View Full Version : (3.5)(3.P)Construct Crafters: What are your favorite Intelligent Effigies?

2016-12-26, 09:29 PM
Was just looking over construct rules and was struck by how you can tailor-make collections of skills and feats using the Effigy template and the Rudimentary Intelligence upgrade.

So I got to wondering what people liked to do with that, beyond your standard having a nice (Dungeonbred/heavily templated) Hydra Hydra melee machine with a decent Spot check or making a UMD platform to take advantage of wand spam.

Looking over Pathfinder options, I've seen a few possibilities involving things such as Master Alchemist, Master Craftsman, and Signature Skill to really expand on the idea of a factory in a portable hole or series thereof.

I'm sure that there's some skill trick or another that I've forgotten entirely, too.