View Full Version : Caster PrC after Sublime Chord

2016-12-29, 02:32 AM
Hey folks, hoping I can get some advice on what PrC to pursue after Sublime Chord. I've got a couple in mind from reading a quadrillion Bard threads, but I'm having trouble finding a PrC that really stands out as a way to make the character more interesting.

Initially, my Bard build was aimed for a Sublime Chord support/gish. But as we've played the game for the past two years, I find I don't full-attack/melee. My character has moved into a general caster secondary role instead of melee like I expected, casting buffs round 1 and then dispelling, countering, and tossing out the occasional BFC. So I'm considering diverting off the plan to go Abjurant Champion 5/Spellblade 1 for 16 BAB and instead focus on the caster side.

I'd probably use the term mid-optimization to describe the group. Mostly everyone has a core focus that might not be most optimal, but they optimize around that focus to a practical extent. Being a bit more of an optimizer, I went into the support role to make a build I was proud of without hogging the spotlight.

Right now, I'm character level 15 as a:
Silverbrow Human Bard 4/Paladin of Freedom 2/Lyric Thaumaturge 3/War Weaver 1/Sublime Chord 1/War Weaver 2-3/Sacred Exorcist 1/Abjurant Champion 1.
I think that Abj Champion level (and Combat Casting) can be retrained without too much issue, though. That leaves 6 levels to play with. If I keep the level, I keep Extended Abjuration and the BAB/HD with is fairly nice. Campaign sounds like it will hit at least 20th level. Epic has been mentioned as a possibility, but we might cap off at 20.

I've gone the Southern Magician/Divine Metamagic (Persist) route. I think this was a bit much for the overall optimization level of the group, but I've just used it to get some 10 min/level buffs (Nixie's Grace and Inner Beauty) going all day. Other feats were spent on getting into Lyric Thaumaturge, War Weaver, and Metamagic Song which I use mostly for Extend.

So. If I'm not caring about BAB as much, I think it is safe to say that taking one more into Sublime Chord is great. Song of Arcane Power is really stellar, even with fewer Bardic Music uses than average. Especially nice for dispelling, which comes up a lot and falls on me.

That leaves 5 levels to fill with. Full casting is obviously nice, but since I can still hit 9th level spells with one drop it isn't the end of the world. I'm really looking for things that are more interesting in play than power.
Classes I'm considering are:

Fatespinner - 4 levels with full casting. Prereq is just to some points in Profession (Gambler) which I can grab with Sublime Chord 2. Abilities are rerolls which are great and DC boosts which are meh due to my current spell list.

Incantatrix - I'm worried about optimization level and I throw this out there? Well, I can already Persist spells so it's not as crazy. But from a support standpoint, being able to Cooperative Metamagic the party Sorcerer's spells is always nice. Though Persisting his buffs might get a bit crazy. I'd need to grab Iron Will (no special locations available) but I get a feat so it washes out. Worth calling out, even if it is too high power.

Heartfire Fanner - Would require two feats but grants some really nice Bardic Musics. Since I don't have one of the abilities for multiple simultaneous Bardic Music, they might not see much use. Better suited for a non-Bard build and probably not worth the feat investment?

Divine Oracle - Feat tax for Oracle domain and Evasion. I have Ruin Delver's Fortune for occasional Evasion, but having it all day certainly doesn't hurt.

Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil - High feat tax that, even with retraining, might be too much. Throwing up emergency shields and walls has been a thing for this character lately but I think it's too late to really make this class work. If I did, it probably is too high power.

Archmage - Similar to Iot7V, high feat tax seeing how I don't have any Spell Focuses at the moment. But getting a handful of High Arcanas is quite valuable (counterspell and spell power stand out).

Dracolexi - One feat, one lost spell level. Some pretty cool abilities overall that tie into the character's draconic leanings, but seems like a pass overall.

Mage of the Arcane Order - Two kind of useless feats and some fluff that is contrary to my characters (not that big of a deal). In return, I get a feat back at level 2 and Spellpool, which is a fabulous versatility option for spells. But I won't be getting the best spells pre-epic, which is a bummer. Could be worth it.

