View Full Version : New campaign - which adventure to run?

2016-12-29, 11:08 AM
I'm going to be starting a campaign very soon and was likely looking to run one of the main hardcover adventures (unless I hear some better suggestions!). My wife and I are currently playing SKT in one group and I'm running PotA with her as*a player in a different group*so would want to do Out of the Abyss, Curse of Strahd or Hoard of the Dragon Queen/Rise of Tiamat with this 3rd group. The group*(5 of us total) has played together for a number of years (4e, Pathfinder) but would be the first time with 5e for the other 3 players. I think they'll pick it up reasonably quickly.

Is there a recommendation on which of these 3 adventures is better? Is there something else out there I should look at? I'm not the greatest on running sandbox campaigns and like some structure as long as it isn't super railroady or forced craziness. I like the concept of playing in worlds like Farland or Zodiac Empires, to name a couple different worlds for example, but I'm not sure how well I could pull off making adventures for them easily (though suggestions for a skeleton campaign arch would work). That's why I'd probably stick with OotA, CoS or HotDQ/RoT unless I hear all 3 are awful or something. I could probably do Princes of the Apocalypse since that campaign is sort of dormant if you think it is far better than the others.

Ideas welcome. Thanks for any help.

Falcon X
2016-12-29, 11:19 AM
Since all the players have a decent level of experience, you should go with Out of the Abyss, hands-down. It is considered one of the best published in years, has lots of wondrous and imaginative people and places, and an intriguing plot.
While it is marketed as more sand-boxy, it's really a blend. The players generally have only 2-3 options of where to go next, rather than endless (Unless they really want to deviate, that is). If you are already doing SKT and PotA, this wont be overwhelming in that department.
What really can get tiresome is keeping up with all the extra NPCs and optional travelling rules. Those are optional though, and an experienced gamemaster can have a LOT of fun with them.
Know that the game doesn't pull punches. The PCs WILL have to run from fights and struggle against the environment. But it all builds to a wondrous and entertaining adventure.
Read PowerScore's review here:

As for the others:
Hoard of the Dragon Queen will feel pretty linear, and the monsters fought are of low variety and imagination. However, the actual quests involved are pretty fun and varied. You go from castle defense, to spy mission, to dungeon crawl, to month-long and varied escort mission, to investigation, to tower attack. It is a really strong intro into D&D, but will be lackluster for experienced players.

2016-12-29, 11:59 AM
I'm agreeing with FalconX. I just read through OOTA, and it's great.

2016-12-30, 10:47 AM
I did end up going with "Out of the Abyss". In looking over the optional substitute*background features (page 221), I wondered if they are a little "too good" for the PCs to take. Would they trivialize parts of the adventure too much? The optional Bonds look pretty good though.

Thanks for the help in deciding.

2016-12-30, 12:17 PM
I went with this for Deep Delver. I changed things to give advantage or flat bonuses instead of being automatic.

You have a knack for making your way in the deep places of the world. You can recall the twists and turns of passageways and tunnels such that you get advantage on checks to retrace your steps underground. You’re also well acquainted with foraging and survival in the Underdark, and get +5 on checks to determine when sources of food and water are safe to consume. You can always find sufficient food and water for yourself - and up to five other people in the Underdark if you succeed on a Survival check (+3) - as long as sustenance is available in the area.

I don't have enough posts here to link the pdf but there's a pdf version of the Features and Bonds for OotA on wizard's site that can be Googled.

2016-12-30, 02:29 PM
If you aren't positive you want to do Curse of Strahd (Ravenloft campaigns are polarizing, you need buy in from everyone involved) then you should definitely do Out of the Abyss. It is by all accounts an awesome campaign for an experienced DM, and HotDQ and RoT are just not that good.