she states as calmly as possible, before turning back and stepping through the widow, doing her best to not betray her fears or tears as she makes her way down as quietly as she can.

If it is possible for her to go directly to the fence without being noticed and see how to get out from there, Lydia will do so. If there are too many to sneak that way, Lydia will go ahead and activate the alarm for about 10 seconds, and with a second left before it activates, throw it to the other side of the alleyway, and wait to see if that might open up a path for her to take.

It should be easy for me to make any roll you want me to make for both the base scenario or either way this plan might go. Just let me know.

I'm sorry. Maybe I either just misunderstood the implications of your first response or misworded my question. Though this follow up was exactly what I was looking for. There always could have been a chance of this entire situation being just a curse on this city/state, after all, but even questionable rumors concerning the situation in other areas is enough to at least make a guess.

2017-04-02, 03:25 AM
You are more or less able to remain still and quiet as things pass your door. it dawns on you that your luck will eventully run out, but for now you have time to come up with a plan.

Whether or not I can up with a good plan is a different question.

You said there was no handy fire escape or anything out the window. What is out the window? Nothing that can support my weight? How bad a drop is it?

And since I'm kinda picking nits with the last question: do the ventilation ducts in this hotel seem like they can fit me and support my weight? (If anything that's probably a dumber question, huh?)

Really hoping it doesn't come down to whether I wait for the what-my-character's-not-yet-aware-are-zombies to find me, or whether I jump out to try to flank the ones that just passed by. If it does, though, did I hear which way they went? Edit: Actually, what did they sound like? I kinda assumed they were zombies rather than the other PCs.

hand ax ranger
2017-04-14, 03:15 AM

Mark takes the unfamiliar weapon. He has only ever used a semiautomatic handgun before, but he knew the basics. He made sure his finger was not on the trigger and pulled the hammer back then opened the door to look about into the corridor to see what was going on.

You see one of those....things.....busting at a door but then suddenly fall forward. this is down the hall fom you both and should not take long to addres.

Frank has by now dawned His Grenn Jacket thing as well as out on his knee-pads. He sighs. "God I hope this gambeson holds up......" He pick up his bag as he starts emptying it of unimportant stuff and filling it with the essentials. "What you seeing out there?"

Initiative: [roll0]

You go first. do you stuff.

Yael notices he's obviously been heard, due to him tripping on the table.

No ambush, then. I guess I'll just surprise them somehow diferent.

The lawyer walks towards the door, and holds it with one hand, standing on the opposite side of the doorknob, holding his gun with a strong grip, and with the other holding the knob.

With a flick of the wrist, he opens the door to the inside of the room, to let whatever was hitting the door fall into the floor, so he could freeze it by pointing at it.
I know what's on the other side, but let's speed things up ;)

As you a person hits the ground violently....it snarls as it tries to get back up and attack you (AOO Time!)

This isn't happening...

But it is. It is happening. Get it together!

Ahmed takes another swing at the... what is it? A person?


You swing wild as panic sets in. the beast comes at you with a swipe of its hand.


He narrowly misses as you block with the chunk of wood just in time.

Ariana screams loud at the people peaking from the fire escape "Hey guys let's gather. In a pack we have better chances"

(.....tbh you're waiting on her reaction as well so I'll let her player know. btw you are now under group 1. post your response under that title rather than your name, but if they're are things to hide from other players please put them into a separate spoiler)

The door still remans mostly intact, though cracks begin to form as Wolf begins pacing in a circle freaking out.

Lydia takes the clock and examines it closely. As she does, she chooses her words with the utmost of care. "Once this is all over, I'll buy you a new one, Daddy. For now, just do your best to keep all of us safe." she says, hoisting her bags onto herself and opening the widow. Turning back, she takes a moment to look at both of her parents. "I love you." she states as calmly as possible, before turning back and stepping through the widow, doing her best to not betray her fears or tears as she makes her way down as quietly as she can.

If it is possible for her to go directly to the fence without being noticed and see how to get out from there, Lydia will do so. If there are too many to sneak that way, Lydia will go ahead and activate the alarm for about 10 seconds, and with a second left before it activates, throw it to the other side of the alleyway, and wait to see if that might open up a path for her to take.

It should be easy for me to make any roll you want me to make for both the base scenario or either way this plan might go. Just let me know.

I'm sorry. Maybe I either just misunderstood the implications of your first response or misworded my question. Though this follow up was exactly what I was looking for. There always could have been a chance of this entire situation being just a curse on this city/state, after all, but even questionable rumors concerning the situation in other areas is enough to at least make a guess.

As you sneak out the window you hear the sounds ofa woman yelling form above. She is drawing attention to herself as the horde now moves to beneath her window.

(btw you are now under group 1. post your response under that title rather than your name, but if they're are things to hide from other players please put them into a separate spoiler)

Whether or not I can up with a good plan is a different question.

You said there was no handy fire escape or anything out the window. What is out the window? Nothing that can support my weight? How bad a drop is it?

And since I'm kinda picking nits with the last question: do the ventilation ducts in this hotel seem like they can fit me and support my weight? (If anything that's probably a dumber question, huh?)

Really hoping it doesn't come down to whether I wait for the what-my-character's-not-yet-aware-are-zombies to find me, or whether I jump out to try to flank the ones that just passed by. If it does, though, did I hear which way they went? Edit: Actually, what did they sound like? I kinda assumed they were zombies rather than the other PCs.

There is no Fire escape but there IS a ledge. in theory you could walk it and it SHOULD mange to handle more than your weight.

You're on the top floor of a 6 floor hotel. I DARE you to jump.

They are vents but they are too small to crawl through. I guess they didn't want you pulling a bad spy movie stunt.

2017-04-14, 10:30 AM
Keeping his distance as best he can Zenko attempts to slash the creature with his naginata. "How can it just ignore being hit with an arrow?!"

Melee attack with Naginata: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2017-04-14, 10:31 AM
There is no Fire escape but there IS a ledge. in theory you could walk it and it SHOULD mange to handle more than your weight.

You're on the top floor of a 6 floor hotel. I DARE you to jump.

They are vents but they are too small to crawl through. I guess they didn't want you pulling a bad spy movie stunt.