Spellguard of Silverymoon - One feat (shares with Abj Champ), for some War Weaver synergy. Has some pretty terrible fluff requirements that might be waived. Giving Bite of the Werebear to a party beatstick or casting Shield on everyone in the party might be a bit too cheesy and just lead to escalation of numbers.

Escalation Mage - Fluff requirement that might be able to be waived. Free metamagic at personal risk. Pretty nice abilities overall, but limited in use and risky.

Paragnostic Apostle - No entry prereqs not met. Mind over Matter would add a bit of AC and Penetrating Insight is something, too. Not terribly exciting, but not 100% yawn-tier.

War Weaver 4+5 - I could finish out War Weaver. It's probably insane to some people that I haven't, but I don't have any spells that fit the weave above 3rd. Getting up to 5th, I could grab Greater Heroism but it has a limited use in combat with Inspire Courage in play.

Dragon Devotee - One dip for more Charisma and NA, but loses caster level. Don't think that's worth it.

Heartwarder - 3 feats for full spell casting and more Charisma. The three feats are probably too much to get into the build even with retraining, unfortunately. Could work out well otherwise.

Olin Gisir - 1 feat prereq but the class can give a bonus feat later. Has an Elven racial requirement, but that has been waived in this campaign before so shouldn't be a problem. Decent filler, but nothing too exciting.

Dragon Prophet - Assuming I get into epic, this is a 1 feat, 1 lost caster level PrC with a lot of cool features.

Urban Savant - 1 feat for some pretty useful abilities at the later levels. Good if planning around epic.

Virtuoso - 1 CL for Bardic Music progression and new music uses. Very nice if planning around epic, but will need two feats to sustain multiple bardic music most likely (with other goodies from Focused Performance).

Nightmare Spinner - 1 CL for more illusion spells per day and debuffs from illusions. Doesn't fit current character but interesting enough to note.

Uncanny Trickster - 1 CL to advance War Weaver up to higher levels. Probably a bit too high op or not very useful, depending on spell choices.

Silver Pyromancer - 1 lost CL for adding Paladin spells to my spell list (but not known) and a decent Turn Undead use ability. Later levels get fire blast abilities which are... probably useless. Daltim's Fiery Tentacles is the only spell I use that deals damage and empowering that damage is laughable.. Interesting for adding some spells to my War Weaver repertoire, but spells known are probably too limiting even if I pick up a late Ancestral Relic (Runestaff) or Psychic Reformation. Are there even that many good pickups for a Bard from Paladin?

Apologies for the wall of text, but are there any standout PrCs that I've missed? And what seems best out of these?

2016-12-29, 02:45 AM
I would say definitely check out the list of spellcasting prestige classes in my signature.

I do notice that Urban Savant is conspicuously absent from your list. That's one of my personal favorites. Also, you don't have any dual-progression classes on there, but they work great with Sublime Chord, especially if you can retrain into the prerequisite classes before 11th level. Anima Mage is nice on a Charisma-based character, for instance.

2016-12-29, 03:01 AM
I would say definitely check out the list of spellcasting prestige classes in my signature.

I do notice that Urban Savant is conspicuously absent from your list. That's one of my personal favorites. Also, you don't have any dual-progression classes on there, but they work great with Sublime Chord, especially if you can retrain into the prerequisite classes before 11th level. Anima Mage is nice on a Charisma-based character, for instance.

Ah, I did miss Urban Savant. Looks fairly promising, I especially like that 8th level ability.

As for retraining before level 11, I don't think that would go over too well. I'll bring it up but I'm doubtful. That being said, would any theurges work without retraining? I was thinking Arcane Preparation for Ultimate Magus, but it doesn't look like that actually works, unfortunately. The requirement specifies spellbook on the prepared side. I could possible wiggle around that, though. Even without Sublime Chord CL double dipping, I think that could be a pretty awesome pick-up.

Edit: I'll also peruse your list, thanks for the heads up.

2016-12-29, 07:42 AM
If you care about Bardic Music progression, go Virtuoso. You lose a level of casting, but you get some decent Bardic music abilities.

Mindbender dip is always good.

