View Full Version : The only reason I would buy a PS3...

2007-07-17, 05:00 PM
...is so I can play Disgaea 3 on it. Which is coming out in Japan this winter. I just found out about it.


I'm not really interested in any of the other games for it, but, I mean... Disgaea 3!? So tempting...

2007-07-17, 06:34 PM
yeah the PS3 titles have been pretty dissapointing so far. Mines just gathering dust while i keep playing Oblivion and Overlord on my xbox and Mario Party and Wii sports on my Wii

2007-07-18, 08:37 AM
I don't have an xbox 360.

I've picked up Resistance: Fall of Man, Rainbow 6: Las Vegas, Dark Kingdom, Oblivion, Call of Duty 3, and The Darkness so far.

I've tried motorstorm and full auto 2 (or whatever it was called) and wasn't impressed enough to buy em.

I'm going to pick up one baseball game and one football game. Most likely the football game will be NCAA 08. The jury's out on the baseball game.

Of course, I've got my library of PS2 titles to tide me over, and I've got games reserved at gamestop that'll come out over the next 6 months, like Assasin's Creed, Lair, and GTA IV.

Any more than 1 a month and you're talking too much money going out, at least for me.

The games I've got are all good games. Each of them have their problems, as all games do. Hell, MOOII on the PC suffered from lack of graphics.

Dark Kingdom is indisputedly a Gauntlet Clone. The Darkness suffers from it's short length, but oozes style. COD3's problem, again, is length. Oblivion's problem (in my mind), is that it came out after the XBOX 360 version...on the plus side, you get quite a bit of extra content and I haven't hit a bug yet. Resistance's problem? Supposedly lack of online play. Me? I don't play online anyways.

I'm playing the heck out of Rainbow 6 atm, and enjoying it immensely. Only problem I've had with the game so far is the inability to save in between checkpoints (sigh)...just a gripe I guess, but that's not the PS3's fault.

A big plus? I haven't had to worry about my PS3 overheating, or getting the 'red ring of death'.

Didn't microsoft just unveil a longer warranty plan because their customer's machines keep getting bollixed up?