Is it narrow enough that William isn't sure he could make it? (Or in metagame, do I need to make a skill check?)

Whether or not you feel like you can answer that question: can William see any way down from the ledge once he gets onto it?

2017-04-14, 01:21 PM
What is this .... thing? He thinks taking another swing and wincing as it continues to press forward and swing at him.


2017-04-15, 04:50 AM
"Whatever your conflict is, take it elsewhere!"

The lawyer kicks the person in the stomch so it loses its breath.I pretty much want to avoid meta, so I'll unarmed kick it. I'm also moving backwards to make some space between us, moving so he get a view to the outside of the room.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-04-15, 05:48 AM
Ariana waits for being seem and the answer from beneath.

She turns to wolf and tries to calm him a bit

Handle Animal [roll0]

2017-04-15, 08:25 AM

"Um ... another crazed person trying to break down a door."

2017-04-19, 04:37 PM
Before Lydia can put her plan into action, and before her negative emotions can threaten to overwhelm her, a loud shout causes startles her so violently, her hop nearly causes her to lose her balance. Indeed, she has to fumble for a bit just to keep from dropping the alarm clock. Looking up to the source of the noise, she identifies someone else... Someone still alive!

Lydia crosses her arms in front of her, before holding one hand in front of her mouth while holding the other in the air, doing her best to signal to the other survivor to not continue to be loud. After taking a moment to observe the actions of the beings below, Lydia then waves to the newcomer, and gestures for the person to try to come down to her level.

2017-04-20, 06:33 AM
"Not a monster..." and a tear falls down her face with happyness. Just that there were another soul with whom to face this danger, this nightmare, this hell. To try to understand what was happening.

Ariana picks up her gear, despite the beating on the door, picks Wolf colar and goes down to the other people.

She goes to Lydia with her gun in one hand and Wolf's leash in the other.

"I'm Ariana. Do you know what happened to those people, or what is happening here?" she whispers

2017-04-25, 04:56 PM
"Not a monster..." and a tear falls down her face with happyness. Just that there were another soul with whom to face this danger, this nightmare, this hell. To try to understand what was happening.

Ariana picks up her gear, despite the beating on the door, picks Wolf colar and goes down to the other people.

She goes to Lydia with her gun in one hand and Wolf's leash in the other.

"I'm Ariana. Do you know what happened to those people, or what is happening here?" she whispers

"Lydia Miranda, with my family." she makes a friendly introduction, gesturing back inside. "I know next to nothing, and there's next to no time to explain what little I do comprehend. If we don't get out soon, we're finished." Lydia replies, quietly and calmly, her eyes flickering rapidly from Ariana's weapon to her companion, then to her face. "I've got a plan to at least try to get out safely. Can you cover me from up here if need be, while I see if I can make a distraction?" she asks, holding up the alarm clock.

2017-04-26, 10:08 AM
"I will try my best!" says Ariana "Just self defence classes, but hope for the best now."

2017-04-27, 04:34 PM
"I will try my best!" says Ariana "Just self defence classes, but hope for the best now."

Lydia nods to her new ally, waves inside and gestures for her father to get into position, and starts to ready the alarm clock, bolstered a bit by the knowledge that not all in the immediate vicinity had been lost, and at least willing to put her plan into action.

If it is possible for her to go directly to the fence without being noticed and see how to get out from there, Lydia will do so. If there are too many to sneak that way, Lydia will go ahead and set the alarm for about 10 seconds, and with a second left before it activates, throw it to the other side of the alleyway, and wait to see if that might open up a path for her to take.

It should be easy for me to make any roll you want me to make for both the base scenario or either way this plan might go. Just let me know.

hand ax ranger
2017-05-18, 12:36 AM
"I will try my best!" says Ariana "Just self defence classes, but hope for the best now."

Lydia nods to her new ally, waves inside and gestures for her father to get into position, and starts to ready the alarm clock, bolstered a bit by the knowledge that not all in the immediate vicinity had been lost, and at least willing to put her plan into action.

If it is possible for her to go directly to the fence without being noticed and see how to get out from there, Lydia will do so. If there are too many to sneak that way, Lydia will go ahead and set the alarm for about 10 seconds, and with a second left before it activates, throw it to the other side of the alleyway, and wait to see if that might open up a path for her to take.

It should be easy for me to make any roll you want me to make for both the base scenario or either way this plan might go. Just let me know.

(ooc:you could in theory get past them through one of the holes in the fence but the odds are fairly against you. Is there by chance any particular care you would take with this alarm clock as you throw it or something?)

hand ax ranger
2017-05-18, 12:57 AM

"Um ... another crazed person trying to break down a door."

as you say tjhat he ahs finished packing his things and readied his sword for use. "well ****!" let's go help them then! there should definitely be safety in numbers, and well if nothing else being a hero is not the worse way to die..."

he scans both ends of the hallway as he goes for the freak who has by now fallen into the door way. "Cover me!"

"Whatever your conflict is, take it elsewhere!"

The lawyer kicks the person in the stomch so it loses its breath.I pretty much want to avoid meta, so I'll unarmed kick it. I'm also moving backwards to make some space between us, moving so he get a view to the outside of the room.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

(ooc: you will hear no complaint from me for avoiding meta knowledge use.)

Your attack seems to do very, very little as the beg attempts to pull itself off the ground. it stands, something terribly wrong with the look in it's now milky white eyes.

as you are about to panic, you hear a voice form down the hall call something out...sounding like "Cover Me!"

What is this .... thing? He thinks taking another swing and wincing as it continues to press forward and swing at him.


Your attack misses off to the side as the beast moves in and slashes at you once more, ferocity in it's eyes.

ATTK: [roll0]
Crit con: [roll1]
DAM: [roll2]

Is it narrow enough that William isn't sure he could make it? (Or in metagame, do I need to make a skill check?)

Whether or not you feel like you can answer that question: can William see any way down from the ledge once he gets onto it?

(A balance check would be nice, but that would be for stiuations of extreme ****tyness. you know you can cross it.)

You see two girls on the fire escape leading up to your level as you scan for a way down form there. the have both made it there safely, and have not noticed you as of yet.

