View Full Version : Roleplaying Magic 101: The levels of magic

2016-12-23, 10:33 PM
One of my favorite concepts in D&D is magic. Honestly enough, it's one of the main reasons I love this game so much, possibly the top reason.

I am not going to analyse levels of magic in diferent settings (yet?) but the general views on magic in a world were magic is part of everyday life. Not necesseraly accessible by everyone, but at least a common knowlage, and even the smaller villages might have a mage or two. Even a farmerboy who has never traveled his entire life, knows "that one mage who comes aroun' during the solace fest, and pops magic fireworks into the sky".

So, what I am going to analyse, is a mid-high magic world, and the views and degrees of magic mastery.

Racial Mage: This category is not considered a mage per-say, but a magical race; "Well, we High Elves all have some magic in our blood, and as we grow up, they teach us some basics of magic at school. Then, the real good ones go to magical academies, but that wasn't me you see... I'm more comfortable swinging that rapier of mine than chanting gibbrish and gesturing. However that doestn't stop me from throwing Ray of Frost at my enemies once in a wile." Amongue Mages they may be accepted, but reguarded as complete amateurs, like the case bellow:

Arcane Casters:

Amateurs: "It was never my big dream to be a mage, more of a hobby really. One day, I picked up my fellow party's wizard book, had a look, and seemed to understand a thing or two. He gave me some lessons, and now I can shoot firebolts from my hands and make 5-foot illusions. I also know how to make a magical armor that protects me in battle. " Basically, the "Magic Initiate" or "Spell Sniper" feat.

Mage Aprentice: He may have a teacher, or be self taught, but this one shows promess. He has mastered at least a couple 1st level spells, and can relly on his cantrips more than on a dagger or crossbow when cornered. Keep an eye on him, he may become usefull one day. Or dangerous.

Adept Mage: If this was College, you would be getting your Wizard's Bachelor around that level. The test was easy; you had to be able to cast a 3rd level spell. And that fireball was so perfect, you even got an A+. Also, even your cantrips are now stronger. You may officially and proudly be called a Mage; no longer an aprentice, but not yet a master.

Master Mage: Seems you were paying attention in orientation class! If casting a 3rd level spell makes you a Bachelor degree, officially recognised by the Mage Comunity as a Mage, Casting a 5th level spell is what makes you a real master. It's beyond what a 1/3 caster will ever get, and even a 1/2 caster will get to this level only after a lot of studying. But a full caster is a master by level 9, a real magical prodigy. You are respected among Mages as a Profecional in the subject. And you can use telekinesis on the rogue when he sneaks away with your money, to teach him not to mess with you.

Archmage: You are now a legend among your collegues, and every spell level you can cast strating from 6th only adds to your Legend. You are a special prodigy that has a deeper understanding of magic than even professors in the field. Perhaps you are now porposing your own school of thought, or keep quite about your recent archivement. However, anyone versed in the field will recognise a true master of magic in you if you cast a spell of 6th level or higher.

Is he even mortal?... You start hearing rumors about your extreamly old age, and the fact you still look in your late 20's without being an elf. Perhaps it's just rumors because someone saw you casting an 8th level spell. Or maybe it's not rumors at all, and you indeed have cloned yourself to prevent death. In any case, when people stare at your skin, don't take offence; they most probably do it to make sure you are not a Lich or Vampire yet.

...Or is he some kind of god? And now you did it again. You just spoke aloud, and for a brief moment you changed the very laws of nature... Nasty things those Wish spells... By now, people have suspecions about your possible assencion to godhood, and yourself view this more as a possible future career plan than a wild blasphemous dream... By the time you can cast 9th level spells, even the word Archmage fails to describe your magical might, and we have yet to invent a proper term. Please don't kill too many villages, and be warry of terrasques on the road.

Divine Casters:

Faithfull Chaneller: "I'm no priest or druid by trade... as a matter of fact, my speciallity is that of an archer. I however have great faith in my Deity, and my Deity rewards that faith, probably recognising me as worthy. I can channel some of It's divine grace to stabilise someone dying, I can call omens to appear when my deity would be mad, and I can bless people." Basically, the "Magic Initiate" or "Spell Sniper" feat. They would be treated as "setting the good example" of a deity's expectations by a church or Druidic Cyrcle.

Blessed One: Wile still young on his path, this adept shows great promess, as his every sentance echoes the law of his deity. He knows at least a couple 1st level divine spells, and the Clergy views him as someone with potential.

Chosen One: So far it was suspected that you had a special job in your Deity's plan, but now it's official! By being able to cast a 3rd level spell you can now bring back the dead, either back to life, or as undead servants. You are an envoy of your deity, and people should reguard you as such.

Prophet: By now, after casting your first 5th level spell, you have a clear understanding of the will of your god, as well as the part you play in it's plans. You may even start your own church, cherriching a diferent aspect of your deity than the ones already spoken. Or you may want to start a holly war against enemies of your god.

Saint: Some of the "magics" that you do, namelly 6th level spells and higher, are no longer described as "divine magic" but "small miracles". People think of you as nothing less than the incarnation of a saint or perhaps a deva in the making.

Champion of (your deity's name goes here) You are now the elite. Maybe not the only one, but definitelly one of the few that your deity has granted with 8th level spells. You are a hero of your church, respected as a minor deity or champion Deva in the pantheon.

Is he the Avatar? ...And by the time you can cast 9th level spells, people start believing that your deity is preparing you to become their next Avatar. Perhaps there are already rumors about you secretly being the Avatar. Perhaps you already know that's your Ultimate goal, as your Deity has already revealed this to you. Sooner or latter, you know you'll somehow make it in the Pantheon, be it indeed as an avatar, a lesser Deity or otherwise...

2016-12-23, 10:34 PM
[reserve for future use]

2016-12-24, 05:26 AM
Interesting. What would you describe the same levels at divine being like?