View Full Version : The Hangman is commin'

2016-12-26, 12:30 PM
Down from the gallows and I don't have very long~

So a character concept just struck me: a big guy who only kills via execution, ideally with a good way to track people down and capture them/incapacitate them.

I don't have a ton of time/thought to put into it right now, but I'm curious what you guys can come up with. My initial ideas include using the net/lasso and maybe harpoon to tether the target (tangle foot bags might also help) hitting the profession (executioner) DCs reliably a merciful weapon (or non-lethal weapon like the truncheon) and maybe some kind of sneak attack or paralysis? And/or lots of ranks in use rope.

I think there's a vigilante or bounty hunter class somewhere that let's you tie up grappled opponents (away from books for a few days yet)

He might also need to have an AMF or someway to lock down teleporting foes and targets with freedom of movement.

Anyway I'm curious to see what you guys can do with the idea.

I've got access to most book (when I finally get home) but no dragon mag and for whatever reason Web supplements are frowned upon so please try to avoid them.

2016-12-26, 12:37 PM
The prestige class you're referring to is Justicar, from Complete Warrior.

2016-12-26, 12:54 PM
Thanks, I'll have to look at it closer when I'm finally home, any other thoughts or suggestions of the top of the dome?

The Viscount
2016-12-26, 03:43 PM
Related to Justiciar are Crimson Scourge and Bloodhound. All three have some overlap in concept and function, so you can mix and match. Thayan Slaver goes more into a different field but is also worth checking out. If you want to be more of an instrument of the Law, then Deneith Warden may be of use. If you're going to be taking out these opponents in the encounter, the Death Blow feat will be pretty useful. If you worry about them coming back, Mutilator will do the job for lower levels, Harvester of Souls for higher levels. If you have the skill ranks, putting them into Profession (Executioner) and using a Headsman's Axe can make for saves higher than typical coup de grace.

As for negating telportation, AMF is very hard to make, but 5 rounds of witch slayer can get you a targeted effect that functions just like an AMF on one foe.

2016-12-26, 06:57 PM
Necrocarnate dip to maximise your Essentia on an Incarnate could be pretty nifty.

2016-12-27, 12:36 AM
A Necrocarnate suggestion that doesn't involve burning ants/chickens/rats?!?! What have these boards come to? :smalltongue:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Iaijutsu Focus can be applied to nonlethal strikes.

You could also use ability damage to incapacitate people. A Sprayer (A&EG I believe) with Chaos Flasks morphed into whatever poison fits your fancy might be fun. Ego Whip psionic power is probably a bit overboard, but Shivering Touch spell is a melee touch attack, so I'd say that could be really fun. I for one would like to see a dragon execution.

2016-12-27, 01:25 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Iaijutsu Focus can be applied to nonlethal strikes.

Haven't checked RAW for that, but it the basis for the anime Rurouni Kenshin, so it makes sense.

2016-12-27, 01:53 AM
Shameless plug for one of my favorite spells: Limp Lash (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/l/limp-lash)

2016-12-27, 02:15 AM
For anti-teleportation needs, the first things that comes to mind is a cyrstal anchor of travel (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/universalItems.htm#travelCrystalAnchor). It's imperfect but it's a start.

Well, to be totally honest, the first thing that came to mind was a weirdstone but that feels like it might be overkill (and overpriced).

Items that can produce the effects of anticipate teleportation, delay teleportation, and divert teleportation can also be quite helpful.

Obviously, dimensional anchor wands are a thing.

Do be aware that it's generally better to get a writ of execution and to perform that legal execution in the field when it comes to enemy spellcasters. Capturing and holding them long enough to get them to the proper authorities is nigh-impossible if they're any good.

2016-12-27, 06:29 PM
Still not home but I've got a moment or two

Thanks for the help thus far so some things to look into:
The aforementioned PRCs
Getting some daggers with wand chambers (simplest way off hand I can think of to Quickdraw wands) for debuffs and lock down as well as utility (these are gonna get expensive fast aren't they...)
Try to find a class that would give the biggest bang for my buck on the various skills that I might need eg: UMD, survival and gather information, profession (executioner), juju, use rope, hide and move silently and maybe a few others (Looks like generic expert might work well, though factotum is always good)
Death blow might be good if I end up needing to coup de gras more than I have time to actually execute targets.
Crystals of dimensional anchor

Oh and do you guys think it would have to be an executioners axe or would another weapon be suitable as well eg a scythe or great sword?

