View Full Version : Saviours Team 1: IC

2016-12-27, 10:54 AM
It's a trap!

Up until now you have been primarily enjoying the world of Saviours. Everything feels so real and even the fact of exploring your own character in itself is interesting. Some of you have longer legs than you normally do and need a little practice in judging how long you need to move your muscles. Some of you are momentarily distracted by a different length of hair that allows for a different air flow. Some of you have different gendered attributes than you are accustomed to and that too takes a little time to adjust to. Overall though it seems like your new virtual body knows what it's doing however and if you trust it it seems like it's muscle memory goes a long way.
The quests are also interesting, quite varied in nature and it feels good when the NPC expresses their gratitude, if not the smiles then the gold.

At some point however you decide that you want to return to reality but then it hits you. How? Attempts to pull up a menu are failing and you are growing more and more conserned...

Gift of a goddess

Brenda pulls out her knife and watches as the body of the last of the two pursuiter goes limp and falls to the ground with a *dumpf*, blood spladdered over most of her shirt. Looking backwards she sees that the group of 5 malnourished halflings, that she just saved from being forced into making garments in the caravan wagon, has fled from the fight and is nowhere to be seen. She feels the night air towards her face and as a caressing hand it ever so slightly lessens the pain from the bloody swordcut on her forehead.

"Brenda", she hears a soft male whisper, comming simultaneously from nowhere and everywhere. And suddenly between one blink to another she finds herself not standing on grass but standing on rock. The trees have disappeared and are replaced with rock walls overgrown with more different plants than Beth can count, many in strange colours. It takes her a moment to realize that what looked like the sky is actually a rock ceiling with many plants glowing with a blue light, making the whole place look surreal. Not far from her stands an elderly male halfling whose left part is covered in green, yellow and brown clothing while the right is covered in color so dark it almost looks like it is absorbing light. He carries a shield with the motif of a horn with fruits inside on his left arm and a dagger is dangling from his right side. His eyes simultaneously radiate warmth and protection, and cold calculation. "Greetings saviours" the elderly figure starts out: "I am Antal, mediator of the Provider and the Lady of Mystery. One is pleased with your protection and thirst for freedom, another with your vengeance and thirst for gold."

He then pauses, clearly expecting some responds and the intensity of his eyes on you gives you a sense of urgency although it isn't clear what responds he is looking for. In the deep silence that follows, the faint sound of running water is heard.

Contracts and loopholes

"And that's why I'm not paying you jack nothing" the smirk of the white human almost makes a third chin appear on his rather well proportioned face. He leans back in his mahogany chair, in between two meanlooking bodyguards, and allows the rings on his fingers to drum a single time over the armrests. Halgr looks down on the document in front of him one more time. Again? This was the third time he had spilled blood doing a job and hadn't gotten paid because of some loophole in the cursed contracts. And just within two weeks.
"Should have read the fine print", the merchant says with a voice that reeks of superiority.
Feel free to take liberties on this scene and how exactly Halgr got cheated.

Lord of the bar

"Harrort, a round for me and the lady!" the halfling across the table shouts to the bartender to overcome the general noice in the bar. He then turns to to face Snowsong and says with a wink :"One of the many advantages of owning a bar is that you get free booze. I don't recommend the dwarven ale though, unless of course you have no plans for the next few days." The last part is followed by a mischiveous grin.

They had just met her and this strange little man had for some reason invited her to drink with him shortly after she had entered the bar. "Of course introductions. My name is Terrance von Shizzlewizzle" he says standing on the chair and performing a deep bow as if he was greeting someone noble. He then sits down and nods to the bartender as the drinks are delivered. "What brings you to this part of Anglatosh?" he asks and as he brings the mug to his lips she feels as if she hears: "Are you a player?". It could just have been some background noise or some mumbling but his eyes are looking at her as to gauge her reaction.

Village under attack!

After being devoid from intelligent contact for three days straight Crazy Sunshine finally spots a village.

Wondering closer she greets a human girl who were busy digging something up from the ground. As she turns to face the you, you see that her eyes are filled with fear. She spins around and runs towards the village merely 500 feet away. "Alarm, monster attack", she screams with clear panick in her voice.