Keeping his distance as best he can Zenko attempts to slash the creature with his naginata. "How can it just ignore being hit with an arrow?!"

Melee attack with Naginata: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

your slash moves too far form the threats body, a mistake made by panic as much as bad timing. the creatue wastes no time getting ontop of yo as it tires to rake you with a hand.

ATTK: [roll3]
CRIT CON: [roll4]
DAM: [roll5]

2017-05-18, 03:28 AM
(A balance check would be nice, but that would be for stiuations of extreme ****tyness. you know you can cross it.)

You see two girls on the fire escape leading up to your level as you scan for a way down form there. the have both made it there safely, and have not noticed you as of yet.

I take a look to see if they're armed, and try a quick and dirty read of their body language to see if they feel more like they're in danger, or more like they are the danger. Does any of that require a dice roll?

While this is happening I try to keep one eye and ear on my hotel room's door to see if I urgently need to move up the timetable on my escape.

hand ax ranger
2017-05-18, 09:01 AM
I take a look to see if they're armed, and try a quick and dirty read of their body language to see if they feel more like they're in danger, or more like they are the danger. Does any of that require a dice roll?

While this is happening I try to keep one eye and ear on my hotel room's door to see if I urgently need to move up the timetable on my escape.

Roll a spit check. As for the door its holding up suprisingly well but you KNOW that it'll bust soon

2017-05-18, 01:19 PM
Zenko lets out a scream of pain as the creatures hand cuts into his flesh through a weak spot in his armor. The wound is serious but not immediately life-threatening. However the immense pain pushes out all thought from his mind except survival. He would have to kill this thing, or it would kill him. He couldn't survive another strike like that.

Stepping back to maintain distance he again strikes out at the creature with his Naginata, silently praying his weapon finds purchase.

5ft step back.

Melee Attack: [roll0]

Melee Damage: [roll1]

2017-05-19, 01:51 AM
Roll a spit check. As for the door its holding up suprisingly well but you KNOW that it'll bust soon

If William hears banging at the door and nobody's saying anything like "is anyone alive in there" I think he'd just immediately get to the fire escape.

Then once he's there he'd make that spot check. [roll0]

2017-05-20, 03:25 AM
Ahmed stumbles slightly from the blow, then swings his club again trying to bash its head in.

[roll0] [roll1]

hand ax ranger
2017-05-20, 03:38 PM
Lydia nods to her new ally, waves inside and gestures for her father to get into position, and starts to ready the alarm clock, bolstered a bit by the knowledge that not all in the immediate vicinity had been lost, and at least willing to put her plan into action.

If it is possible for her to go directly to the fence without being noticed and see how to get out from there, Lydia will do so. If there are too many to sneak that way, Lydia will go ahead and set the alarm for about 10 seconds, and with a second left before it activates, throw it to the other side of the alleyway, and wait to see if that might open up a path for her to take.

It should be easy for me to make any roll you want me to make for both the base scenario or either way this plan might go. Just let me know.

roll a ranged touch attack. I will assume youre going to aim for a trashcan or something.

Also both of you can roll perception checks.

If William hears banging at the door and nobody's saying anything like "is anyone alive in there" I think he'd just immediately get to the fire escape.

Then once he's there he'd make that spot check. [roll0]

As you hastily retreat from the room you do not catch a good look at the people on the fire escape...only thing you know is that they seem muvh more sane than the people whove slready broken down the door. You are slready on the ledgrme by this time, the air smelling of smoke and rotten meat as you move towards the fire escape.....

....and one of them follows you out the window......

Ahmed stumbles slightly from the blow, then swings his club again trying to bash its head in.

[roll0] [roll1]

your blow stikl misses as you hear the sounds pf another battle across the hall. The creature strikes at you once more, like a cat trying to take out its prey.

Attk: [roll0]
Crit Conf: [roll1]
Dam: [roll2]

Zenko lets out a scream of pain as the creatures hand cuts into his flesh through a weak spot in his armor. The wound is serious but not immediately life-threatening. However the immense pain pushes out all thought from his mind except survival. He would have to kill this thing, or it would kill him. He couldn't survive another strike like that.

Stepping back to maintain distance he again strikes out at the creature with his Naginata, silently praying his weapon finds purchase.

5ft step back.

Melee Attack: [roll0]

Melee Damage: [roll1]

You step back snd slice into the threat, csusing a deep gnash that seems to have killed it finally. Its blood oozes out slowly as you regain composition and realuze what youve done.

Across the hall, another fight sounds to have started.

2017-05-21, 04:00 AM
As you hastily retreat from the room you do not catch a good look at the people on the fire escape...only thing you know is that they seem muvh more sane than the people whove slready broken down the door. You are slready on the ledgrme by this time, the air smelling of smoke and rotten meat as you move towards the fire escape.....

....and one of them follows you out the window......

"Oh, that's not good."

William continues moving towards the fire escape hoping to get there in time to have his gun out and a bullet in the nutjob before said nutjob can do anything about it.

2017-05-21, 11:39 AM
Not wasting any time on the morality of the situation, Zenko steps over the body and moves into the hallway.

Breathing heavily he takes a look around to spot any more of the creatures nearby.

Spot Check: [roll0]

hand ax ranger
2017-05-24, 02:25 AM
I was waiting on more people but I'm just going to go ahead and reply.

"Oh, that's not good."

William continues moving towards the fire escape hoping to get there in time to have his gun out and a bullet in the nutjob before said nutjob can do anything about it.

You succeed to get onto the fire escape before the lurking beast is on you, but the distance is very concerning. (10 ft away)

Not wasting any time on the morality of the situation, Zenko steps over the body and moves into the hallway.

Breathing heavily he takes a look around to spot any more of the creatures nearby.

Spot Check: [roll0]

You see no more of them....they seemed to have headed upstairs for whatever reason....You do still here the struggle going on inside the room in front of you as it sounds like someone is fighting one of them off.

2017-05-24, 02:54 AM
I was waiting on more people but I'm just going to go ahead and reply.