2016-12-29, 09:22 AM
War Weaver 4-5 seems like an obvious progression here so that you can store/cast higher level spells. Abjurant Champion isn't the worst class even for a non-gish. Quickened low level abjuration spells are still nice for a caster.

2016-12-29, 01:53 PM
If you care about Bardic Music progression, go Virtuoso. You lose a level of casting, but you get some decent Bardic music abilities.

Mindbender dip is always good.

Virtuoso is certainly worth considering, good point. I kind of mentally ditched it since I didn't go the Bard 8/Virtuoso 2/Sublime Chord 2/Virtuoso 8 build, but I can definitely can some use out of things like Jarring Song and, if I get to epic, the later performances.

War Weaver 4-5 seems like an obvious progression here so that you can store/cast higher level spells. Abjurant Champion isn't the worst class even for a non-gish. Quickened low level abjuration spells are still nice for a caster.

I'll need to look over my list again, but I think I could probably get a few more spells into my weave, even if they aren't higher level. Right now, I've got:

Dragonblood Affinity
Heroism/Blur - Neither of these have been useful seeing how I usually keep Heroism up all day and Blur is getting more easily countered.

That being said, I plan on grabbing Draconic Bloodline if I can and swapping out Wraithstrike for Heroics from Lyric Thaumaturge. That would give me:

Dragonblood Affinity
Protection from Energy
Some higher level spell I add to my list (Draconic Might, Greater Heroism, Freedom of Movement)

And that's pretty awesome. I'll have to pick my next 5th/4th level spells carefully or find a prestige class to take after that will increase spells known after War Weaver. Speaking of, does anyone know of one such PrC? The only good one I found was Fiend-blooded, which is absolutely spectacular but pretty anti-thematic with my character, unfortunately.

2016-12-29, 02:06 PM
Conveniently, my spreadsheet also lists whether prestige classes offer additional spells!

2016-12-29, 02:07 PM
Conveniently, my spreadsheet also lists whether prestige classes offer additional spells!

Oh man I didn't look at that nearly close enough, time to delve back in! Thanks. And now that I'm off mobile I can use your built in filters which are absolutely glorious.

As a note, the magic items are non-standard in the game. Otherwise, I'd just pick up some Knowstones and Runestaves.

2016-12-29, 04:14 PM
My favorite flavorful PrC that goes well with bard is the Nightmare Spinner from Complete Mage...lose 1 level of casting to place debuffs on illusions.

2016-12-30, 02:04 PM
My favorite flavorful PrC that goes well with bard is the Nightmare Spinner from Complete Mage...lose 1 level of casting to place debuffs on illusions.

Nightmare Spinner is pretty awesome. Probably not great for this character due to fluff, but certainly tempting. I've always overlooked the class as too edgy/too dark, but maybe my next character.

Another class I bumped into from Troacctid's list was the Guild Wizard of Waterdeep. If it wasn't for that ridiculous Membership nonsense... Well, it would probably be just a slightly worse Mage of the Arcane Order, but with a dispelling bonus.

Currently, I'm thinking my 6 levels may be Sublime Chord 2, War Weaver 4 + 5, and then maybe just Abjurant Champion? Mindbender dip is a maybe, but the party already has group telepathy so not as valuable.

2017-01-11, 09:45 PM
DM confirmed that retraining my most recent level was fine, so I have trained out of Abjurant Champion and into Sublime Chord. I'll need more spells known before I can get my hand on the spells known to make War Weaver better, so I decided to go with Sublime Chord first.

After Sublime Chord and War Weaver, who knows. There's some pretty nice options, but a lot of them kill a feat. Reviewing the PrCs, I also noticed the Mourner has the nice advantage of incredibly easy prereqs, all good saving throws, and good skill points. It does only advance Bard, but I think my DM has okayed that for Sublime Chord. Not sexy, but if I'm overvaluing feats it is worth thinking about. Another option would be Unseen Seer for Choose Destiny, but eh otherwise.

If I take the feat hit, I like the idea of Urban Savant. Scales well and has good skill points and hit die. Another option is going back to Abjurant Champion.

I've got plenty of time, so I'll think over my options. There are a lot of good suggestions, thanks for the help everyone!