The shout ressonates with other voices and as Sunshine appears before the village in all her lovecraftian horror she is greeted with a wall of spears. At least 20 villager of various ages are present, all human men. They are clearly fearfull and reluctant to actively attack but they haven't run away yet.

Rejection in the weapon shop

"No" the human weapon smith says with sternness in his voice to Captain Bastion. The big lucerne hammer in question still hangs on it's holder on the wall "I'm not selling it to anyone of your kind. There is no way I could sleep with a clear concience knowing that I had assisted the murder of some poor folks." Despite his stern voice you see the that he is ever so slightly shaking his hands and from the tension in his body you gather is expecting an attack and is ready to jump away.

City gates of Angloa

After an exhausting journey your group are finally standing outside the northern city gates of Angloa. It's not particularly windy today and the sun's touch on the skin is pleasantly warming. The smell however is dorminated by that of smelly bodies comming from the trail of mixed bodies, moving in and out of the city through copple-stoned road that goes right through the massive city gate.

Two towering sculptures flanks the city gate simultaneously bringing promises of protection to the law-abiding and punishment to the ones who break it. One human man that looks like he's off african decendance holding a spellbook, dressed in a wizard robe and with what looks like a small dragon on his, and one human man that looks like he's off asian decendance holding a greatsword and wearing full-plate.

You have finally arrived to your destination. What do you do?

2016-12-27, 06:44 PM
Village under attack!

After being devoid from intelligent contact for three days straight Crazy Sunshine finally spots a village.

Wondering closer she greets a human girl who were busy digging something up from the ground. As she turns to face the you, you see that her eyes are filled with fear. She spins around and runs towards the village merely 500 feet away. "Alarm, monster attack", she screams with clear panick in her voice.

The shout ressonates with other voices and as Sunshine appears before the village in all her lovecraftian horror she is greeted with a wall of spears. At least 20 villager of various ages are present, all human men. They are clearly fearfull and reluctant to actively attack but they haven't run away yet.

Jack approaches the gate, almost out of his mind with happiness. Three days he's been lost in the forest with no one for company but himself, so a village, even an NPC one, is a very welcome sight. It's just a shame that he forgot to turn off his shape-shift ability before he tried to greet the little girl that he saw.

He sighs as she runs away in fear, and sits down cross-legged to wait for the armed villages that he assumes are going to come out and greet him. "Hi!" he says cheerfully, forcing Blues' mouth open into a smile as the wall of spears begins to assemble. "I'm really sorry to have scared the girl like that, but I was lost in the forest and wanted to be able to protect myself if I got attacked. I'm a magician, not a monster. Would you promise not to attack me if I dispel this form?"

Jack has always hated backpacking. It's tiring, dirt gets everywhere, and you have to carry all your supplies around with you for days, if not weeks, on end. And whatever genius designed Saviours decided that simulationism was more important than fun, since he's been having to carry a whole lot of crap around with him instead of getting to stick it into a nice hyperspace arsenal. Then there's the endless forests and plains full of mobs, mountains to climb, pits to dodge...if he had known full-immersion VR really meant full-immersion, he may well have not bought Saviours in the first place.

Still, the journey is over for now, and Jack is standing at the gates of the biggest city in the country with his new guild members. Having had the foresight to turn back into Sunshine this time, he's looking rather more cute than Lovecraftian at the moment, and is standing beside Bastion trying to keep out of the sun. "Aah~," he says, stretching happily. "Finally, back to some kind of civilisation! Real food, real beds, and baths that you don't have to be worried about getting attacked by bears in."

Moro Asahina
2016-12-27, 11:04 PM
It's a trap!

Up until now you have been primarily enjoying the world of Saviours. Everything feels so real and even the fact of exploring your own character in itself is interesting. Some of you have longer legs than you normally do and need a little practice in judging how long you need to move your muscles. Some of you are momentarily distracted by a different length of hair that allows for a different air flow. Some of you have different gendered attributes than you are accustomed to and that too takes a little time to adjust to. Overall though it seems like your new virtual body knows what it's doing however and if you trust it it seems like it's muscle memory goes a long way.
The quests are also interesting, quite varied in nature and it feels good when the NPC expresses their gratitude, if not the smiles then the gold.