You succeed to get onto the fire escape before the lurking beast is on you, but the distance is very concerning. (10 ft away)

So, what are my options here? Is there some mechanic I can use to move faster than I normally should be able to and cover the distance? Or would I have to shout for help and hope whoever is on the fire escape can shoot the thing without hitting me?

hand ax ranger
2017-05-24, 03:56 AM
So, what are my options here? Is there some mechanic I can use to move faster than I normally should be able to and cover the distance? Or would I have to shout for help and hope whoever is on the fire escape can shoot the thing without hitting me?

well I thought you had a gun......but you could run down the steps or yell. I was leaving it up to you.

I WILL tell you however that the thing does not exactly seem to have particularly great balance on that ledge...

2017-05-24, 04:07 AM
well I thought you had a gun......but you could run down the steps or yell. I was leaving it up to you.

I WILL tell you however that the thing does not exactly seem to have particularly great balance on that ledge...

Wait, am I already at the fire escape? I'd assumed I was still on the ledge and needed my hands to balance, but if I'm already at the ledge, then there's no problem. Or actually there still is a problem, but it's not as bad as I'd thought.

If I'm already at the fire escape, then I think we're about to find out how that problem likes getting shot. William draws his gun again and hesitates for a tiny fraction of a second before sending a bullet at the seemingly-human thing he's pretty sure wants to gnaw on him.[roll0]

Edit: I forgot to roll damage in case I hit, which I assume I did at 21. Should I roll, or did the blast render the damage from the bullet moot by knocking the apparently-human off the ledge and introducing him to that fall damage you warned me to avoid?

hand ax ranger
2017-05-24, 04:16 AM
Wait, am I already at the fire escape? I'd assumed I was still on the ledge and needed my hands to balance, but if I'm already at the ledge, then there's no problem. Or actually there still is a problem, but it's not as bad as I'd thought.

If I'm already at the fire escape, then I think we're about to find out how that problem likes getting shot. William draws his gun again and hesitates for a tiny fraction of a second before sending a bullet at the seemingly-human thing he's pretty sure wants to gnaw on him.[roll0]

Edit: I forgot to roll damage in case I hit, which I assume I did at 21. Should I roll, or did the blast render the damage from the bullet moot by knocking the apparently-human off the ledge and introducing him to that fall damage you warned me to avoid?

you hit...roll damage

2017-05-24, 04:25 AM
you hit...roll damage


Do I add my Dex mod to that, or is it just the 2d6?

hand ax ranger
2017-05-24, 04:35 AM

Do I add my Dex mod to that, or is it just the 2d6?

No that's it.

the round hits the woman looking creature dead center mass...yet seems to only tear a hole in it's chest. it still lurches towards you, climbing over the rails (that's it's action though..)

You both hear a gun shot above you as the horde below starts heading towards the sound...(both of you roll hide checks)

2017-05-24, 04:39 AM
No that's it.

the round hits the woman looking creature dead center mass...yet seems to only tear a hole in it's chest. it still lurches towards you, climbing over the rails (that's it's action though..)

You both hear a gun shot above you as the horde below starts heading towards the sound...(both of you roll hide checks)

I think my character could logically make the connection that he's fighting a zombie by this point. If he did it's not impossible that he'd try specifically aiming for the head next.

What are the rules for called shots in this game?

hand ax ranger
2017-05-24, 04:48 AM
I think my character could logically make the connection that he's fighting a zombie by this point. If he did it's not impossible that he'd try specifically aiming for the head next.

What are the rules for called shots in this game?

Even if he doesn't think Zombie...it makes sense..

-6 to the shot, but I will add a feat later that makes it less of a penalty


2017-05-24, 04:56 AM
Even if he doesn't think Zombie...it makes sense..

-6 to the shot, but I will add a feat later that makes it less of a penalty


What can I say? I'm not doing much else at the moment.

Although I was planning on eating something soon, and eventually going to bed. I have work at 5 pm Eastern, which is about eleven hours from now.

Well, that's a problem, but if I live through this the feat will make it less of one.

Just to double check, since I know some of the rules are different from D&D... can I make an attack and move on the same turn in this game?

If not, I'd probably try another non-called shot, and only risk calling if the girls joined in or if something else changed.

2017-05-24, 05:00 AM
A bang in the air. This is not going well in some other places.

spot [roll0]
hide [roll1]

hand ax ranger
2017-05-24, 05:05 AM
What can I say? I'm not doing much else at the moment.

Although I was planning on eating something soon, and eventually going to bed. I have work at 5 pm Eastern, which is about eleven hours from now.

Well, that's a problem, but if I live through this the feat will make it less of one.

Just to double check, since I know some of the rules are different from D&D... can I make an attack and move on the same turn in this game?

If not, I'd probably try another non-called shot, and only risk calling if the girls joined in or if something else changed.

yeah same here...I work from 5:30pm to 10:30pm over here in Central U.S.

that and it also means that people should reply soon as well. especially group 1 030.

Yes you can attack then move...and you only have one attack per turn currently.

2017-05-24, 05:20 AM
yeah same here...I work from 5:30pm to 10:30pm over here in Central U.S.

that and it also means that people should reply soon as well. especially group 1 030.

Yes you can attack then move...and you only have one attack per turn currently.


I think you said it used an action though, right? So that would mean I have another turn?

If so, William's eyes widen as the human (I think you said specifically female?) looking thing shrugs off a bullet wound that while not necessarily immediately fatal should at least merit some recognition. His panicked mind (with a bit of gamer instinct guiding it) subconsciously says "zombie," semi-consciously says "aim for the head" and barely even notices as he raises the gun to try again.

[roll0] to try to shoot the probably-zombie. I think I'll wait to decide if I retreat until I see how this attack resolves itself, though.
Speaking of which, [roll1] to determine damage if applicable.

Edit: Oh, ****, nat 1. Yeah, I'm retreating. If that didn't do anything to stop me.

hand ax ranger
2017-05-24, 05:57 AM
A bang in the air. This is not going well in some other places.

spot [roll0]
hide [roll1]

(ging to wait on INoKnowNames, but you hear it like actually above you...on the fire escape two stories up.)


I think you said it used an action though, right? So that would mean I have another turn?

