View Full Version : Help with multiple versions and backstory for warblade

2016-12-26, 11:39 AM
We're playing a campaign where the time had been severely compromised and you can be replaced with an alternate version of yourself. It takes me forever to build characters and I'm not very good at creative writing so I'd appreciate any help poor advice you guys have to offer.

We're starting at second level and have max first level wealth+900gp. v3.5

Here's my build

Arannis Songsteel
Human Warblade2, NG
AC:16 (+4 chain shirt, +2 Dex) touch 12, flat-footed 14
2d12, hp 19+4(23)
Attack: Masterwork Guisarme +6 Melee(2d4+5)
Spiked Gauntlet +5 Melee(1d4+3)
Longsword +5 Melee(1d8+4)
Dagger +5 Melee(1d4+3)
Str 16 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 14 Wis 8 Cha 8
Saves: Fort +6 Ref+2 will -1
Balance[5]+7; Climb[1]+4; Concentration[5]+8; Crft(Weapons)[5]+7
;Jump[5]+8; Spellcraft(cc)[2]+4; Tumble[5]+7; K. His[3]+5; Ride
Feats: 1:Blind-Fight H:Adaptive Style

Equipment: 190# 804GP
Bedroll 1sp 5#
Grapling hook 1gp 4#
Parchment x5 1gp
Inkpen x2 2sp
Ink x2 16gp
Mstrwrk Guisarme 309GP 12#
Spiked Gauntlet 5GP 1#
Chain Shirt 100GP 25#
Dull Gray Ioun Stone w/ Conttinual Flame cast upon it 25+10gp
Light Warhorrse +Military saddle(40#) 170gp
Trail rations x10 2GP 10#
Explorers outfit 10Gp 8#
Artisan Outfits 1gp 4#
2x Watereskin 3gp 8#
Whetstone 2cp 1#
Signal Whistle 8sp -#
Rope, hempen 1gp 10#
Flint and steel 1gp -#
Tent 10gp 20#
Backpack 2gp 2#
Blanket, Winter 5sp 3#
Chalk 10pcs 1sp
Masterwork Weaponsmithing Tools 55gp 5#
Sunrod 10x 20gp 10#
Torch 5x 5cp 5#
Crossbow, Heavy 50gp 8#
Bolts, Crossbow (10) x2 2gp 2#
Dagger 2gp 1#
Morningstar 8gp 6#

The seventh son of a seventh son, he was kicked out of his parents
home at 13. His village is extremely hostile to all magic users ever
since the (name of apocalyptic event). For 4 years he traveled from vilage to
village. Taking simple jobs to earn a meal and shelter, and stealing
food when he couldn't find work. He enjoyed breaking into
monasteries and reading whenever he could. He lived this way for
four years until he was saved from a group of slavers by an older
woman named Eryel Holafina. She is the widow of a Watch sergeant
who'd been killed by slavers(she'd been follwing these particular
slavers with the intent to murder them, when she saw them attempting
to kidnap Arannis(Arannis doesn't know this)). She took him into her
home and raised him as her son, teaching him herself and having him
train with the City Guard. It's been 5 years since she saved him and
word has recently come that some sort of calamity has befallen is
birthplace. He sets out to find what has become of his family.

One possible version i thought of was having him been approached by Bahamut and asked to be a dragonborn.

Thanks for the help!

2016-12-26, 02:51 PM
Well with a 7th son of a 7th son, one obvious choice is that the character makes the classic deal with the devil and becomes a Warlock ("They kicked me out for maybe being magical? I'll show them what is magical!". Alignment would shift to LE (different life choices, different alignment?).

Another obvious one, given the "Stealing food" part, is to become a Rogue.

A "divine" choice might be Favoured Soul, assuming a god took an interest in him in one alternate background.

That said, I don't know how much change you want. Do you still want the character to be a Warblade in all versions?

2016-12-26, 03:20 PM
Ooooooooooo! I really like your first idea! I was coming at my original idea from the angle that he had absolutely no magical talent in him art all. I'm planning on picking up the mage slayer feats later(if i don't get switched).

I'd prefer to stick to warblade, but if you have something interesting I'm fine with that as long as im not a wizard, ranger, cleric, rogue, scout, fighter or warmage.

2016-12-28, 03:38 PM
Anyone else have an idea?

2016-12-29, 12:12 AM
Are you allowed to move your stats around? Because moving the INT to WIS lets you try a Swordsage, and moving it to CHR lets you try a Crusader. Might as well play with all the toys.

Keeping the INT, another option is Factotum ("I happened to pick this trick up on my journeys!").

Other Warblades? Well, I guess you could specialize in different Schools of Maneuvers and different weapons?

One obvious "Background" difference is that he WASN'T rescued from the attempted kidnapping from slavers, but escaped years later after killing some, so his hatred would be against slavers, not mages. A CG (or CN) type, in other words, perhaps specializing in a flail or other chain weapon.

Another one might be that he spends time in the woods, not the villages, and learns to survive there - gets in tune with nature and becomes a Druid.

By the way, with your choice of feats are you beginning the climb to Master of Nine, by any chance? Because the above Swordsage could also get there, eventually.

2016-12-29, 03:14 PM
Are you allowed to move your stats around? Because moving the INT to WIS lets you try a Swordsage, and moving it to CHR lets you try a Crusader. Might as well play with all the toys.

Keeping the INT, another option is Factotum ("I happened to pick this trick up on my journeys!").

Other Warblades? Well, I guess you could specialize in different Schools of Maneuvers and different weapons?

One obvious "Background" difference is that he WASN'T rescued from the attempted kidnapping from slavers, but escaped years later after killing some, so his hatred would be against slavers, not mages. A CG (or CN) type, in other words, perhaps specializing in a flail or other chain weapon.

Another one might be that he spends time in the woods, not the villages, and learns to survive there - gets in tune with nature and becomes a Druid.

By the way, with your choice of feats are you beginning the climb to Master of Nine, by any chance? Because the above Swordsage could also get there, eventually.

I can change anything i want. DM says factotum is out.

A character based reason for using a spiked chain? I'm o.k. with that.

No, i wanted adaptive style to add to my versatility and blind fight is so i can qualify for Made Slayer.