At some point however you decide that you want to return to reality but then it hits you. How? Attempts to pull up a menu are failing and you are growing more and more conserned...

Lord of the bar

"Harrort, a round for me and the lady!" the halfling across the table shouts to the bartender to overcome the general noice in the bar. He then turns to to face Snowsong and says with a wink :"One of the many advantages of owning a bar is that you get free booze. I don't recommend the dwarven ale though, unless of course you have no plans for the next few days." The last part is followed by a mischiveous grin.

They had just met her and this strange little man had for some reason invited her to drink with him shortly after she had entered the bar. "Of course introductions. My name is Terrance von Shizzlewizzle" he says standing on the chair and performing a deep bow as if he was greeting someone noble. He then sits down and nods to the bartender as the drinks are delivered. "What brings you to this part of Anglatosh?" he asks and as he brings the mug to his lips she feels as if she hears: "Are you a player?". It could just have been some background noise or some mumbling but his eyes are looking at her as to gauge her reaction.

City gates of Angloa

After an exhausting journey your group are finally standing outside the northern city gates of Angloa. It's not particularly windy today and the sun's touch on the skin is pleasantly warming. The smell however is dorminated by that of smelly bodies comming from the trail of mixed bodies, moving in and out of the city through copple-stoned road that goes right through the massive city gate.

Two towering sculptures flanks the city gate simultaneously bringing promises of protection to the law-abiding and punishment to the ones who break it. One human man that looks like he's off african decendance holding a spellbook, dressed in a wizard robe and with what looks like a small dragon on his, and one human man that looks like he's off asian decendance holding a greatsword and wearing full-plate.

You have finally arrived to your destination. What do you do?

((Gonna just put the responses in spoilers in order of the scene to keep it nice and neat. I'm assuming that, given the way you phrased things in "It's A Trap!" that the players cannot open menus at all rather than it being a Log Horizon or SAO kind of deal where they can still open the menus but theres just no log out button. If thats not the case let me know in the OOC and I'll modify my post accordingly.))

It had been a long day and Tessa was taking a breather in the newbie area outside of the starting town. Over the past several hours she'd done all the quests she could lay paws on and just reveled in the feel of the world around her. Whoever had done the programming for the environment had done an amazing job. It honestly felt like she was laying in real grass with the sun shining down on her face with the occasional summer breeze rustling her hair. She sighed happily. A girl could get used to this...I guess Jarred was right. Maybe I was getting a little too worked up over that meal planning project. She did have to wonder just how the programmers had managed to make the Cait Sith's tails feel as natural as they did since she could actually feel hers as it brushed through the grass along the ground. Ah well, now that I've had a chance to relax I suppose I should get back to the grind if I want to get it done before the weekend is out.

Rather than heading back to town and the inn, which was a good half hour walk in game time, she simply made the swiping gesture that was supposed to open the menu...but nothing happened. She tried making the gesture every which way she could think of, but still nothing. Now she was starting to get a little worried. If she couldn't log off, she couldn't start working on her project...or could she? With another sigh, this time one of annoyance, she sat up and started going over what she would need to do for the project in her head. She put the matter of being unable to open a menu to the back of her mind for now. After all, a major bug like that wouldn't go unnoticed for long by the GMs so no sense getting all worried about it just yet.

With a bit of grumbling, she finally pulled herself to her feet and moved a little ways away to settle back down under the shade of a comfortable looking tree to get to work while she waited.

She'd been a little nervous when the strange little man invited her to his table, but as they were in public and he seemed a friendly sort, she'd decided to take him up on his offer. After all, he could be a potential client if he was a player. She wasn't sure why, but for whatever reason NPCs very rarely sought out her services. Not that she would complain too much about it as she did good business even without their orders.

Either way, she was curious about why he'd invited her over, though she hid it well. She giggled softly as he gave his piece of advice. "Eh-heh, w-well, so it would seem. Since I have a few things to take care of today, I think I'll take your word for it and stick to one of the lighter wines." She couldn't help the small smile that found its way onto her lips at his grin and found herself relaxing. She couldn't quite place it, but he reminded her of someone she knew. Though her thoughts were derailed fairly quickly by his introduction and a light blush lit her cheeks. "O-oh! Ah, right, sorry, I'm Snowsong." She had spent some time studying the etiquette of this world since finding herself trapped here and gave a polite nod in return; More or less the best she would be able to manage from her seated position.