If so, William's eyes widen as the human (I think you said specifically female?) looking thing shrugs off a bullet wound that while not necessarily immediately fatal should at least merit some recognition. His panicked mind (with a bit of gamer instinct guiding it) subconsciously says "zombie," semi-consciously says "aim for the head" and barely even notices as he raises the gun to try again.

[roll0] to try to shoot the probably-zombie. I think I'll wait to decide if I retreat until I see how this attack resolves itself, though.
Speaking of which, [roll1] to determine damage if applicable.

Edit: Oh, ****, nat 1. Yeah, I'm retreating. If that didn't do anything to stop me.

In your blind panic you lose a good hold of the firearm and as it goes off it flies out of your hand down the stairs.

(oh there should of been an attack of opportunity but seeing as you have failed it still would not affect it....but alas *SLAP*)

AOO ATTK: [roll0]
AOO CRIT: [roll1]
AOO DAM: [roll2]

the she-beast jumps at you with an intent to grapple you!

(attack of opportunity form you)

2017-05-24, 06:18 AM
(ging to wait on INoKnowNames, but you hear it like actually above you...on the fire escape two stories up.)

In your blind panic you lose a good hold of the firearm and as it goes off it flies out of your hand down the stairs.

(oh there should of been an attack of opportunity but seeing as you have failed it still would not affect it....but alas *SLAP*)

AOO ATTK: [roll0]
AOO CRIT: [roll1]
AOO DAM: [roll2]

the she-beast jumps at you with an intent to grapple you!

(attack of opportunity form you)

At this point William's lost all semblance of self control. He is now shouting The Elder Swear from Potter Puppet Pals,
with whatever variant of the f-word* comes the closest to making sense in context taking the place of the bleeped-out words.

* He sometimes substitutes equally polite words in French and Spanish that describe the same activity.

So, Defense takes the place of AC, right? If so, a ten misses. Also, can I call my shot on an AOO? And can I still flee immediately after taking it?

2017-05-24, 03:00 PM
"Now or never!"Lydia hisses to her new ally, spurred into panic-accelerated movement by gunfire above her. Taking swift and careful aim, she inacts her plan, throwing the alarm clock just after setting it to go off in 10 seconds, and retreats back into her room, looking up and down to figure out what's going on around her, and to avoid catching more of the attention of the undead. While doing so, she waves for her parents to join her; if they don't get out now, everything ends.

[To be updated with updated rolls from the OOC]

2017-05-25, 05:34 AM
Unable to resist, Zenko cautiously pushes open the door across the hall from his room in order to see the commotion within.

hand ax ranger
2017-05-28, 01:42 AM
At this point William's lost all semblance of self control. He is now shouting The Elder Swear from Potter Puppet Pals,
with whatever variant of the f-word* comes the closest to making sense in context taking the place of the bleeped-out words.

* He sometimes substitutes equally polite words in French and Spanish that describe the same activity.

So, Defense takes the place of AC, right? If so, a ten misses. Also, can I call my shot on an AOO? And can I still flee immediately after taking it?

Yes defense is AC so it misses

I'm going to say no on the first and not until your actual turn on the second.

"Now or never!"Lydia hisses to her new ally, spurred into panic-accelerated movement by gunfire above her. Taking swift and careful aim, she inacts her plan, throwing the alarm clock just after setting it to go off in 10 seconds, and retreats back into her room, looking up and down to figure out what's going on around her, and to avoid catching more of the attention of the undead. While doing so, she waves for her parents to join her; if they don't get out now, everything ends.

[To be updated with updated rolls from the OOC]

The alarm clock lands in a trashcan on top of some bags, keeping it from breaking apart on the pavement. the can blares political talking heads screaming about welfare or something as the orde moves over to there.

Lydia, your family crawls out the window as your father tells you three to make a dash for the parking garage and starts moving up the fire escape....seemingly wanting to go save he person up there.

Unable to resist, Zenko cautiously pushes open the door across the hall from his room in order to see the commotion within.

....waiting on you.....

You see a man fighting off another one of these things with a wood pole....the beast pays you no attention at the moment.

2017-05-28, 04:46 AM
He sees a man struggling to fend of one of the creatures. He couldn't just leave them to their fate, and so he decided to help as best he could.
"Hold on, I will help." He says before charging into the fray.

Not sure if I'm joining the initiative here or what, but I'll roll initiative and a melee attack roll just in case.

Initiative: [roll0]

Melee Attack: [roll1]

Melee Damage: [roll2]

2017-05-28, 05:24 AM
Yes defense is AC so it misses

I'm going to say no on the first and not until your actual turn on the second.

I just realized that unarmed attacks only do nonlethal damage. I don't think that's going to be much help. But still, I can't think why not to make one, so I'm just going to do that. Or do I not get to make the AOO unarmed?

If I get to make the attack, it's [roll0]

Did I see where my gun fell when I dropped it?

2017-05-29, 05:41 PM
Ariana grabs Wolf and says "let's use this to escape" and starts moving towards her car.

2017-06-10, 08:48 PM
Likewise, Lydia makes sure everything is picked up and ushers her mother to join in the escape. She says in the back, to keep an eye on her father above and on the situation overall.

hand ax ranger
2017-06-14, 12:19 AM
He sees a man struggling to fend of one of the creatures. He couldn't just leave them to their fate, and so he decided to help as best he could.
"Hold on, I will help." He says before charging into the fray.

Not sure if I'm joining the initiative here or what, but I'll roll initiative and a melee attack roll just in case.

Initiative: [roll0]

Melee Attack: [roll1]

Melee Damage: [roll2]

As you rush in and swing at the creature assaulting the man your Naginata
misses..causing the beast to lunge at you. In this time the man takes off running, seeing his chance to flee....not that he's to blame as you DO appear to have this covered seeing as you've actually got armor and a real weapon...

ATTK: [roll0]
CRIT: [roll1]
DAM: [roll2]

I just realized that unarmed attacks only do nonlethal damage. I don't think that's going to be much help. But still, I can't think why not to make one, so I'm just going to do that. Or do I not get to make the AOO unarmed?

If I get to make the attack, it's [roll0]

Did I see where my gun fell when I dropped it?

you miss the blow as it closes in on you....

and then a older looking man runs up and pistol whips it's head right next to you.