Ideally taking the guilty party to stand public execution seems ideal, but yeah with any casters worth their salt getting the writ of execution and permission to execute on capture seems to be the way to go.

Anything else off hand?

2016-12-27, 10:40 PM
Anyway to stat out a "flying guillotine?" :smallbiggrin:

2016-12-27, 10:49 PM
Anyway to stat out a "flying guillotine?" :smallbiggrin:

Isn't there a slashing whip (dagger whip from arms and equipment guide I think) or spiked chain equivalent somewhere? Worst case you could use an improvised weapon, or import the weapon building rules from PF (we did that once)

Ohhh or the vorpal whip with that one cleric spell that grants a natural 20 on your next attack I remember reading about that some time ago

2016-12-27, 11:39 PM
That's a 5th level Cleric spell though. Could be done by UrPriest though (X5/UrPriest 2/Full Div PrC 3) but when you've got that it completely obviates your ability.

To make an Execution check, you need to have your opponent restrained, even by RAW, being helpless isn't enough IIRC, but that is likely oversight.

Having Death Blow feat (Standard Action CdG) does it all on a helpless target.

But if you are wanting to make Execution Checks, DC18 with Axe/Sword) in combat a thing, you could maybe try something like Duskblade 9+/Wyrm Wizard 2 to pick up Shivering Touch gives you Paralysis hopefully (especially at Duskblade 13, and provided your DM allows helplessness to be enough for Execution Checks).

The RAW is screwy, if you fail Execution roll, you deal damage as a GreatAxe/Sword, but it isn't actually one. You will need to "axe" your DM if you are allowed to make Prof (Exec) rolls with Standard Greatsword/Axe etc. Also worth remembering that MWork Exec Axe/Swords only provide +1, not +2 as normal tools, and that magical enhancement doesn't improve it. I'd ask again if you can either get the +2 at least, or if you can replace the competence bonus with the Enchantment Bonus applied to the weapon. I.e a +1 Humanbane Axe gets a +3 to rolls on Prof Exec vs Humans, +1 vs others, while a GMW'd one to +5 gets +5, +7 vs Humans if still humanbane etc.

You need to hit a DC of 18. With a +1 axe, and a Wisdom of 10 (arguable dump stat on Duskblade when Str, Dex, Con and Int do much more for you), you need to have 16 Ranks. If there are spare +Wis buffs from a Druid or Cleric using Owls Wisdom or Insight, buy them a Pearl of Power of the appropriate level, and get them to cast it on you in combat for a +2-+5 by 10th level. With MWork tool and Owls Insight, you'll need 9 ranks only.

Alternatively, a +4 Periapt (slotless, if possible so that you get access to better amulets) means that you are running woth only needing 14 ranks, which is doable by 11th level. Only issue is as a Duskblade, you need to get Profession as a Class skill; Apprentice Feat with a Homebrew Mentor, or Human Paragon (obviously, human only) can do it.

I like the idea of a Wis based character with Exemplar 5 though, using Prof Execution Checks to cow opponents into following him.

2016-12-28, 12:27 AM
Isn't there a slashing whip (dagger whip from arms and equipment guide I think) or spiked chain equivalent somewhere? Worst case you could use an improvised weapon, or import the weapon building rules from PF (we did that once)

Ohhh or the vorpal whip with that one cleric spell that grants a natural 20 on your next attack I remember reading about that some time ago

Whip dagger is from Sword & Fist, and it's a normal whip that does 1d6 lethal damage at medium size, plus has a 19-20 threat range. Also, it doesn't have the normal whip's funky "doesn't work against armored opponents" clause.

2016-12-28, 09:31 AM
Note: in case it may be useful, there are Hangman Golem (Monster Manual III), Ephemeral Hangman (Tome of Magic), and Hangman Tree (from earlier editions, 3rd-party updated to 3.5 in Tome of Horrors, Revised Edition)