That last question caught her off guard for a moment, though it was more the question she was reasonably sure he was really asking than anything. Now that she thought of it, his name didn't sound like your typical NPC name, though she supposed he could still be an NPC, just one who was supposed to hail from a different region of the world where that sort of name was common. With a mental shrug, and a visible twitch of her feline tail, she responded, "U-um, to be honest I was taking a little break now that I've finished working on my current commissions for the day and thought I would get a bite to eat before I went out to do a little hunting." As subtle about his inquiry as he was being she was pretty sure she would be alright confirming that she was indeed a player by dropping in a bit of the player lingo she'd picked up over the past week or so.

Over the past month, Snowsong had spent the majority of her time hanging around the smaller towns with just the occasional visit to the capital to either acquire harder to find materials or to meet with one of her more wealthy clients. But today she was here more for social reasons than anything. It'd been a while since the Knights of the Oaken Shield had moved their Guildhall to Angloa, no doubt at that jerk Brightheart's suggestion, and she hadn't had a chance to visit Oka since then; So making an introduction like the one she'd promised one of her guild mates was as good an excuse as any to visit.

She was pretty happy that the weather had been fairly nice for most of the trip here and the trend looked to be continuing today, but she could really do without the press of bodies around her. It wasn't crowded enough for people to be bumping into her constantly the way she remembered it being on the tubes getting around London, but there were still enough people around to leave her feeling nervous and uncomfortable. Among the crowd, she spotted more than the occasional person she figured was a player, but nobody she recognized. Though what really caught her attention about the gates was the rather impressive statues on either side of it. To be honest, she probably would have gone for something pretty rather than something meant to intimidate, but then she wasn't a queen; Or whatever Angloa had for a ruler.

Regardless, they had finally arrived at the city, and she looks to the others, her tail curling around for her to grip lightly in one of her more obvious signs of distress thanks to the crowd. "U-um, soooo...whats the plan? It shouldn't be too hard to find the district that they build the Guildhalls in if we want to get introductions out of the way first."

2016-12-27, 11:46 PM
Gift of a Goddess

The rogue, barely larger than the other five halflings, replies absentmindedly as she struggles to catch her breath. "It's, ah... it's Branda... with an A..."

This was Beth's first foray into the combat system of Saviours. She shudders as she smears an unsettlingly good simulation of human blood from her starknife onto the tail of her shirt. It's the kind of weapon that can only exist in a videogame, with blades pointing in four different directions and a grip in the center. Illogical to be sure, but it seems that Branda's fighting style isn't really about making sense.

The sword strikes from the enemies were really something as well - it actually hurt as the steel pounded into her. She's not sure if that was really a good idea for a fantasy game, but it was certainly exhilarating. The scenery, too, is incredible, as was the dreamlike teleporting sequence. Her simple intention here was to free the kids and loot the bodies, but apparently she just triggered something much more interesting.

"Ah, who are - wait, no, you already said that." Beth is already feeling a little light-headed. She closes her eyes and takes a breath. She'll have to take a break soon, but she can get through this dialogue, at least. "What is this place?"

2017-01-01, 10:42 AM
Village Under attack

The friendly gesture seem to work on a few of the villagers but most seem more scared by seeing the monster showing it's teeth. The face of the same few grow a little confused and their attention turns to the others as if looking for guidance. Simultaneously someone in the back succums to their fear and with a scream an arrow flies in her direction.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Feel free to decide what your AC would have been at this point of time.
If it hit it's going to hurt although it's different than when one is normally is hurt. Rather you are experiencing the pain second-hand through the mental link to the Eidolon which lessens it a bit.

In an instant the focus of the villagers are again back at Jack and he sees on the way that they brace themselves and on the fear on their faces that they expect the monster to retaliate from the attack.

It's a trap!

Time passes. More time passes. Tessa's behind starts to sleep from sitting in the same position for too long. Even more time passes. What were the admins doing?

"Smart choice" the small lord seemingly genuinely applauses.

The halflings eyes sparkle playfully. "Ah". After another sip he continues "So tell me Snowsong, where are you from?"