ATTK: [roll0]
CRIT: [roll1]
DAM: [roll2]

"Come on...let's get the **** out of here! No shooting!"

Ariana grabs Wolf and says "let's use this to escape" and starts moving towards her car.

Likewise, Lydia makes sure everything is picked up and ushers her mother to join in the escape. She says in the back, to keep an eye on her father above and on the situation overall.

You three make a dash for the parking garage as Lydia's father rescues the poor guy on the fire escape.....

roll move silently checks

2017-06-14, 03:30 AM
you miss the blow as it closes in on you....

and then a older looking man runs up and pistol whips it's head right next to you.

ATTK: [roll0]
CRIT: [roll1]
DAM: [roll2]

"Come on...let's get the **** out of here! No shooting!"

"Uh... Works for me. I have a truck nearby with a practically full tank and some spare gas, if we can get to it. Did you see where my gun went, though? We might need it later!"

2017-06-14, 02:26 PM
"Baka." Zenko mutters under his breath as the man runs. "That will only draw more attention to him." The thought is fleeting as his Naginata swings wide and leaves him open.

To be fair his training was against opponents with similar weapons, not unarmed creatures without any sense of pain or fear. However, he is able to continue the momentum and bring his body inside of the creatures lunge, causing it to rake at the empty air where he was just standing.

With the creature now at his back he just has to rotate his body and take one step away to get off another slash at the creature.

5ft step and melee attack against the creature.

Melee Attack: [roll0]

Damage Roll: [roll1]

hand ax ranger
2017-07-03, 10:28 AM
"Baka." Zenko mutters under his breath as the man runs. "That will only draw more attention to him." The thought is fleeting as his Naginata swings wide and leaves him open.

To be fair his training was against opponents with similar weapons, not unarmed creatures without any sense of pain or fear. However, he is able to continue the momentum and bring his body inside of the creatures lunge, causing it to rake at the empty air where he was just standing.

With the creature now at his back he just has to rotate his body and take one step away to get off another slash at the creature.

5ft step and melee attack against the creature.

Melee Attack: [roll0]

Damage Roll: [roll1]

As you back step you manage to bury your blade n the creatures chest cavity, causng it to go limp.

"Uh... Works for me. I have a truck nearby with a practically full tank and some spare gas, if we can get to it. Did you see where my gun went, though? We might need it later!"

"Yeah it's by the steps there. My Daughter is already heading there so...."

*sounds of some of the beasts the beasts noticing a group making a dash for it*


You manage to get almost to the door before accidently kicking a can into the fence, causing enough ruckus to attract quite a few of them. (you are effectivley 10 feet from the door.)

2017-07-03, 01:34 PM
"Yeah it's by the steps there. My Daughter is already heading there so...."

*sounds of some of the beasts the beasts noticing a group making a dash for it*


Would it make any sense whatsoever for William to do anything other than say "**** it, let's go," and head towards the bottom of the fire escape?

(Just to clarify, that's what he's doing.)

Edit: Oh, is the old man pointing at a point on the ground? If so I'll need to decide whether or not to go for my gun when I get there. If not, and the gun's still on the fire escape, obviously I grab it on the way down.

2017-07-03, 02:56 PM
Zenko winces as he pulls the blade from the creatures chest. It makes a sickening wet sound as the flesh gives way and the blade comes free. "This has to be a bad dream right?" He thinks to himself as he stares at the corpse in front of him, the second "life" he has taken today.

He takes a deep breath and exhales. "I still need to get out of here. At least this time I gave that man a chance to escape."
With that he begins to move slowly and carefully down the hallway towards the stairwell. He wants to move towards the ground floor and hopefully get to his truck. But for now, one step at a time.

Move Silently: [roll0]

2017-07-08, 12:24 AM
"Shoot! Go!" Lydia hisses to the other two women. She bends down to grab the kicked can and procedes to throw it as hard as she can, aiming to potentially draw the creatures further away from the escape route, or at least distract them enough for her father and the other man to escape, as she herself backs along that path.

hand ax ranger
2017-07-12, 03:01 PM
Would it make any sense whatsoever for William to do anything other than say "**** it, let's go," and head towards the bottom of the fire escape?

(Just to clarify, that's what he's doing.)

Edit: Oh, is the old man pointing at a point on the ground? If so I'll need to decide whether or not to go for my gun when I get there. If not, and the gun's still on the fire escape, obviously I grab it on the way down.

Your grab your gun as you head down the stairs.....only to see that the hordes below are moving in on the doorway to the garage. the old man curses under his breath.

"We're going to have to find another way into there...."

Zenko winces as he pulls the blade from the creatures chest. It makes a sickening wet sound as the flesh gives way and the blade comes free. "This has to be a bad dream right?" He thinks to himself as he stares at the corpse in front of him, the second "life" he has taken today.

He takes a deep breath and exhales. "I still need to get out of here. At least this time I gave that man a chance to escape."
With that he begins to move slowly and carefully down the hallway towards the stairwell. He wants to move towards the ground floor and hopefully get to his truck. But for now, one step at a time.

Move Silently: [roll0]

Surprisingly...you manage to make it to the parking garage with little trouble.....

Out there it is not long before a group come running into the garage through the fire exit...two young women, a dog and an older lady.

"Shoot! Go!" Lydia hisses to the other two women. She bends down to grab the kicked can and procedes to throw it as hard as she can, aiming to potentially draw the creatures further away from the escape route, or at least distract them enough for her father and the other man to escape, as she herself backs along that path.

You all manage to get inside of the Parking Garage before they can grab you....but now they are trying to break into there after you all.

2017-07-12, 03:41 PM
Zenko steps into view with a hand up, the other must hold onto his naginata, attempting to appear friendly. "I mean you no harm. We should work together to find our vehicles and escape while we still can." He winces slightly at the wound left from one of the creatures claws before continuing. "I have a White Toyota Tacoma truck, what is yours?"

hand ax ranger
2017-07-12, 03:45 PM
Zenko steps into view with a hand up, the other must hold onto his naginata, attempting to appear friendly. "I mean you no harm. We should work together to find our vehicles and escape while we still can." He winces slightly at the wound left from one of the creatures claws before continuing. "I have a White Toyota Tacoma truck, what is yours?"

