View Full Version : Skills, feats, and non spell abilities and polymorph

Little boy
2016-12-23, 07:13 PM
So I ran across a build I wanted to do for a character than involves being a polymorphing warlock that stacks mage armor, armor of agathy, and polymorph together sometimes with someone else casting enlarge to be a giant flaming ape of doom. This raises some other questions. Do you retain any skills or feats from your normal form? It seems kind of odd to get skills for your new form. A polymorphed wizard suddenly shouldn't know how to sneak. Just because you became a dire wolf, it doesn't feel like you should forget how to tell which direction is true north and such. How do you feel about this? I am a little biased in this argument myself. On one side, It feels silly to lose all the skills and feats of the character over a form change. On the other side, action surging giant apes can quickly ruin anyone's evening

2016-12-23, 08:37 PM
polymorph replaces all of your game stats, to include skills, class features, ability scores, and feats.

Spells already active on you should carry over, so your AOA would still apply, but note that mage armor will most likely be bad for you: it isn't a flat +3 AC, it changes your AC to 13+dex, which is in a lot of cases worse that the natural armor of the form you're becoming. It'd do okay on a giant ape, but most of the other options have something like 15+dex as their natural armor, so keep that in mind.