The figure responds to the correction with a curious and slithly bewildered look.

"This is the Shacash Sanctuary." The older halfling mild voice echoes in the cave and makes the thing slightly more surreal: "It's a cave blessed by our divine protector. Within here our people can tend their wounds in safety and seek strength for protection."

"Now tell me, young one, why did you free the slaves?"

2017-01-01, 04:40 PM
Branda stares up admiringly at the glowing flowers as the mediator explains the Sanctuary's purpose. It's exactly what she needs right now.

As he asks her a question, her eyes snap back to examine the elder halfling. His costume is well-designed. Even though Beth's not sure who the Provider or the Mystery Lady are, he's clearly here to help balance the forces of light and darkness. The question is probably meant to help the game determine Branda's alignment as a new character.

"...is that a trick question? Slavery is wrong."

Anyone using Detect Thoughts would hear her nerd-brain at work. Slavery is like cultural shorthand for, 'here, these are the bad guys.' I assumed it was what I was supposed to do.

Anyone using Detect Desires would see the directions of her baser impulses. Finish the quest. Get the reward. Go home. Get some rest.

Anyone using Detect Anxieties would know that she has children of her own, thereby answering the elder's question immediately.

Moro Asahina
2017-01-04, 11:29 PM
It's a trap!

Time passes. More time passes. Tessa's behind starts to sleep from sitting in the same position for too long. Even more time passes. What were the admins doing?

"Smart choice" the small lord seemingly genuinely applauses.

The halflings eyes sparkle playfully. "Ah". After another sip he continues "So tell me Snowsong, where are you from?"

It was the better part of four hours later by the time she had finished up what she could of her assignment without access to her notes to verify the specifics of the assignment. As her bum had started to fall asleep some time ago, she decided that now was a good time to have a bit of a break from her work; Especially as the sun would be setting before too long and she still needed to get back town so she could immediately log out when the admins made the announcement. She gave a soft purr and a little moan of contentment as she stretched her stiff muscles, even her tail stretching straight out behind her. "Surely they've noticed the bug by now..." She made another few attempts to open the menu before heaving an annoyed sigh and starting on her way back towards town.

The soft rumble of her stomach caught her by surprise as she walked. She'd known that there were food mechanics in the game, though she'd been unaware that there was an actual hunger mechanic. Whoever had programmed it had done a helluva job too, as it felt like she was actually hungry. With a little shrug, she took one of the starter rations from her bag and ate as she walked. Though after the first bite, she pulled a face and quickly swallowed. Blegh, whoever programmed these has to be some sort of sadist. Bloody thing tastes like cardboard.

By the time she reached the gates to the little town near the starter area, she was starting to get a little worried. Night had only just fallen, but she had to have been logged into the game for a good eight or so hours by now and still no announcements. Not that she had figured out how to listen to such things as she'd been utterly unsuccessful in opening a menu and wasn't sure if she could hear the messages otherwise as there wasn't really a UI to speak of.

While, admittedly, she didn't particularly want to log out just now as she'd been having a blast, she knew she needed to so she could finish up this project. After all, it was going to be worth a quarter of her grade for her latest course in meal planning; The last course she needed to complete that particular set of requirements for her degree. Or maybe they called them a certificate...she really should look that up when she got out as it would be important for when she got it and needed to update her CV. Not that there was much on it just now, but still.

Either way, she was really feeling the fatigue of the day's hunting combined with the long walk back in from the fields now that she thought about it. So she looked around a bit for the inn. She should be out of here before it became an issue, but getting a room just in case she needed to catch a little cat nap would probably be a good idea. Though that sparked yet another question: Could she even sleep if she were logged in? Now she thought about it, she didn't have the foggiest notion about how the headset interacted with her brain, but she was pretty sure it had to be a very good system if everything felt so...real.

A soft blush lit her cheeks at the praise. Or at least she assumed thats what it was as he'd seemed genuine enough when he'd said it. It didn't take long for her drink to arrive and she gave a little purr of delight as she took her first sip. She'd been about to take a second when he'd asked that question, giving her pause. What should she do? She was pretty sure he didn't really mean her any harm and he seemed genuinely interested, but she also wasn't the best judge of people so she could very easily be wrong. All the same, she'd already dropped hints, so no sense backing down now, even if it did sort of fly in the face of typical net etiquette. "Oh, ah, well, I guess you could say I'm from Surrey." She didn't think there was anywhere "in game" called Surrey, so if this person really was a player like her, he would recognize the name right?