You can read above. he is now added to the group 1

You're now part of Group 1

2017-07-12, 05:37 PM
Your grab your gun as you head down the stairs.....only to see that the hordes below are moving in on the doorway to the garage. the old man curses under his breath.

"We're going to have to find another way into there...."

William is already looking for a convenient window or other such thing.

hand ax ranger
2017-07-14, 02:46 PM
William is already looking for a convenient window or other such thing.

You and the old man manage to get inside of the building......seeing a man trying to run from a group trying to bust down the double doors he just closed on them.

You have been running since these ****ers started chasg you as you were just lying in your hot room.

after awhile you manage to seal some double doors behind you, trapping them on the other side.

as you do two men enter thru the window....

2017-07-14, 05:32 PM
Andrew holds up the bat he grabbed to defend himself, leaning against the closed door. Who the hell are you?. Though he keeps the bat readied, he looks around the room for something to push in front of the door.

2017-07-15, 02:25 AM
"Hi, I'm..." William pauses to force himself not to say "Johnny Knoxville and welcome to Jackass" "Will. Listen, we need to get out of here. Even if that door's strong enough to hold them, I doubt it's actually enough to hold them. One climbed after me while I fled my room. I don't know that they can all do that, but it's foolish to assume she was the only one who can. And if they can climb out of a window to get people... I have a red X-150 in this garage. You?"

William casts glances behind him while saying this in case his paranoia about climbing zombies is justified.

2017-07-15, 03:18 AM
Andrew shakes his head I'm at the college, man. I can't afford a car he jostles the day pack he's wearing, the two college sport javelins lashed to it clacking together and glances behind him I think everything I still own is in this bag. It isn't much... I have a phone.

hand ax ranger
2017-07-17, 04:06 PM
"Hi, I'm..." William pauses to force himself not to say "Johnny Knoxville and welcome to Jackass" "Will. Listen, we need to get out of here. Even if that door's strong enough to hold them, I doubt it's actually enough to hold them. One climbed after me while I fled my room. I don't know that they can all do that, but it's foolish to assume she was the only one who can. And if they can climb out of a window to get people... I have a red X-150 in this garage. You?"

William casts glances behind him while saying this in case his paranoia about climbing zombies is justified.

Andrew shakes his head I'm at the college, man. I can't afford a car he jostles the day pack he's wearing, the two college sport javelins lashed to it clacking together and glances behind him I think everything I still own is in this bag. It isn't much... I have a phone.

The Older man shakes his head. "The phone will do **** all. My Wife and Daughter are down stairs as we speak and we need to get to them. You said you had a truck? My car is down there as well. maybe we should all stick together for now...safety in numbers."

2017-07-17, 04:32 PM
The Older man shakes his head. "The phone will do **** all. My Wife and Daughter are down stairs as we speak and we need to get to them. You said you had a truck? My car is down there as well. maybe we should all stick together for now...safety in numbers."

"Safety in numbers... probably wise. Though as for phones, if we can keep them charged we can still use downloaded content. I have some music I downloaded on mine, for example. Hey, uh, I probably should have asked this earlier, but... what's your name?" He turns to Andrew. "And yours, for that matter?"

William starts moving towards the doors the rest of the group presumably entered through as he says this.

2017-07-17, 04:40 PM
After an adrenaline shocked gasp and glance at his direction, Lydia promptly ignores the newcomer, keen to ensure that those... things couldn't have followed them in. In the midst of her moving around the garage and checking that they were safe, her next glances at him become more calm... and confused, as she stays silent and allows the other survivors a chance to talk.

"We can't go anywhere just yet, though we should be ready to leave soon. My father is out there, playing hero himself..." she replies to Zenko, finally giving him her full attention, standing straight and addressing him properly, a slight edge to her response. "And even if the idea of using his car without him was not completely out of the question, he is the one who drove here. All we can do is be ready to leave the moment he arrives." Eyeing his injury, her expression softens. "If we can trust you with that pointy-bit, do you think you could trust me with some small sharp ones?" she asks him in a more friendly manner, reaching into her work-bag and showing Zenko some of her medical equipment.

2017-07-17, 07:06 PM
He looks at her defensively when she mentions her sharp implements or at least you think he does, his helmet makes it hard to see his expression, but he relaxes when he sees the medical tools.

"I appreciate the offer, but are you sure we have the time here? I don't want those things to get in while you are helping me. Do you know where you father is? If he is close, perhaps I can cover him on his way here." He raises his left hand. His fingers are clenched and his thumb is pointing to his back where an oriental-style bow rests. If you hadn't noticed already a quiver of arrows sits on an angle across the small of his back.

2017-07-17, 09:16 PM
"Safety in numbers... probably wise. Though as for phones, if we can keep them charged we can still use downloaded content. I have some music I downloaded on mine, for example. Hey, uh, I probably should have asked this earlier, but... what's your name?" He turns to Andrew. "And yours, for that matter?"

William starts moving towards the doors the rest of the group presumably entered through as he says this.

Andrew. And yeah, safety in numbers. We'll get his family and go He looks kind of sheepish from the response to the phone, but follows along after Will

2017-07-18, 05:11 PM
"He was just outside on the fire escape, helping someone else to escape as well. I'm not sure where he is." she responds, pointing in the general direction of the last time she saw the man. "If you think those things can be taken down by arrows, then certainly..." she remarks, halfway thinking outloud with some skepticism, and looking for a window that would enable Zenko to snipe without being in too much danger himself. "Once we've got time to do more than catch our breath, I'll take a proper look at you myself. The last thing we need is one of them armed with a sabre..."

2017-07-18, 05:42 PM
"It uh, might take a few hits. But some help is better than none right?" With that he also looks in the direction she pointed out to him trying to see if there is any sort of position he could fire from without putting himself at too much risk. If not, he figures that going up a level in the garage should be enough to give him a decent view. "I'm Zenko by the way."

2017-07-21, 11:48 AM
As they move toward the truck, Andrew attempts to remain quite, but eventually asks the old manSo, what's your name?

