View Full Version : Evil Invisible Fey?

2016-12-29, 04:09 PM
In a previous campaign our DM tormented us with a tiny invisible fey, one that had a nasty habit of killing small animals and impersonating nature divinities. It also had a particular craving for nickel, and after a great deal of trouble one of our players hit on the idea of fishing for fey with a nickel-baited line.

As near as I can recall, it was about a foot tall (once we finally killed it) and may or may not have had some other abilities apart from being invisible. Can anyone tell me what kind of fey this was?

2016-12-29, 04:13 PM
I'm familiar with pixies, they're small tho, not tiny and have greater invisibility allowing them to attack and remain invisible.

2016-12-29, 04:14 PM
Could've just been a homebrew monster, or a variation of an existing one.

2016-12-29, 04:16 PM
Could have been a tooth fairy

2016-12-29, 05:23 PM
If it's a toothfairy, it's either ported from Pathfinder or homebrew. Honestly, the nickel thing sounds like something your DM added. But otherwise, a Shadovig seems like a good fit. A 9 inch tall evil assassin pixie with sneak attack, str damaging poison claws, and invisibility as an SLA, and a grab-bag of bonuses that kick in when the fey is in shadowy conditions. Source, dragon mag #299.