2017-01-05, 10:31 AM
Jack flinches as the arrow flies at his back, but his Eidolon's reflexes prove to be superior to his own and one of Blue's arms swats the arrow from the air. "Didn't anyone tell you that attacking someone is the quickest way to lose their trust?" he jokes, forcing levity into his voice. "Look, I'm just going to turn back now. Please don't shoot me any more."

A flash of light envelopes Blue, and when it clears, a smiling girl in a long white dress is sitting in its place. "Look, see?" Jack says. "I'm a human, just like you all. All I want is supplies and directions to the nearest city."

2017-01-10, 09:24 PM
Gift of a Godess

The intensity of the halfling's eyes makes it feel like he is reading your very soul. "Indeed", the answer comes after a little while, his eyes not revealing anything about what's going on on the inside.

"I believe that you, Branda, are a suitable candidate for the gift of the sacred duality. The gift will provide you with many boons in your journey but it also comes with a cost. Understand that the gift come at a price. Do you wish to recieve it?", he asks.

It's a Trap

Getting a room costs a few silvers and to Tessa's suprise she is able to fall asleep. Her dreams are livid and when she wakes up she wakes up in the same bunk bed as she laid her head on the night before. Still in the game...
There was no announcement about the inability to log out being a bug. No announcements at all in fact.

Lord of the Bar

"Surrey? For real?" The Lord's happy facade drops shortly as a look of disbelief crosses his face. His face then lights up in what looks like genuine excitement. "What are the chances! I'm from Surrey too!" His voice becomes louder and almost ends up overshadowing the surrounding bar noise. A few faces turn and Shizzlewizzle's face looks like he realized that he just made a big mistake. For a moment he's silent then he leans forwards now whispering just loud enough that Snowsong can hear him. "It's pretty weird. There's a group of 100 halflings, give or take, that considers me royalty and it doesn't seem like they know that I'm not from here. They just sorta was there when I left character creation. They seem to think that I've been around for many years and I'm not really sure how they'd react if I told them that I am for well Earth."

He is silent for a moment before his face yet again falls back into the playful folds: "You might know me. I'm pretty famous back in the real world too. Got a stream and all" He has a big smirk on his face as he carefully looks at Snowsong trying to read her reaction: "I go by JAlderNation." He looks expectantly.

Village under attack!

"Don't shoot but be ready!" A hardened fac of an middle-aged man with grey lines in his hair lowers his bow and brown eyes focusses on you. His clothes are bland and the dirt on it fails to cover all the holes: "If you're human then why are you walking around in the skin of a monster, witch?"

2017-01-11, 12:30 AM
"Hmm... I don't think I'm really the type to sell my soul... though, maybe if it's for something really cool..." Again, Branda seems to be confused about what she herself wants, or rather what she wants herself to want. "Well, I guess I should just ask: what is the Sacred Duality? This is the first I've heard of it."

One might say that she's not very pious for a halfling, but that would involve making the baseless assumption that most halflings are pious. Without breaking eye contact, the figure patiently recites a short verse on the nature of his patron goddess and the dual life her chosen must lead. "Oh! That sounds sweet!" It takes her a second to realize she said that aloud. "Ah, that is, I'd be honored and humbled to receive this blessing. I accept."

Moro Asahina
2017-01-11, 11:12 PM
Tessa had been honestly surprised when she was actually able to fall asleep. She hadn't thought you were supposed to be able to fall asleep while wearing the gear what with it having a direct connection to your brain or however it worked. Now she thought of it she probably should have read up on that a bit more than she had. Ah well, one more thing to do when she got out of here.

Except there had been no message while she'd slept. Hell, since she still hadn't figured out how to bring up a menu she was beginning to wonder if she would even receive the message if one had been issued. That thought in particular made her a little nervous as such a message would probably have given instructions on how to log out or an estimated time for a fix if it had been sent. For all she knew the Admins had asked everyone affected to gather in a certain place so they could be forcibly logged out.