2017-07-21, 03:55 PM
"Just so long as nothing gets any worse." Lydia murmurs, mostly to herself, while following him and still looking through her medical bag, wondering if she could address his injury quickly enough, and intent to aid him in searching for her father and the other survivor, as they leave her mother and the other lass to look through the cars. "It's very nice to meet you, Zenko. I'm Lydia." she replies politely to him as they go along.

hand ax ranger
2017-07-22, 10:29 PM
As they move toward the truck, Andrew attempts to remain quite, but eventually asks the old manSo, what's your name?

The pld man pays you a second's glace. "Jim"

The group keep moving on t the door before encountering a distressing situation....the things are blocking the hallway that leads out to the Parking Garage. SO far they have yet to see you, but there is not direct way past them to your knowledge.

you also hear car alarms on the other side....they start heading towards it.

"Just so long as nothing gets any worse." Lydia murmurs, mostly to herself, while following him and still looking through her medical bag, wondering if she could address his injury quickly enough, and intent to aid him in searching for her father and the other survivor, as they leave her mother and the other lass to look through the cars. "It's very nice to meet you, Zenko. I'm Lydia." she replies politely to him as they go along.

From where you are you start hearing the sounds of car alarms coming from the front entrance.....

2017-07-23, 05:20 AM
The pld man pays you a second's glace. "Jim"

The group keep moving on t the door before encountering a distressing situation....the things are blocking the hallway that leads out to the Parking Garage. SO far they have yet to see you, but there is not direct way past them to your knowledge.

you also hear car alarms on the other side....they start heading towards it.

William makes what he hopes is an entirely pointless gesture for silence upon seeing the things, and waits to see if they move.
When they do start moving he waits to see if any remain behind or look behind them as they move.

So we're clear, they're moving into the parking garage?

2017-07-23, 03:55 PM
Upon seeing the things in their way, Andrew immediately takes cover behind what he can

Hide: [roll0]

2017-07-23, 05:15 PM
"Sh**, everyone get down." He moves to take cover behind a parked car. He leans his naginata against the vehicle while drawing his bow. "I'm sorry, but your father might have to wait. Those things seem to be attracted to sound."

Hide Check: [roll0]

2017-07-23, 05:49 PM
Lydia follows him down stairs wordlessly, not only to hide, but to find out what's going on, and see how her family is doing.

hand ax ranger
2017-10-28, 12:27 AM
Though sudden bouts of crazy circumstance, you all end up next to a truck and surrounded by freaks as the start climbing over the top of cars...Te car alarms have died, but no the shattering of glass and the rocking of cars is filling the air.

As yo try to open the truck you realize you lack the keys for it....

2017-10-28, 01:02 AM
Though sudden bouts of crazy circumstance, you all end up next to a truck and surrounded by freaks as the start climbing over the top of cars...Te car alarms have died, but no the shattering of glass and the rocking of cars is filling the air.

As yo try to open the truck you realize you lack the keys for it....

William mutters the Our Father under his breath out of sheer desperation as he looks for something to pad his hand with while he breaks the window, hoping he won't have to use his favorite (and now apparently only) shirt.

The internet says it's at least a DC 15 repair check to hotwire a car, perhaps more if there are security devices? I have a slightly better than 50-50 chance of hitting the DC for a basic hotwire, possibly better if someone makes an Aid Other check.

Oh, and as a clarification: William wouldn't spend more than two seconds looking for another way to pad his hand; if there's nothing else immediately obvious to use, assume he takes off his shirt and figures out later whether or not it's still wearable.

2017-12-06, 03:11 PM
Oh. If I use that rock, I might not need hand padding.

William picked up the smallish rock by his feet and tried to smash the window of the driver's side of the truck in. Pity I might wind up sitting on broken glass, but it's better than being eaten by nutjob maybe-zombies.

hand ax ranger
2017-12-09, 03:32 PM
The Window shatter with ease, allowing him to access the vehicle.

Out form the double doors run a man with several bags strung across his back and pistol in his hand. oddly enough he seems to be adorned in one one of those cotton jacket things the HEMA convention folks were donning as well as a large sword on his hip.

"HEY!! Got room for one more? I got gas money and I can fix an engine!"

2017-12-09, 04:00 PM
The Window shatter with ease, allowing him to access the vehicle.

Out form the double doors run a man with several bags strung across his back and pistol in his hand. oddly enough he seems to be adorned in one one of those cotton jacket things the HEMA convention folks were donning as well as a large sword on his hip.

"HEY!! Got room for one more? I got gas money and I can fix an engine!"

William unlocks the door by sticking his hand through the window, and hastily sweeps up as many of the bigger pieces of glass on the seat as he can get in one motion. "If you can get here before the whatever-these-are do, we'll find room! I'd move!" William jumps into the seat and gestures to the others to get in.

2017-12-18, 05:44 PM
"Details later! Everyone with a pulse, we need to leave now!" Lydia cries, throwing her bags in and flying inside the vehicle after the others. "I'll take a look at your hand once we get out of here." she adds offhandedly to William.

hand ax ranger
2017-12-19, 01:31 AM
William unlocks the door by sticking his hand through the window, and hastily sweeps up as many of the bigger pieces of glass on the seat as he can get in one motion. "If you can get here before the whatever-these-are do, we'll find room! I'd move!" William jumps into the seat and gestures to the others to get in.

The two Zombies get in the way of the man as he tries to dash past them. He shoots at one but misses, causing it to hit a car in the back. "S#!t. Hey a little help here?"

"Details later! Everyone with a pulse, we need to leave now!" Lydia cries, throwing her bags in and flying inside the vehicle after the others. "I'll take a look at your hand once we get out of here." she adds offhandedly to William.

You will see your Father and mother dash towards their vehicle. "Hey Lydia! Over here. Think we will follow them but let's stick together!"

2017-12-19, 02:34 AM
The two Zombies get in the way of the man as he tries to dash past them. He shoots at one but misses, causing it to hit a car in the back. "S#!t. Hey a little help here?"

You will see your Father and mother dash towards their vehicle. "Hey Lydia! Over here. Think we will follow them but let's stick together!"

William sighs. "Moment of truth."

[roll0] to get the car moving.