View Full Version : Pathfinder Need help to optionis a character.

2016-12-28, 01:52 PM
Hey whats up all? In a few weeks me and the group will be starting a new pathfinder game with a differnt DM. This one will be more fantasy setting with no technology, so class's such as gunslinger would be out the door. I normaly played the fighter type meat shields with the highest of streigth but I am the one who mostly the first one to go down and die so many times leaving to playing with my thumbs while very one else is finshing the fight. Also with a party that mostly paranoid that if the tank fails it's stealth check they rather have him thirdy or more feet behind the party then in front. With that said It I thought of trying something new that maybe I can be better at. No I really don't want to be the healer and plus we have some who enjoys that. I enjoy being the damage dealer and mostly have played with core class's, which leave me in the dust a little because all these other newer class's seem to just out do the core class's or that's how it feels.

So I would like some of your guy's build ideas to see what I can do, I have thoughts of two different ideas but again I don't know what class's, feats, ect. to optionis. The first idea if possable is to make a build using a companion as the meat shield and my main character a range blaster or something in those lines. Some would say a full ranger would do but again I am not sure. I was thinking more like the arcane hierophant from dnd 3.5 but again I'm not sure how to make that work.

My second idea was something rogue'ish, slayer looked interesting but the problem I see is that I might rarely get my sneak attack (mainly because most of the party want to stay close within reach of the healer rather then taking chances, and hardly have any melee who would help with flanking.), however I do like the idea to do more damage and do with with each attack if possible. On top of that be a skill monkey helps as well.

Note here is a few things you should know before posting your reply:

Point buy: not sure yet but I am guessing it will be around 10 to 15.
Useing wounds and vigor rules
Core races only.
I don't have all the books, however I am thinking of getting most of them before this new game start.
No technology as stated before so things like gunslinger are out.
No evil characters (party rules).
The Dm pointed out that Melee will be more usefull in his game, not fully sure what he ment but sounds like there will be a lot of melee fighting involed.

There are a few other things but these are the main issues. So please if any of you have some interesting builds, ideas and suggestions to what I'm looking to do by all means please post here.

2016-12-28, 02:26 PM
You might want to look at the Summoner class for your first idea. The "meat shield" could be either your eidolon or those Summon Monster X's you get as a class ability. A half-elf Summoner, I think, can get more "eidolon build points" to buff up that eidolon.

2016-12-28, 02:34 PM
You might want to look at the Summoner class for your first idea. The "meat shield" could be either your eidolon or those Summon Monster X's you get as a class ability. A half-elf Summoner, I think, can get more "eidolon build points" to buff up that eidolon.

I came to say the same thing to do an archer/UMD based summoner.

For your second idea you could go for a Trap Breaker Alchemist for bombs (close distance ranged) or mutagens (melee buffs).

2016-12-29, 12:01 PM
I'll see if the DM will let me go with the summoner, long it's not the synthesis I think it will be alright. I may go with the unchained one however after looking around it seems unchained is under power a bit but the eidolon types seem to be interesting. Alchemist I tried building on herolab and I still didn't understand it all and might not be for me but I'll think about that one as well.