She shook her head to try and derail those thoughts before it could continue snowballing into ever more unlikely possibilities. She lightly tapped her cheeks and muttered softly, "Focus Tessa...no sense worrying yourself to death. The Admins will get it sorted out eventually. Just gotta find something to do in the meantime." With that thought in mind, she thought back to what she'd been doing the previous day. She'd managed to gather some basic materials from the animals she'd been hunting, so maybe she should get started on her crafting? She'd heard that the game was supposed to have a pretty in depth crafting system after all, and that had been a big part of why she'd wanted to give it a whirl. With her mind made up, she gathered up her things and got dressed. Though as she caught a whiff of herself she groaned softly. "Right...can't believe I'm saying this, but bath first, then start on the crafting...." Though a soft growling of her stomach prompted her to add "get breakfast" to the list as well.

A soft blush lit her cheeks as her companion got all excited and, however temporarily, drew the attention of those around them to the pair. Thankfully the outburst and subsequent lack of anything else of interest caused people to go back to their own conversations fairly quickly. All the same, she eyed him with interest when he claimed to be from Surrey as well, and she couldn't help but comment. "Huh, neat." She cocked her head curiously as he explained the sudden appearance of a hundred servants or whatever, the tip of one finger idly trailing over her lower lip as she pondered the situation; a gesture she often made when she was thinking about something. She did made sure to lower her voice as well when she finally responded, not wanting to draw attention back to them. "Double neat I guess. When I started up I don't think I got anything special beyond a set of especially versatile craftsman's tools." Unfortunately, she hadn't been able to spring for the best game bundle after having to buy the equipment to play it as well, but she'd still managed to pick up one of the middle of the road bundles that had netted her at least a couple of benefits from the start. Though none quite as impressive as having a hundred servants.

Her thoughts were quickly derailed when the Halfling lord continued, and her eyes widened in surprise when he gave his online handle. A soft blush lit her cheeks as she thought back on how he'd acted. How had she not seen the similarities before? "Wait a second...you're from Surrey and you have that handle...I, ah, I don't suppose your name is Jarred is it?" She giggled softly as she added, "If so, then I think you might just know me as well. After all, we both enjoy cooking"

2017-01-12, 07:54 PM
"Because I've been lost in the forest for most of the past three days," Jack replies, steadfastly keeping the smile on his face. "And that's my best way to defend against stuff like monsters or other animals that might want to have me as a snack. I know I've got a crossbow, but I'm a pretty rubbish shot with it. When I look like Blues Drive Monster, what I just looked like, nothing wants to attack me. And again, I am sorry about scaring that girl."

2017-01-16, 11:46 PM
Antal just smiles as Branda responds. "Follow me"

He leads you through more gaves, with more glowing plants covering the walls until the tunnel eventually ends with an overgrown wall. As Antal walks straight towards it the plants starts to come alive and reaches out to surround him. "Trust in the duality" you hear him say as he continues walking into the plants and are suddenly completely out of sight.

I don't see anything that I should respond to. You can craft

"Neat? I guess but I feel a lot of preasure to stay around. And there's all these problems all the time. The humans around here are super racist."

Jarred stares as you indisbelief. "Tessa?"

It looks like your words has some impact. The village chief still seems suspicious but he accepts the explenation and agrees to let you buy supplies.

2017-01-17, 02:23 AM

Branda follows the emissary-priest through the garden-cave, clearly more impressed by this than by all of the teleporting. She instinctively forms a rectangle with her hands in an attempt to take a picture of the glowing flora, using the same motion she would with her AR glasses in real life. Alas, it's a no go. "Aw, no pictures, huh? They put it in the last game! Ah well."

She follows through the portal wall thingy.

"Speaking of duality... Antal, do you happen to know if there is a save point or something soon? It's getting pretty late."

She doesn't expect much of an answer from the NPC, of course, but there's probably no penalty for trying.


Branda looks up at the spires and barely holds back a yawn. The city is an overwhelming site, but the bags under Branda's eyes accurately reflect Beth's mental state.

"Guys, we're here to find Oka. I'm not eating a single simulated cruller until we find some real people to talk to."