View Full Version : Rules Q&A [D20 Modern/Future] Orbital Bombardement?

2016-12-30, 05:37 PM
Future-Tech provides Spaceships with Orbital Bombardement rules ... several questions in regard to those as I'm not sure I understood them correctly ...

... the selected weapon (so different weapons, as long as they're not fire linked, can target and attack different squares?) attacks its targeted squares in the area (which square size gets used here ... the 500 ft square size of spaceship combat or some other square size) and deals its regular damage there (with reflex save to migiate some damage) and if the weapon used is something explosive or a missle (like those 1 megaton nukes that are commonly found in Progress Level 6), they also deal half damage (also with reflex to migiate half of that) to additional squares besides those of the targeted area, correct?
... what weapons work just fine from several tens or hundreds of thousands metres away? It's not in space so the range limit of several weapons (projectile weapons) should apply, correct? What kind of weapons actually need to come sufficiently close (like, for example, 4,000 to 6,000 feet close) to do their job in the orbital bombardement?
... starting at what range are they in any danger of being attacked back by, say, planetary defenses/other air defense measures, characters stationed on the planet (or flying threats like DnD 3.5 dragons)?

It would be great if someone could clear these points up for me.

Thanks in advance.